(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Agginess,if the maid is this kind of pattern, u should really have a good talk with your husband and consider change the maid. Check with the agent can change anot cos the maid not good lei...V simple reason, main objective of having the maid is to help you take care the baby. Cleanliness and safety of baby always priority. If she did not bother to do so, then pack and go lei.....


ChloeMum, if wanna use the sticky label, I have alot of it @ office. But like wat Edie mention, dunno whether such label can stick well to our clothes. If use colour paper, cut out (zig zag pattern or wave), then use doubleside tape and paste, may not stick well too.

KTSC: yeaps. i agree won't stick well. but it's only for 4 hours. alternative is use safety pin for adults. even then if we use scotch tape, the pin might still drop. let me go bookshop look see look see... maybe got better ideas.

bbs i think we don't "label" them lar. dangerous. especially when they are at the stage of mouthing every single thing. i thot of using ribbon and write on the ribbon with fabric marker, but the thought of them putting the ribbon into their mouth... hmmmm...


You can decide the menu. I suppose we don't need so many heads to come to a consensus on what to eat. It will be much easier to coordinate from a single window since the venue and caterer will be the same. Just let me know if you need my help to coordinate anything on the day itself.


good to hear from you after all this time. where's your new job at?


The other cereal brands are organic I think. But I'm ok with nestle too since we are going to feed them with Macdonalds eventually.

For mums who are ok with non-organic, Young Parents magazine is giving away a tin of brown rice cereal with purchase of this month's magazine and some food warmer bag. Go check it out.


Yes can. Moving to multigrains when your bb is more than ready for just rice or brown rice cereal as more coarse. Usu after 6-7mths. But if the one u using is smooth, then okie.


oh u let bb take pneumococcal vaccine already? So 4 jabs right? I din cos pd said no need since I not sending to infant care. Ask me to wait later then take. Ya pneumococcal vacccine does have side effects on some. Take care n hope bb gets well soon. Fever gone?


Yes if I add in BM, then no need to add water. If u using FM, then u mix FM first then add to cereal. Some milk based cereals need only to add water, no milk. Usu for bb cereal, no need to add water to boil as it will be burning hot for bb to consume lei. What brand of cereal u using? See below for the items I have which I took to show u on the instructions:

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4647111.jpg] Bellamy

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4647112.jpg] Healthy Times and Earthbest

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4647113.jpg] Nestle


Ya can carry side but must wait when bb head more solid n steady. Like tis:


No 1 mah, everything also onz. Now with no 2, kind of slack n lazy. hee

Sue, remember to update me whether u received $$ Loanshark will come lei, don't play play :p

Chloemum, that time (baby shower @ Rantingbaby's house)we use the sticky labels to use as name tags, it could not even stick well for the few hours too. So it's no sticky afterall for cloth material. Ok, I also help out go bookshop see see look look got solutions anot. Ribbons for baby sound alright, maybe can tie at their ankle area, minimise the danger of them mouthing.

BBF,long story lei.....Company unstable lei, always get my salary very late for the past 1 year. And my co only 2 staff (me and my superior) then my only superior also left co liao.....so for the past few months frantically looking for job, that few months are dreadful lor....haiz no mood to do anything else. Luckily manage to get the new job. It's @ Suntec but would be moving to somewhere near PSA there next mid year. Wanna hear from yr past experience with feeding cereals, puree for #1. Cos my #1 dun like to take cereals and puree, so end up drink milk quite frequently even after 6 months. This time round I wanna make a success to feed #2

KTSC...My maid hor, she herself keep telling me she cant do babycare..she scared sumthing wrong. **Duno if she genuiely scared or..she thought go other house lesser things to do** Sigh...duno why come to sg..wait 1 week see how...she confirm dunt wana use brain think n do things..then btr say bye bye..

Bbf- HAHAHAHHA!! Cant stop laughing at your statment- 'Going to feed them macdonald's eventually'!

