(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

hehe bbf!

yeah, i can feel that hubby is anxious.. he's like holding off calling for meetings/group discussions in the next few days, just in case he can't chair it.. very farney cos he's trying very hard not to be gan cheong, but dunno how to move on at work..whaha...

i can't wait to hear from edie! i juz smsed her.. hope it didn't irritate her... heh...


Sue: wow!!!thats great...now i ahve a reason not to agree to induction too...thank you.... you are a strong woman too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kcpq: Are you ok do u think ur fever is due to engorgement from the breast? Like bbf said try to get ur bb to relieve the engorgement for u or either pump out the milk before it get worse. Is a torture going thru this.


hi 5! Me ending the sufferings this sat... Sun would be life as normal liao... Can't wait lor...


for me, life can nvr be normal if cannot bath in cold water n wash my hair lor.... Hahaha...

My mil had been helping out all these while so not so bad lah... It's just the niteshift Tat is abit siongat the begining... Now getting used to it liao so my pump sessions are tied closely to my ger feeding time... Heehee... So can settle all within 45mins... Then ko for another 2hrs b4 the routine sets in again...

U also left 2 more weeks to end of confinement hor?


like wat bbf said, it's probably engorgement... Use a hot towel to slowly massage ur breasts... Then once not so hard quickly get ur boy to latch or pump out... Then pump or latch every 2hrly... That was wat i did when I got fever frm engorgement during #1 time... Dun give up ya... Shld clear up if u latch ur boy... Let ur mil knw the fever is not viral n rather frm engorgement lor


I love the photos ur hb did 4 u.

I on the other hand, have to b content with 2 mega pix fuzzy iphone mug shots...

The other day hb even had the cheek to mention y I don't appear in pics any more...all mug shots mah! surely have to delete them!!

Since it's edie's 1st time, it could take a while...mayb it's getting intense now.


what q will ur mil bombard u wif? ur boy is already looking so satisfied and possibly ecstatic after every feed..what more is she looking for huh...

bbf, thank you so so much! im tryin to pump now cause bb just had milk... hehe... drain out e milk can use de not? im trying to pump now... but after some time... nothing comes out...


haha I know what you mean on the bathing part.

I have to bathe at least once everyday with this kind of weather.

I think it's amazing that you all can put up with it... I will definitely need to seek psychiatric help if I have to go through all the strict confinement rules.

Same same mum, helping me a lot...Only the nights...super siong.. simply hate it when bb choose to poo in the wee hrs.

Mine not really confinement lah...there is no change to lifestyle except for food and drink.

I think will still con't stay home with bb after the 1st mth and avoid crowded places.

Can't do much on a 2 hrly feed schedule. And if I have to sling bb ard...I worry abt all the viruses.

And I HATE PUMPING... will get to do lots of that when I get back to work.


hey today MIL didn't ask!!!!! Must go buy 4D...


Massage the breast and then pump.

If you can learn hand expression, its even better for removing the milk.

If you are asking whether you can store the milk after pumping. The answer is yes.

At most use on your face lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For breast access, I type wrongly, is to go hospital and drain out the pus not milk....


thanks. did ur breastshields change shape or colour upon sterilising?


i think the breastmilk which u pump out is safe for consumption. I have read somewhere b4 that mummies can cont to bf even when not feeling well.


yeah go buy 4D! wow, my hubby will be happy to know of ur compliments... he's always complaining i dun appreciate his effort.. :p how to when he ask me to start preparing at like 10pm into the nites and we were done way post midnite once.. @_@

think u can start taking a happie family of 4 pic for ur son's full mth celebration! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] paste post-it reminders all over ur hubby's fav corners of the hse...




COngrats! You have a lovely & pretty girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharing some of the photos taken during my 36weeks pregnancy...^^



has edie delivered?

All the mums who have not popped... ENJOY ur pre delivery days... Confinement is a torture in such weather. Sneak out yday evening with hubby for a short 20min walkabout.

Have to sneak back into house while MIL was doing gardening... Apparently she was up in my room before that and knew that i went out. hehe but she din say anything.


I heard that the soft shields for freestyle may discolor after sterilizing.

It hasn't yet, I suppose that's becoz I only sterilized it twice.

I am trying to put off pumping for only when I need to. I hate to pump.


wow he works his models hard...haha... ey, you really can't complain when ur hb has the inspiration at those off timings, the results are stunning.

It's definitely worth the effort.

CAll me vain but I would co-operate even if hb wants to take such lovely photos of me at 3am...

Full month celebration ah...

