(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


Thank you so much for your advise = )

If my first few days colostrum dun even have a drop then how har? Maybe can get hb to helps me to suck it..


thanks missbluey,

the helper's quite okay - just that she's terribly bad at cooking, even when she cooks filipino food ( she can't cook anything else). i'm familiar with filipino food, but her's the worst i've had. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

you have any recommendations on recipe books? the ones i have at home all the angmoh type - jamie oliver etc. i tried to print out some chinese cooking but a bit hard to find easy simple chinese cooking.

it's her 1st time overseas and she misses home so much that i got to let her have her hp, and rush to buy the SIM card for her to call home. somemore she needs to sleep with lights on ( the switch in her room on 3 lights simultaneously...prob i should get her a little side lamp to save on the electricity!!!)

she's nothing much to do at home - and she told me she's bored and lonely. now i think still too early to wash bb stuff, and i have run out of things for her to do ( my hse is small with few things, nothing much to clean also). and most times we don't eat at home, so even less stuff for her to do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] any suggestions how to preoccupy her time? *headache*

koaru.. teach me leh how u teach ur ger to like vege?How old is ur ger? when u cook the brocoli, carrot or other vege, how u cook them? diced? chopped into really small pieces and mix with her rice/porridge? Or u just cook as per normal like adult dish but she doesnt not resist even when u give her big pieces to eat?

missybluey.. my ger also sam.. have to cut into small pieces and cannot give too much., onmly a little and hide in her rice/porridge, sometimes she will spit it out if she cna taste the vege.

Wow.. ur boy lost quite a bit of wt, 2 kg is already like close to 15% of his body wt. Hope he is gaining back already.

kelly.. thanks.. luckily she is still willing to drink. Isotonic drinks? can har? even for kids?

Re: gastric pain

Irma.. i also have the same feeling!! I dunno y but just above my bump and below my chest area, its very uncomfortable, i think its gastric pain..or tummy ache.. but i also very confused, i forgot where my gastric/stomach is being pushed to now since bump is so big. Suppose to see gynae yester but was too rushed after i met my client so i din go. Sigh.

Gers, can u all update the list below and chose 2 eateries that u all like, we will go with the majority k. I want to call by this friday leh, after we firm up then u all pm me ur no. k.

Re: outing

1) 28th April (Wed)

- Genice ( Manhatten fish Mkt/Pizza hut)

- missbluey

- raleigh

- mikojade

- dot

- peck

- diana

Total= 7 mummies since bluberi cant make it

Some options ( At PS):

1) Manhattan fish Mkt

2) Secret Recipe

3) Crystal Jade

4) cafe cartel

5) Pizza Hut

6) Swensens

7) Sakura buffet

8) Giraffe ( snds ex.. haha, never try before)

irma, do go see/call your gynae for advise on the cramps quickly. dont think too lightly of it.

I was having very bad aching feeling around the pelvis area at 28 weeks and gynea told me to monitor closely otherwise it could possibily be a case of pre-mature birth.

he prescribed me some medication and i felt better after that. *phew*

Re: To give Fm or not?

Lin,just to share, i din have much milk on 1st few days also.. just few drops of colostrum.. but i let my ger suckle and on the 2nd night, i seriously think she was very hungry cause she couldnt sleep and kept wanting to suckle but she cant get anything so she kept crying. As i was on tbf, nurses kept bringing baby to me in the middle of the nights until i am so tired that i told the nurse to give her some glucose water, they gave me option of FM or glucose.

The 3rd day before discharged, i got a few bottles of FM from them to bring home in case i couldnt bf, and its really true lah.. my milk only came in like 2-3 weeks later, i mean sufficent to supply for all feeds. The 1st 2 weeks, i have to pump and let her suckle n she gets fedup cause no milk, not enuff for her so bo pian i have to supplement w FM. I cant possibly let her go hungry and insit on bfeeding when my ss is not there yet.I am just glad that i din give up, not all mummies milk come in that fast , give urself 2-3 weeks and u will see effect ( coupled with enough nutrition and supplements)

I think u have to look at the situation, cannot just stick to 1 mthd, to be honest, my ger din latch on although i TBF for 8 mths, she stopped after 1st mnth. I think partly because i gave up latching and kept thinking she cant latch, i shld have seen a lactation consultant. This time round i am quite determined to latch on. I feel that for the 1st mth, still have chance for baby to go from alternate bottle and nipple feed to totally latch on. Not all babies are fussy. If u need help, call the lactation consulatnts, they will come to ur hse and guide u.


