(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Edie....Dunt shop untill drop(pls take of yrself)...I know u overloaded this time, else I ask u help me shop for boys clothes..nvm. I will probably ask for yr help next time, only if u have the time k.

And yes lah, so now u know. U calculate, U pay 2 mths rental for yr exersaucer, u can buy new one there for the same price. And best of all, tht money u use to buy u sell in sg, ppl wan to buy. Let me know yr if colleqagues willing to help carry small item for me...I will pm u the details. Take care...tata...


Mummies Mummies....

I really have baby issue...My bb seems to be a super light sleeper..he not only naps for a short while in the day (sumtimes 15mins) but at nite also..

He will fuss about 4 or 5 times...so tiring leh. He will sleep wif pacifier, then during the nite of coz it will drop, he will turn head left right then finally will cry for attn then gotta put pacifier in n pat him till sleep..then agin repeat whoile thing for 4 or 5 times..wah...last time he will soothe himself to sleep if I lightly pat him or "shhh" "sshh"..now wah difficult for the past 1 week or so...any mummies experiencing this?

BBF, heeeee....would only be starting work at new job in mid Nov. That time biang at old work place so miss the 18th gathering. Hopefully can join u gals next round soon. Itz been soooo long have not met up liao.

Xmas Venue:

Oops...I also lost track on the venue. Where's the clubhouse? ChloeMum, TIA for the effort to nab this place.

Sue, just manage to track your account details after gg thru the past tons posts. Would trf to you tonight ya. Or else BBF loanshark and Co would do graffiti soon :p

Edie, envy u lei can go shop till u drop got so much cheap lobangs there. If got the bellamy organic stuffs, would like let BB try too. How many type of flavours are there available for the cereals?

Agginess, saw your post for the helper. Yes, agree with Mrs Teo they are really slow slow by nature. Have to be v patient. Always have this mindset that as long as BB is well taken care and fed timely, I also very lenient with other stuffs liao.

Check out the spreadsheet, for the tasks of guest list and name tags. Lucasmummy and ChloeMum, any suggestions on the design on the tags? Think we should have copies of the guest list in hand on that day when give the "goodie bags".

For program schedule, I also lost track of what are the programmes in line for that day. Edie and Evejol, any ideas??

Food wise, seems like the clubhouse got inhouse caterer izzit? If have, BBF/ Edie, do we need to liaise with the caterer on the menu? Or there is only 1 standard type of menu for lunch? Chloemum, can update us on this? TIA ya : )

Agginess , if he does not nap well in the day , it might cause him to be overtired and hence affect his sleep at night

Babies at this age should nap for about 3-4 hours in the day and sleep 10-11 hours at night

In the daytime , you should let him nap in a dark quiet room . Also , how long is his awake period in the day ? He should be awake for no more than 3hrs btw each nap

Also maybe he is too dependent on pacifier so when it drops he will wake up and cannot get back to sleep ? Did you try letting him fall asleep without pacifier ?

I weaned my baby off pacifier ard mths and also notice that shh pat stopped to work ard 4 mths , so if he wakes up at night , my maid has to carry baby and rock him over the shoulder for maybe 5 mins then he will go back to sleep

Agginess.. i hv exactly the same problem as u.. my boi also same pattern.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So nowadays i sleep very early with him.. cuz im not sure if he will let me sleep at nite... haha...

Michelle... i plan to wean him off pacifier too... how do i start? if dun put pacifier when he crying at nite... he sure will cry non stop... only after i put in... he can go back to sleep....

yos mummies..

ktsc: i see! thought that mummies can find my bank account from the last spreadsheet from the online google link..

anyways, just in case u can't access in office, here's my account no for XMAS PARTY payment

Sue, POSB Branch Code, 7171, Acct: 039-16882-0

SN : cool stock up of baby foodstuff!!

I'm going to start small amounts on Bellamy's next week as my boy will be 5mths.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He's a big boy, 9kgs, and I often feel drained after his daily breastfeed. I have formula milk too but I'm lazy to prepare it;p

Agginess, I wanted to give the same advice as Michelle. 3-4hrs nap and 10-11hrs of sleep. playtime of 2.5hrs each, and preparation to nap after that.

