(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Please add me to the list too!!! And let me know which area I can help! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wah! So fun!!! By then... Most Bb should be able to sit up le!

i can book function room at Raintree (near bukit timah nature reserve) but have to let me know the date fast. i ask my sis to check avaiabliltiy for me.

problem will be - how will the babies crawl ard and play...

yos krystal, nanabear..

wanna fill up the list? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $40/pax max (inclu food)

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B)

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th)

Will Picnic at botanic garden be too messy? At least don have to worry bout venue charges... Food either just bring or eat at the food court there lo...

Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $40/pax max (inclu food)

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B)

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $40/pax max (inclu food)

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

I realise u all only with 1B wor.. mmmmmm....

and sorry mummies.. i dun have high budget..

if go playgym then shift to eatery, how to find a pl for all of us not forgetting its on weekends. crowded leh.

i think the best is still function room + catering. i think we try to make it easier for all the mummies here. economical n convenience.

Function room: prefer near mrt/centralise location

Catering: easier for mummies w no time to cook/lugging food ard/guaranteed halal!

whoever is interested in playgym, we can always arrange another date![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Skmama : yea.. den we can just each bring a bit of toys to let the kids share and play.. but on 2nd tot .. better not.. cos of the hmfd.. and they still haven know how to control their saliva.. hahaha.. ok ok . ..

a condo function room would be good.. or safra function room also can.. any safra members??

Sue: i have added u in FB.

Wow the pres are getting hot.... i think the playgym was ok, abt $36.50 per baby plus food say $20 if catering. But it depends on wat the rest think. I dont mind potluck but have to consider AR. Cater would be hassle free.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How abt function hall? not too exp...

wow..so happening here..

Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $40/pax max (inclu food)

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)

Luckyone, I also went to vitakids at Paragon abt ur timing le..didnt see u le..I also bought the organix cereal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, anyone of u know where can I get the book "goodnite, moon" by Margaret Wise Brown?Been searched for a lot of bookshops, but couldnt get it. Thx

luckyone : only got mt faber, yishun, tampines or jurong right??

i remember the baby shower we do it at jurong.. some of us just have to compromise lor.. i know mt faber one very inconvenient.. so tat is out?

Yes, Luckyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but couldnt find in most of the bookshops le..I just bk from bras basah, couldnt find it also..

Hey ladies,

safra is fine with me too. Ya, previously we went jurong side. Safra yishun more central for jurong side and tampines side. Even puggol/ SK mummies also pretty accessible.

ANd halal food means NO pork,lard or alcohol. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If you really want it, can order from amazon but shipping fee a bit expensive loh.

It comes with few diff packing . Only the book, book with cd and book with bunny.

If only the book, it will cost about 9.00++ but add shipping will be around 20++ leh.

Hey, count me in

Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $40/pax max (inclu food)

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

i also wanna join in the xmas fun but gotta confirm again..family going overseas and hubby havent booked tics...i also havent do bb 's passport! heee.. gotta take pix now ;)


will u be gg to T3 to get the organic cereal?what's the other brand, other than organix? i tried finding the thread but got lost.paiseh!!

Skmama, function RM is at little India area, within 10 mins walk from little India mrt, I think can acc 20-30 adults.

Actually, I think going to the playgym may not be a gd idea cause our babies only 6 mths, will not br able to do much. As for them playing and rolling on mat while we eat unfortunately it's not e idea case cause usually they will block out the area for gym n eating area, unless u are willing to leave ur babies there by themselves else most of the times we still have to carry them. I attended a jwt gym party for my ger at 1 yr old, end up still have to carry her cause no food allowed at the gym area n cannot just leave the bb on e mat.

Function room is better n cheaper, can eat while vbabies are playing on the mat. That is why we have to factor in burning of mats n toys but if each bring 1-2 small toys will be a lot if toys! We can buy some sanitizers and clean the toys before we put them at the common playing area just take note try not to let kids chew on them. Mats is the troublesome one, prob we might 2 mats.

If we save on cost of booking gym maybe we can cater food instead of potluck? Erm.. Save trouble of cooking..

Nanabear u bringing ur #1? I dunno to bring or not.

Pinnky, order. I will collect it next Tuesday.

After less 10% (kino member) should be 13.57.

You can collect from me in orchard? Are you working nearby?

Pinnky, y u like that book? Just curious, I recently borrowed that book from e lib also for my #1. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]the book is quite cute lah, she has e bk goodnight world also. I just borrowed it too.

Thanks Luckyone. I work at redhill..if boss outstation, wil go orchard sometimes. But next week he bk liao..haha..

wil try to find a way to meet u either at orchard or ur place..

wat's ur acc no? U email me can, I can transfer to u..thanks

oh my gosh! so much to read!

was having difficulty looking for my last post haha.. must try to login more often but so busy with bb leh

edie: latest news after 6 weeks of waiting my phil helper should be coming this weekend...hopefully after the long wait she turns out well. How long did ur agency say to wait?

chubbytiger: can u pls send me ur time table thanks! hehe

thanks luckyone..

genice..thought is a good book for bb..so wanna buy it for him..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LucasMummy: yes let's meet up at CompassPoint i've ur number [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any other mommies keen to meet up at Sengkang or nearby during weekdays afternoon for tea?

Nanabear: Want to meet up tmr but got appt at 12pm. Probably come by later Can i have ur no. pls i'll pm u

Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2010 - 4:40 pm:       

Hey, count me in

Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $40/pax max (inclu food)

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax


Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $40/pax max (inclu food)

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax

16. Alina (1A1B) - (4,5,18,19th) max $30/pax

