(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi Mummies,

Seems like our babies are going through a phase now... My gal is the same.. she used to go to bed by 9pm and was able to sleep till 4/5am.. but she has been fussing real bad these few nights.. She will arch her back and scream when she is getting sleepy.. much more difficult to put her to bed.. and she wakes up almost every hour! She falls asleep by 9ish, then wakes up at 12am and almost every hour after that! Not so much to feed but just fusses and shouts... can be nerve wrecking in the middle of the night.. and I'm so tired as I don't even have a chance to fall asleep.. I had to wake poor HB up at 5ish to look after her so that I can shower and get ready for work.. When will this phase pass??


JThan... mine boi is the same... scream when he is sleepy at nite.. had a hard time to coax him to sleep... do you think they may be teething?


So the new baby this week is your son ah?? Heheheh... welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Same here, bb's timing and clock is changing..now he sleeps later at night and wakes up once at 4-5am and once at 6-7am (to pang sia)and goes back to sleep till 10ish.

i think i read somewhere on babycenter that we need to detect bb's mood before they get too tired/sleepy and bring them to a quiet and dim place to prepare for bedtime..

Maggie Mee,

My gal is definitely teething... she is gawning at everything she can get her hands on... The funny thing is that I think her first tooth might be from her side instead of her front cos' she keeps putting her fingers or teething toys at the side of her mouth..

Mommies who have bought Sophie, how do your babies like Sophie? My gal will gawn on it for a while but think it doesn't give her the same 'satisfaction' as her toothbrush.. haha.. I give her the Pigeon toothbrush as a teether.. I put it into the fridge to cool it and she loves it.. she will throw the toothbrush aside once it warms up! Tsk tsk!

hi mummies,

since we are at the topic of teething. If baby got fever due to teething, what can we do? Will the fever go down after a while? need to give paracetamol?

i asking in case it happens, to prepare for it..

Jthan, maggiemee: my boy is doing the same too. im frustrated esp when im tired and need sleep.i hope this phase pass fast. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hey mummies!

Ok i better type quick bec need to go out today..

Pinnky, I am ok with assisting you in the sponosorship thing but cant handle it on my own. I have too many things. Got baby to handle plus my freelance work and going for tutorials from my investment course.. so cant commit to do solo.

Looks like all the baby boys have the samechanign pattern.. Raihan is no different. Fussing alot to sleep. Waking up alot during night time..

about sophie- sad to say my boy losing interest in Sophie.. hehehe

JThan... i suspect teething too as my boi also starts chewing everything... but he doesn't quite like to chew sophie... chew awhile den not interested... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hmm.. looks like sophie is going to be a expensive white elephant...


Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question.. If my gal is running a fever, I'll usually just wipe her down more often to cool her cos she don't like paracetamol and will puke everything if we force her... so far, the wiping dowm method has always worked for her..

Maggie Mee,

Time to buy some teethers... esp those that you can put in the fridge to cool it.. It'll give them some form of relief.. I use the Pigeon toothbrush cos' the size and texture is just nice.. also, it allows her to get used to the idea of a toothbrush.. only thing is that you have to keep an eye when your kiddo is putting it in his mouth cos' sometimes, their aim not too accurate and have a tendency to 'poke' their face.. I'm more worried about her poking her eye so I always keep a close watch when I give her the toothbrush..

hi mummies, im new here...i guess here is meant for babies born in may hor... just hope to seek some advice on weaning , since bb is coming to 5 months now..

and also my boi seems to dislike milk bottle, and have to dream feed him every time.. so worrying..

Friso Promotion

Guardian Pharmacy is having promotion for Friso 2, 3 and 4 (Gold, P2 Dual System).

Just bring 1 empty tin (700g to 1.8kg) of formula (any brand other than Friso) and you can buy 2 x 900g Friso 2, 3 or 4 for the price of 1 (Friso 2 is $38 1 tin @ Guardian). So you pay $19 each tin! 50% savings!

