(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

just to share, my confinement lady called yesterday to remind me to drink coconut juice.. she says it's those coconuts frm thailand, white ones.. but not those small round type.. just drink the juice..

since my EDD is 1st wk June, so she tell me to start drinking 1st wk May..

1st wk - 1

2nd wk - 2

3rd and subsequent wk - 3

she also gave me a list of herbs to buy..



wha...yr confinement lady so gd uh...will call u to remind u and provide u list of herbs to buy...

bt cannot drink the small round type meh?? y uh?

Sberry: i will vote Megan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missbluey: Zachary not difficult to pronounce..


I know Jovian is nice. I like how simple it is. But after consideration i might drop that name. The meaning is actually "God Of Jove". As a christian is abit sensitive to name after a God or something.

I don't want my son to grow up realising he is name after some God. Like Sage = Monkey God. I think not very nice to name after God :p

In fact my mom prefer Josiah Jo-zai-ear than Jovian. Cause she don't know how to pronounce Jovian!

I think i will end up with Josiah or Zachary. If can't decide between this two i will probably name him Joash.

Actually Isaiah just remove I and replace with Jo is Josiah liao.

doobom: VIA cup can only sterilise a few times right ? I'm thinking of using VIA cup too.

Actually i'm very confused about Avent products especially the bottles! Now got normal ones, airflex and BPA gold box one. Anyone know the difference between them ?


wah, your CL is really good lor. i drink coconut from my workplace canteen, think its syrup comes with few pcs of coconut meat.


i still don't know how to pronounce zachary after seeing the link! haha! will end up saying zac. =p

sorry to interrupt..I am a mar 2010 mum...bought a brestfriend pillow...did not really use cos Baby cannot latch... hence selling...buy less than 1 month, used a few times only...

Like new. Condition 9.9/10. Self collect Somerset MRT or Bt Panj. $38.... pm if keen


color - red flower

Joelle, aiyo.. be careful of urself! u are a preggy!! anyway, dun get too much bb clothes.. unless u are getting big size one.. they overgrown very fast..

Missbluey, i think if ur gynae no comment, shld be alright hurs? after all the weight are just estimated weight based on their head and adominal measurement only..

Doobom, my mum washed hand me down bb clothes already..

Bliss, yupp.. May.. but i hope to pop end of May.. if not next time they have to celebrate their bdae with exam? lols.. stick to Josiah den.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BluBeri, ur hb like wife lidat.. lols.. normally guy hor, if nv ask them folk out money.. they wun bother by the bag etc.. lols.. aiyo, the pump so old liao.. anyway those personal stuff i oso dun wish to use hand me down de.. cos hygenic problem.. plus if so old liao worse!

Welcom Sparkle

zinc, if not the big green one, white is not the small white one.. which one is the correct one?

Bliss, if i'm not wrong,

Normal Avent is equal to AirFlex Avent - Anti-colic

Green BPA Free - BPA free + anti colic (if i'm not wrong)

Golden BPA Free - made from more Durable plastic + BPA Free + anti-colic too (if i'm not wrong)

Rainelle, hahaha.. ya lor.. sometimes i feel hubby is worse than a woman leh.. :p nvm la, he nag a few times den will stop liao. yes, for hygiene purpose, best to buy new ones.


no lah, just that im curious. perhaps my bb's weight is estimated one bah. hubby & i saw gynae looking @ the chart.

oh.. from her description i think it's those green but shaven off then become white..

coz i asked if it's those small white round type.. then she says it's not..


i tot we supp to drink those big green coconut? and not white coconut? hmm this is really confusing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missbluey, the link got audio one.

Rainelle, i saw from Avent website air flex got 2 piece valves. Normal avent got one piece valves which is on the teat. Very confusing! i yet prepare any milk bottles ...

Anyone feeling more frustrating lately ? Not sure if is the weather or ME.. Can't stand my son lately.. Also don't know what is wrong with him. Don't know is because my mom spoilt him too much or cuz of ME. Kept throwing tantrum and i feel like screaming at him every time he throws tantrum.

