(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi Mummies,

i am a dec 09 mummy. i have a Medala Freestyle pump which i have used for only 5months.

In very good condition.

Self pick up near Parkway Parade or Bt batok.

PM if you keen

Luckyone - All the best for your delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbf - Thanks for sharing. Yo! Your boy so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'll try your method n hopefully i can do

it tis time.

Luckyone: Hope you have a smooth and short delivery!

maggiemee: Congrats!!

For me... no signs yet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but I kind of like this feeling, like anytime will come, quite exciting.

Let baby choose her date, I'll try not to induce.

Luckyone: Hope you have a smooth and short delivery!

Im still waiting for my turn... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Maggiemee, Congrats : )

Luckyone, have a smooth delivery.

Mrs Heng, thanks for the feeding table. Very useful.

Edie, same here, no obvious signs yet too. BB would most prob be making a surprise entrance (^_^)

edie: im still working [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i hope to start ML when baby comes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wld like to check wit those mummies who gone for csect may I know u all using wat position to feed ur bb? I feed my bb by lying at the side so that while bfdg her I also can rest but then I was thinking wat if next time I wan to bf her at outside hw shld I position her to latch while I sitting down. I am clueless cos I find it hard to bf while sitting upright. Any mummies any advise on which nursing shawl is btr.

Finish pumping gg to take A quick nap b4 up for lunch.

Hi all,

Wanna ask if anyone tried fenugreek and have boost their BM supply?

I want to get it but my mum worried that it might have side effects and my baby will get bad things from my milk...

Any comments?

Any good brand for fenugreek to intro?

ChubbyTiger, I BF #1 lying at the side when wound is still painful. When the pain has subside much, then I BF when lying upright on bed with 2 or 3 pillows behind my back as cushions. Have not try BF outside cos seldom went out except for PD visits and process of birthcert.

Jerbunny, I have also tried fenugreek when BF #1. Boost supply but not very much. Mmmmm.....I dun have any side effects. I bought mine at GNC.


I take fenugreek. I take the spice form bec we use for cooking very often. For me no side effects.. bec its natural.. it boost my milk ss by 3 times..

but my MIL n grandaunt against me taking it bec they said its cooling. when i chked with my PD, she said no probs in taking.. of course i follow professional advise..

I doubt bb will get anything bad.. but better do some research first...

Hi Lynette

Welcome! Do provide more details for Loh (our very hardworking daddy who updates the table in the wee hours).

I don't have any abdominal binder to recommend. But you can contact my ML - Zul (98804301). Tell her that Ivy from Jurong West gave you her number.


you are right.. i nv expected my first mother's day pressie to be a pile of shit. Late noon, it was a smear of poop (mustard coloured), then its weird that in evenin its still black poo.. then late late night she pooped again.. greenish kind..

this morning was slightly turing yellowish..

shes not drinking much. i let her suckle 30min (both side) then give her what ever i could expressed the previous feed before. Shes always on 30ml or less.

Maggie mee: congrats!!!

Jerbunny: I tried organice mother's milk tea. It has fenugeek in it's ingredient. Supposed to take 3-5 cups per day, but I took 1 per day and so far I only took for 3 days and stopped. I think it boost a little after every drink. I see that my milk supply has gradually increased thus I stopped. May drink again if I feel there's a need. Hope it helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lucasmummy & KTSC - u r most welcomed! =D

Edie - No sign for me too...but i have been having mild contraction for the past 2 days if i'm nt wrong. This morn started to have a bit of lower back pain n had been going to toilet more than usual yday. Not sure if these r the signs or juz my illusion..Haaa!

Luckyone - jia youuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Mrs teo - i read fr other thread that they recommend taking fenugreek fr 2nd mths onwards leh.

Good morning ladies........

Congrats again to those who have popped! I saw bb pics in fb. So cute can! Make me so want to have another one now.

Anyway, I'm back to work..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] With flu, sore throat & headach. I was telling my hb that my body is sick of work that's why it decided to break down a day before I return to work. LOL!

Oh ya mummies, please have a good confinement! I'm starting to feel some side effects for not lying down most of the time & drinking cold drinks too early.

Today is my first day of maternity leave, and I am so bored already!

Mrs Heng,

Ohhh seems like you are going to pop soon! I am waiting and waiting, I hope it's this week!

I think I'll go to CompassPoint and pass time.. free air-con somemore.


Naughty girl! If you arent well yet, dont force yourself to go to work first mah.. Make sure the 'boss' pay you extra hur hur!

Breast Pumps

Hey mommies, just wondering - how many times do you sterilise your breast pump (bottles, funnels) a day?

Sterilise after every pump??

Of cos I dont wanna contaminate the breast milk if I dont sterilise regularly, but that will also mean the life span of the parts will be shorten right?

Mrs Heng: Me too, sometimes will feel the tummy contracts then will wait and see if there's another one coming up and then I'll totally forgot about waiting and will be doing other things already or had already fallen alseep. Can feel baby's head tugging at bladder so been going to toilet quite frequently also.

bb-bao: Don't be bored, enjoy the doing-nothing for now...

chloie: Wait till your body recovers can try again! You still young not to worry.

Morning mummies...

i also no signs.. only the usual crampy pain in the womb area esp when walking. thinking it cld be due to bb engaging.