ya better call gynae. i don't have this kind of pain before, somemore so long liao.


actually, i didn't buy any cookbooks for her since mil does the marketing. but i sees my maid read my mum's cookbooks when we are @ my parents' place, even copied down but never get to see her experiment leh. she followed my mil's style as mil is the main "cooker". why not try borrowing from library? or what about this link http://www.noobcook.com/all-recipes/ ? think some mummy ever posted this link before. i think its relatively easy to understand for your maid. maybe just need to explain some words to her lor.

wah, you so fast got her a hp? i till now (she is with me for a year) still haven't buy my maid hp, kept draggnig, haha. anyway, she can call from house phone using those pre-paid cards ma. one of the best things about my maid: she can sleep w/o fan! haha.

hmmm, what about cleaning your wardrobe? wash toilets? the small passageway outside your house? wash car? clean the living room/kitchen/bedroom walls? mop & sweep floor everyday?

how is her english standards? can teach her some simple english words.


so far, my son haven't spit when he taste veg, but he would say "this don't want, that don't want". ya, 2kg is quite alot of kids. now he is 13kg from the last time he weighed.

re: gathering

im ok with manhattan, secret receipe, swensens, thai express, cafe cartel.

my #1 in childcare also learn all the bad things. recently he starts hitting ppl and always snatch toys on purpose. think in CC environment they sorta learn to protect and defend themselves in violent ways

I agree with Genice.

Not all baby and esp first time mummy can succeed in latching.

if you are determined to succeed.. msut really read up on bf-ing and prepare mentally for your baby's cries and criticism and pressure from ppl ard you.

and even if cannot latching.. we can also pump out our milk..

anyway i'm one of those pathetic cows.. but lucky my boy was finally able to latch after trying for 1 wk with help from TMC's parent craft

then my ss was so low so it was 80%FM and rest BM. and believe it or not.. my whole day of pumping can only make up 1 bottle feed for my boy.

Missbluey, I used to be 58kg too. Only these few yrs gradually slim down to 48-50kg. Didn’t purposely on diet or exercise leh. Hopefully after giving birth we can shed off the unwanted fats . Jia you!

Bliss, 40kg is super slim. Wow, yr boy 3.1kg is a gd weight. I wish my bb ger can ve same weight as yr boy but difficult lor. I will be very contented if my bb ger’s weight is above 2.5kg at birth.

Irma, U beta gib a call tell yr gynae abt yr discomfort n see there’s a need to go dwn n ve a check.

Irma, is that heart burn? Now bb pushing up our stomach so can be quite uncomfortable.

Lin, just let you baby latch whenever bb wants. I went through csect, cried the whole day on 2nd day cuz nurse forgot my painkiller and I got to stand up and walk. Have problem sitting up to latch and I latch in lying down position and abit difficult to move to position baby so latch becomes not good. Baby cried the whole day and latch on the whole day as well. I eat and sleep while bb is on my breast. Nipple is sore and bleeding. 2nd day night time engorgement starts. It was horrible and the breastfeeding part got worse. I pump for 15 mins to relieve engorgement, rest for 30mins, bb cry and latch for an hour, rest 30mins, pump again to relieve engorgement. I didn't have a good rest at all.. And nurse wasn't helpful enough.. Actually is was really stressful but I hang on and continue to latch on. Only after a week the feeding tim. Is much regular.

Actually baby keep crying and wanting to latch is not a bad thing

1. Baby is trying to get the milk to come in.

2. Baby just want to be close to mummy.

3. Baby is building mummy milk supply.

Although is very tiring but everything is worth it. When bb is about 2-4 months, you will enjoy 100% of total latching cuz you can see how satisified your baby is sucking at your breast.

If is too tiring to latch on for comfort suck can try pacifier. Although is hard to quit but I still feel is better then giving fm when u got milk. One mummy told me before, BM is like porridge and FM is like rice dumpling. Giving this two things together really makes digestion very tiring...

To add on, is not saying mixing bm with fm is not good. But if u manage to breastfeed try to avoid fm.