Promotion is until 13 October. No limit of sets purchased but of course 1 empty tin can only get 2 tins of Friso and must fill up form for each transaction. That means if you have 10 empty tins, you can buy 10 sets of Friso (20 tins!) but must fill in 10 forms.

Since our babies are almost going to start on Friso 2, we can stock up and save some $$!

Big savings on children’s toys and more!

Carrefour and Toys ‘R’ Us are having a joint event at Downtown East – the Children’s Day Warehouse Sale. Enjoy huge savings and great deals on toys, stationery, clothes and more. The sale starts on 7 October with a preview for NTUC members, and is open to the public from 8 – 10 October 2010.

Event Details:

Date: 7 October (NTUC members preview only ); 8 – 10 October 2010 (open to public)

Time: 11am – 10.30pm

Venue: D’Marquee, Downtown East

Sighz... my ger also not very interested in sophie... chew for a little while den she will throw sophie away. but nevermind, i will keep trying, cos seems like the only thing she likes to chew now is her hands. i've tried several teethers in different shapes and sizes, n she shows no interest.


so sian hor. Wonder how long tis hair drop will last....... Sigh Sigh Sigh.

Oh for the santa claus hat, I bought last yr at tan quee lan st (Bugis there), the wholesale shop selling $1 each. U can go check out. :)


I c, bb better now?

xmas party sounds so fun, but I can onli confirm near to date.


Me will be signing up as well around 18mths. Looking at TPY hub branch. Which one u looking at? Maybe we can have a class of our own if some of us keen. :)


I have two bois but din notice lei. hee

Me SAHM. :) Which area u in? I m in AMK.


Last time my no 1 will LS n fever when teething. PD gives LS med and fever med. Hence I will give if fever. Usu teething fever is low grade. N dun forget to stand by teething gel, cos bb will be discomfort and wont wan to eat or drink. Thus to make bb better n more comfy, apply on gum 15 mins before feeding time, so bb can drink n eat better. :) Oh put the teething gel in fridge so cooling when apply.

Yeah...i juz helped my lil gal to sign up for library membership n got the goody bag. Managed to borrow "goodnite moon" too! GOnna try reading to her ltr~

SN - I'm oso looking at TPY hub branch, its the nearest to me ! Yea it will be great if we can have a class of our own. Usually will have 4-6 babies in a class rite? I'm looking at preferably Sunday.

Hi mummies,

would you be keen to have a Kindermusik trial or baby signing talk during the X'mas party? The Nov 09 mummies organised these during their gathering at a condo function room and I'm now trying to get the contacts.


Baby is better now. Able to smile and drink liao. Thanks for asking! :)

My hair also dropping, everytime bath, comb hair can see so many hair, on the bed, floor, baby's hands... baby still pull my hair.. haiz..

Hope the hair will stop dropping so much.. geez

Hi mattsmummy, I did browse thru the kindermusic website previously, 1 sem abt $300+, not cheap though. Trial class also not cheap..U can get it free for us?


My gal depends on mood. Sometimes will play w sophie longer. Sometimes just look at her once then throw one side. She is more interested in her hands n feet.

Maggie mee,

Mine supplementing w mamex gold infant fm.

SN/Tpanda, bo bian..i wish tis will over soon..really sad..

SN: thanks for ur info.

AR: In which area u need to help out? Actually we r quite running out of time to get the sponsorship. Somemore most of us r started working..actually the purpose for this gathering, is mainly for bbs n mummies to gather together, door gift is just an optional (I dun mind paying for tat). I still prefer smtg memorable. *just my point of view*

mummies, if u guys dun mind my lousy artwork and willing to pay a little bit more (lucasmummy: maybe once u finished d breakdown, we can judge from there). I can consolidate all bb's biodata and make into small booklet and get it printed out. I will try my best to make it as low cost as possible. But I left abt a mth time cox will be busy for my sis wed on nov.

