(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

hmm..something silly comes to my mind....

if we apply BM on our armpits....Will there be whitening n smooth effect? Or ended up with thicker n fuller armpit hair?!?!??!?! =PpP


Speaking of signs, today afternoon went for gynae weekly appt. Was 1cm dilated, had brown discharge after VE. Gynae advise me to walk more for higher chance of natural delivery. Had a very long walk with intervals of rest at shopping malls (Velocity, United Square etc) around Novena MRT. I think I shop for 4 hours plus. Now having cramps at around 15 mins intervals since 9pm but also having stomach aches, so feel very confused. Continue monitoring.......

bbf, chubby tiger& rhino: chilled ebm is not sticky... room temperature ones will... btw... use cotton pad n apply... so will not waste... Hehe... =D

sue: Hehe... its nearer n nearer to ur edd le... jia you jia you! looking out for ur update! =)

Kcpq: when u apply this to ur face does ur hb think u r insane? I can imagin my hubby mus b shaking his head if he see me do this. N wondering applying bm to our bb lashes n brown wil it react to rashes?

Such a pretty girl, loh. You got a lot to worry when she hit her teens.

Sue... I'll try to make it for lunch yoga too provided I can slp well tonight cos gynae at 9am tmr.

My brownish discharge had stopped so now just waiting for contractions. Everyone's asking if I've delivered making me so can't wait also.

Congrats Loh! Confinement is crunch time for wifey and you. So if wifey snaps at you, don't take it personally. It's her raging hormones that making her frustrated and easily irritable.

Your girl is very alert! Not like mine... Always zzing away. I am tempted to call her sleeping beauty liao. Want to take photo also very difficult.

Congrats to Maggie mee too!

Edie, go walk walk about is really good for labour. Do so or continue with your lunch yoga class. Paiseh... But did you gynae mention anything about your discharge? If not mentioned to gynae, remember to inform during your next visit.

Loh - Congrats on the arrival of your bb gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alsky - thanks for the info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'll go for LA. Hopefully everything goes smoothly for me.

hey Loh!

Congratz! finally ur turn!! how r the night shifts coming along?

missing info in the chart-

Anlin- Girl

Mine- bb's wgt 2 birth- 3.01kg


congrats! ur gal is so adorable.

rantingbaby & Mrs Teo,

u should be glad that bb is zzzing... then u can rest more mah.

Anne Raj,

i join u in the waiting game. in my 38th week too and no sign.


wah the pic so big! You must be a proud daddy...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

She's lovely!

Bx: i wander when baby is going make an entrance...i walk alot everyday, but still nothg la....wat else can we do ah?

AR: thanks for the info.got to consider ts as an option just in case junior dont come out before due date.

Anne, i tried doing a lot of deep squatting (squat like u are using the old school squatting toilet) the night before i went to induce. baby came out quite fast, in fact, i could feel her pushing herself out. the pushing till baby coming out was like less than an hour.

gynae and the nurses said the entire process was quite fast taking into consideration this is my 1st child. the nurses were going like... "u win u win" when the bb came out. i'm wondering if they were having some private bets on which mummy delivered first. haha...

blue turtle,

agree with u. when i had #1, i did squats that afternoon before i went into labour. the labour process only took 3 - 4 hours, with no time for epi.

Blue turtle: thanks for the advice, i would do that. i have been trying to do squats since 35 weeks, but its quite difficult.hheheheeh!!!...will try again.Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Loh, yup I also agree. Yr girl got the looks. Congrats to u n enjoy fatherhood!

Anne, Mrs Heng, bx: I'm also waiting n waiting but no signs yet. When is it gg to b???

AR, u mean the pain can tahan w just gas? I scared halfway through I can't take it but too late for epi! N it's prob this fear tat make me wanna go for epi fr the start. I also got low threshold for pain, as in even injection I also dun dare to look n will look somewhere else to distract myself. But I think if I can go along w gas only, will b v proud of myself!! Hehe.

chillimum - U know what, i had a bad bad dream last nite. I dreamt dat i had beri bad contraction n bleeding away. Then i know i gonna give birth but when i turn to look at my hubby, he was playing mahjong!! Weird dream rite?..when i told my hubby abt my dream, he laff it off.

As much as i would like to try going w/o epi, I think dats quite impossible. Coz i cant even tolerate the pain for wisdom tooth extraction...nt to mention abt labour pain =(

Mrs Heng, I guess we only know wats our decision gg to b when we come to tat! Now I dun know how pain is it gg to b so I will try w gas first, n hopefully b still in time for epi shd I need it! N i have such low threshold of pain, I guess I shd b able to 'make it' in time lol! Really envy those mums who didn't take epi.

Haha think now all in our mind is when is bb gg to come. Start having wierd dreams cos of it. I also feel restless nowadays like just waiting for labor to happen.

hihi mummies... finally got time to log in... been so busy after i sacked the CL... budden i really bond with bb more and slpless nites had oredi began...


u really very experimental with ur ebm leh... i think i also wanna try applying on my lashes lor... heehee...

ur ss quite gd hor... papaya fish soup is really gd for increasing ss lor... i also drank quite a bit... budden if ss increases then can reduce frequency coz its quite liang...


ur bb gal very alert leh... n alot of hair too... i like!!!


jia you!!! u will see ur pretty bb soon!!!


how's confinement so far?? mine ending this sat liao lor... cant wait lor... the weather been crazily hot n super unbearable lor...

mrs heng

relax okie... its just a dream so dun let it bother u too muchie...

mrs teo

me also nvr take much pics of my ger with her eyes open coz she's quite a slpyhead when with me... hahaha...

mrs heng, i was also trying to aim for labour with epi... i went thro the entire induction without epi... from 8am till 2pm... the contractions were bearable for me, even the bursting of waterbag i was ok. gynae said i had high chance no need epi... but once the bb start descending and pushing herself out... i gave up... and asked for epi...

i had the epi administered at about 2.30 to 3pm... 3.30pm started the real pushing, and pops goes the bb just before 4pm. end up only enjoyed the epi for a while. not worth it. =P

JSP,we ll be celebrating my bb full mth tis sunday,cos exact day is on 19th,then it's a weekday,so I told my MIL I will declare my end of confinement tis sunday too,lol....cos really cannot stand the heat n food liao.

chillimum - haha ya man! Hopefully we had underestimated ourselves. Who knows we will join the no epi mummies grp. Then can use the epi cost on more bb's items =D

Jsp - orh..tks! I tryin nt to stress up myself too much coz i know the real challenge is after labour!

