(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


need advice on baby carriers....my bb is abt 6.4kg...getting heavier..and he doesnt like to sit in the stroller....so thinking of getting a baby carrier....after trying a few brands, so far he seems to be ok in the Baby Bjorn...may I know anyone is using this brand? Any pros and cons?


mummies .. those who missed on the colostrum the last time.. can contact me to get it also..

difference is from other commercial brands.. its the first 6 hours of cow colostrum

hihis lucasmummy

juz call my hubby sim...


huh huh.. thot ur hubby only outstation for 3 mths?he got another overseas assignment? it's hard on you.. but stay tough!

lucasmummy, yeap should give it to parents hor since baby already have christmas present.

ok, I will prepare it.

We should fixed a cut off date too? Maybe by end Nov?

So we can will have enough time to plan and prepare the gifts, food and door gifts etc?

If last mins got some more mummies want to join, we might "ga ran ga bou" hehe

I will prepare 1 for per family (^^). Can tell here "door gift" suppose to be secret right? hahaha..not lah I still thinking what to get.

Actually got something on my mind liao.

Wow, party getting more & more exciting!!!

Genice: oh okie thanks.... haha i think i just stick to this for now. lazy to go Lib plus hard to find these books so i got it instead. Luckily i did ... initially i thought my bb was very intrigued by the book, keeps wanting to touch & feel it. then i looked away for a while & he ended up eating the corner. i also enjoy looking for the mouse despite the garish graphics.

Edie: thanks for the tips... hee thinking of going Japan. All the best during this solo period. Look at it as good time for you & baby to bond together! Yeah i also hate service staff who still have colonial mindset! Why should ang moh get priority?! it's vicious cycle, they treat locals badly and locals will give them same treatment. *rant*

Just read about LKY's wife passing on. Feel so sad. Their love is inspiring to me, very real & enduring... *sniff*

Belinda: Oops sorry forgot to reply you about book/bb position. Yeah i read & he eats... I like Goodnight Moon as described above. I also like this one called "Guess How Much I Love you" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dunno if he can understand. I usually put him on my lap and put the book in front of me.

Lucasmummy, 19dec sounds good to me.

Sue, errr... This 3 months like super long man. Thea hospitalized then I hospitalized then no maid, have to look after MIL. I do not want to go through it all over again. Anyway, he's coming back on Monday while I start work on Monday.

Wanderleibe, solo period is almost over. And I'm so exhausted!! You know it's like I'm on a 24 hour shift with no one to take over from me. Day to night, night to day is all me. Low batt already, light flashing. Yes, but on the positive note, I think me and my baby really bonded, it's 3 full months of just me and her.

Nanabear, if u want to be photographer then even better what. Can make use of your birthday present.

hihi mummies,

Can I join in the fun too?? Do let me know if help is needed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

DATE: 19 Dec 2010 Sunday

TIME: 1pm - 5pm (Tentative)

THEME = "Jungle bells! Baby bells!"

DRESSCODE = Baby Boy Green/ Baby Girl Red

VENUE: TBC Function Hall/ Rm


- DECOR (3) : Gladseow

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy


- PHOTOGRAPHER: Sue's hubby (Sue: what's your hubby's name?)


- GAMES (3):

:: Luckyone = Crawling

:: A R = Baby Dressed Up

:: Benlinda = PRIZES FOR GAMES

- DOOR GIFTS: Luckyone

Playmats - at least 6






Babies' gift exchange

$10Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + hubby + bb sarah (2A1B)-(all ok except 11th) max $30/pax

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $30/pax max

4. nanabear + hubby + tiffany + victoria (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $30/pax (incl everything)

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax

16. Alina (1A1B) - (4,5,18,19th) max $30/pax

17. Ashmom (2A1B)

18. Rumissing (2A1B)- max $30/pax

19. Belinda (2A1B) - max $30/pax (Tentatively no pref unless hubby going outstation)

20. Cleovii (2A1B)- max $30/pax (pref Sunday)-$15

21. Evejol (2A1B) - max $30/pax

Nice to have met some mummies yesterday!

