(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Shen, you are having a girl right? Girl tends to be smaller size and since now is 1.7kg when u are due she will be 2.5kg and above. They put on weight really fast at the last trimester!

I ever saw a lady who is my sil friend.. At first when I saw her I thought she is due in may or June cuz tummy same size buy NO! Her edd is end of March! And when I saw her was early march. Can u imagine how small her tummy is? She said her first son is only 2.5kg. So this one also very small. Maybe cuz she is very petite and we are almost the same size. I wish my tummy can be like hers. Last trimester but look like 2nd trimester. As long as bb is healthy is fine.

I'm surfing around re braxton hicks and found this picture in this website very cute!!


Thanks rainelle and kelly.

Kelly, ur mouth ulcers are better but her spots seem to be spreaading up to her hands and legs. Actually i am quite concerned that she is not eating much plus she has constipation for 5 days already. Everything she eat also want to spit out.. i super irritated to feed her, scold and beat her also no use.. she will cry and cough till she vomit everything. Big time SIANZ!!!

Anyof ur tots dun eat well too? My ger quite choosy with food.. she doesnt even touch bread! And she doesnt like vege too.. jia lat.. i thto all gers like vege?

Bliss.. thats a cute pic.. but kinda disgusting too.. :p but luckily not the face imprint on it.. scary siah


yes yes...ya lor...i rem tat i look like a "ni gu"...clip the whole hair up n oily n greasy...hahaha....tats y i thought maybe short hair helps?? hehehe...i dun knw leh..


aiyoh...poor ger leh...is she drinking milk?? Keep her hydrated with fluids..maybe her mouth is painful lor so no appetite aso ma..jus bear w her and be a little more patient.....maybe let her hv smaller meals in between...if she is not eating much...then of course no poo poo...bt brew sm barley water for her?? my son aso dun like vege nw..bt i will smash the vege until "lan lan" and mix into his porrdige or pasta so he doesnt knw aso...prb. u can try giving her multivitamins aso???

u gota take gd care of yrself too cos u r preggie too .....ask yr hubby to help to take care of yr ger while u catch some rest??


hmmm...maybe i will try later...for now...i am looking at sm diaper cloth...maybe more comfortable for my ds to slp thru the nite?? or i may get the waterproof mattress jus in i strip him off diapers n i doze off at nite...hahahaha

kelly, the "best part" is my hubby is sick!!! He has been sick for 2 weeks, cough and sore throat plus flu so he cant sleep with me ger at night... thats y i am tearing my hair out every night.. arrgghh.. :p

Ok lah.. i gtg.. will catch up with u all again. Thanks for all the concerns k, gonna face my ger.. haha.. must "REN!!!"

Kelly, maybe can get waterproof mattress protector.. den put cloth nappy underneath ur boy?? but scare anyhow shoot being boy..

hi.. morning thread got problem right? so tried to post, but cant.

friends: thx for replying. u using manual pump? i have a hand me down fr my sis. but the silicone is old, was wondering where to buy the parts.. u noe?

friends: [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

its ok then.. i'll try ask around.. hehe~ thanx anyway.. can google on their service centre or not? i lazy to call them..want to just email.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmini, tywong and us did not meet as I was not well and we cancelled! So maybe this Sat try to meet? How's your schedule like this Sat? :)


could the hitting be something that yr boy learns in school, cos I also notice my gal been hitting us more since starting cc. And she always tells us she got hit by this fren n that fren but I wll firmly remind her that it's wrong and it hurts.

Her nap goes hay wire ever since started fullday in cc - she naps less than an hr in school so I will make sure she sleeps by 9:30pm cos she needs to wake up by 8am to cc. As they grow older, their total sleep time will decrease. But I do agree that a gd nap will aid night time sleep.. So hang in there!

Missbluey, Irma,

the prune juice is those ready ones under del monte or sunraysia.. Can't rem the fullname. Or papaya - works for me, but I only take Hawaiian type cos I find papaya got a smell which I dun really like.