My hb and I discussed abt giving bb macdonalds. We came to a conclusion that we wudnt intro him to macD. Then hb told me u better forget abt macD once Raihan is aware of his surroundings. hahah! My sister went crazy when i told her this. She blamed me for stealign away the opporuntiy of letting her buy Happy Meals for him. hahahah!!

Agnes- why didnt u tell ur agency u wanted someone who knows babycare. Tell ur maid doesnt mean u trsfer her she sure get another employer.. nowadays if no takers they just deport them back to their country. no choice la, sometimes must do this to them. Tell her to write whatever u taught her out on a papaer or smtg and stick on the fridge. Either that or ask her to repeat ur instructions 3 times.. then she cant agrue she doesnt know..

Vokie! me goign to expo now.. since no one mentioned abt nepia diapers.. have to go and find out myself.. :p

Mummies with babies with running nose, cough and phlegm... did the medication work? how long does it take to recover? raihan's nose like running marathon. Adn the cough is getting worse.. but he is still happy baby la.. no fever.. any advise ladies?

Agnes, I think your feeding time is too close. You can try up to 180mls and feed him every 4 hours?

And he sleeps too many times and all is a short while, and you have to rock him for so long? Maybe it's just because he's not tired, stretch his awake him a bit more by 5 mins each and no vigourous stuff, maybe let him look at the mobile and read him some book, then try to pat him to sleep again.

30 mins naps usually means overtired or undertired. If baby is awake for more than 2 hours, it could be she's overtired therefore the short nap. If not, just let him be awake for as much as possible, then if he starts to stop smiling/giggling/turn away/rubbing eyes, get him to sleep. And try not to rock him already, just pat him over your shoulder.

They need about 3-4 hours day time sleep, and about 3 naps, 2 naps are fine also.

Have to trial and error one, but once there's a routine, the baby will really know what's coming up next. Thea is much calmer now compare to last now cos I think she knows if she's tired, mummy/daddy will make her sleep, she don't have to cry to let them know. That's how it works.

Bringing back toys:

Actually, maybe I can try. You're right, I could take out they box and put into my coat bag, cos it's roomy and all. Thanks for the idea. Will take note of the chair the next time round, if can will get it for you. And I don't have any male colleagues... that's why my hubby loves it that I'm flying in this Co. Mention our infamous airline, it's a no no. Haha.

Genice, rashguard is for knee? At ON? Okok, noted. Yes, I'm planning to do that also, just keep buying without consideration, but now's all winter clothes, I'm so disappointed.

Sherry, it was too tiring to handle a crying baby all the time, so had to do something. I found out the problem about her crying and short nap all boils down to overtired, so that's where I started the routine to make sure she knows and I know what's coming up next and that I can also use the clock as a gauge.

So far, working well, but she's now over at my mom's place who prefer to play with her until 10pm to make her tired while Thea loves to sleep at 7pm, anytime after that she's a grumpy grumpy old woman, and not making her nap, cos she said if baby tired will sleep on their own, I think her routine all turn wayward already.. so sad!

Oh well, have to work it again, sian man...

Ok.... so here i am... on a saturday afternoon at TMC ward... becos my dear princess K is down with acute bronchitis.... too much phlegm in her lungs and almost at the stage of pneumonia so PD said to admit her in..... after a morning of blood test, chest x-ray, neubaliser and having to suck out the phlegm in her lungs to check for the virus she has KO in the baby cot.....

but some gripes i have on this place.. i actually have to bring my own diapers and milk bottle and powder and steriliser!! cos they dun carry her Nan 2 HA and diapers are prob only for newborn... sigh.....anyway as long as my sayang gets better... hopefully can go home soon..... omg taking urgent leave next week after 2 days of mc last week.... i hope my boss is understanding enough.....

Hi Agginess

I think you need to skip the first nap and last nap . Babies take an average of 20 mins to fall asleep , if he takes 45 mins , might be cos he is undertired .

