(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Sue i didn't buy the avent one i bought the beaba babycook differnet brand.... and no i havent' tried it... i watched youtube to figure out how to use it though... seems idiot proof enough hhahahahah....


heys tinospora

thanks for the links!


mmm good idea sia! steaming using rice cooker.. :p

lilstarz.. oic.. BTW glad ur gal can be discharged today.. and LOL about 7 day MC.. strange pd..

Sue, ok will try this weekend and let you know my reviews.

So far from what I've read and the demo I've seen, this looks quite fool-proof. Cut the veg/fruit into small pieces, throw them into the unit and add some water for steaming. Once done, just have to flip the unit upside down for blending.


anyone need Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bag 50ct? I got 2 brand new boxes to sell away. $15 each box. FOC normal postage. pm me if you interested. thks!!!

Sue: I think the Avent Blender cum Steamer is really very convenient la... and no need to do transfer... and i think they got 3 different speed for different food texture. Was quite tempted to get it when my hubby can buy it at $140. Then I was thinking how long do we really need to blend their food? So I bought the u-like blender in the end.

Oh... but 1 thing about the Avent Blender, I read that it can only do small portion. So mainly baby food. Not for big portion.

Hey mummies!

Gd afternoon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope all are well. Lilstarz, tc of baby..

Nanabear- you too. hugs!

blender/steamer-- really convenient products available int he market now huh! so cool! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Samples- I just rcvd follow on samples today. 1 from dumex. 400g stage 2 Mamil Gold and then from nestle a goodie bag with Nan 2, rice cereal and one squash puree... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Time for online sale! hahaha! Still have one friso comfort 900g rcvd sometime back.. these are the times am so glad I still bf-ing. Can really save alot on formula. But at the same time negative part is that baby is too attached to me. Everytime want to latch on..

Am counting down to feed my baby soilds.. 3 more days! I wanted to start today out of excitment then hb was against it. He in fact want to start later. then after reading the feeding guide from nestle.. my baby has show all signs of starting soilds so wednesday is BIG DAY for him! hahaha! Still cant believe they have grown so fast. Last yr at this time i was cursing and swearing at the horrible mng sickness. All the throwing up. and how much i hated the smell of any food! hahah...

tinaspora- thanks for the link! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] There are some mummies on the WTB/WTE thread that want to rent out their toys too...

Btw mummies who read baby whisperer.... Could you share with me the actual title?

There seemed to have many catergories. Do I get the Secrets of the Baby Whisperer or Top tips from Baby Whisperer- Sleep?

Hi mummies,

tml my gal wil be 6mths old.. Hehe.. I started feeding her with solid foods 2 weeks back .. But I didn't use any blender.. Isit necc? Cos I just use slow cooker to cook her porridge .. On and off I also feed her wif bb biscuits(wangwang) hehe..

My gal has been napping shorter and shorter and it's driving mr crazy again. I left her at the playmat for a short while And she starts to make noise.. Any advices?

Sue & Lucasmummy: u guys can consider Philip steamer cum blender..very easy to use and convenient..within few mins can prepare d puree..good points: dun need to heat up d food n can consume immediately, the juice from d fruits/vege woulnt go waste as u just flip it to blend after steam.

lucasmummy, I think can use the blender to blend juices or mashed potato for ourselves. That was how I convinced hubby that it is a good buy cos can use it even after baby is no longer taking puree [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies,how many time does ur bb poo everyday? Cos my bb can poo ranging from 2 to 4 time daily,not watery stool but sticky one, is it becos not suitable to the milk powder?

Lilstarz29, happi for u that bb K gets better liao : ) U take great care too

Nanabear, dun feel bad. HFM attack is unpredictable. U are already responsible enuff to let her play with cousins only when she not having fever. Speedy recovery for you and elder gal.

BBF, ya luckily now the job market is doing better. Or else dunno have to wait how long then can get job. Ah ya, miss having lunchie wif u liao. But den my co also moving soon next mid year. Nvm, we can always chat during gatherings and the upcoming X'mas party.