Genice, im a sahm, please please come over to our house to play...baby sam dont have much toys but we can try out the bb pool. we're located opposite tiongbahru plaza..

queenstown is so close let's arrange playdates!Mrs lee wanna try out the jumperoo! bb Sam and I are free every weekday, weekend is possible gotta arrange in advance...;)(add me on fb:sheryl thanks!)

Hello mummies, back to office the past 2 days to familiarize myself with what I had been missing for the whole year and my dear hubby looked after Thea by himself today. So funny, he came with Thea to pick me up today and the first thing I noticed was he wore her dress behind front. The buttons are suppose to be at the back, but guys being guys be thought buttons are to be in front and he even tie the bow in front, at her tummy there. So funny!

Caterer: oh yes, it's orange clove. Thanks, I forgot which mummy reminded me. So if no objection I'll shortlist the food, and order lunch instead of hi tea right?

Blurangel, both mush and I have manduca carrier. I quite like it cos it's v comfy for both Thea and me. I carried her in manduca to go grocery shopping alone, real cartful of stuff kind of shopping and it's actually quite easy with the carrier. Walk walk and she just fell asleep inside.

Genice, mrs lee, sherry, Im at stirling rd. I so want to bring Thea to swim and found this swim school. I quite like it lei... Is at a home at holland rd and in a garden. I prefer to take her to the outdoor and mummy also must go down water, so is a bonding session. I think it's better than hwa xia cos in air con and baby swim we just stand there and not very cheap. If interested maybe we can go together apparently they have a long waiting list and v ang moh oriented, I wouldn't want to go alone. So intimidating. http://www.marsdenswimschool.com/babiesandtoddlers.htm

sponsorship for door gift, I did that before too but it's really a lot of work. Yes, I think we can get something simple. I saw BP has personalized rompers and stuff like that why don't we do that? Personalized hanky? Blanket?

Bad experience with KK: I have very very bad experience with KKH and had made an appointment to see their deputy chairman of O & G cos I'm sure the MO had misdiagnosed my case. Long story...

Ok, that's all!!

Hi mummies,

I'm a May 2010 mum, my son Nathaniel was born on 26 May. Have been reading the forum but not actively posting.

Would like to join in the Xmas party as well and have added on my name to the list. Let me know how I can help out.

Am currently a SAMH , returning to work only next year in April. I stay near Potong Pasir, so can meet up with mummies ard the Potong Pasir, Seragoon, Hougang or Sengkang area for playdates.

Those who are on Facebook can add me , my email is [email protected]

SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

DATE: 19 Dec 2010 Sunday

TIME: 1pm - 5pm (Tentative)

THEME = "Jungle bells! Baby bells!"

DRESSCODE = Baby Boy Green/ Baby Girl Red

VENUE: TBC Function Hall/ Rm


- DECOR (3) : Gladseow, Lucasmummy

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy, ChloeMum


- PHOTOGRAPHER: Sim (Sue's Hubby), Nanabear, Yeh (Pinnky's Hubby)

- GAMES (3):

:: Luckyone = Crawling

:: A R = Baby Dress Up


- DOOR GIFTS: Pinnky, Luckyone

Playmats - at least 6







Babies' gift exchange

$10Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + hubby + bb sarah (2A1B)-(all ok except 11th) max $30/pax

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $30/pax max

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)- sat/sun $30/pax max

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax

16. Alina (2A1B) - (4,5,18,19th) max $30/pax

17. Ashmom (2A1B)

18. Rumissing (2A1B)- max $30/pax

19. Belinda (2A1B) - max $30/pax (Tentatively no pref unless hubby going outstation)

20. Cleovii (2A1B)- max $30/pax (pref Sunday)-$15

21.Krystal (2A1B)

22.Evejol (2A1B) - max $30/pax

23.ChloeMum (2A1B) - max $30/pax

24.Gelin (2A1B) - max $30/pax

25.JThan (1A1B) - max $30/pax

26. Michelle (2A1B)

sherry.. u very cute leh.. use "we", ur "we" mean u and sam or u and other mummies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U staying at the condo opp tiong bahru? Thats very convenient!Sure can prob go ur place for a swim.