My boy has difficulty in sleeping at night when he didn;t nap enough during the day..I find that he'll sleep a longer stretch of nap time when i have the a/c switched on and he;s sleeping on my bed. of course, i'll be beside him.

He'll nap 45mins-1hr if he's in his cot, and 1-2 hrs if he's on my bed. not sure why, maybe the a/c is stronger thus more comfy to nap?

about Expo BB fair:

Booths (not so many, less variety than the usual Taka bb fair)

Pigeon (the usual 20% off some items)

Huggies ($14 for dry comfort, dunno qty though)


Mamy Poko (only small packs ~30+ pieces one, only $0.50 cheaper than original px)

can get cheaper at Shop n save


Maxi Cosi


Some baby clothes booths ( i bought socks and hairband for my little one)

Some maternity / nursing clothes booth (i bought $15 nursing top from discount bins.. limited sizes)


NO NUK booth

NO PHILIPS booth (since philips carnival sale is next Sat-Sun)

NO PAMPERS booth (sighs!)

Compared to the expo bb fair which i went last (~Mar or Apr i think), it's like 50% lesser booths

i need some advice mummies..

my gal has a low grade fever from her vaccination,. 38.5C from ear thermometer..

do i need to feed her panadol?

Sue: Yes.... pls give her.. and give more feeding if needed. I also put a coolfever on my gal head each time after her vaccination, cos she has a slight fever too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

KTSC, BBF: i will send u the link to the menu once i get the go ahead from the clubhouse that our venue is confirmed. There's a few price categories, and we can select the dishes.

Food is halal.

KTSC, Lucasmummy: Yes. We need to bring out the guest list once we have it more or less completed.

I'll be updating the guest list with more columns for guest registeration purposes @ the Clubhouse. Will keep all informed once i'm done with it.

To all those who are lost, the Clubhouse is @ Little India MRT. I'm not revealing the name cos I don't want competition for the place.

Nestle cerelac infant cereal brown rice stage 1 (6 mths+)

Price: $9 for 2 tins

Exp date: 22/08/2011

Nestle cerelac infant ceral rice & mixed fruits stage 2 (6 mths+)

Price: $4 for 1 box

Exp date: 22/08/2011

Nestle cerelac infant cereal rice & mixed vegetables stage 2 (6 mths+)

Price: $8 for 2 boxes

Exp date: 21/05/2011

Nestle cerelac infant cereal multigrain & mixed fruits stage 4 (12 mths+)

Price $4.50

Exp date: 23/01/2011

Nestle Nan pro stage 2 (400g)

Price $10

Exp date: 31/12/2011

Interested, pls pm me.

Sue, blur me. Now then I saw your bank trf details in the spreadsheet. @@,)

When my boi has fever over 38 for the past 2 vaccinations, I also gave him paracetomol. And I would gave him less 1 scoop of FM than usual. That is 2 scoops instead of 3 for quantity of 100ml. Fever go away faster, it works for both my elder gal and Jaden whenever they have fever.

Hope a speedy recovery for Cally.

Michelle : sigh....I got maid, but she sooo clueless how to shhh carry pat him?? Everything baby stuff I do, and dats why I cant bravely wean bb off pacifier. U got the message rite..like bb cry cry for pacifier then give maid she make him sleep its ok..here everything I do. So take pacifier off, or bb wake up at nite, I dunt mind teaching him the hard way of someone else is doing the job..but its me here...hey I ask u, yrs sri lankan also? She married got kids? Or worked in sg b4?

KTSC : Like I mentioned, my maid babycare like no clue..she say niece she got take care, I ask her wipe backside he pat pat with the baby wipes..and not to say she has not been watching me wipe..see lah. After see me do it also can pat pat his ass wif wipes. She doesnt bother to learn...like dat difficult lor...Tsk..sianz lah this maid.

On weaning off pacifier , what I did was I took the pacifier out of his mouth as soon as he falls asleep so that he is used to staying asleep without it

But ultimately , the goal should be to get your baby to learn to fall asleep on their own - do a consistent wind down rountine at each nap/ sleep time and put them in their cot sleepy but awake and let them fall asleep on their own

For me , my wind down routine is to bring baby into his room with curtains drawn , aircon on and lullaby playing then I will rock him over my shoulder for 5-10mins till he is drowsy and then lay him in the crib where he will close his eyes and fall asleep on his own .