So baby wakes up at 7am , then naps at 9/930 am and then

the next nap should be 2-2.5hrs after he wakes up from the

last nap . Also you should aim for 2 long naps of at least 1 Hr

each and 1 short nap of 30-45 mins . Which means if baby wakes up after 30mins try to make him go back to sleep again if not he will develop a habit of cat napping

By cutting the last nap also ensures that he is tired enough to fall asleep by 730/8pm

Sherry, Edie,

I tried to read up on those forums too leh...but its quite difficult to implement on this boy..Edie, Im gng to try the 4 hrly feed..hopefully dunt disrupt his cereal time. Sherry, I already did the shower before nap..so today I bathe him after cereal at 1pm. And brght him to quiet bedroom, slept for 55mins instead of 30mins...its an improvement. Tomm gng to re-schedule his feeding time like edie mentioned. So gng to combine both the methods see how. It wld b a dream to have bb sleep 7 to 7..like Gina Fords method, But first I have to get this bb to have longer naps, then he will become a sleepy head...and be used to napping a longer period.

Lucasmummy, yr boy really alot of development leh..wht formula u giving..I wana change liao....hehe..but seriously, do u do some reading or did u teach him to play each of the toys on the exersaucer? or all these happened suddenly?

RE : brining toys back. Yah the box is a trick. But like I mentioned U.S packaging is good. They pack the product so snuggly into the box. Im shocked.JAL no stewards? Keke...I had no clue leh...aiyoh. I thght all like SIA. Tht means heavy luggage all u guys must carry n put up yrself lah...no joke leh. Then difficult male passenger also must handle. U know sometimes the passengers drink alot, drunk then male stewards will come n help to handle them. Coz those male passengers can get abit notty. The next time if u do shop for Thea's things, u happen to see the size of the booster seat then u see if can lug back. Else no problem at all. Thanks :eek:)


U know, after telling u guys how i feel yest...baby after a long long time, napped for 2hr 20mins in the afternoon. So shocked.

So today is a start, almost 1 hr..and after rescheduling abit, his feeding time, his nap time will also be rescheduled. Hoepfully it all helps...thanks guys..putting up the schedule here really helps. :eek:)


Sarah is 6.6kg at 5mths. SBCC pd say bb shd weigh abt 7-8 kg at this age. Thks mummies for assuring me. I think diff bb just put on weight differently. As long as healthy, playing, happy, couldn't ask for more.


Pediasure is for 1yr onwards leh.... I only saw one type tats for 1-10yr old. Pediasure complete.

Today after she refuse to drink for nine hrs, I went out n bought s26. Hubs say maybe she dun like mamex gold anymore. I finally gave in n change her fm. Feed her s26 she also dun drink. Then we conclude it cld b becos she wanted to latch directly w me ard so she totally reject fm. Cos weekdays though she drinks little but still drink n not like today milk strike for nine hrs! I alr tried teething gel. No use also. So now I'm not gg tob bottle feed her n mil or hubs will feed her. N I cannot b in the room when she is feeding. Gonna try this way.

I alr puree sweet potato for her. Hmm, prob shd get a blender too as I manually mash the potato. Lol blender shd b a gd investment! Thinking of gg Philip sale next week. Consolation is, she like semi solid food. Bellamy n sweet potato so far. Will finish her one tablespoon. I m feeding her rice cereal morning n sweet potato afternoon. Add w milk hope to increase her fluid intake.


It's good that your hb can come to a consensus on such things..I'm flexible when it comes to food as long as everything in moderation. I tried to keep my boy on organic for 2 years but in the end everyone else including my hb feeds him all kinds of stuff.

Looks like the mommies here are all trying to get their bbs on a schedule. It's actually impt but don't get too upset if they don't follow it strictly. I just follow the eat activity sleep. Apart from that I don't keep the timing...and I notice that my boys just slowly ease into a routine that they are comfortable with.


hope your gal is feeling better...poor thing. Do you have to camp in the hospital with her too?


now is a good timing to change jobs, seems like the job market is doing better. Too bad my coy has moved out of suntec or else we can do lunch.