Mrs Lee, i am staying at holland drive, not that far from you, next week onwards i will be quite bz cause i have some PT assignments but some days i will be available will update u again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

edie, i heard of the school, think they also have a branch at turf city. when i drive past holland road, always c the pool.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think we go sherry's place and swim lah.. save $$ ( since i sahm ..:p).. i think our kids still a bit too young to learn swimming..u going back to work soon? But u available on certain weekdays rite

SN.. u also sahm? Thats good, we can also meetup.. how old is ur elder kid? I checked my boy's testicles again.. heng .. no moving bumps today.. so scary.. but does the scrotum shrink and expand? Its normal rite?

mrs lee,edie, SN what is ur fb name?

Hi mummies,

edie: Your hubby is CUTE!

Michelle: Hihi!

mattsmummy: I think it's great! Other than games, we could have some info sharing which benefits, to be added into the program.

Xmas Party Budget Breakdown (Updated 05/10)

Total number of adults: 48A + 2C + 26B

Total budget (according to $30/pax): $1440

*all amt are either exact, round up or round down.

Food: $400 (base on $8/ head and high tea)

Venue: $100 (base on condo)

Prizes: $150 (base on a winner per game and $50/ game. I think 3 games are good)

Decoration: $80

Name Tags: $100 (base on $2/ pax)

Door gifts: $150 (base on per door gift per family)

Total Budget: $980

Balance: $460

The balance will be kept a side for any other programs and/or just-in-case purposes.

Voice out any comments on the budget, if u have. We shall see if we can work it out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

U know, Im soo busy trying to find things to do wif bb since no tv allowed. Now i know how difficult it must be for SAHM to entertain the bbs without tv...tsk tsk..Like edie mentioned, bring bb out is best...So tomm planned for walk walk at Marina..anyone knows a full bb store shopping centre like United Square?

Genice, me also SAHM. Im at redhill, so Im nearer to Edie, Sherry tht gang..

Nanabear : transfer liao...I will sms u tomm, now so late, u might be Zzzzzzzzz

Hi LucasMummy,

Decor - $80 ? Name tags - $100...Wah decor dept chialat leh... Use name tags as decor can? coz more $$ spent on name tags..keke..Just kidding..budget sounds good to me. Btw, I talk so much havent add myself in. Will do tht in the next post, meanwhile, let me see if my curtains can be teared down to use as decor....

Lucasmummy.. dun mind.. just some feedbacks..i think prizes $50/game is quite high maybe we can reduce to lower maybe $20/game cause i feel that the prizes is more of an encouragement for the babies and for the fun of it so we dun really need to get a BIG prize.

I feel that we can perhaps work ard with $25/pax budget max.( so we will not need to handle too much cash in e end). and we still have to factor in our gift exchange which is abt $10 per gift. Just my opinion. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

DATE: 19 Dec 2010 Sunday

TIME: 1pm - 5pm (Tentative)

THEME = "Jungle bells! Baby bells!"

DRESSCODE = Baby Boy Green/ Baby Girl Red

VENUE: TBC Function Hall/ Rm


- DECOR (3) : Gladseow, Lucasmummy , Agginess

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy, ChloeMum


- PHOTOGRAPHER: Sim (Sue's Hubby), Nanabear, Yeh (Pinnky's Hubby)

- GAMES (3):

:: Luckyone = Crawling

:: A R = Baby Dress Up


- DOOR GIFTS: Pinnky, Luckyone

Playmats - at least 6







Babies' gift exchange

$10Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + hubby + bb sarah (2A1B)-(all ok except 11th) max $30/pax