Looking forward to more gatherings [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies!

Nana!! So sorry!! I really didnt see your post on your volunteering as a PG! Of course we would love to have another PG for such a BIG party!!

Luckyone: I am going to put all the nick's down on the nametag, and it's for you all to fill up your own names. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Also for your hubbies and babies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Belinda: Hoho... it has to typo. sorry... hehe

So the date is set 19th December 2010!

I am not sure how much the rental a function HALL, shall we at the same time move on to settle the venue? We can check C.C, condos, club house... We need a reasonably big one for the current numbers of attendance. Maybe we can shortlist a few, and choose the best out of the options.

At the same time, let me workout our total budget according to what is listed at the bottom.

Also, if i missed out anything, please highlight to me k! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

DATE: 19 Dec 2010 Sunday

TIME: 1pm - 5pm (Tentative)

THEME = "Jungle bells! Baby bells!"

DRESSCODE = Baby Boy Green/ Baby Girl Red

VENUE: TBC Function Hall/ Rm


- DECOR (3) : Gladseow

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy


- PHOTOGRAPHER: Sim (Sue's Hubby), Nanabear

- GAMES (3):

:: Luckyone = Crawling

:: A R = Baby Dressed Up


- DOOR GIFTS: Luckyone

Playmats - at least 6






Babies' gift exchange

$10Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + hubby + bb sarah (2A1B)-(all ok except 11th) max $30/pax

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $30/pax max

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax

16. Alina (1A1B) - (4,5,18,19th) max $30/pax

17. Ashmom (2A1B)

18. Rumissing (2A1B)- max $30/pax

19. Belinda (2A1B) - max $30/pax (Tentatively no pref unless hubby going outstation)

20. Cleovii (2A1B)- max $30/pax (pref Sunday)-$15

21.Krystal (2A1B)

22.Evejol (2A1B) - max $30/pax

Mrs lee,Belinda,lucasmummy,dun worry, our hair shall be replenished with new hair[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also have serious dandruff and super duper hairloss..now that im a stay home mom, no budget to do much with hair..just use good old head and shoulders for the dandruff..

The irritating thing is the clumps and clumps of hair stuck in drainage.

Then again, nothing beats motherhood yea?Still taking everything in!

hi Sherry.. nice meeting u too!!

alamak! victoria is older den sam.. if not can book sam.. hahaha! nvm.. now i can have lucas.. :p *looks at edie*

after the gathering..i was telling AR.. dunno how come i have headache alll of the sudden.. i reached home.. KO for a while.. den migraine came to visit me.. and den followed by vomitting.. KO for the whole nite.. until today.. ya.. its tat bad..

lucasmummy : ok.. sorry accepted u are forgiven.. muahahahhaha!

edie : yeah! thanks for remembering! hahahha! ya.. need to make more use of my birthday present.. its like so under used lor.. *blush* but of cos not as pro as Sue's hubby la.. still novice.. :p

Belinda, actually i dun read to my #2 at bedtime cause i need to read to my #1, sigh.. also dunno how and usually our nighttime super rush one cause got to bath and change them, pump milk make milk.. 10,000 things.. then timing also different cause #2 sleeps at abt 9 plu to 10. #1 sleeps at abt 10 plus after i finish show.. haha. I have to work on the routine, hopefully can read in e same room eventually. I will normally read to #2 in the afternoons, have started to show him flash cards and also reading some simple dr suess books. I have got more time with #2 now compared to #1 cause staying at home now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wanderleibe.. i like "Guess how much i love you", its a popular book. where did u get ur goodnight moon from, which bp? how much?

Re:xmas gathering

wah.. snds very exciting.. so many pp going, erm i think e function room i am proposing cant take so many pp +6 playmat , i think max 3-4 plyamats plus still need to allocate space for the buffet and places for adults to sit, the playmats are just for babies right? or adults also sit on them and eat?

nanbear.. yes.. u can be the appointed photographer!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take nice pictures!!

SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

DATE: 19 Dec 2010 Sunday

TIME: 1pm - 5pm (Tentative)

THEME = "Jungle bells! Baby bells!"

DRESSCODE = Baby Boy Green/ Baby Girl Red

VENUE: TBC Function Hall/ Rm


- DECOR (3) : Gladseow

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy, ChloeMum


- PHOTOGRAPHER: Sim (Sue's Hubby), Nanabear

- GAMES (3):

:: Luckyone = Crawling

:: A R = Baby Dressed Up


- DOOR GIFTS: Luckyone

Playmats - at least 6






Babies' gift exchange

$10Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + hubby + bb sarah (2A1B)-(all ok except 11th) max $30/pax

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $30/pax max

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax

16. Alina (1A1B) - (4,5,18,19th) max $30/pax

17. Ashmom (2A1B)

18. Rumissing (2A1B)- max $30/pax

19. Belinda (2A1B) - max $30/pax (Tentatively no pref unless hubby going outstation)

20. Cleovii (2A1B)- max $30/pax (pref Sunday)-$15

21.Krystal (2A1B)

22.Evejol (2A1B) - max $30/pax

23.ChloeMum (2A1B) - max $30/pax

wow! haven't been reading for a while.. and now there's xmas party! happening mummies!

LucasMummy: I help u with the name tags/guest lists?

I've created this event in FB as well. Just in case mummies get lost here, or forget to check, at least there's FB to dbl check.

I've put in all the attendance found here so far. Will need all mummies help to fill up contact info etc. Anyone else joining can also go in to fill up particulars. CLICK ON GUEST LIST BELOW!

Guest List

Nanabear, haha! Haven't give up on Lucas yet k... And sam also younger than Thea. It's still a fair competition up till now. Yes, charge your camera full batt and be the gung ho woman photographer that day k.

Lucasmummy, I can do the program schedule and settle the food as well. Shall we use back the orange cove caterer? Err... What was the name ah? I forgot already, orange something?

Ive attended my friends birthday in a condo and the function hall is actually a hall for 3 badminton court. That will definitely be big enough but I stop talking to that friend already. Hmmm... If not will be CC, their sports hall is big but don't know rental how much and we have to book somewhere central, like err.. Queenstown? Haha!!

Sherry, nice to meet you too. Come out more often k!

hmm... let me see if i can book the MPH at my workplace. will check it out on monday or tuesday.

Alternative is to book the seminar room @ civil service club (bukit batok) $260 (for 4hrs). max 100ppl. not sure if they count bbs. hahaha

Hi2! waaahh.. getting excited abt the party.. khehehhee.. hb going.. so mine 2 adults yah. thnx.. ,>


SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

DATE: 19 Dec 2010 Sunday

TIME: 1pm - 5pm (Tentative)

THEME = "Jungle bells! Baby bells!"

DRESSCODE = Baby Boy Green/ Baby Girl Red

VENUE: TBC Function Hall/ Rm


- DECOR (3) : Gladseow

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy, ChloeMum


- PHOTOGRAPHER: Sim (Sue's Hubby), Nanabear

- GAMES (3):

:: Luckyone = Crawling

:: A R = Baby Dressed Up


- DOOR GIFTS: Luckyone

Playmats - at least 6






Babies' gift exchange

$10Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + hubby + bb sarah (2A1B)-(all ok except 11th) max $30/pax

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $30/pax max

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax

16. Alina (2A1B) - (4,5,18,19th) max $30/pax <------------------

17. Ashmom (2A1B)

18. Rumissing (2A1B)- max $30/pax

19. Belinda (2A1B) - max $30/pax (Tentatively no pref unless hubby going outstation)

20. Cleovii (2A1B)- max $30/pax (pref Sunday)-$15

21.Krystal (2A1B)

22.Evejol (2A1B) - max $30/pax

23.ChloeMum (2A1B) - max $30/pax

edie : can u remember wic condo? maybe i see if my contacts staying there?

i would suggest condo.. if u all wan, i can ask my friend/ aunt to book.. my aunt one is in yew mei green.. den some who wanna swim can swim also..