Yest finally set up bb cot in the room. excited just to see it there. Mummies, where did you place yr bb cot? do you place it beside yr bed? mine is at the corner hav to get off bed n walk a bit to reach bb. is it better to put is beside our bed?

Mrs Heng, i heard when contractions comes, its the whole tummy pain n lower back also pain! maybe its a sign it will be soon! yeah! jia you jia you.

bb-bao, so shiok ah start ML liao! did yr doc say or est when bb will be coming? if can walk more loh will help w labor. compasspoint gd to shop shop got kiddy palace.

chloie - alamak...drink more water k? take care!!

mrs teo - hmm..nt so sure leh..coz i happened to read it under April's thread. I think its safer to cfm with ur gynae if u r suitable to consume at ur stage now?

bb-bao, chillimum - I oso hope soon..i dun wan induceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =(

edie - me too!! ok..mayb got chance for our BBs to accompany each other in tmc nursery =P

bb-bao> If I continue to stay at home, I would get high blood cos of the maid.

edie> If I'm young, you are even younger lor!

Mrs Heng> KKKK!!!!! Thanks!

sk, maggiemee n Rhino - Congrats on the arrival of your bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloie - Pls take good care of your health if not long term will have problem. i didnt rest well for my 1st confinement n i suffer for 4 yrs. Weather not very gd, drink more water n have plenty of rest ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies,

I made an attempt to latch bb on and to my horror my left nipple is bleeding!!!! There's even a few drips at the corner of his lips!

I quickly switch to right nipple and get Hubby to warm up ebm.

Called ParentCraft immed and was told it's ok he had swallowed the lil bit of blood cos our bm is made up of it.

Looks like I can only latch him on a few days later... The pump goes on....

Mrs Heng... I hope so too. Update each other if going into labour. Haha, that'll be fun.

Chloie: Aiya, not much difference. But you must rest well, if sick or what don't stress too much. Tired, just rest.

Lucasmummy, just now someone just mention, once warmed ebm, to be consumed within one hour, if not finished, must be thrown away. cannot keep leh.

LucAs mummy: ur nipple mux be very painful then cos of the bleeding. I just finish feeding my gal n every time be4 feed I always scare she bite n twist my nipple n this is hw I get sore n painful nipple sometime but then I apply medela nipple cream to soothe the pain

today is my day 12 of confinement but then I already buay tahAn last night Went to nearby ntuc to buy some stuff n enjoy the aircon but then once reach HME sweat like mad. Later evening mayb gg down to buy newspape n Milo fr coffeeshop.

Lucasmummy, use the nipple cream ya.

i got slight cracks, now using the cream to sooth the pain.

anyway... i finally realised that if bb latch on correctly and there's supply, BFing is actually not painful. The pain the 1st few days was cos there's nothing coming out. =P

just sent my ger to PD cos wanted to check her jaundice level... end up the PD near my house dun have the machine. @#!@#!@# so asked abt colic and her crazy crying. seems like bb not eating enuff cos she was still passing the black marconium last nite. 5 days after her birth. =P PD say to start pumping to increase the supply and feed with soup instead of bottle so that won't affect her latching.

oh ya.. my MIL went with by hb to the PD... den she came back tell me can spoon feed bb with water instead of using bottle. =D think she wasn't very convinced when we told her bottle feed might affect bb latching. now that she hear from doc, she seems more convinced. =D

Chubby tiger: wah u still can go ntuc. Other than consultation I never stepped out of the house. Everyday sweat like hell. Hopefully I can really slim down with that rate if sweating.

Blue turtle: I applied nipple cream everytime after pump. I just pumped on the left breastusing lowest level which is advised by ParentCraft nurse to maintain supply. No red blood seen...

My right breast has more supply. and no pain when bb latch on. Just a few min of feeding, he managed to drink 1fl oz.+. Guaged it from thr Amy left over from the bottle.

lucasmummy, bb cannot drink the ebm after it been heated up... but I got a way so e milk won't b so sayang... you can apply the breast milk on ur eyelashes / eyebrow or cuticles!!!

hehe... apart from that... i tried drinking it myself too... Lol... XD


Congrats Sk & Maggie mee!

Have a smooth & easy delivery, Luckyone!

Mrs Teo & Jerbunny

better to consult gynae 1st b4 consuming off the shelf prescriptions cos bb liver & stomach may not take it when taken fr BM.

Try to BF in relax conditions eg. With fav music on, door locked w no disturbance esp. anti-BFing parties, latching on at regular interval even though bb not drinking much.

My #1 don latch on as well as #2, need FM supplements at night for 1st 2 mths then exclusively pumping with occasional latch on, either she is plain lazy or my techniques not right. Manage to feed all EBM fr 3-6th mth. Latching on would help to prolong the BFing process but happy that my 1st attempt lasted 6mths+.

So this rd, learning fr mistakes & trials, more determine to make it last longer.


Also got the same prob cos pump too early on 2nd day. Nipples too dry & friction w the pump funnel. Nurses advise breastmilk to apply rd nipples & allow to dry. It got disinfectant properties & is one of the wonder cream that heals & free! Sore for few days & tolerate the pain during feeding sessions... Argh.... Ok after a few days.

Now even on my pimples or my bb's prickly heat spots, would dab the milk drips fr pump funnel or leakage. Totally chemical free & safe & healing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

Image your bb drinking it- the benefits of breastmilk is endless!