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $30/pax max

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)- sat/sun $30/pax max

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax

16. Alina (2A1B) - (4,5,18,19th) max $30/pax

17. Ashmom (2A1B)

18. Rumissing (2A1B)- max $30/pax

19. Belinda (2A1B) - max $30/pax (Tentatively no pref unless hubby going outstation)

20. Cleovii (2A1B)- max $30/pax (pref Sunday)-$15

21.Krystal (2A1B)

22.Evejol (2A1B) - max $30/pax

23.ChloeMum (2A1B) - max $30/pax

24.Gelin (2A1B) - max $30/pax

25.JThan (1A1B) - max $30/pax

26. Michelle (2A1B)

27. Agginess (1A1B)

Genice, yah the 'we' is baby n me..heee..

the 'moving bumps' thingy sounds scarry..my boy's testicles do move around while changing diapers. Saw your video with bb n neck float in the pool!Very cute!!where can I get a neck float too?

Agginess, ahh... u going to MArina tmr? I also wanna go walk walk but tmr have lunch appt.Call me next time k?;)

Agginess: Muahahaha... Don't like that lah... At most I bring my vase from my house. I do up the budget for that base on Kidzpartystore.com. Ok, perhaps I bring it up to $150. Anyway, it's a budget.

Genice: Thank you for the feedback. Actually I was wondering if it's too high as well and thought of making it $30.

I think we shall keep it at $30/ pax at the moment, since a budget list is worked out and I purposely kept a side a sum of money untouched for VERY needed case. Hopefully, we can finalise all nett cost before the BIG day!

Xmas Party Budget Breakdown (Updated 06/10)

Total number of adults: 49A + 2C + 27B

Total budget (according to $30/pax): $1470

*all amt are either exact, round up or round down.

Food: $400 (base on $8/ head and high tea)

Venue: $100 (base on condo)

Prizes: $75 (base on a winner per game and $25/ game. I think 3 games are good)

Decoration: $150

Name Tags: $100 (base on $2/ pax)

Door gifts: $150 (base on per door gift per family)

Total Budget: $975

Balance: $495

The balance will be kept a side for any other programs and/or just-in-case purposes.

HI mummies,

sorry been really busy. Thank you to the mummies who gave me advise on the baby walkers.

Regarding the baby xmas party, may i try to help i=in the sponsorship? I can get contact for the abbott distributor and see if i can get free goodies for us. I have been getting quite a lot of free samples from them. So, i check ok? i also try to see f i can get nestle for cereals. No promises. Give me a few days for this? Hope i can be of some use. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

A suggestion, i will send in request for prizes to be sponsored at the same time. So far, i have just written to Abbott for SImilac, Huggies, Nestle as well as Dumex. Any other companies to suggest?

SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

DATE: 19 Dec 2010 Sunday

TIME: 1pm - 5pm (Tentative)

THEME = "Jungle bells! Baby bells!"

DRESSCODE = Baby Boy Green/ Baby Girl Red

VENUE: TBC Function Hall/ Rm


- DECOR (3) : Gladseow, Lucasmummy , Agginess

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy, ChloeMum


- PHOTOGRAPHER: Sim (Sue's Hubby), Nanabear, Yeh (Pinnky's Hubby)

- GAMES (3):

:: Luckyone = Crawling

:: A R = Baby Dress Up


- DOOR GIFTS: Pinnky, Luckyone

Playmats - at least 6







Babies' gift exchange

$10Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + hubby + bb sarah (2A1B)-(all ok except 11th) max $30/pax

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $30/pax max

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)- sat/sun $30/pax max

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax

16. Alina (2A1B) - (4,5,18,19th) max $30/pax

17. Ashmom (2A1B)

18. Rumissing (2A1B)- max $30/pax

19. Belinda (2A1B) - max $30/pax (Tentatively no pref unless hubby going outstation)

20. Cleovii (2A1B)- max $30/pax (pref Sunday)-$15

21.Krystal (2A1B)

22.Evejol (2A1B) - max $30/pax

23.ChloeMum (2A1B) - max $30/pax

24.Gelin (2A1B) - max $30/pax

25.JThan (1A1B) - max $30/pax

26. Michelle (2A1B)

27. Agginess (1A1B)

28. Baby_t (2A1B) max $30/pax

Genice, ya hor, think go sherry's place good enough but Im just a tinie weenie worried cos bring babies into water is no joke and condo don't really have life guard, you know what I mean?