Thanks for sharing your feeding experience with #1 Guess my #1 very similiar to yours picky eater and FM junkie. But gotta a feeling that #2 is less picky cos got a lot of comments from mother and MIL that he seems goes quite easy wif food. He can drink a little herbal water and like to taste different type of fruits. Have tried let him suck on fruit pieces such as apples, pears, grapes...and he keep asking for more when we stop after 5-10 mins. Going to start feed him wif cereals next month liao. Hopefully he like it : )

Hi mummies!

Hope your dearie babies are well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've just started Bellamy's cereal w my boy and he loves it!!He wants more and was grabbing my bowl! It looked like he wanted to drink the whole damn thing!whahaa!!

Shuyan: Is your baby behaving well? Did it happen recently or has it been awhile? Have u consulted PD? It could be due to many reasons. My boy was due to Gastrocolic reflex. At first we gave him Enfa, we switched his milk powder to Nan Ha, then his poo begin to regulate and poo once a day. Now we switched back to Enfa, it becomes once every 2 days. You may want to try Nan Ha. It's not bad one, except poo poo is very smelly. Unless lactose intolerance then u try those lacto free one lor... some mummies tried goat milk... Hmm... but my PD ever told me that most babies do not get lactose intolerant.

Lucasmummy,before I switch to Enfapro stage 2, he was drinking S26,previously he ll poo once a day,then after he was on antibiotic, he stool become sticky,n poo like 3 times a day. Then now after feeding he ll poo,but sometimes twice a day, so now i very confuse dunno is it he cant take enfapro or wat.I had appointment with PD on the 10 nov.

Shuyan... uh... That time it happened when I was giving him EBM like 4 feeds per day, then one day my EBM depleted, Ijust switched to FM without mixing. Could it be the same for your boy?

Hihi! I'm totally behind reading posts so won't bother catching up... just pop in to say hi and get energy to continue with the week ahead!

SN: your pics super good... Hee i got Bellamy to start. Are Healthy Times & Earth's Best good too? I buy from Supermarket now, any idea if BP is better?

Peggy welcome... haha to fatten my bb i just keep feeding him when he cries. Erm ends up that he needs to eat to zzz. Can be a problem too. If PD didn't notice anything amiss, it's ok, just smaller sized baby then.

lilstarz, sorry to hear your gal had to go hospital. Glad can be out now. Take care!!! UGH... The MIL hurdle is hardest. Good your hb talked to her. The air is so bad i didn't even want to go out during weekend. It's cleared up abit now but baby's lungs are so delicate so better avoid exposing them if possible.

Lucusmummy: I got secrets of baby whisperer paperback @ $13 cos it was cheapest and i didn't know which of the baby philosophy i would like. haha. Why don't you borrow from Library to see if you like it first? $1.55 to reserve only....

BBF, Muahahahah i became MacD junkie after i got preggers! UGH... i think my bb will have pre-disposition to that. Did you all read about the recent artist in US (I think NY?) who left out happy meal for 2 weeks and it stayed unscathed? Gulp... i feel so guilty. :s Better try to make up to him via BF & healthy solid foods. I agree all organic is too expensive, cannot afford it.

Toys: Hmm... toy rental fun? I must be most stingy mummy. BB only has Sophie to play with! Haha...

Weaning: Woo so cool to start; Sherry, glad to hear Bellamy is good i just got a pack today! I also have a Pigeon self feeding set and a Combi self hold bowl with handle. Any one knows where to get those bowls with suction below? I have Phillips blender, used to make adult food, didn't know there is steamer & blender combined. Cool... For mummies who puree & freeze, do you have to sterelize ice-cube tray?

I recall a mummy asking about Fenugreek side effect? I take GNC brand, no effect on baby. I guess it sounds more like growth spurt period?

Lucasmummy, I oso din mix the old FM with the new enfapro. Cos I read online, they only mention juz feed the old FM in the morning, then the new FM in between. Then after drinking Enfapro,my bb refuse to drink his old FM,so we continue with the new FM(enfapro).But 1 week liao leh,so far today is 3 times.

Wow mummies....so much to catch up...

Sigh, duno wwht my baby wants...everyday 5am, wake up cry n cry like sumthng happ..I have to put him on the pillow n rock him and hug him real tight n keep telling him things untill he stops crying...2 days in a row doing this. Tsk. Hopefully its just a phase. Im so serious about getting bb into a good bedtime routine, so went to ngee ann city still thinking there is a library there. So sad, no more. So gotta try another library to get all thsoe books.