Shen, yes 3.1kg is a good weight. So for my size I can't deliver him naturally cuz he is too big for me! I wish he is below 3kg... So I can deliver naturally instead of csect

missbluey/ lin/ sparkle: i'll see how later in the evening. i have this hyoscine butylbromide given by gynae too when i had food poisoning 2 weeks back, seems to subside a little. and i had abit for lunch just now (no appetite) to eat big2 meal..

somemore meeting up with gynae this Fri, hope gonna be ok.. thank you for the concern..

genice: oh! you too.. yes2.. the pain is somewhere in between the bump. maybe to be exact, its beneath the breast bone area.. urs same or not? i also blur wheres my tummy now with bump so big now..

Wow.. bliss.. u have engorgement on ur 2nd night??? U really have a lot of milk leh.. I kept hoping i will be engorged but after 1 wk, 2 wks, still nothing only 3rd wk then i now what is engorgement. :p

Re : Piles

i tink i haf piles...juz nw tryin to poo den when i wipe i saw blood..i got a scare n try wipe again..the blood come from bak...does it consider as piles??

Bluberi - use ur tricks to make baby kick n punch u...

Irma - i've experience tat b4...i haf cramps accompany by backache n i tell husband abt it...he says i few days no shit oreadi mayb is stomachache..n he ask me to describe wad type of pain...tat confuse me suddenly wad to ans him..cos i seriously duno is wad pain.. like wad internet haf mention abt labour pain...i was so worried sick n i omost fainted...den after tat i go toilet, instead of normal shitin..i got Lao Sai...i tink sometime constipation play apart..

Genice : so u mean we can ask for FM from hospital until we got milk supply? i thot to juz pump out the milk thru out instead lettin baby to suck on my nipple..cos recently my breast area got some skin infection..haf been applyin medication...so i tink its not clean to let baby suck on it >.<

Bliss - i tink nathaniel is nice...n ur pre-[reg weigh is 40Kg? same as me wor..but my gynae says i started my pregnancy wif underweight..ask me to eat more n she's expectin me to put on 18kg over the whole pregnancy wor...

breastfeed aft birth: wow.. thats something tedious hor... that means, we still have to "teach" bb to latch on, even though not much milk/ no milk (just to get them to get the hang of it) and then, we give fm.. correct?


thats y lor, dunno what kind of pain is it. maybe also la, becoz constipate, then this kind of pain arise..

pre-preg weight:

i think i was underweight b4..thats y now doc say nvm, just keep on increasing your weight. -.-

Genice: yes I engorge on the 2nd day. Right after delivery mine is milk. White in cour nit colostrum yellowish colour.

But engorge also not good.. Especially beginning still trying to latch properly got engorgement breast hard as rock and got blocked duct. More sian! In fact I'm already leaking colostrum now ....

Piglet, is better not to pump in hospital. Colostrum should go to baby instead of coating breatpump and very hard to pump colostrum out. Try to leave pumping after discharge and mostly milk is coming in by then. Too much pumping may not be good cuz bb may get more foremilk instead of hindmilk and foremilk is not so full and nutrients are normally at hind milk.

My first pregnancy I started at 38kg and gain 20kg. This time round I'm keeping within 20kg. My gynae never say anything about my weight gain so I think he is still quite happy with my slow weight gain.

My hb told me nathanial sounds like antena today! No one comment on Ezekiel?

Irma, try to latch more cuz baby is the best pump. Re fm if u got milk then try not to give fm.

My hb is totally against fm for my second one. And I think I will probably bf till 18 mths which is my goal for my so. But only make it till 12 mths.

Genice & bliss,

greatly appreciate and thanks for your sharing... Put my heart at ease now... I've been thinking too much til I can't sleep for few days liao...

piglet, ok ok.. i try to call my bb naughty gal again, see she will kick anot. so far, her movement very little today. makes mi so paranoid!!


yes, we shall jia you together, hehe.


maybe your bb is sleeping??


piles - you feel anything besides blood? something pop out?

