(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Bluberi, Bliss,

I drank formula milk everyday n ate durian once per week but seem gain not much wor.

My bb growth seem slow down, only gain 100g per week.


Current only 1.7kg, is on small size. Ya, bb's head aldy down since 28wk. Hopefully i can carry my ger to full term, donwa to pop too soon.


how's the bfast meetup with the ladies? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sorrie i couldn't join - i went to pick up the new maid on sat...

belvedere is not that nice la! i tot the outer facet looks like any other apts - like seaview, amber etc...quite boring...kekeke. peach garden must be huge [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i used to jog by your house.... haha.

i'm doing the shoot with J8angels - it's on promotion - doing it early may too. Studio Loft got promo? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It's called House of Balinese - along tanjong katong road. There's also House of Javanese @ Siglap. They are different altogether, but pricing should be similar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I open my bills when i came back from a biz trip, and immed issue them a cheque and post it out. They slapped me with overdue charges and refused to waive my fees, saying i should post it A FEW DAYS BEFORE the payment due date. I sent out only the night before the due date ( but i was not in spore!!)

I was so cheesed off i cancelled all my accounts with them, and requested them not to bug me anymore with marketing calls etc. However to date - they didn't close most of my accounts, and still bug me with calls, sms, emails etc.

I called them again to repeat my requests - but to no avail, somehow they close 2 out of my 4 cards with them and still bug me!!

PS: the stupid thing about Std Chart is that i only signed up for ONE card during their telemarketing call, and i think the sales fella secretly ticked THREE more cards to earn the commission! So i ended up receiving so many....of no purpose to me at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

--> Sign up also got prob, cancel cards also got prob. they are so screwed up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thought to share this regarding confinement:

according to mrs wong, it is okay to bathe and wash hair. why old folks say cannot is b'cos back in the olden days, water were drew from well. by the time the lady removed layers of clothings, water turned cold liao. also, in the past wound were left unstitched thus bathing might cause infection.

in modern days, thanks to the invention of water heater, we now get instant hot water. also, wound are now stitched, which on the contrary, not bathing may cause infection instead.

as for washing hair, last time cannot cos no hair dryer. now shd be okay as long as we blow dry our hair.

think key thing is not to get cold.


My friend said she was forced to eat 1 whole pc of butter a day to boost her bb's weight. Coz she had a fall and dilation at 7mths. So during the hospital stay, she ate one-third of butter per meal. Can eat with crackers/bread or juz eat it plainly. It's for bb to gain fats so he wont' feel cold when deliver.

Drink milk and proteins food.. maybe had light supper? Durian is very sweet, also can eat. But make sure you don't have gestational diabetes first.

Hope ur bb will gain wt in these last few weeks!

Jasmini, we called standard chartered last nite n they said their system down so cannot check the reason on why the waiver request was not approved. oni can call us today to tell us y. guess wat, we called again 15mins later, the system ok leh.. was told the fees are fee, asked us to ignore the letter we received. can imagine we see the fees jaws dropped really low lor.. $770 for principal and supp card + GST!!! we dun even use more than $450 per mth on the card. $770 add abit more i can use for 2mths lor. my hubby said if next yr they dun waive then we will cancel off the card. i tink standard chartered always screw up occasionally one, tink the yr before, i bought something on 2yrs instalment, but when the bill came, it's the amount for item itself, no instalment lor. got to call n several times then they reverse it back into instalment plan.

Shen, did ur gynea tell u wat to do if bb's weight still dun increase much by next appt?

Rachel, i can't imagine eating 1 whole pc of better a day. eeks! hate butter.


indeed i felt kind of insulted when my neighbour told me that. i was only 24 nia lor! after that i complained to hubby, haha.


ya, if you intend to wash your hair during confinement, it will be better to blow dry immediately. i did that.


how about eating potato? i had quite alot of potatoes, rice etc. a lover of carbo. don't like those enfa mama milk powder, only take HL milk.


eeewww, 1 whole piece of butter! so fattening lor, somemore one per day. your friend don't feel like puking meh?

tiger baby,

though i never showered for the 1st 3 weeks during my confinement, i did wash my wound (had epitosomy) & wiped it dry.

missbluey, yes.. will definately wash my hair daily n blow dry immediately. i tink the most i can tahan is washing on alternate days.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3878659.jpg][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3878660.jpg]brand new dark navyblue Lugmax bag organiser $10 incl post (includes coin pouch and also key ring) [email protected]

Re: Long Hair

I will juz go for trimming end of mext month. Wun wan to get my waist long hair juz for tat 1mth confinement.