Hi mummies

I have an extra tin of Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 (400g) to let go at $12. Expiry 12 Dec 2011. Self collect from my place at Pasir Ris.

Pls sms/ call me at 93679627 (as I don't check this forum often). Thanks!

Hi mummies,

Nana and Edie: Age is not a problem la... Mr LKY also younger than Mrs LKY... And look how romantic it seemed. hur hur hur...

Nanabear/Edie, wah we can start matchmaking our babies ah?can set dowry etc.?

yah age not a problem, got mo qi can already..

Edie, yah wanna come out more often. cannot stay at hm all day will go crazy one.

Any mummies wanna go out feel free to call me..;p

I have trouble burping bb when he falls asleep drinking milk. He lays in his cot and 45mins later cries as he's bloated, i'll burp him then and he returns to sleep. I think this is bad practice on my part as bb's wind is trapped in his tummy..Any mummies experience this too?

Sherry - I'm still trying to control myself n be patient but if i really cannot take it, i will seek doc's advise =(...Btw, join us for the xmas party! It will be fun!!

Re: XMAS Party

Hmm...mayb we can have some volunteers to help gladseow on deco?

hi mummies...v long nvr post..busy wif baby..

seldom nap nowadays dunno isit curious about looking at things or wad,,n cranky when he is tired but refuse to sleep..maybe another stage..haha..he refused his cereals as well.but since he takes in milk so i m ok...i jus increase his milk intake..my mil keep pestering my feed porridge...sumtms v annoying haha...but oh well i am the mother i juz do wad i feel is right lol..

Sherry> ya my baby also falls asleep during nite feeds n refuse to burp even if i put over shoulder...u can try lift him upright over shoulder n pat a bit..lay him dwn then pick him up again..cos for my baby when he dun burp n laid dwn he will turn left n right non stop..like take ecstasy haha!! then i pick him to burp..if still no burp then i go back to sleep hahahaha

so tiring.i have been a sahm since preggy...cant imagine one lil baby can tire me out totally..sobs i look haggard n serious hair loss..dunno will drop til when ...serious neck n lower back shoulder pains...sian!..fingers also rough n pain ..so sad leh haiz..really no mood need massage already but alwys go the pain will cum back v fast..


u gg back to work tomorrow? its ok let me knw when u are not flying on weekends if not i will text u when im on leave ya..

lucasmummy,lukcyone,belinda, mrs N,genice,

im gg crazy over this, gg to be botak soon...sobs...and not only hairloss, full of white hairs start to appear too...dunno cos of what...sighs! thking to color my hair but again my scalp kinda weak and afraid that it will drop more...any advise?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sherry, edie..

we lived few stations away from each other, easier for us to meet up..can bring bb to hwa xia at for a swim..who's keen? can go tog...

i thking to bring candice to peek a boo sometime this week...any mummies keen to go? think their trial is $15 or $20 ..cannot rem..will call up and check..

btw, wanna check wif u mummies,

my gal's skin is vvv drying and sensitive, any mummies here hv such probs? need help badly...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i brought her to my PD, PD said she has sensitve skin and to use mild shampoo for her...i hv switched from medala to latcycd but still i find that her skin is so drying....im clueless what to do next...


Candice is like dat too...so normally i will change her diaper after her midnight feed, afterwhich i will carry her up again to burp her...usually after 5 mins she will burp out but sometimes she din..i thk its ok la as long as we did carry them up and try to burp them..PD told me its ok....not an issue...think they are aledi vv sleepy...haaha....

Belinda, xmas party sounds so happenin!!I want to go to but im not sure if the family's overseas during that date, so cant confirm yet.;p

Brenda, i like the way u describe baby like having ecstacy!!hahaaa!! my boy both sides of his head botak cos keep doing ecstacy moves while lying down!

Mrs lee/brenda,during the 4 am feed these couple of nights i'm feeding baby while being a zombie myself. so after feeding i lay him propped up against my thigh for 5-10mins and carry him back to his cot.i'll pat him keeping him upright but most of the times no burp..the thing him is when he does do a big burp, the second burp is usually sour milk...