Lin, for breastfeeding just do your best. Be relax as stress affect milk supply. Read up more and get prepared. U can't be checking online when bb is crying. Kellymom

and dr Newman website have very good bfing articles and videos.

bliss: thx.. but if really no milk lei..? got fren who bm to her boy(coming 3yo) and now 2nd,dotter (6mth)..wah till her boy 18mths she still fm.. hard also right? coz skali you not around, then bb dun want fm.. jialat!

fetal movement:

anyone start counting how many kicks/movements a day?

bliss - i oso start leakin the transparent white liquid from my breast..but not everyday...afew day once...last 2 nite while i was huggin my husband while slpin...his back of his shirt was wet :p...cos i dun wear bra @ home...oh ya...tokin abt wearin bra..can i say if we go for BF..we muz keep wearin BRA..bcos i heard will leak de rite...


ya, stress (like postnatal blues) will affect your bm supply.

this time, i don't want to put 100% hope in bf. if can means can, if cannot, i know my bb will understand that i've tried my best.

plus, your hubby's support plays a part too.

the other day, when making payment @ kkh pharmacy, hubby saw some breast pumps & he went saying "waste money nia". -.-""" he just can't be bothered whether i bf or give fm. zzzzzzz.

wow.. the thread moving super fast..

me has been feeling very tired recently.. get dizzy easily and cannot stand/sit and sleep too long.. terrible stage..

my first gal oso very cranky.. probably becoz of her age 2plus and the coming baby? haha.. just got to have more tolerance and endure..

missbluey - after i shit den i go wash i touch got 1 big round soft ting pop out...but awhile later i go shower...i go touch again..the ting like smaller liao n very soft oso

Irma - i check wif my gynae durin my check up, gynae keep askin me to put myself relax...she say its very easy to monitor baby movement..as long within 12hour baby make 10 movement can oreadi...if baby keep tappin it oni consider as 1 movement...so 12 hours 10 movement is very easy to achieve...n she say go observe wad we do den baby will keep movin like example "we drink gassy drink, or we eat or we tap our tummy" so if baby din move much on tat day...do those ting tat baby irritate our baby to move..hehe

missbluey, she started moving a little liao, before i call her naughty gal. dunno izit she sian fm all the travelling today so not as active as before. hope she is just resting.

Irma, i nv count bb movement, but i just make sure throughout the day there is movement. my gynea also said no need to count leh. funny hor.

bluberi - tink gynae dun wana add pressure or make us worry tats y they did not specify much abt monitorin baby movement...sometime we're juz bein scare by other ppl...


alamak, its piles lo. think you squeeze too hard when you passed motions earlier, that's why got blood. just have to keep pushing it in else it is very uncomfortable when you walk or sit.


yup i've checked out noobcook site before and printed out some for her. her english is pretty good - no prob reading at all. just too bad her cooking really cannot make it, so i'm thinking of taking over the stove myself, and show her until she is familiar.

yesterday she resorted to wiping all my curtains, and today she's even cleaning all my ceiling downlights... can see how bored she is...kekeke

she cleaned almost everything liao - but there's nothing much for her to do...sigh, maybe sign her up for a cooking class?? hahahah


@ least she is racking her brains what to do. ya, you show her how you'd like her to cook. when she is familiarise with cooking, then let her experiment her own style?

sign her up for cooking class also idea, can let her learn something & kill time.

btw, she has off days?


One of my friend share with me...

When we are practically in action (e.g. busy with work, walking here and there, etc) in the day, bb will somehow be in rocking mode n hence sleep more.

When it comes to evening/nite time, our activities slow down and there is less rocking action. BB becomes alert and move/dance alot. Also we may not feel so much of bb movements in the day coz we are busy. But when we start to quiet down and rest in the evening, bb becomes super active.

So it's good also to find some time in the day to talk to bb w/ some tapping on the tumtum. When it comes to evening/nite, can play some soothing music or sing to bb before we go to bed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Not sure if it works, but it's kinda fun.