I tried to feed my #1 everything organic from puree to rice cereal, in the end he is still a BM junkie and picky eater. I think it depends very much on the personality of your child. Nothing can change it if they don't wish to cooperate.

Hey Skmama ,

Not sure if this helps , but read in some other discussion thread that changing to NUK bottles might help if baby has bottle rejection . If you want to get , you can try the NUK premium choice wide neck bottles , but these come with the 0-6 mth teats so you might need to buy the 6-18 mth teats separately ( get the medium flow one for milk)

Alternatively , since you are on avent bottles you might want to just buy the NUK teat and try to fit on the avent bottle . If you want , I have 2 spare brand new NUK teats that I can pass to you to try but these are the 0-6 mth teats . I have no use for them anymore since my boy is on the 6-18 mth teats , so you can try them out and if Sarah takes to NUK teats then you can go buy NUK bottles

I can drop by your place to pass them to you tomorrow if you want , just drop me an SMS to let me know

Hi mummies

I'm new to this portal. My gal is born in may. Can I join in? Would like to seek advice on how to fatten my gal cos she's underweight. She's now 5 mth old but only weighs 6.4kg. She drinks 90-120ml every 2-3 hrly. These few days she keeps refusing to drink her milk. I'm very worried about her

growth. Does anyone with similar problem? Can pls share with me what I can do to increase her milk intake? Thks!

Agnes, good, that's some improvement! At least there is more time for you to take a breather, SAHM with babies who don't sleep can really drives us crazy. But if there progression, there will also be degression. Don't beat yourself silly if he starts napping for a short while again cos he will ease into the long nap very soon again. Just to warn you, cos I was damn depress when Thea went into degression, really like can go on depression kind of depress. I was just too frustrated already.

No stewards la, how heavy the bag we still have to put in if they asked even though those pax is bigger than us. Hmm... yes... that bad.

Bbf, think organic food is good for young babies right? Cos nowadays those process food are really super super process, these days you really don't know what they add in, so I think for the first 2 years I'll give the best I can give. After she goes to playgroup and all, it will be out of my control then I'll just forget it.

Lilstarz, *pat pat*, I hope your girl is not too serious. If it's under control, just don't fret too much and enjoy your stay there.

I even ordered confinement food when I was there cos I want to drink the soup.. hehe.

Bx, you also enjoyed the hospital food right?


Actually, this is sort of a degression. At 3 mths, he had bedtime routine, slept well enough. No need to rock..its now when he is 6 mths all these probs...well aftr taking all of yr advices..today his naps have lengthened to 1hr or 1hr30mins...which is a great improvement. Sigh...I still have to rock him, but at least its worth it. :eek:)

RE: Blender

I also need some advices on blender...didnt anyone consider the Avent Steam n blend? isnt it much much btr?

Bbf, yeah i am camping beside her.... i am a bit worried cos i am sick too... and wat i have i got it from her i think... and its really bad.... fever that goes up and down... sore throat that doenst go away..... i am drinking about 3 - 4litres of water per day and the fever just keeps coming back at night.. doc even put me on tamiflu and antibiotics.... so i am worried i may be passing back the virus to her.... but the more worrying is that if i as an adult is managing it so bad i dunno my babe how....


After u mention, I went to search for the nuk teats given by tmc. Found one 0-6mth teat but cannot fit in the avent bottle at all! Went right through the hole. :p then found another bottle tat has a smaller hole n it fits the nuk teat. I can try tat. Will let u know if I need the extra teat fr u. Thks babe.


I like the food tmc serve after my delivery. Nice soup. I always finish it to the last drop! Order the soup! Anyways, hugs, take care n try to get as much rest as possible. Need to slp n rest then u can recover faster. Hugs to bb k too. Get well soon!