Re: Confinement

I wun bother bout those traditional ways. Think hygiene is still e most important to us since most of us breastfeeding our bb. I'm gonna bathe everyday twice n maybe wash my hair every alternate days ba. Aircon is definately a must to mi. MY Massage LAdy was telling mi e most important is to cover ur feet tats where e wind go in.

MissBLuey- Think if my MIL lyk urs, I will hate her to e core. Some r juz too pantang over everything. For mi #1, I dun even use those herbs, juz water heater.

Kelly- I tried those silk wrap for my #1 confinement bt it seems warmer actually coz we r sticky n silk is too soft n will stick to our body. Its so irritating when its stuck to our skin.

Shen- Heard tat eating of durian n more red meat is good for weight gain of baby.

Hi gals

Me finally back to work after being on leave...

The short trip to Bintan was truly worthwhile..

I missed so much on the thread.. The last I read the thread was on the 09/04.. Now slowly catching up


Just read ur thread on getting the hospitalisation leave.. So shiok ur colleagues managed to get.. My next appointment before u lei on the 27/04.. Will try my luck and keep u posted ba... hehe

Lemme continue catching up on the thread . . .

Rachel, i also can't imagine eating 1 whole pc of butter..

Shen, u can eat more cheese and take more frequent meal. Not sure whether Pasta helps in baby weight gain. You may wish to ask your gynae for advise.

Jia you and hope your baby will gain more weight by the time u are due = )

Rachel, thks for your tips but I don tink i can do it like yr friend *gross* man.

Just worried that the baby does not absorb wat i have eaten.


My gynae say everything is fine only bb weight low. He estimate my bb will deliver ard 2.5kg if bb gain 150g/wk. Other than that he didn say much. Asked to eat more high calory food n drink more milk. just hope the weight will continue to gain ..

My hair is the fizzy type and need to be rebonded regular or I will look like a lion king. Hence I can't cut short. At least now can tie up and look lighter. I think I will bath and wash my hair. Cannot imagine how bad I will smell like after a mth if no bath.


u steady...can wash hair everyday....i dun tink can do tat...


hmmm....tats y me in dilemma lor...hahahha...feel like cutting leh..cos i tink i look auntie nw...shorter hair hopefully i will feel younger and fresher lor...kekeke


Gathering.. Just read briefly on it.. Is it still on?? If I am not doing afternoon shifts (3.30pm to 9.30pm ) then I can join u all on weekday nights.... Do keep me updated ya.. So keen to meet u mummies !!!

Re: Confinement

Guess it depends on individual mummy's preference bah. Cos for me, will try follow those traditional practices cos dun wan take any chances.

Re: PT household cleaner / helper

If I didn't remember wrongly, some of u r engaging this rite? Is it good? Was getting lazy n thinking of engaging one during this next 1-2 months.

About eating butter:

Of course she's sick of it! and imagaine the amt of fats We are eating! but after a few days, she dilated some more, so no choice gotta early birth.. lucky bb ok. Hosp give no choice..

Maybe eat red meat bah n snack.

Shen, if gynea said ok shd be fine. i tink as long as bb is 2.5kg and above, is ok one. i hope my bb will not be more than 3.0kg.

Kelly, if my mum nag, the most wash alternate days lor. i can't stand not washing hair for 2 days or more. washing on alternate still can tahan.


haha. oh well, if any of you is my mil's dil, think you all will go crazy. =p have to admit not easy living together with her. she has alot of weird weird ideas. sometimes hubby also buey tahan, will shoot her. keke.

but then again, just have to console myself confinement is 1mth only. luckily no need to do 40days, else i will surely die!


what to do. naughty also must listen to mil, if not later hubby kena squash between me & her.

re: backache

my back started to ache again. sighhh~

Hello gers

Sigh.. typed a long post but dunno what happened cannot post. Basically, haven been posting much cause my ger down with HFMD.. extremely irritable and cranky.. sigh.. i cant even do work.

Kelly, bluey and bliss.. i wanna go crazy taking care of her liao.. how???