According to my PD , babies start being able to learn to fall asleep on their own from 6 mths onwards , so can start to teach them now


white cereal to start off is always bland. BB food all bland lah. hee For first 3 days onli plain white rice cereal as a start. Then if bb okie, u can start with vege or fruit puree to mix with the cereal for bb. Remember one at a time n with the rule of 3 days test. Slowly u can then also introduce brown rice cereal, barley n mixed grain cereals.


I find it okie, smooth n fine. I added BM to mix with the cereal. My loops are bot from Vitakids and BP: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4412528.html?1287050746. I also like earthbest cereals and healthy times cereals. Yes always start with plain rice cereal. As my boi is allergic bb, I cant have frisocrem with milkbased in it. Thus I can onli find those cereals without milk based. This Bellamy is purely rice cereal hence to mix with BM/FM.


Excited n not looking forward as well. hee Cos tis time also must handle no 1, so veri shack. Last time with no 1, veri onz, even did my own ikan bilis powder besides those purees. Now kind of lazy. kekekekeke

oh for ergo, cant face out, but can use side, so about same. hee Thumbs up hor for ergo carrier. I can even carry my 5yrs old in it. :) which design u have? I like the organic starburst design, but hb said he wont carry if i choose tat. So I choose galaxy grey lor. hee


My bb also same. :-( Hence I veri pek chey n tired. My 5 yrs old actually sleeps more than my 5mths old. Arggghhhhh Just driving me nuts.


WOW WOW WOW yr bb solid lei. So big size. I like chubby babies. But my two all skinny monkeys. hee


Ya give. PD din give u the medicine to standby? Is it the 3rd doses of 5-in-1? Since the first dose, my pd each time will give a bottle of the fever med (FREE) for me to standby, in case of fever. Take care n hope bb gets well soon. If first two doses of vaccine, no fever, maybe also cos of teething, cos now times for our bbies to start teething liao. My no 1 always LS n low grade fever when teething time.

SN, need ur advice.

I hv given my boy healthy times brown rice cereal..ok rite? I started with frisocream for a week and then switch to healthy times..he is abt 1 mth consume the brown rice cereal..thinking to switch him to organix 4 grains cereal, is it okay? I hv introduced him the apple puree and thinking to make sweet potato puree for him tis weekend..

hihis jsp, ktsc, sn

thanks for the advice...i only found out my gal had fever after calling my mum at home..olreadi asked mum to feed bb the liquid panadol liao..

and after u mentioned 38.5C is high fever, i cannot concentrate at work..

so hubby and i cheong back to mum's place liao..

now we both watching over my gal while working on pc..

gancheong parents huh...

sn: i'm gonna monitor further...my gal oso got a fever after the pneumococcal jab last time.. but this time, her fever only sufaced after 17hrs post jab..

am gonna monitor whether this is related to teething or injection


ur BM is very nutritious sia! do u eat any special foods? i.e tonic, organic etc?

Hi mummies,

Baby Expo: nothing much. No pampers. No avent. Instead I bought more toys.

Chloemum: I have been thinking how to reduce cost for name tag. Any idea? With that, is it also possible to tag each goodie bag? So we dun miss out any family. I'm writing in to vitagen on sponsorship. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Sorry to be asking such a question but must I start with white cereal as I tot brown rice cereal is more healty and got this instead to start this weekend for my gal

SN, when you mention add BM to the cereal, does it mean you don't use water? cause from the instruction, mention to use water to boil then add cereal and then add milk. So am confuse and can you enlighten me?

Lucasmummy: Cheap nametags? Easy lar! Buy the "sticky labels" from popular... den we write the names lor! wahahahahaha... cheap cheap cheap... or anyone who can "kapoh" the labels from office? muahahahahaha...

Then we work with the Goodie Bags section, put the name tags together with the bags lor. No need extra tags to tag the goodie bags!



Can share wif me yr routine...like bedtime, then morn naps, feeds ...