I rem gynae prescribing me those suppository bullets to be inserted in my 3rd tri, once delivered I think many got "pushed out" as well, and I hv to keep "pushing" them back n was told they will shrink eventually.. Really gross so wanna up my fibre intake now.

Re : aircon + washing hair

I also advocate the use of aircon + bathing n washing hair so long we dry our hair. Hygiene n feeling gd are impt else can get post natal easily..

Kelly, gernice,

my gal is considered not so fussy eater, n likes her vege so much that she can become vegetarian liao - carrot, broccoli, mushroom... so I am trying to get her eat meat other than

fish, but she also got mood n depends on the meat texture, too hard she will spit out also. Today she is into spinach, eat so much.. So I think just hv to keep offering them variety n eat the same thing as them.

When my gal was down wif stomach flu, she ate very little - and eat mainly porridge or soup based noodles/macaroni, but hv to ensure she takes sufficient liquid else can get dehydrated. Now her appetite is so good she can ask for food

every other hour - one day can poo 3 times!

Hi mummies

How are you..have not been actively posting these few days...getting tired easily..so sick of being in this stage of homestretch where I am too early to deliver and yet too tired to sustain to the end..hiaz..all I wanna do now is to lie down (if I can lie comfortably for 20 mins...) and do nothing..wish I can have my energy back...

jalgal - r u the one updatin the list? now i've booked the hospital oreadi @ Mt A, my boy name is Raphael n i'm stayin @ sengkang or jurong :p

Morning Mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Since past few days, I have been feeling more of bb's stretching in my tumtum. @ times, the stretching can be kinda painful.


Basically, I am hoping if I can just laze in bed and rest. Coz really feeling tired as the journey advances...

But i still try to motivate myself that I got to hang on and soon I will be welcoming bb. Then will start to miss the moments when he is in me with the powerful kicks/stretching. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


though I will be trying out breastfeeding, somehow I will still supplement bb with FM during night feeds. Not sure to go for Similac or Enfalac?

For #1, he started off with Enfalac and later on switch to Similac after 3 mths old. He is fine with both. I switched becoz heard that Enfa is more heaty.

For a start, I will get a small tin. Plan to supplement with @ least 1-2 feeds of FM a day (especially for nite feed).

Any advice?


that's why i said old people got funny theories especially non-educated ones. oh well.

anyway, hubby told me i might have to shift back to my parents' plc during my confinement due to the stupid lift upgrading @ my inlaws' plc. the upgrading works will only be finished in 4th quarter of this year, sure kena my confinement mth. but all is not confirmed yet, don't want to start thanking my lucky stars in case i got disappointed. just have to cross my fingers!


the pic sort of cute, its like the stomach skin is so thin lor.


that time when my son was hospitalised, he was also constipated for about 5days. maybe diff environment made me difficult to pass motions. just have to keep giving him fruits, honey water. some people say orange juice & yakult might help, can try? my son also not really a fan of veggie, i always tell my maid to cut into small pieces. he also can be quite fussy @ times. he lost 2kgs when he was very sick then, now trying to gain weigh. =p

if your girl don't want to drink milk from her bottle, can try using syringe? sometimes until now my son refused to drink from his bottle, we use this method lor. what about ling yang??

take care ok!


thanks. the prune juice is those green bottled cap? not a fan of prune juice, always find myself saying yucks after i swallow. hence i buy those prunes to eat, or rather, force myself eat. ya, gynae prescribed me the bullet types. everytime they are pushed out, i have to push them in, so irritating.


me also not big fan of prunes in watever form - but juz flush it down lor. My block also undergo re-painting during my confinement, sian. Cos if reeks of new paint smell, then sure hv to switch on aircon 24/7 liao..


me also drag the count down wif this sudden hot n rain weather. Everday sure rain at abt 5pm and makes it harder to fetch my gal fr cc. To make it worse, my sorethroat is

returning, can't sleep well last nite. Gonna do some sorting of bb clothes today n wash some - realize he has so much old + new that can last a few wks.. Ha.