These photography sessions to the studio costs us, the unartistic layman $$$! ...I think it has to remain an annual affair for now... :D

Mrs Teo, at least u still can sneak out, my #1 stick with me all the time,wan to sneak oso cannot.For the past 3 weeks the only place I went is hospital and clinic nia...

JSP,hi 5 too,me oso everything back to normal life tis sunday,imagine everyone eating buffet then me still gotta eat confinement food,very poor thing right?

bbf, since tis is my #2,I only have a simple affair.Jus invite my relatives and friends over for buffet,and give them cakes.

Hello mummies..

Am having a crisis (sort of crisis).. Am planning bb's naming ceremony for July'2010. Expected guests about 300 pax.. am trying to find a suitable hall.. any CCs to recommend? And East side preferred..

mrs heng, nice pictures u have, me so sad. arranged for shoot, but didn't make it cos bb decided to surprise us...

mrs teo: agree its a nitemare to do confinement now. luckily i still get the fan and aircon... no restriction on wat i wear also... haha... lucky lucky...

question: mummies using the single pumps, do u pump the contents of both sides into a single bottle huh? can right?

Sue, ya I purposely admit only after 12midnight cos more wu hua :p (check in earlier in the nite = pay 1 day charges)

As I experience pain at interval of 10mins since yesterday 9pm, this afternoon went gynae's clinic do CTG, no obvious contraction pain but my dilation is already 3cm. So gynae say most probably either tomorrow or Thursday liao. (My dilation yesterday is only 1cm, then only 1 day become 3cm)

I met Edie's husband at TMC. He bring me slip into the observation ward Edie was lying and waiting for the arrival of BB liao. Till now has yet receive any update for the status of her delivery lei....Hope everything goes smoothly for her.

Sue, wow 40th week liao. Think advisable to go for VE as could help to check if there is any dliation, then can roughly gauge when BB would arrive.

blue turtle..

i am wearing ah pek byford singlet and undies.. Still sweating buckets...

i suspect bb is drinking (upon latch) milk + sweat. Even though I make alot effort to wipe dry and wash myself ... i still perspire alot alot...

blue turtle,

yes, i pumped the contents of both sides into a single bottle. i think that's how others also usually do.


wah, so u rely on total latch. i was thinking of pumping after latching if bb doesn't empty my breasts. i hate to pump too.

hi all i just gave birth on friday

baby was 3 weeks early

Natural birth with epi and assisted with vacuum

thankfully Dr Tham who is resigning from kkh on may 15 was still around to deliver my baby

and the vacuum effect is gone as he didn't use it all the way expect to just move him out.

baby was at 3.265kg

mrs teo, i'm also in spagetti top and fbt shorts most of the time. but still perspiring buckets. sighz. bad weather these days. 3 more weeks to go for me.

bx: thanks. i have been doing total latch so far. considering pumping so that i can get more rest. my spine and lower back is killing me.

Congrats Loh,

congrats on our lil sweetie pie!


Take care...Cool dn, drink more fluid & keep latching on.

I hate pumping 2... such a chore! Sometimes, express both sides with one pump even though on my double pump, so i can use the other one later - min washing & sterizling. Or get extra set of funnel & accessories...

When at work, i pump both sides while have lunch & read documents at the same time, multi-tasking!

Mrsheng, Nice shots!


wow, does it mean your edd brought forward? and wed/thurs is D day?


yes, I only latch. My bb is like my permanent body accessory.

The engorgement seems to be less now, coz I don't pump unless it is lumpy and hard.

Also I only drain enough but not empty it totally to regulate the supply.

The engorgement won't stop if you empty it totally, coz it's telling the body you need the same amount and it will come back again.

Once the supply is regulated, I don't have to pump after every latch.

Don't want to keep feeling engorged all the time, the feeling sucks.

I'll prollie start pumping 2 weeks before I return to work.

How abt you when do you intend to start on your stash?


ConGratz! Wow your bb is big despite his early arrival...good thing too you got the same gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my supply during #1's time wasn't fantastic. so i want to like to produce more this time round (sounds like a cow). so i will start pumping as long as i feel that the bb didn't empty my breast.

Bbf, you mean don't pump out will lessen engorgement???

I thought must drain out as much as possible? Arrgghhh, I pumped for 1 hour just now, now my breasts feeling full again! I so hate to pump too!

Bb like always never latch properly, resulting in sore/cracked nipples. Btw, how often do you latch and for how long? HB scared BB drink not enough! Help!


oic...be careful not to over-strain yourself.

I also would like to have abundant supply but I think my dislike of pumping got the better of me

and I suppose it can be built up later though a bit more difficult.