Lucasmummy, I think genice mean to bring down the budget. Cos we have too much balance already. Why don't we divide the total budgeted amount, divide by all of us and adjust the sum again?

Agnes, can go forum, paragon upstairs, marina square... If No tv, time pass v slowly at home right? Can bring baby outdoor, I think botanic gardens is a good place.

Baby fussy:

These two days baby fussy when i am trying to put him to bed. I tried using hair dyer and it works. Baby stop crying and tried to sleep while i rock him. Maybe you gals can try this method.


Sounds fun but can only confirm at later date.

Name Tags- Maybe just use labels and use marker to write our names and baby's can liao? Just a suggestion. No offence.

Btw, my bb is having slight cough and running nose. Do you think need to see PD or just GP can liao? What medication was given to bb if anyone of u have seen doc for such cases.


Thanks Serene for helping this.

I also agreed with Edie & Genice. Maybe can do as wat Edie suggested so that we dun need to fork out so much cash.

I saw someone asked for neck float, can get it from bp, is cheaper.

wah thread v happening...! xmas party moving on... excited.

thks lucasmummy for working on the budget for our party. see the timing u posted.. must b v bz mummy. kudos kudos. let me know if need my help k.


hello! me potong pasir mummy! welcome. yes we can meet up often but im working currently so can only make it on weekends. envy mummys can meet up on weekdays while i spend my time in ofc staring at monitor screen...

the swimming playdate/sherry's pl sounds interesting. but again.. i cant make it on weekdays...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hey maybe wanna get parenting magazine to publicise our event?? hehehe... talking abt sponsorship all... make it a BIG event!


go raffles city! nice chill out w bb on a weekday. no crowd. nice nursing rm... got boutiques sell nice bb clothes. i think level 3 or 4...

oh ya, for the catering, orange clove, their lunch buffet dishes is like 'set lunch', cant choose one. so i suggest high tea also... more choices... n cheaper.

Pinnky : i also looking for neck float.. but not cheap leh.. abt 20+ wor..

Xmas party : As i have suggested.. I seriously suggest dun need to do so "BIG" seriously!!! if not our babies' first 1st birthday bash how??

IMHO (In my Humble opinion) - Food price ok.. can go up a bit its alright..

Venue : dun need so much.. its just a deposit.. I can help booked a condo function room too..

Prizes : I think the budget can cut down.. our main purpose is to get together for a good christmas for the babies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Deco : dun need too much .. get some ballons and some xmas deco.. i think less den $100 if enough..

Name tags : can just get paper/cardboard and marker write can liaoz.. seriously dun need to much right?

Door gifts: this i dunno liao.. I think for the babies/kids can liaoz.. the adults dun need right? after all its a May 2010 xmas party?

Watever I have typed may offend some. pls dun flame me.. I am just thinking.. not everyone is the same.. its better to be affordable.. esp can tell most is SAHM.. dun say.. I FTWM also very tight budget one..

I also very direct person.. so ya.. just voicing out..

on a serious note.. no offence to anyone.. they are still babies.. not even 1 year old.. it will be more fun.. when they pass 1 year old.. den we do a REAL GOOD BIG one.. its not too late..

lilstarz : i sms u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks.. she is fine already.. just fighting with slight fever now and then..



no worries la. we all also wan to get the most for less! wont offend anyone la.

i think like wat lucasmummy has calculated.. the budget, likely could be less. just on a safe note. so our expenses wont be as high.