I will also stick to wat #1 drinks previously, Ie Nestle Nan also as standby. But will diligently latch on more this time cos expressing too time consuming.


the weather is quite bad n everyone is falling sick...gosh...then it mus be damn tiring for u...u gota take care, ya...btw, i saw an article fm my son's cc on HFMD. It says that do not fret if yr child does not eat for few days..the child will be fine but what's more impt is to ensure that the child is drinking enuff...can try soya milk if child is not hving diarrhoea. Isotonic drinks with glucose and multivitamins aso ensure fluid and salt replacement.

can try to use calamine lotion to apply gently on the rash or blisters....gif yr ger softer diet like congee or soup....


yes yes...i jus ordered fm the forum and aso the diaper pockets to try...if it doesnt wrk then i can pass to my #2 to wear...hahaha


eat vege gd ma..then yr ger skin mus be smooth n smooth n hardly hv constipation prbs.....my son is quite picky on certain foods...sm days he is ok w this food...n sm days he is nt...so hard to comprehend..aiyoh!

Bliss, thanks for sharing. Yes, im having a gal. My fren also told me bb gal will be smaller. ermm, im not petite leh, more to medium build 1.63m tall, 50kg. Hope my bb will pile on more in 2wk time =)

koaru: i tot of eating only the prunes.. not drinking.. i think ok, right? erm...

missbluey: hows ur back? ok now? n hows the constipation?

im having it now, few days alr.. terrible.. alr eat the medication, but slow effect.. haiyo.

doobom: same2.. the movement bb made, sometimes slight painful, then uncomfortable, right..?


my back on & off ache. like now, no ache. last night ached like hell, asked hubby to massage for me but he refused!! -.-"

constipation problem still the same. intend to buy fybogel. prunes + fybogel + fruits + plain water sure can one, hehe.

you are taking the medication that your gynae prescribed?

missbluey: icic.. i feel you.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i think your hubby scared la, if affect bb..

constipation: yes, taking the medication gynae give.. but intending to buy papaya & prunes too... hope it helps...


ya, he is scared of massaging the wrong areas, scared of affecting bb. but my ache is always @ the center there leh.

btw, do you like to eat chilli? cuz i think it somehow contributes to constipation problem. that day hubby bought kway teow w/o chilli for me, i kept complaining as it wasn't nice.

re: bb movements

earthquakes in my tummy! =p


I see - hope you're feeling much better now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This wkend will be hard for me to meet up - my new maid just arrived last weekend and now i'm running out of things for her to do ( she says shes bored and lonely - nothing to do - so i ask her to look at cookbooks since she can't cook well).

So this sat i will prob bring her to visit the local wet market, coach her on cooking and using the oven, and i have to go for my Fitball lessons. Sunday is entirely church day for me - service and bible study!

Any tips on what to preoccupy the maid when she's alone at home?

missbluey: i do eat chilli but not so much.. yala, prob becoz yest also got eat bee hun wit chilli..

now very painful, in the middle part somemore. n i cant differentiate whether its bb's position which makes me have the pain, or really my tummy pain..

anyone noe?


I eat a lot of chilli - i supposed it's rich in Vit C and so helps on constipation...no? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i cut down only when i have heartburn - no chilli, no dairy, no oily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Prune juice does helps a lot - otherwise i chomp on guava and fruits - no probs on pooing...hee.

missbluey, yup 50kg is my pre-pregnancy weight so far aldy gained 14kg (-__-")

constipation, can try eating soft food like yogurt & bananas.


so how is your maid faring so far? hope she is ok else will be a hassle.

hmmm, do you have things to clean where you can't reach? ya, must ask her to look @ cookbooks. my maid also don't cook well, wonder how she cooked for her kids back in her hometown.

you also can tell her where to buy makan eg. your fave stalls. so next time she will know where to go buy when you tell her you want this particular food.

re: chilli

i don't know its rich in vit c!!! hahaha, can tell my hubby that. actually i love chilli! can eat chilli padi with rice, but will end up perspiring all over, very unsightly. =p i only heard it helps to make you feel full?