He stop his tantrum throwing for sometime already and not it came back and worse.. Somemore i'm still coughing so i don't feel good at all and he kept throwing tantrum... Lately when my mom scold him he will hit my mom back.. What' wrong with him?! He never hit people while throwing tantrum before... Sigh ....


is it? cuz im using office pc, hence no sound. =p tried searching for my son's name, but don't have!

ya, i also feel pek chek when my son started his tantrums. i'd tend to shout @ him, i know its the wrong way but sometimes i couldn't help it. i even use those balloon stick to threaten him if he still continue to misbehave, i did use it a couple of times on him but not hard. i don't know whether to laugh when he gives me the balloon stick, he said "mummy's one". heh.

i just wish his shouting phrase will be over soon.


same here. i can still perspire when the fan is blowing directly @ me. too much fats. -.-"


maybe we are all feeling tired now in our 3rd trimester...my son aso has been throwing tantrums bt well, whn i cool off...i tink..smtimes, kids will jus be kids...maybe they cant express out what they want exactly...or they may be seeking for attention...my son occasionally will beat my mom, my hubby, maid and even myself.....so i will bring him to one corner and hold him close and talk to him and make him understand....usually he knws he is in the wrong....of course there are times that he will keep throwing tantrums and we will all ignore him until he himself can settle...cos he knws gt no one to "back" him up....jus hang in there...this phase will pass...jia you...


i also on the fan! Pengz... Must be the raining season coming... Last year this time, there's H1N1. Few years ago, there's SARS. Better drink more water and take more fruits.

missbluey & Kelly,

my son don't do hitting action one. And he got back up lor. My mom will back him up .. Sigh .. To my mom she is not pampering him but to me she is! She don't dare to beat my son and my son will even tell her to go away. But he doesn't do that to me or daddy. At home and at grandma place is 2 different person. At home he is very good. Play and read on his own. Will talk properly when he wants something or need help. Over at my mom place, he will just throw tantrum, throw his toys if he can't open it, hit my mom if my mom ask him something he don't like, like super impatient.

My mom always tell me not to beat him. But at times i find some behavior is not acceptable at all and beating works for my son that's why he doesn't do those naughty act at home cuz he know he will get beating or scolding if he do all those things.

This few days he bring his grandma house pattern home! My mom thinks my naughty corner is very cruel. But always comment why my son likes to throw things and so naughty. i feel she is the one who cause it. He naughty and i beat him = i'm in the wrong. He naughty and i ignore = i don't bother. Don't know what to do also. But is got me very irritated whenever he does that.

Normally his nap time is 2pm and he drag till 4pm just now. Also grandma house pattern. At home timing very exact. And keep screaming don't want to sleep. Sigh ...


now usually after the heavy rain/sudden heavy downpour, i feel humid.

oh ya, who will be using aircon during confinement?


i think my son's tantrums mostly started from my maid. she pampered him too much. she won't beat him cuz she dislike the idea of beating children. have already told her she can beat him if he is naughty, but she told me my son will be a good boy when he grows up. -.-" so now, my son always bite my maid (i think she deserves it, haha), but rarely happened to any of us. i even use my fingers to flick him when he misbehaves, hubby also do that, his comes with more strength, that's why son is scare. plus his ah gong (fil) won't beat my son, the most only say him. but hor, i always feel that when nobody is @ home (he + maid) during weekdays, my son is pretty good except throwing tantrums. but during weekends, he behaves machiam he is the boss, refusing to nap. -.-"

sometimes i just bochap him when he is in one of his mood.

now another headache: my son tends to leave his food inside his mouth, as if he is a hamster. forever takes him very long to chew & swallow his food. are all kids like that? last time before my maid came, my son would sit quietly during his meal times, watches tv & guai guai eat his food fed by my mil. once after maid came, my son climbed onto her head & 'shite', run around the house, walk here & there. can took him an hour to finish 1 meal. zzzzzzz.


smtimes we aint gt a choice aso ....cos we need our mom's help to look after aso ma...my son aso dun do hitting initially bt as he grew older, his temper and character aso chnges, previously he doesnt shout aso bt nw he does it quite often..cos i hv 2 other nieces at hm n smtimes my mom gt so fed up and end up shouting at them to do things....so prbably my son learns bt wat to do....onli can tell my son...mommy dun like u to shout....so got to keep repeating lor...kids nw r very smart...my son at hm aso veri gd bt whn my hubby's parents came over...he aso become very naughty...haiz...but we jus hv to do what is right....

regarding abt slpin time..i aso hv this encounter bfore....at times i aso feel like blowing up and scold him whn he dun slp *buay tahan*...bt smtimes, i will try to relax and be lenient and i will say onli can play a little while then nd to slp..compromise i guess...bottomline, i tink our kids habits, character and temper will keep changing and we nd to tink of ways to remain cool and handle them....how old is yr boy??