Mrs lee, i'm keen to let bb sam try out hwa xia. we can go together,.thereafter i'll get some floats and bring him to the baby pool(maybe when he's 5-6mths) i'm not sure if his skin can take the chlorine or not, have to try.

will our bb's be to small for peek a boo?i dun mind checking it out.

Edie also stay nearby?

Re: dry skin, i find certain baby products quite drying with frequent use. Maybe you want to try rubbing the johnson's baby lotion?

Genice: I got it from BP... there were 2 sellers but i can't rem which i bought from in the end. I guess around $12-15??

Edie: okie thanks... i will go check out if i go JP. Haha... thinking of places that bb can go... Wow you are amazing to handle bb alone for so long. I do only day shift, by the time hb comes back i'm more or less flat out.

Hair Loss: me also shedding, receeding hairline. My hairdresser says will be like that till baby is a year old. Sob! I think I will religiously do treatment...

Hi Mummies,

Last wednesday was a bad day for my family. My baby got fever 38.2 and we didn't know what to do. Gave him paracedemol , waited for an hour, sponge him abit, but his temperature didnt go down. Then we don't know where to bring him, so decided to bring him to KKH.

it was around midnight of wednesday morning. The doctors asked us to do urine tests. First test using the plastic bag, seems like baby got infection. Then ask us to try to get a clean catch from his pee. It was so hard... tried and tried till morning 7am, then got his pee. It was a tough night for both of us. The nurses there not very helpful. Only one of them came to help get the urine sample at quite a late stage.

Then doctor says baby got UTI, have to take antibiotics. Bought baby to injection, baby cried like crazy.. our heart aches so much.. that i cried hard. They took blood sample for testing.

Only the next day, when my sis know of it, she called me, say shouldn't let doctor give antibiotics to baby as they are too young. Says baby younger than 2 years old shouldnt take antibiotics.. After that comment, I cried even more as it seems like i have caused baby to be hurt just bec. I didn't seek second opinion.

Anyone faces the UTI problem for your baby?

Does Antibiotics caused harm to baby? baby is just 5 months old. It hurts me to see him suffer.

The crying has caused baby to have his voice turn hoarse.

After 3 injections of the antibiotics in our 3 day stay in KKH, we are told to continue to give another 10 days(3 times a day). Saying this will cure the infection. Then told us to take the antibiotics for another 5 weeks (l once a day) for prevention.

any one can advise? sob sob.. i dont want to hurt my baby anymore.

Really regret not bring him to circumsise. I ask the doctors at KKh, they say nothing to do with circumise or not.. I really doubt their words already.. frankly, i dont know who to trust anymore.

good morning mummies!


previous my bb was also suspected to have infection... i also heard my pd says if really infection then have to give antiboitics (of course its not a good thing when they are young) but with infection i think no choice leh.

maybe you can call up other pd to check

re: hair loss

my hair condition is slightly better, still dropping but not the crazy kind. I hope the growing starts soon, my hair is so thin now. its scary. like some mummies, i am also experiencing itchy scalp.

i not trying any treatment, just use head & shoulders shampoo the menthol kind, hope to curb the itch.


we didn't know where to go at midnight. We thought only can go KKH at that time. Does Thomas Medical have A & E? Dr Ang Ai Ting only has a clinic? opening hrs?

My baby is now ok. but he has suffered for 3 days in KKH. I felt so sad and helpless when the doctors lock up the room to put the injection on him. Then I feel more sad when I heard I shouldnt let the doctors give antibiotics and shld seek 2nd opinion.