Kelly, i think silk wrap might e more warm like what jolene says.. cause they sun "tong feng" doesnt allow air to go thru n will stick to body i think. I have 2 pyjamas from wedding made of silk but me and hubby never wear cause too hot liao. Unless u in air con room the whole day.

bluberi, nice bag!! i like the pink diaper changing mat.

Friends, ur bag is nice too , u bought sling so ur hubby can carry?

bluberi.. saw ur combi stroller.. very nice colour.

Re: outing

Should be confirmed on 28th april, next wed at Dhoby Ghaut. Will post the names of the mummies later k. Mummies, u can think abt where to go for dinner k. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i aso cannot tahan...tat time i go w/o washin my hair for 1 wk....wha piang...my head itchy like mad n smell terribly...so thought if short hair, nber tie up...maybe will smell better?? hahahahaha...


if I am you, think can go "crazy" with her nonsense... saluate u for tahan her..

genice, saw ur post in FB, pray that your girl will recover fast. U must take good care k

bigfish i also find the location for the talk abit inconvenient.. hard to grab dinner and still reach there in time... hubby's work place far away also and i dun wana go if going alone.. tigerbaby u come back from talk tell us the main points of wat was covered ok? hehe...

thanks Genice.. still waiting to collect my diaper bag next week. the stroller also pending delivery coz pink colour no stock at OG Orchard currently.

next wed i got gynea appt at 5.30pm leh, totally forgotten abt it liao. tink i can't make it liao. paiseh.. no one opting for fri?

Kelly, i tried not washing for 2 days before, it was terrible! see the hair greasy very digusting.

re : Wash Hair

So i suppose alot mummy here will b washin their hair?

i worry my temper will get worst if i dun get to shower so mani days >.<

Hi mummies, thanks for all your precious advices n suggestions. Ok for the sake of my baby gal, I will eat more durian + milk + high calorie food. ^_^

re: long hair

short hair nt suit for me, I will cut til shoulder length so can tie up.


For me i think it very difficult to follow traditional way. anyway will try my best to endure it, see hw my strong my determination lor. hehe

Lin. thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Missybluey.. i also agree haha.. u quite tolerant towards ur MIL, very gd dil.. not like me. If its me i sure complain one.. haha

Re: outing

1) 28th April (Wed)

- Genice ( dhoby ghaut /city hall)

- bluberi (either place is fine)

- missbluey (dhoby ghaut - lazy to change train)

- raleigh (dhoby ghaut)

- mikojade (either)

- dot

- peck

- diana

Total= 8 mummies

Gers, where u all want to go for dinner? Any suggestion?Lets try to firm the places to eat by this week then i can call to reseve.

Some options ( At PS):

1) Manhattan fish Mkt

2) Secret Recipe


Dianaj,u confirm joining us?

piglet, can shower la.. just buy the herbs to put in the water. can get fm medical hall, just tell them is for confinement use.


pls do take care of yourself ok? nobody helping you to take care of your gal when you rest?

will pray for a speedy recovery for your gal. =>

re: gathering

dhoby ghuat got what to eat ah?? hmmm....


crystal jade

manhattan fish market

thai express

pizza hut

sakura international buffet (beside dhoby ghaut - but not nice de)

giraffe restaurant (opposite PS)

can't think of anything else le.


so hubby should be glad that he gotten his mummy a good dil! lol.

hahaha, we are already started thinking of food liao! =p

re: Wash Hair

The last time round, I really listen and din wash hair for almost 2.5 weeks, really driving me crazy. Bath with herbs on and off, wipe body with herbs daily. Almost going crazy. I dun even allow people (e.g. visitors, helper, etc) to get near me coz I cun shower for that long! Slept over regularly-change towel placed on my pillow.

Also latch my #1 less than 3 times since after delivery coz I din shower (another reason: dun wan bb to be too clingy to me w/ constant latching), express and bottlefeed thru'out the bf period. For hygiene purpose, I did use warm water to 'clean up' before expressing. Very tedious... Luckily I survived thru...

My hb cun tahan, even comment and joke 'Dun noe fly will die if it got stuck in your hair bun... U really can tahan?' I replied, 'very funny hor! Next life you better be a woman, then I will be the one laughing all the way.'

Since no harm following the rules, I did try my best. That's why I hate the confinement mth the most! Hahaha... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I did wear short sleeved pyjamas set and socks thru'out the day. But I still sleep with air-con temp set @ 25. Coz hb cun live w/o air-con. Luckily still have air-con in the nite, otherwise I will collapse before a fly get to collapse in my hair bun 1st.