Blueturtle - I feel dat u hv beri high threshold of pain. U r already brave enuff to tolerate the pain for so long.

My hubby dun seems to understand the lvl of pain for labour. So i told him to imagine his anus being ripped apart n his face juz go blank...lol

Incase some mummies might be interested...

I read fr other forum dat Isetan Private Sale will be held on 27th May. 1 day b4 GSS!!


Good to hear from you again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have been hiding in the aircon the whole day.

Other than eating confinement food and not drinking cold water.

I don't really have any confinement rules to stick with so life is relatively easy.

That's why you can see me here more often these days...hee

After you sacked the CL, did you manage to get any help?


Time passes so quickly! Can't believe you already celebrating bb's 1st mth....

Congrats! Another big milestone over.

What are you planning to do for the big day?


like blueturtle mentioned, all the squats and yoga really helped.

I didn't do any exercise for #1 and for my 1st labour I spent more than 12 hrs.

Who would have thought my second one is so chop chop, 1.5hrs in the hospital only!

Any later I would have delivered in the car I think.

oh no!! mummies, im down w fever... can i get advice from experience mum on wat to do?

i can bf my darling boy already right?

im so depress!!!


Is your fever is due to a common cold or engorgement/mastitis?

yes, u still can feed.

In fact it is better to keep feeding so that the antibodies continue to be given to your boy.

As a prevention, you can wear a mask when you are Bfing.

Paracetamol is fine for the fever and to relief pain.

You are doing well. Don't give up, keep trying. See a doctor for some BF safe medication if you r having other flu like symptoms.

re: breastpump

just took out my breastpump (medela PISA) to check the condition. do i need to replace the tubing if it's working fine and still looks quite new?

also do u sterilise the breastshields with the rest of the parts?


wow, jia you edie!


mmm my gal still resting comfy upside down in my womb... strange gal... haha...she oso survived yoga session wif me earlier.. hehe...

think she's like me.. procrastinator! haha!


mmm 38th week.. me in 40th week lei.. just think of me and u might feel betta.. ever since my gynae told me i was dilated since my 2nd last checkup (last checkup i refused a VE) and will deliver early,

my parents, hubby and i have been wondering when?

it started off as a panic session during late w37, until now, 3 weeks later.. whaha...so.. best is just try very hard not to think bout it.. and do those yoga squats and cat poses to aid labour process [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last nite i got a tummy ache and was left to wonder if it was labour pain, until i fell asleep, and woke up to a clean dry bed this morning..

farney rite...

Bbf, thank you. ermmm... im not feeling very sick just chest tight tight n nipple very & hard n pain... im trying to pump now... i so scare i cant get near my boy... my mil like don wanna let me carry him... im not feeling gd emotionally w her... =X


i c i c... ok, i'll mentally prepare myself for a possible surprise bb entrance too... i noticed u remembered the details of ur checkin..0001 hrs..yeah i remember alvernia nurses told me that counts as a start of the day.. else boh hua rite, check in earlier in the nite and pay 1 day charges...

my next gynae visit is tom.. i think i'll let the gynae do a VE this time round..

who knows what'll happen after that? we'll see.....


congrats!!! ur fengshui master very powerful sia.. right timing oso gave u a happy looking gal!

wishing ur wife a speedy recovery...


hope u recover fast fast...


I suppose if it is working fine there is no reason to replace it unless you are concerned for hygiene reasons ie. 2nd hand.

Yes, I will sterilise the breastshields together with the other parts. I use a medela freestyle and ameda.

oh MIL is here.. I feel like I am going through a broken record. Here goes the same question again and again...


You must be having engorgement, try to remove the milk with your pump/ hand expression before your breasts get inflammed (ie. mastitis)

Once your nipple/areola soften after removing some milk, the best method is to get your boy to help you relief the engorgement by latching.

Now is not the time to avoid him, now is the time to make sure he helps you!

Have to try to find some way to KO your MIL and get to your boy somehow or your bf journey could just end here.

Don't treat it lightly, engorgement can aggravate and result it mastitis, then you may have to take anti-biotics or worse if develop into breast access have to go hospital and drain the milk.

Now is the most trying period. Hang in there...Don't give up.

Sue: since u r in your 40th week, would your gyne suggest you to induce? would you agree?

Im also in similar suitation as you are...would have cramps but would wake up to find my bed clean too. My gyne told me it should be by the 15th, and same here hubby and parents asking me when? ummmm....cant do much but to wait...haiz...

hihia anne..

nope i wun agree to induce yet..

will try the non-chemical methods of induction come w41...

i.e more squats, more walking up stairs, nipple stimulation, rolling on exercise ball, aromatherapy to induce uterine contractions and finally followed by VE / sweeping of membranes by gynae

that's if water level is ok and bb hb is fine so far...



looks like you get to escape and enjoy yet another day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All the build up n anticipation for you guys is killing me!! haha

Lets see who's next on the pop board...Petals? Chillimum? Anne?