Sigh, my baby 3 mths was like dat. I used to leave him in the room n go away he will sleep by himself with the bedtime music on..then 4 mths plus he stopped all tht . Then we rocked him to sleep, he will knock out within 3 mins or so...5 mths he use pacifier then he knock out..now even worse...rock him for hours wif pacifier then fall aslep..he is getting from bad to worse. U know I introduced bedtime routine when he was young, all worked well..now ...Im soo tired..he is soo cranky, and soo diff. I think shld change his routine abit. So now 6 mths, maybe shld do some other routine since he has long forgotten all the proper routine.


I was thinking using some colorful paper, cut with zig zag scissor, write the names and use double side tape behind to stick on. Work well like sticky labels as suggested by chloemum :p

I like Evejol's suggestion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cheap, nice and easy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think can print it out instead of write. I probably can help out in printing but is bubblejet hoh or someone got laser printer?..Evejol, u got zig zag scissor?

Mummies i am soooo upset today... baby aldy down with cough and phlegm and flu..and on ventolin puff and tonnes of medicine..... dear MIL this morning bring her go outside to walk... i kept telling her come in the air no good she tell me its not too bad must give her fresh air..wtf since when is PSI of 90 considered fresh air..... she was outside for 45 mins with the babe despite my constantly asking nicely..... now my babe is breathing so fast and with a wheezing sound... sigh... tmrw morning i bring go see PD again...... wats with these old ppl.... is it somewhere along the way they lose their common sense or someting......


Yeah I think I have 2 different scissor design - zig zag and wave. On top of this, I can also use company resource and print :p Company is using Xerox color printer :D

wahahaha... i want cheap cheap and effortless solution. haha... how abt the "pre cut" star shaped paper? hahahahaha

den just write lor. den if we have extra ppl turn up, den we write on the spot also can.

for an even lazier solution, participants can write on the name tags themselves on the day of event!

if wanna print, and it's free, I don't mind! hehe...

Hello Mummies!

AR, it's for 9 months old. Can give it a try, cos stetchable and drawstring. Bought boy's colours, blue and grey.

Belinda, BX, Impulse. Noted for Happy Bellies. If only it doesn't comes in tin, if it's pack flat I'll be able to lug home more. Will get it on my next trip and can feed my girl too.

Agnes, but the packing also quite big, was looking at Jumperoo and it's so bulky! I scared I get zapped lei... nvm, I'll just rent for one month and return, since she'll outgrow it very soon. Now she's not interested in the rented exersaucer, I kept telling myself luckily it's rented. And those toys won't take up space also.

Gonna get Jumperoo next, so exciting.

As for small items, what kind? Let me know, if can I'll get it for you?

KTSC, it's Happy Bellies. They have multi-grain, brown rice and oatmeal flavour.


Name tags, that is the best idea! Using the label as name tags, I used that for our mummies gathering that time, erm, not very sticky on clothes, so have to get heavy duty type.

lilstarz, wishing ur bb a speedy recovery..haze getting serious and is advisable to cancel all outdoor activities. U can tell ur MIL, probably she didnt watch the news or cant really feel/see the haze..now is reached the unhealthy levels. Show her the news n tell her..aih..

dear mummies..goin off soon..hv a great weekend ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my MIL also like dat. told her yesterday that Haze very bad don't bring baby out to walk. She argue back saying inside house also the same (air same).. faint.. They don't want to listen. Think they are always right..haiz

tpanda... really can vomit blood right.... i am at home bcos i also on mc.... think the babe spread to me... then i see all this...wha kao... think next time can leave the babe with her only when well... not when sick.....

Hey mummies!

Edie- *smiles ear to ear* thanks! Will take it from ya!

Haze - ya, pretty bad. I dunno why oldies like that. Just makes me wonder whether we will become the same when we become grandparents! Hahha!

Cereals- the only brand I know is nestle. All the other brands u ladies mention sound foreign to me. Anyone care to share why other brands are preferred?