I agree that organic is good but even better if it replaces a major portion of bb's intake like organic milk. I prefer to look at the overall % and type of food intake.


I hope TMC is better than NUH, I rem slept on those low creaky foldable nylon bed. By end of the week, my back almost broke. Sounds like a really nasty virus both you and bb caught...try to focus on recuperating since bb is in good care. BB should be fine if you take the necessary precautions like washing hands and face mask. She'll recover soon enough, you take care too ok mommy?

Hey Skmama ,

The NUK teats that you have from TMC may be the standard ones which are for the slimmer bottles and hence will be too small for the wide neck avent bottles

The ones I have are for the wide neck NUK bottles and shld fit avent wide neck .... Anyway you try on Sarah first and let me know

Chillimum: don't worry, Chloe was also 6.7kg only when i brought her for her jabs @5months. PD says it's ok. Quite near the 50th percentile. So don't worry too much. Different bbs put on weight differently. Chloe had a fair bit of problems at the start, but now she's catching up really fast. Also, different bbs diff size, just make sure the length and weight are proportionate can liao!

Peggy: Welcome~ Don't worry so much about the weight. As long as the PD never sound red alert it's ok one. Like we all say, different bbs grow at diff rates! My bb is also doing like 130ml, 3hrly in the day time. At night she can zzz straight >6hrs without milk. =P

bbf: love your comment on bringing the bb to mac eventually! haha... funny!

Organic milk? BM = Organic milk? hohoho...

Anyway, I never understood this organic food craze thingy. Food is just food to me. Haha. Oh well, everyone has their own preference. As long as bb is growing well, any kinda food is good food. Best if the food is cheap! Ezier on my pocket!

Hi chloemum

Thx! Mine oso can sleep >7hrs straight without milk on some nites. Sigh... How I wish she's a milk monster n b chubby.


yup, i kinda enjoyed the stay there. bb seemed to sleep better and i got to rest too. i din order confinement food. i ordered their western food instead. i also gotta drink their fish soup during tea time.


hope ur little one recovers soon. did they do physiotherapy on her to loosen the phleghm?


My BM is also not organic, coz I didn't take organic food! :p

I'm happy as long they eat lah.

Organic milk powder VERY EX!

Skmama, Bbf, bx and Edie thanks for the well wishes.. PD came in today and said she sounds less phlegmy and she is more energetic today.. but drinking 80ml eveyr 4 hourly... her usual is 130ml every 4 hourly... i have a very small eater with me...so hopefully will increase soon....

chloemum... becos my babe drinks so little... even though its so tiring... i feel glad she wakes up in the middle of the night to drink... if not her milk intake for a day would be 500ml plus only...

Edie and skmama... yeah i discovered the soup is nice today! i had fish and papaya soup... and pork and peanut soup... its good..but the soups only come with the chinese meal i think.... but the main meal and all is soso... the cook seriously needs to relearn how to cook rice.....;p

BBF - i took a single bed room so its like being in maternity ward all over again... except my babe is in a bigger cot next to me... thank gawd no creaky beds.... will seriously die... how in the world did u manage.....

Bx - yeah the physiotherapist came in, put her lying on the pillow and put a folded towel on her back... then tok tok tok damn hard on her back for 5 mins... with cupped hand.... i was telling her if i did it may become abuse cos i dunno how much strength to use.....she said as long as got towel and cupped hand should be ok...good for loosening phlegm.... tink i will do that more often on her dun want another hospital stay!! so worrying and tiring.....

hihis mummies..

last day of weekend liao... :/


hope ur gal drinks more milk and recovers well...

about the XMAS PARTY,

received $ from baby_t liao (via ur hubby Andy Chee acct rite?)

ktsc: did u use POSB/DBS or other bank? I didn't see your transaction in my account yet...if via other bank, it'll take 2 working days to receive...

we've collected $1000 so far,

with 27 families confirmed, 14 mummies pending payment..