wha...u allow yr maid to beat him uh...for me, i told my maid the 1st day tat she is not allowed to beat my kids...she can tell me and i will disclipine my kids...prb. i saw and hear too many horrible stories liao...same la...my son will aso bully my maid so everytime whn my son beat her or bite her whn he is younger...i make sure my son apolgise to her...

nowadays, ,kids are reali one kind...we as parents hv to tink of ways to outwit so as to handle them manz...

nowadays, my son "chu pattern" every midnite...he will scream...i dun wan to wear pampers....gt to strip him off and wait til he slps before i can wear for him again...driving me nuts aso....haiz....


is he watching tv while he is eating?? Tats why he is not chewing....my nieces whn they are younger aso like tat...mus ask them to chew else like machiam they will forget there is food in the mouth....i disklike the idea of my son running ard, very "shiong" and tiring leh, while eatin so if he wans to run ard...then i make sure no one feeds him...

missbluey, re feeding i also can't stand it. my son eat in highchair. over at my mom place also walk around or choose whether he wants to eat or not. i will force him to sit down. but there is no highchair so abit diffcult to keep him still. either he sit and eat or i throw away the food. cuz he don't bother to eat too. normally i will leave him alone. no point quarreling with my mom cause of this. my brother always say my mom that she pamper him too much. sometimes my brother will scold my boy and force him to sit down to eat and i will act like nothing happen and continue to watch tv.

Kelly, my son is coming 2.5 yrs old in June. i am the main caretaker and we go over my mom place for like 4 hours every few days. I can't afford him to nap at a later time leh. My son energy is crazy! he can just nap for 1 hour and tahan till 1am! so i must make sure he sleep at 2pm and wake up at 3.30pm-4pm so he will go to bed at 10pm if not his bedtime will hit past midnight liao. and worse thing got to pull him up in the morning to go to school at 10.30am which is not very early!


beat as in discipline my son, can't think of the word just now. =p that is if he is naughty. but she is too soft-hearted. if he 'bullies' her, very difficult to get him to apologise.

my hubby told me next time i sure kena bluff from my son de cuz i can be too simple-minded @ times. i hear liao i -.-"

when its time to change pjs, he always screams for ah gong. haiyo, buey tahan. ever since he recovered from his big illness, he is so clingy to ah gong.


i envy you. my mil forbids me to on aircon. i bet the PUB bills for that month will be quite cheap, haha. the recent bill shot up from 100+ to 250, mil eyes nearly dropped, haha.

Me! Will defintely use air-con on and off cos my mom, who's helping me to do confinement, said cannot use fan. So air-con fan speed has to be kept low.

Re coconut

My SIL told me to buy the green ones too, and not the young coconuts. She said the fruit drink stalls should have but I work in Raffles Place area and have never seen any fruit stalls selling coconut juice, whether young or green. Anyone can share pls?


ya, last time my son watched channels i on. now he wanted a certain cartoon. even if he is not watching tv, he also likes to 'keep' his food inside his mouth.


same lor. my son's energy like energiser, never say die! my maid makes sure my son naps @ 1pm+, won't let him nap after 2.30pm else @ night sure slap mosquitoes. but hor, although his nap lasts from 1pm+ to 3pm+, he can tahan till 11pm+. most of the time, my maid had to wake him up from his afternoon nap.


jus hang in there...this phase will pass one...gosh?!! tahan until 1am?? chng his bedtime routine time a bit ...read a book and switch off the lights at 10pm?? try tis for sm period of time...and dun let him go out of the rm after lights r off...initially whn i tried this method...my son aso very smart...will say he want to poo poo everynite after lights r off so as to go out of the rm for a while....buay tahan...bt after a while he knws no fun liao..and he will kuai kuai slp after lights r off....try not to enagage too high energy games before bedtime...i always scold my hubby if he try to play "pillow" fighting or other "rough" games w my son before bedtime...


hahaha...yr boy smart ma...knws gt ah gong to back him ...kekekeke...initial part for my son to say aso veri hard...bt after talking and tryin to make him understand...he will do lor..i tink its better...at least they knw why we are so angry about...


for aircon during confinement, wil check with CL and mum then. Seek their advice. Most likely will listen to them. Cos I knw can on fan but cannot blow directly. For aircon, not sure yet.

missbluey, i'm doing confinement at my sis place as my mum is staying with her.. tink better to reimburse her abit on the power supply bills if i really gonna use aircon. :p prob oni on at nite, day time can use fan la..