Lucasmummy, enfalac pro ah...i must try ready...my boy like everytime *prrruuu* play wif his tongue n saliva..dunt wana say anything else. Hungry say "mum"...he needs alot of development.

Blender : Mummies, I think I seriously need to purchase a blender..Im a lazy mum, so need steam cum blend. U-Blend can do tht as well? So pls mummies who got reviews on Avent or Philips (Steam & Blend) pls share share share. Currently, I mix my Bellamy's with Heinz fruit custards. My hubby bgt alot of "Only Organic" from australia. I mix tht purees to my cereals n feed baby. So lazy rite!!!!

Michelle, thanks for sharing the info on baby whisperer...will go find this book. R u SAHM?

Hi agginess, every baby is different la. There are sure something that my boy can't do.... Just let nature takes it's course. No hurry. They will all grow up on par. Not like my boy will go primary 1 first. :p

U blender can't do steam. Go for Avent if u want the combination.

Michelle: thanks! But I order secrets of baby whisperer already!! From bookdepository. Hmmm need to email and ask if I could exchange.

Hi Agginess ,

Yup I am SAHM for now , taking 1 year off from work to spend time with baby , planning to go back to work maybe next year Apr

So has your baby been napping well the last 2 days after you tweaked his routine ?

If you are on FB , can add me , my email is [email protected]

Thanks Michelle for the useful info on The Baby Whisperer and the weblink. Was thinking that it would make a great gift for friends whom are first time moms.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wanderleibe,( I like typing your nick as it's so unique!) I was practically hooked on cheeseburgers while I was pregnant!maybe it was the pickle in the burgers which I craved? dunno!?! (american tv always showed pregnant ladies eating pickles and ice-cream or even worst, dipping the pickles in the ice-cream!!ekkk)

On weaning,I'm also looking for a bowl that has suction onto the table. Mommies, any suggestions?

Went to the pigeon website and only seen this odd shaped bowl n fork which i don't see in stores. http://www.pigeon.com.sg/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=110&category_id=28&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=52

Mommies, just a thought, can you imagine our babies dressed up in Halloweens costumes?;)

maybe we can hv a party for next yr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u feed Lucas with enfapro now? I thot it's only for 6mths and abv? Don't hv to mix the enfalac tat I'm feeding her currently? I'm vv confused.. Can enlighten me on



sounds good. Let's hear from the other mummies?

Good morning mummies!

Thanks Lilstarz, Mrs teo, mattsmummy, A R n ktsc. ..

Good news! ! Its not Hmfd! becos she dun fit the criteria. .. Cos no spots on hands n feet. .

Just to share. . Hmfd got many sub category. . But if its not all hands feet n mouth. . Cannot classified as hmfd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now we got a week to clear the spots... Hope cam clear cos was told tat its contagious though. . I mean which virus is not contagious. . Even flu is contagious. . Touch wood if any of the kids Kanna. . Always remember to get anti virual medi from doc. . It helps to stop further flaring of the spots n ulcer den the kid wont feel so painful. .. I always hear my friends with kids with hmfd say that only got paracetamol for the fever. ..

Good day ahead everyone!

Mrslee. . I wanna change milk i also just change. . Change rand i also. . If we are garang. . Baby will be as garang la. . LOL!!! Ok i admit i am a garang mummy. . Hehe. . But both my girls are ok ar. . I so far have tried friso, s26, isomail all i justchange din mix. . But again. . Its up to individual babies. . Am gonna try similac soon. .


glad to hear that it's not hmfd.. God bless! Aiyo, can understand hw u feel when suspected of hmfd.. Phew!

Wah, u changed so many types of milk? I hv been giving her enfalac since I stop bf..today gg to change to enfapro.

Time flies, and she's 6mths old today..keke!

hmmm.. Mummies who are going to try Enfapro or already on Enfapro, your bbs any constipation prob? Stinky poo?

My ger is currently partially on NAN HA 1 and EBM. The poo is smelly like no one's biz. Terrible! Wondering if wanna continue to HA2 or change.