Was angry with the doctors in kkh.. Wonder if they really know what they are doing.. i really dont know.. now i still thinkin if i shld carry on with the antibiotics treatment.

morning mummies... so many stuffs came up unexpectedly last week n gotta take fri off... n cant join for lunch with the gals... sianz... coz #1 cc called n say he got 2 ulcers in his tongue and suspect him of having HFMD... but no fever n no blisters on his hands/feets... anyway, it was a scare only coz nothing develops over the weekend n he's back to sch today...


thks for the well wishes... he's better oredi... can start using the injured fingers...

re: Shichida

i'm planning to start my #1 when he turns 3yo... coz heard frm my sis its actually quite gd... n recommendations is not to start too young coz u wont be able to see the results so soon in younger kids...

lucasmummy/Mrs Lee

i prefer to see specialist opinion if I were u gers leh... coz those salons alwys hard sell one leh...


i agree with lucasmummy... being a single mom once in awhile is gd coz no one will control u!!! heehee...

re: xmas party

can only confirm nearer the date coz sundays are reserved for family days out so if hb willing to go then we'll all go... heehee... coz he's a shy fellow...

tpanda, Dr Ang Poon Liat also quite professional.

They're both Pediatricians but 1st time consultation fee quite exp, about 100.

fee also not cheap loh.

My son was asked to take x-ray and blood test.

we spend about 300++.

Thomson Paediatric Centre

Pte Ltd

339 Thomson Road, #03-05/06

Thomson Medical Centre

Singapore 307677

Tel: 62583353

Fax: 62583843

Dr Ang Poon Liat

Consultant Paediatrician

Special interest in Autism & Nutritional Medicine


Master of Medicine (Paediatrics, NUS)



MD (Singapore)

Dr Ang Ai Tin

Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist


Master of Medicine (Paediatrics, NUS)

Graduate Diploma (FP) Dermatology (NUS)


tpanda, can use CDA to pay.

you can't call and make appointment cause the clinic serve 1st come 1st serve.

The clinic open at 8:30am, doctor normall come in around 9am.

if you don't want to wait too long, what i suggest is go there 8:30am or 10 mins in advance to get the 1 Q.

Good Morning Mummies!

Hair Loss

Me too. So sad to see the amount dropping daily. :-( Last sat went to cut short my hair.


Best time to send will be when bb turns 18mths, then u will be able to see the result around 2 yrs old. :) I m sending around that time.


hugz to u. Ya if bb has infection, then no choice got to start on antibiotics.

After my no 1's incident with MT A A&E giving him wrong antibiotics during one emergency incident where I brought him to see one midnite when he still a baby, from there onwards, whenever he sick non opening hours of PD, I called the pd emergency line to ask for advice. One time on a sunday, I walked to the TMC (last time his clinic there) A&E to ask them to page for my no1's pd to come down and see him. U will pay more in such case, but I more fang xin. Does your bb's pd have an emergency no u can call after opening hours?

Hi Mummies:

Wow so many post since Friday. I was on leave celebrating Childrens day with my two babies at home...hehehe!!! nowadays my husband also behaving like a baby. Hiaz....

Xmas party pres are going into full swing.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do let me know if anyone needs help!!!glad to be part of the team [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Thanks mummies for putting it togather.

HairLoss: lucasmummy,lukcyone,belinda, mrs N,genice,

Mine is bad too. the drainage has one hold bundle of hair after hair wash. So sad. Wonder when it would stop!!! I have changed shampoo, a Japanese brand, so far is alittle controlled. I had to cut a fringe in order to aviod a broad forehead. So sad...sob.sob... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Butt Area: My baby's butt area is getting darker. Anyone experiencing it? Is it cos off wearing diapers? should i change to cloth nappies? I do use baby lotion after shower in the morning and after wipe time in the evening? Any other suggestion to prevent it?

Feeding: I have tried feeding baby with Heniz pureed food,but he seems to gag? is it too early to start on ts? but when fed him with Frisocream cereal, he seem to take in better. I have changed from the Organic cereal and he seem to like ts better.

Good morning mummies..

Hair loss: I hving terrible hair loss now too..seem goin to botak very soon..I using beijing 101 hair shampoo but seem stil the same..I guess I should cut short my hair like SN [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Shichida: I guess I will send my bb abt 2yrs old too..