50kg was my history weight. T_T im around your height. before #1, i was already 56kg le, then after that my weight hovering around 58-59kg. sobs. aiming to be 52kg, think its difficult. i think my bones are heavy.

hi ladies..

anyone affected by the stupid NEL today? wasted 20mins of my time until they announced train is out of service. end up took bus 87 fm sengkang to hougang and change to bus 153 to serangoon. took circle line to paya lebar and change east-west line to tg pagar. best of all, meet the uncle whom i nv want to see at tg pagar. late for 1.5hrs today, super SUAY!!!!

re: breast feeding

Just to check will you all give baby FM if we unable to have even a drop of milk on 1st day when bb is born?

The reserve inside bb stomach can last for only 3 days. My heart will be painful as I can't bear to hear her crying for milk. How ????????????????

shen: im abt there b4 preggy too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] still pain la my tummy.. y eh... ?

i want to cry..

Koaru, you are right... Just spoken to his teacher this mornig and she said he is quite naughty in school. Will kick and hit people when someone bully him. Last time before he goes to school he will hide behind me when other kids bully him. Maybe he pick this up from his friends. But his teacher said his behaviour is still normal. Not to that extend of hitting people hard without a reason and they will slowly correct him.

Shen, my pre pregnancy weight is 40kg only. The last time I weight was early April and I gain about 7kg and bb is about 1 kg. I think my bb also small size leh.. But we will never know cuz I remember my boy was gaining weight pretty fast at the last few weeks. And he was 3.1kg at birth.

Re baby names:

have look around for a few more names.

I like Nathaniel but my hb keep saying it sounds like Nutella! I even told him Nutella is nice! No one will pronouce wrongly...

Seriously need comment on the name Ezekiel Tan.

worried the name is rare but I surf around there is quite a few Ezekiel around in Singapore. So I'm considering this name also cuz of the meaning "strengthen by god" which means alot to me as I'm sick like almost the whole pregnancy when I hardly fall sick last time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

decide not to name my bb common names as I don't want him to face so many same name in a class or school.

bluerbi: yeah saw your post in fb... i think quite a no of ppl in fb affected... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] u were late for work then?

Lin, for first few days will have colostrum and newborn tummy size is only like a chestnut - 10ml is enough to make them full.

Giving FM for the first few days will seriously affect your milk supply cuz bb is full and never want to latch. Milk flow is slow bb will cry for fast flow milk from bottle.

If you wan to be on total breastfeed, set your mind and insist on total breastfeed. Is not that difficult actually. Only very small percentage of mothers who doesn't have milk.

My SIL gave FM on the third day. And just that bottle makes her bb refused to latch again. She has been expressing since then cuz bb refused to latch on.. Is was quite sad as the best is to direct feed as all nutrients will go directly to bb.

Yaozi, Ezekiel is pronouce is E-Z-Kiel. Actually I like this name cuz hardly pronouce wrongly. Just that is looks confusing.

Missbluey, that's why I say just name nutella. No one hates nutella! Haha!

missbluey: no lei. not that kinda pain which i want to go poo.. like cramp have (but not those menses cramp kinda pain), like we're having gastric kinda pain also have.. so i dunno.. very miserable now at work..

Yaozi, my hb don't like Nathaniel leh...

Irma, I heard people ever say if u got feelin of pooing meaning is D day is near.. Nt sure if is true and I'm not trying to scare you!


dunno y..my post went missing aft posting.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bluberi: morning2 kena lyk tt alr..

bliss: no lei, no feeling of pooing. and the tummy pain i have is like gastric kinda pain.. i simply dunno how to describe the pain.. it comes and goes the pain.