Time really flies, very soon all our little bbs will be 1/2 year old! next year around this time, they will all be promoted to Toddlerhood! OMG! Will definitely be very fun to see a bunch of toddlers in Halloween Costumes! They can run around and scare each other! haha

Sherry, this nick is cos my original choice, wanderlust, was taken.... hmph now after bb, no urge to travel though. Going back to work think boss will ask me to go but it's winter months - so cold! Eck. I'm cheeseburger fiend... haha during pregnancy i tried everything, my favs are now: everything w fries, blooies & coffee club. But if desperate, MacD's also can! More pickles please! Oddly the SG Carl's Jr & Wendy's taste strange to me.

nanabear, sorry to hear yr baby not well. take care! hfmd so prevalent now. sigh.

SAHM: treasure yr time with bb... i miss bb so much when i think about going back to work. :'(

Xmas Party:

Mummies who have indicated their interest but have yet to pay up, please do so by 30 Oct 2010! If no payments are received, we will drop you from the event! You need to update your payment details into the event spreadsheet!







KCPQ (Krystal/ xiao cai's mummy










Mrs Lee: no ah... Am still feeding enfalac.

Chloemum: yea yea... I'll pay soon. Hubby can't confirm yet. Maybe I'll pay again if he can go. So I'll just do mine first later today.

How's the venue? Confirmed?

Shall we fix a date in nov to do the name tag? Also, wrapping of gifts and packing of goodies! Btw, I'm out of town from 8/11-14/11

Lucasmummy: Venue pending approval...

I don't mind meeting up to do the tags and all. I'll be on leave or half days on Tues, if you ladies don't mind weekdays. Weekends, let me know when would be good.

Bored... No work today... yawnzzz...

Happie 6mth to Candice n 5mth to ah Sam!

Nanabear glad that ur girl's ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just got back from the supermkt and a passerby made a comment that my boy has some blue-black mark between his eyes becos he was scared. And i had to feed him something.(i didnt get that)

Anyone heard of this before?

I thought its his vein or just normal bb colours..?

Btw, Fairprice mamypoko $20.65 till tmr,

Huggies $19.90- dunno till when[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry, i have heard that before.... they say must put the beansprout pillow on the chest when they sleep so won't be so easily startled... or feed pearl powder... something like that if i am not wrong... its supposed to be shadow across the nose or something... ppl also said that about my babe... but then i look and look and look i dun see anything... oh well....

Hi Sherry,

Yes my mum mention this to me and I usually will feed my gal with pearl powder every morning to ensure she dun will not get scared easily. Beansprout pillow dun really work for my gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I dun know how this old people see but since my mum say so, I just pour some powder on my palm and use my finger to rub the powder on her gums every morning after her bath

Hi SN,

Thanks for the advice on how to use BM on the cereal but mine indicated using water and it is Si Sen brand (Brown Rice) from NTUC

So to play safe, I went to order Bellamy from the link you shared earlier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi lilstarz,Evejol, Thanks for your advice on pearl powder, i'll check it out w my mom.

I do hv the beansprout pillow, my boy didnt like it from the start, now he flings it around the cot as a toy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi..How are you mummies..coping well?? XMAS event don't think able to join hope you ladies and plenty of fun.

YEsterday went to visit my gynae for a routine check of my wound..thou just check only. Told him upfront that my wound the curve line still a bit red and a minor skin protrude out which I dont c a hinder to me. So after he hearing and looking at it he said he needs to give a jab to subside the swell and redness if not the skin will get thicker like a centipede or millipede pattern..of cos I was tense up after hearing that not bcos of the pattern more of the jab he going to do on me and u know what at first I thot just a poke only but no he given me almost 10 pokes of the needle a round the curve line which is like a torture to me, the feeling was like i got cut up again in the ops room for csect..it was tense up. Thou my gynae kept talking to me and comfort me saying he is giving me botox to my wound...faintz...

After he administered the drugs on me. I texted my hubby abt the med review and told him my heart was crying in pain and not prepared to get this from my gynae that afternn..sob sob =( and with the pain and itch after the jab no mood to go window shop so no choice take bus alone and go home rest. So seeing my gynae next month again. Really don no why mine 1st csect hv no problem on this and also never eat seafood during my entire maternity.