Chloemum, Evejol, Pinnky: Thank you! I love you all lah... I have the zig zag scissors also... Hmm... Ready cut star label is effortless for sure. Chloemum, do u have it in the office? :p Else, we could purchase it if it doesn't cost too much. Hehe.... u can tell I am a person who doesn't really shop in bookstores... More bags, shoes and clothes please... keke. I can do printing as well. Safety pin is not safe for babies... Adult ones are still ok. I guess, we will just have to standby double sided tape on that day.

Edie: Regarding exersaucer, Thea is probably yet to know how to respond. We bought it for Lucas earlier this month and it's only like recently, he's starting to have more responses to it, like pressing on buttons and flipping pages, else normally he will only reach for the long sticking out flexi microphone and munch on it. It's prob a phase as well.

tpanda, lilstarz: Pat pat... My hubby also said the same thing like tpanda's pil. zzzz... so I explained to him how is it difference like more pollution causes by the car exhaust and waste decomposition in the air etc.... Take care lilstarz...

Hey Agginess

My maid is Filipino , 23 yrs old , not married but she got help take care of her nieces from baby to 4 yrs old , so she understands what needs to be done

As for my baby's daily routine , he wakes up at ard 730am , then naps from 10-1130am , 2-3 / 330pm and then a 30 - 45 min nap ard 5 plus .he sometimes refuses to take his last nap and I just let it be. And then i bf him at ard 730pm and

he falls asleep latching on , so he's in bed by 830pm . I dreamfeed him ard 1145pm abt 200ml and he wakes up for milk again ard 5-6am . But he still wakes up 1-2 times btw 12-6am and need to carry for short while then he will fall back to sleep , so it's still not perfect yet .

I think Edie had the same issues with short naps but it has since improved , maybe can get Edie to share her rountine too .

Agginess ,

His feeding times are 6am ( maid gives him only 2 scoops of FM when he wakes up cos I want him to take more BM at his other feeds) , then 830 am , 1230pm , 4pm , 730pm and 1145pm

Maybe you share your baby's routine and what time he wakes up in the middle of the night so that other mummies can chip in too

Lucasmummy, she responded and sian of it already. She'll flip the book and turn the thing which has beads inside, and keeps turning round and round pulling all the flexi thingy also. Last time can sit inside for about 15 minutes, now 5 minutes max and wants to get out already.

Michelle/Agnes, I think the most important thing to get them to nap well is to read the sleepy signs really well. Usually Thea will wake up at 7am, I'll feed and bath her and let her do a lot of flipping and moving about, cos usually at this time she's the most alert and most fun to be with, but by 8.30am(or one and half hour, no more no less), I'll bring her back to the dark room with air con on and feed her some warm water. She knows that warm water is the cue for nap, sometimes she'll fall asleep drinking, if not after drinking warm water, put her on bed she'll just knock out.

Usually the first nap she can sleep between 2-3 hours. Just nice for cereal and milk when she wakes up around 11am.

Subsequently, just keep watching her cues, usually is around 1.30-2 hrs. If she starts getting restless or cranky, or rubbing of eyes, will bring her into a dark room and give her some warm water again. This time she can nap 30mins-1.5 hrs.

After that it's totally up to her if she wants to nap, sometimes she get really cranky at 4pm and she'll nap for about 30-45mins, if more than that I'll turn off the air con, and she'll be up like immediately, that's how pampered she is.

That's about it, think most importantly is to know how long she can stay awake and to read her sleepy cues and establish a naptime routine. For mine, quite standard, dark room, air con, warm water and pat her on her back while singing do re mi then put her down and shh/pat her.

All these methods learn from Baby whisperer, my saviour!

But then, she has been over at my mom's for 6 days and my mom told me her routine and nap time all gone already. Think I'll have a lot of work to do when I get back. Hopefully she can spring back to her old routine easily.

Edie, can tompang happy bellies too if got space, any favors also can whatever convenient. Can help me check out on rashguard at ON for Boys? I have Bern looking ard but no sale if got cheap one, not more than 7 usd can help me get 12 mths one ? Any design [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Go rent jumperoo! It's fun! But my boy can't dit for kong inside too max 10 mins but I think it's still interesting to c them workout their leg muscles n play w e toys.