You are indeed a good DIL. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think I wun be able to stand all these. Hb suggested if wanna MIL to do confinement for me, the 1st Q I asked was 'Can I scold and rant @ your mum?'. Coz I know that it's really tough to cope during confinement mth, chances of losing temper are very high. So I better dun ruin the relationship I have w/ MIL. I chose to get a CL this time round. Furthermore, will be having my mum to help out. @ least my mum understands me better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I luv gatherings... but cun join. Need to pick my boy after work, so he will be with me if I really join you mummies for dinner. How I wish I can join... sigh


Dun noe short hair will smell less smelly or not? Hahaha... But I think long hair is easier to cope by having all tied up w/ hair band worn. I was like that. When I looked into the mirror, I felt like a botak with a black oily layered covering my head. I see already, dun noe to laugh or faint. More of *shake head, I guess. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


@ least you had aircon on & bathed. i think im the most crazy one listening to mil. =p even mosquitoes don't even wanted to come near me, lol.

the only thing i love about confinement was the food. alot of ginger & rice wine, i don't know why it tasted so nice then. haha.


hahaha, your description of "I felt like a botak with a black oily layered covering my head" really make me wanna laugh out loud in office! really funny sia.

Haha.. missybluey.. u must remind ur hubby k.. Actually i thot i am not that bad as dil already.. haha at least can communicate with my mil.. and we often bring them out, go grocery shopping with them... but most importantly.. at least they can help to take care of my ger.. haha..*evil grin* else i very siong when i go out leh.

doobom.. bring ur boy lah.. we have some experienced mummies like me.., bluey, dianj, milkojade and peck? to help u..

Missybluey... wah.. so long list..i totally forgot got all these places.


no lah, actually im not a very 100% gd dil. our communication isn't very gd, i rarely talk to her, feel like 1 chicken 1 duck talking. sometimes when hubby rest day, want to bring son go out, i always hope that pils won't tag, keke.

but of cuz gd thing is they can help to look after my son. =p

as for where to eat @ PS, can search online de. oh, i almost forgot, there is a Xin Wang Hong Kong cafe, the food not nice de.


I dun noe yet. If really can join u mummies, I will leave my boy @ home for tat day to join the gathering (let him skip school. Hee... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]). Coz he needs to get ready for bedtime by 8+pm normally. I dun think our chat can be that short, moreover I stay in the extreme west (Jurong West extension). Will update you mummies next week then.


come to think of it... I really din get any mozzie bites during confinement period, which I am normally quite prone to mozzie bites. Hmmm... Hahahaha... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahahha... so funny... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Really pei fu (look up to) you mummies, have to go through confinement and at same time taking care of #1 soon. *head bow*


gosh...i knw whn kids fall sick...we as parents aso suffer...is she better already?? hv the ulcers lessen?? Brew sm barley water for her...It has been hard on u....bt hang in there, my dear...tell yrself tat yr ger will be better and tis will pass soon....*hugs*

Hi all,

i have a Pigeon Multifunction Steriliser which comes together with bottle warmer and food warmer.

It is brand new, not used before.

Freebie include bottle liquid detergent.

Giving it up because i have hand-me-down from relatives.

Bought at $149, now letting go at $120.

Let me know @ [email protected] if you are interested.


Kelly, tat's the way to cfm he wun feel like going pee in the middle of the nite.. have to slowly train den or give him milk 1 hr b4 bedtime..

Bliss, oic.. haha.. but really dun let him take nap near evening time.. cos they will get "recharge" with energy.. maybe in the afternoon nap time tell him, if he now dun slp, later cannot slp in car if not no toy for him or sweet etc lo.. try making a deal with him?

missbluey, beat/scold lo.. boys tend to be more tough to teach.. anyway next time he got competition.. ur #2.. maybe he will eat faster.. lols.. my nephew oso run here and dere eat very slow unless u say wan eat his portion ah, or deal with him like give biscuit etc..

Re: Confinment

Y hb cnt slp with u? lame lo.. 1st time heard.. =.= will be wearing as per normal lo.. not out of the house..

Shen, OMG, ur girl is so small!! but got pros and cons.. eat more sweet stuff?

Genice, take good care of urself too.. hope ur girl get well soon..

doobom, short hair sure smell lesser.. but not giving up my long hair for that!