missbluey, same!! at least you got maid. i am taking care of him myself so sometimes really feel like bursting lor. i can't make him nap at 1pm cuz he finish school at 12.30pm so earliest is 1.30pm he will be on his bed. by 2pm he got to go dreamland if not at night i will be very ke lian.

if i am too tired i will just leave him with his dad and i go to bed myself.

my son used to sleep like 8pm to 8am. now the timing is so scary. Everyday got to chase him to sleep and wake him up from nap. he sleep till 10am everyday now. i wish to change back to 8am but i myself can't crawl out of the bed at 8am now. i think will become better after #2 comes. now sleep is more important to me ..

zinc, oic.. hahaha.. ur CL make it sound so confusing by saying the white one.. so is green big coconut lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] okok.. get it.. thanks!

Bliss, hmm.. maybe Air Flex is more less colic compare to the one valves type.. but other than the bottle.. i think the way baby suck on the bottles is the key to colic.. not much consideration if u are going for BPA free bottle.. i oso yet to get mine.. just getting one 125ml and one 260ml.. no point getting lots of feeding bottle since i intend to bf.. and i myself oso think no point using so many bottles at one go..

dun worry.. is just diff phrase of ur boy learning.. u need to guide him especially the hitting part.. telling him that he cannot hit/scold ur mom etc.. u need to make it clear to him wat is a CAN and wat is a NO at his learning stage young.. if not once he is used to is, next time wan teach oso too late..

Missbluey, feed him urself, den if u really find him chewing too long, u go counting and threaten him if he nv swallon his food, u will wat wat wat to him.. afterall kids noe who they can bully who they can't..

Kelly, ur boy grown up, thinking he's old enuff like a adult.. lol.. good time to toilet train him.. telling him, he need to wake up himself and go toilet if he wan to pee in the middle of the night.. but, put on pamper for him when he fallen aslp.. den if next day it's dry, i think u can praise him etc?

Vanilla, go supermarket to get it!

Re: Aircon during confinement

ME! I wun missed it.. will suffer from sticky-ness if no aircon.. plus cnt bath.. worst.. can't imagine.. but fan during day.. if not baby used to cooling temp oso not good.. next time will easily complain hot hot.. lols

Re: Dizzy spell

kind of seeing "stars" ard me on and off today.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bliss and missbluey,

seems tat only boys hv tis problem uh...and gers are easier to handle?? hahaha...jia lat liao...i gt another boy on the way... :eek:P

wonder if i can keep my cool then??


i aso feel like switching on leh..bt i aso scared tat i will hv bones pain here n there...kekekke.....

re: long hair vs short hair during confinement

wld u keep yr long hair or cut it short during confinement?? i used to hv long hair for my #1, bt i cant stand not able to wash my hair...so tinkning of snipping it off now...bt frens said long hair at least can tie...so better dun cut..


he is toilet trained for the day...bt for nite...hehehe...sori lor...i aso hope tat diaper will be dry bt aso wet leh...kekekke....so even whn he asks me to take out pampers...i said ok...go pee pee 1st...he said dun wan...so i aso bor bian...got to wait and until he slps again before i can put on a new one for him and i can rest n go to slp else...if he wets the mattress..i headache aso liao...hw to toilet train kids for nite uh?? keep wakin them up to pee uh??

Kelly, old ppl will say go cut.. but i simply dun bear to cut my long hair.. so i say no.. lols.. just tie it of bun it lo.. I think blowing fan directly is worst! aircon u set 25 degree den blowing upward, become like natural wind.. better bah..

my parents gotta me a fan for confinement.. lols.. think is those not directly blow one bah.. yet to experiment it though i saw it..

check with ur ar.. is pureen maternity pads good anot?

kelly, mi keep long hair during confinement.. if hot juz tie it up, better than have short hair sticking all over.

Re: Toilet train

Think u have to ask him to go toilet before slp, saying it's a must if not he sure pee on his bed if he dun wan to put on his pamper.. so he got only 2 choice, pee now or wear pamper.. oso dun give him too much water 2 hrs before slp..

Re: Rain

was raining in the afternoon since 3 plus.. den stop at 4plus 5.. now heavy rain again.. good thing is nice weather.. with the fan = aircon.. bad thing is i will be heading out for dinner later..


I've already cut my long hair. What I did is to cut till hair touches shoulder length so still can tie up when feeling hot. If too short, can't tie and will still be hot. No point, I find.

yaozi, actually wat make u feel hot are those hairs behind ur neck area.. so either cut shorter than it, the only solution is to tie ur hair up..