It's good to wear nursing bra during breastfeeding. Easy to manage. Coz w/ nursing bra, dun need to remove bra, just need to unbuckle one side as you pump/latch. I realise that the other side may leak as you are latching/pumping on one side. So it wun be so messy as you will have the breast pad on the nursing bra for the other side to leak, unless you are on dual pump. Of coz, depending on your own preference.

bluberi, imra,

I wasn't told @ all to monitor/count bb's movement. But from what i share about bb's movement in the day/nite, it happen during #1 and current pregnancy. Less active in the day, more active in the nite. So I put myself and lil bb to sleep by playing soothing music.


prunes as fruits also ok, for me papaya also works. And lotsa fluid too.. i am not getting any medi fr gynae yet, since the above 2 works for me for now.


the 2-yr old got mood and starting to hv a mind of their own, so best bet is to keep offer various food, hopefully he rejects one but take the other lor.


my gal is coming 2.5yrs old. I hv started her on vege puree right after rice cereal. Then progressively when she goes into more solid food, we will offer her finger vege food where she can use her fingers to eat, like peas, broccoli, carrot sticks.. etc. And when we cook her porridge, its always fish + 2 diff colour vege (carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach, broccoli) When she started to eat the same food as us, somewhere 1.5 yrs old? I will juz cut the vege into smaller pieces in case she choke on it. In fact she wants to eat the same food as us, so must cut up the pieces in front of her else she thinks its not the same.

All this time I will teach her all the food names through books and when we go grocery shopping. Sometimes she will also reject some food, but I try not to make a big fuss. Try to present it or cook it in slightly different form and try again the next time. Its like adults also hv food we dun like right?


i was abt yr build before i hv my #1, but after #1, weight increases by 2 kg - can never seem to shed off.. ha The bb weight is an estimation, i remember my bb gal always around 2+kg but when she was born, she is a healthy 3.1kg.. good size for natural.


is it around morning peak hour like 9am that NEL is down? Cos on my way home after sending my gal to cc, saw a small crowd outside Punggol MRT.. never see so many people gather outside, and i was wondering if its MRT breakdown.. so i am hit on!


Nat short for Nathaniel is nice leh.. at first glance, I thot Ezkiel reads as easy-kill!

missbluey, normally her "i oni move when i like" routine is on weekends leh. hope she's oni sleeping earlier just now due to all my walking due to the stupid MRT out of service.

doobom, my bb is also more active at nite.. but normally in the aftn nowadays she will also do ur tum-nami waves. today oni small small action.

koaru, accordingly to Stomp, it started at 8.30am. i took LRT fm my place to Sengkang, reached at 8.30am already so many crowded into the MRT (towards Harbourfront).. normally towards punggol not so many ppl, but today strangely alot lor.. liddat confirm is MRT got prob. waited till 8.40am heard the announcement dat train delayed for 10mins due to technical prob, 10mins later at 8.50am they said out of service. tell everyone to exit fm station. i reached serangoon MRT to take circle line at 9.30am, the NEL still out of service.

re: 3.1kg bb @ birth

mine was to be exact 3.154kg. mil even commented i didn't ate much during preggie & thought son was small! -.-" felt like telling her "try pushing a 35-36cm out from your backside lah!" btw, she had a c-sect when delivered hubby, hence i doubt she know that pushing feeling.


for me, my bb usually moves/do his earthquakes during daytime. even when i rest my hands on my tummy when i sit down on the bus, he also kicks/earthquake. but @ night, not much of movements as compared to daytime. during weekends, so-so nia. maybe off days for him?

missbluey, my bb seems to love night time lor.. if i awake till 3-4am watching tv, she continue kicking one. normally morning she is at the quietest. weekends are more like off days for her coz she really "i oni move when i like".

missbluey, hahaha.. hopefully u get to go back ur parents' place! lols. den can on aircon!! lols..

Re: Iron Dosage

I think the increase dosage of iron intake make me start to have difficulties going toilet.. kind of having constipation.. =.=

Shen, u are sure slim.. envy.. nv that slim tot i was ard ur height.. think 52kg was the lowest i hit.. den only up no down lehs.. =X how u slim down?? share share..

wah 40kg, Bliss u how tall? Bliss, but i tot it's not good for baby to latch for comfort suck?

BluBeri, aiyo, very little movement oso nvm.. she got move mean she's fine.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun paranoid..


hopefully when our bb are out, they will diffentiate between day & night else we cham ah.

but wah, you can tahan till 3-4am? by that time, i already concussed liao.


sad to say, my parents' plc no aircon!! T_T but hubby said they will buy a big fan, haahaha. my mummy don't like aircon.

iron pills will make you constipated as they are 'heaty'.

missbluey.. aiyo.. den make no diff.. but maybe more freedom as i believe ur mum not as pan-tan as ur MIL.. lols..

Re: Iron Pill

No choice lo.. gotta drink more water lo.. so trouble some..