Chloemum: did we get da Clubhouse venue?





KCPQ (Krystal/ xiao cai's mummy







KTSC (can't find transaction in posb)





belinda..noted.. me made that change liao.. i think we'd better haf mummies confirm their bank acct during the xmas party, so that we'll xfer the $ correctly.. or better still.. we refund excess, on the spot.. :p


i just double checked the sums.. think there was sth wrong wif the online excel earlier..

i've collected $920 from 27 mummies..not $1000...

was just running thru my bank acct and almost paniced when i only haf total of $920 in the accts.. :eek:


hi mummies, just wanna ask any of you taking Fenugreek to increase milk supply?

It's day 3 of my taking it and my bb has been behaving weirdly these 2 days. She gets very cranky on the 2nd day after I took the pills, she will cry out of no known reason. And day 3 (today), she is very sleepy throughout the day. She keep sleeping and her sleep can last 4-5 hrs. I am very worried that it's the fenugreek that is causing her to behaving weirdly.

Can mummies who took fenugreek pls advise?? drop me an email at [email protected] Thanks so much!

Peggy.. My girl is only 6.4kg when she's 5 mths old.. Now she's drinking 150ml. When days are good, she can feed up to 6 times, when days are bad.. She only drink 5 times. Nowadays she sleeps thru 8 hrs at night.. There's once she even go without milk for 12hrs from her last nite feed. I also hope that she's a milk monster and be chubby. Now she's a lengthy bb.. Sigh..

mummies!! super duper excited.

my sisinlaw gave birth yesterday. accompany her when bfing. &, came back home, and my boobies squirted milk! my lovely short-nipples, 3-mths-never-got-milk boobies squirt milk! quickly let my bb latch. it lasted only for a min or 2 before he screamed for fm. but, am super happie horr.. treasured moments. ,p

skmama - hrd nuk teats are the best too. bb didnt use it though coz i bought the lot of avent and tommie tippee and a few pigeons before i know.

tommie tippees are cute, curvy and all that. but, dont have separate training handles, sippy teats and all. must buy the whole lot again. urgh. let bb use training handles. at times, he want.

food - yah. am not into totally organic too. believe in moderation.

carrier - am still using the crotch dangling sort. cant find front facing carrier. its not good. but, bb often spits up. dunt want him to breathe in his spit-up smell. moby wrap has. but looks too flimsy for 9kg dude. and, the bb looks all wrapped up. hands and all. am not keen.

if any mummies come across front, facing out carrier.. non crotch dangling (bjorn is a crotch-dangler too), do let me know. thnx.

lilstarz - *hugs* hope ur lil one get better very soonish.

hardly log in but evrytime post very lengthy posts. ,pp


Happy to know tt ur gal is doing better...Looks like TMC is a more mommy friendly hospital [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I stayed in the children 4-bedder but at least it is air-conditioned. Think blurangel stayed in the non aircon ward for a week...hats off to her.

We all survive somehow... It's mommy power!

Hello mummies,

Lilstarz: Pat Pat... good to know your gal is energetic again. Hope both of you can leave for home soon...

SKmama: Oh... didn't know it's for 1 year. Ya, heard s26 can help in gaining weight too...

Agginess: My boy is taking Enfalac. And ya.. I gave it to him because it has the highest DHA and AHA, Haa... KS! KS!

hmmmm..... I don't think we did anything special to my boy. Normally, in the morning, I either read or flash the cards, then I will play with him, lately it includes giving him semi solid. Other than that, we will either leave him alone on the mat or in the exersaucer to explore. By night, my duty is only to feed and put him to bed.

Mummies, I found sponsor for some skincare sample to our goodie bags... That's to pamper our mummies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd morning mummies. .