Belinda, the course is continuous, never ending..as long as u hv budget, then u can let ur bb to attend the course. For my 2 SIL who sent their kids to Shichida, they learnt the technique from there (perhaps few sem), and then do the flash cards their own, practice at home. Cox is very costly. Then the material can keep for 2nd kid.

tpanda: hope ur bb get well soon..tk cr..it really heart pain to hear tat.

xmas: my hubby can be the photographer as well, but of course not prof as Sue hubby..hehe..

Playmat: for mummies who offer playmat, how u guys bring over the playmat? Mine only can roll but so big duno how to bring?

storybook: I started to read books to my bb. First day, my hubby read it to him, he seem ok..But 2nd night, when I read to him, he made the sound out, seem like asked me to stop n dun disturb his sleep..haha..so i stopped and then he went for his lalaland..lol

SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

DATE: 19 Dec 2010 Sunday

TIME: 1pm - 5pm (Tentative)

THEME = "Jungle bells! Baby bells!"

DRESSCODE = Baby Boy Green/ Baby Girl Red

VENUE: TBC Function Hall/ Rm


- DECOR (3) : Gladseow

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy, ChloeMum


- PHOTOGRAPHER: Sim (Sue's Hubby), Nanabear, Yeh (Pinnky's Hubby)

- GAMES (3):

:: Luckyone = Crawling

:: A R = Baby Dressed Up


- DOOR GIFTS: Luckyone, Pinnky

Playmats - at least 6






Babies' gift exchange

$10Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + hubby + bb sarah (2A1B)-(all ok except 11th) max $30/pax

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $30/pax max

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)- sat/sun $30/pax max

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax

16. Alina (2A1B) - (4,5,18,19th) max $30/pax <------------------

17. Ashmom (2A1B)

18. Rumissing (2A1B)- max $30/pax

19. Belinda (2A1B) - max $30/pax (Tentatively no pref unless hubby going outstation)

20. Cleovii (2A1B)- max $30/pax (pref Sunday)-$15

21.Krystal (2A1B)

22.Evejol (2A1B) - max $30/pax

23.ChloeMum (2A1B) - max $30/pax

Luckyone, I can help you for the door gift! Pls let me know if you need any help from me! Or Belinda, if you need help, I can help out too!

I hv an idea..if we can find the function room at condo, then we can let bb to swim..to make it as competition.haha..will our bb know how to crawl by time? crawling competition..I saw it b4, quite fun..maybe, luckyone who incharge for games, can create a game list (if u hv more than a game), so mummies can register for bb to tk part which game..Just my point of view..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Pinnky, ok Thanks (door gift).

mat, mine not very big, enough for 3 babies.

games, was thinking, maybe can add another games like best "look alike baby" or "friendly baby" etc haha

SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

DATE: 19 Dec 2010 Sunday

TIME: 1pm - 5pm (Tentative)

THEME = "Jungle bells! Baby bells!"

DRESSCODE = Baby Boy Green/ Baby Girl Red

VENUE: TBC Function Hall/ Rm


- DECOR (3) : Gladseow

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy, ChloeMum


- PHOTOGRAPHER: Sim (Sue's Hubby), Nanabear, Yeh (Pinnky's Hubby)

- GAMES (3):

:: Luckyone = Crawling

:: A R = Baby Dressed Up


- DOOR GIFTS: Pinnky

Playmats - at least 6






Babies' gift exchange

$10Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + hubby + bb sarah (2A1B)-(all ok except 11th) max $30/pax

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $30/pax max

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)- sat/sun $30/pax max

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax

16. Alina (2A1B) - (4,5,18,19th) max $30/pax <------------------

17. Ashmom (2A1B)

18. Rumissing (2A1B)- max $30/pax

19. Belinda (2A1B) - max $30/pax (Tentatively no pref unless hubby going outstation)

20. Cleovii (2A1B)- max $30/pax (pref Sunday)-$15

21.Krystal (2A1B)

22.Evejol (2A1B) - max $30/pax

23.ChloeMum (2A1B) - max $30/pax