Edie, if I were u, b4 I stop flying will buy all thea's clothes from now till 3 yrs old , take advantage of cheap shopping plud low usd rate. U can go target n get those cheap 1 dollar board books or order some books online send to ur hotel as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sn, my ergo is green n black not the organic one. Can carry side har? I never try leh how? Wah u can still carry #1 in it? How heavy?u very hardworking still make ikan bills powder, I buy outside imam bills cereal only haha.. Now #2 haven got anything yet just bought a pack of brown rice cereal , somehow not very eager to start solids this time round, will wait till 6 mths. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue/Lucasmummy, Thanks for your updates on the BB expo..I remembered being there the last time when i was very pregnant and there was a booth with ladies trying to sell me packages to lose weight!!

SN, Thanks for the info on cereals.I'm super blur on all the varieties you can get in stores nowadays!

Thanks to the mommies in this forum, I've learnt so much[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On chubby babies, no special diets, just try to eat healthy, balanced diet. BM also contains more fat than FM, i do indulge in ice-cream and eekkk...KFC!! my bb is mixed so big due to genetics.

As long as your baby is healthy, that's most important. Size doesn't matter as much as when they get older, they'll all be around the same size anyways?( cant imagine bb being a teenager!!yikes!!)

I had a c-section, and as I was recuperating, bb was so heavy that it put strain on my stiches quite abit whilst I was breast-feeding initially.

So sometimes chubby has it's downsides.;p

Agginess, I feel for you.Maybe if you wanna 'reset' your bb's sleeping habits, you may try to bathe him before naps?

It's abit hectic, maybe try it out for a day. 3-4times?

HAve a good weekend ladies![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

edie, really admire your hardwork into Thea's sleeping routine!! Next time when she's big enough to understand, you gotta tell her all that you've done to get her to sleep well!!

ma ma de wei da!!

Michelle, Edie,

My bb routine is :

7am plus: baby wakes up, play wif baby

[feed] 8 am : Baby first feed 150ml

8am plus : after feed rock him to sleep, this can take 45mins...coz he confirm wants to sleep. **Maybe I shld just dunt let him sleep n drag this**

9am plus : Baby wakes up for the day

[feed] 10 am plus : Another 150ml

10.45am plus : Baby naps for 30mins or lesser (also rocking for abt 15mins)

[feed]12.30 : Cereal time (2 tblspn plus Heinz fruit puree mixed together)

1.30pm : baby naps for another 30mins or so after 15-20mins of rocking

[feed] 2.30-3pm : baby feeding 150ml

4pm : Baby naps another 30mins or so

[feed] 6pm : Feed of 150ml

6.30pm : Baby naps for 30 to 45mins...sumtimes this doesnt happen

7.20pm : Baby shower time

[feed] 7.45/8pm : cereal in a bottle abt 1tblspn

8.20pm to 9plus : baby sleeps after vigourous rocking n scolding bb..sumtimes rock for 1 hr

[feed] 12 am : Dreamfeed baby about 180ml -200ml

Then the story ...zzzzz, baby wake up fuss, then zzzz baby wake fuss then zzzz...till 7am the next day...

So where am I gng wrong?

RE : Edies shopping...edie, tht fisher price rocker my hubby removed all the box..then bring..but hor, U.S the packaging is good, these baby products the box remove also same size, they fit the product just exactly into the box..so not much diff. So I understand carrying a huge item...if allowed can hand carry lah, but if yr airline got some rules then sure kena "zapped"..keke this term all crew use one..last time always hear those crew using this word...Mine slightly bulky, but if carry huge luggae not much inside can put in, its a booster seat - http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3247729

Product Dimensions(in inches)18.5 x 16.8 x 9.0

I dunt think U have tht space in yr luggage..but if yr male colleagues have tht space, i can give them a small cash token, top up to carry it back for me..but too much hassle arranging then its ok seriously. U r there aft a long time, just do wht u have to do. :eek:)

Sue, I was just trying to do the trf but PC suddenly hang. It hang after I click the submit button. So now I'm not sure whether the trf is successful anot. Can u check on yr end whether u receive the $40?


Edie, pai sey..... gotta the wrg name. Happy bellies = Which flavour is best suitable for first timer? Brown rice? What is the quantity per tin?