Lilstarz. .. Good to hear tat your babe is on the road to recovery. . Ur mil also leh! ! So stubborn! ! U must take care of urself too

Sue. .. Thanks. . Me still not any better + the lack of sleep. . Argghh. . Sigh

lucky Friday meetup i din meet u gers up. . My ger suspected hmfd. . Gonna bring to doctor later to confirm. ..

Now i feeling so guilty. Cos yesterday shw got no fever. . So we Tot she is ok liao. . We went to play with her cousins. . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

good morning mummies,

the waether today is good for staying at home. am supposed to be on leave.. but have to cancel at the last minute due to work. suck!


glad to hear that bb is doing better.

nana, krystal

did any of you tranfered dinner $ to me via atm? I have one $20 from "ATM".

Its not Mrs Lee (coz her is $19) and verified with already.

nana - friday was cancelled because of the heavy downpour. in the end i only went to sengkang metro... nothing much to do there also


lilstarz, sorry to hear about your baby but thank God she's recovering. My girl also caught the flu bug lately from her brother. Been having runny nose and phlemy cough since last Thur, so heartpain to see her choking on her saliva when coughing.

skmama & chloemum, my girl is 6.8kg and she's turning 6 months this Fri. So I guess she is one of the smallest babies here although she has a chubby face. As long as our babes are eating well and are happy I think they are fine.

edie, I just bought the Avent Steamer cum Blender. Lazy mommy wanting convenience heh! Haven't started using it yet but I read up on the instruction manual and recipe book they included and it sure looks very easy.

nanabear, don't feel too bad about it. You also didn't know whether it was HFMD when you bought your girls out. Anyway I heard that the incubation period for the virus is 1 week so not likely for your girl to pass it to her cousin yesterday if she is confirmed having HFMD.


seems like hfmd cases are on the rise. take good care and precaution for the lil ones.

my nephew's sch also kena abt 5 cases since last week.

Mattsmummy, I saw that steamer cum blender and was very tempted but I might go the baby led weaning when she can sit on her own so no more purée then so didn't want to spend so much on one.

solid food: I got 2 jars of Japanese apple purée and fed Thea Just now and she loves it, so I tried a bit myself, it was so sweet. A bit too sweet for my liking, I think purée fresh fruit is still the best.

Mummies thanks for all the well wishes!! Princess K is out of hospital today!! woohoo.... still phelgmy but at least on the mend... PD even give her 1 week mc... i didn't think ifc need mc...scratch head....i told hubby to talk to his mum bout not bringing her out for walk in the haze and he did..... and she said to him that day weather not so bad (PSI 90).... sigh... so not only am i dealing with low IQ also got eyesight problem......nvm i should get my keys by dec.... breathe... breathe....

Nanabear i hope u feeling better... i am gonna see doc later... duno wat stupid virus is really bad.... if elder girl got HFMD better monitor the younger one too!

Mattsmummy.. as long as she breathe dun have vibration or that funny sound should be fine but better monitor...coughing is good.. cos it make the phlegm come up..

er talking about lazy mummies since i am one of those useless lazy spoilt brats that have never stepped into the kitchen except for home econs in school... i bought the babycook blender steamer thingy...small and compact but $$.. the less to wash the better!!

mattsmummy, lilstarz

ask u har.. is the philips blender + steamer convenient? go try it and let us know? :p

i oso like fuss free bb food preparations and am asking for feedback ..

so far u-blender seems the popular choice


good thing u tried the puree huh.. i guess babies lurv sweet stuffs!

BTW, is there a website i can check out, about bb toy rentals?


Hello mummies...

Regarding food preparation: I steam the food using rice cooker. Less chore and no need to watch over fire. I blend pour and rinse immediately. Is that easy. No detergent as it's not oily. Hmmm but I realize I need to cook the brown rice a bit cos it's not smooth just by adding water. My mum told me it will help also by steaming it after mixing with water, so I guess it makes my job easier again. Yay!

Edie: do u mix apple purée with cereal? Or u only fed Thea with apple purée?