Don't worry things will be easier the 2nd time round. The challenges are different.


you still need to pump to relief engorgement but don't need to empty everything.

Soon the supply will reduce.

I latch on demand until bb stops and rejects the offer of the other breast.

Sometimes very long 45 mins, sometimes 10 minutes. But my #2 has been good to me...never more than 1 hr.

Don't worry, if bb doesn't get enough to drink, he will let you know...u won't have peace in the house.

bbf, i've tried latching, but BB always fall asleep after a while! and she will not wake up no matter how i wake her. stressed!

Mrs Heng:

Nice photos...

blue_turtle n mrs teo:

So envy.... still can sneak out and no sound.

No restriction in what to wear...

I was wearing sleeveless like racer back tops and shorts... Mum and MIL already nagging... Now you all understand y sometimes I wish the folks will not visit me? My mum ever asked me to wear 冷衣 (sweater)!! I am nice to wear long sleeve and pants PJs in aircon room... but i am still sweating...

How not to, please tell me? With this weather and all the heaty food........!!

Ok... I need to relax.. haaa.... Today went to see gynae to remove bandage. So happy to be out. I told my hubby that we could go supermarket jalan for awhile... but he said NO!

Milk supply:

My milk supply fluctuates too... some days make me happy with a 150ml, some days went down to 100ml... but at least it never falls below 100ml...


It is common for bb to fall asleep at the breast.

How do u normally try to wake her?

I normally wake my bb for a feed in the following order of actions:

1. Take my bb off the swaddle.

2. Carry bb in upright over the shoulder position. 3. Pat bb in sitting burping position.

4. Change diaper / remove all clothing except diaper, repeat #3.

5. Stroke bb forehead with cool (not cold) washcloth. (final resort)

Hi Loh, pls update my details.

ADD - 29/04/2010

Procedure - Natural with epidural

Weight - 3.51 kg

Length - 50cm


hi heres my update


Csec with epi



Hospital of deli: TMC

Doctor Yvonne Chan

will really eating fenugreek helps milk supply?

recently v busy attending2my princess n trying hard to increase milk supply.quite stress..

Yeah! Today is the last day of my confinement! I am so looking forward to my usual cold showers!

Good evening MTBs n FTBs,

wow a very tiring day for me. not easy to handle a bb esp TBF.. lucky wife got patient, if it was me I def surrender to FM. Today was the first time I tried changing bb soiled diapers n budling the swaddle ard her. was wiping her shit n she still crying on top of her voice to complain my slowness.. haha life is goona b 'good' for me from tml onwards when she comes home.

Phy, we got the same prob. bb really likes to sleep. fed her at 4pm n till 11pm still not hungry n sleeping so well. Even my dinner already fully digested that I got the urge to hav supper.

bbf, aiyah only saw your advice just now when we tried so many funny methods to wake bb up for BM. but no.5 seems like a well proven method ah??

Sue, haha we missed the golden timing cos it was fully booked. Anyway the whole event is as below.

12pm - Chk in delivery suite

4pm - Doc need wify blood for test but think she excited thus all veins hiding?? not much blood was drawn n she was poked 3 times.. The Doc was sweating profusely when he completed the task.

5.40pm - Inside OT doing paper work.

6pm - After much delay due administering epi not very succesful (nurse told me wify spine very hard n 3 needles were bent till an experienced doc came to administer the forth needle), bb was out in a few mins.

8pm - wheeled bk to ward.

BBF, ya EDD is brought forward 1 week plus. Think itz ok, cos BB weight is already 3kg during scan on Monday.

Understand still need to pump to relief engorgement but don't need to empty everything. Why?? U mention the supply will reduce by doing so?

Loh: need to wake bb up to feed. i had the same prob after delivery. the nurses told me must wake bb to feed, else bb can sleep for like 16 hours a day. i just take bb out of cot every 3 hrs, wake her up and make her suckle. this few days starting to feed every 2.5hrs.

phy: i do feed bb some water with spoon. weather very hot these days... so feed some cool water to keep her hydrated. but not too much, else later she don't want her milk.

bbf.. u mentioned u only pump when necessary, wat u do with e pumped milk? i'm also aiming for total latch on... haven't activated e pump yet.

Phy, whether you give bb BM or FM, both are water based, so there's really no need to give water cos it would be extra, especially if you are feeding on demand. Too much water will be harmful to baby.


mmm still no news from edie.. but thanks for keeping us posted..

i smsed her in the afternoon wishing her good luck, and wonder how labour pain is like.. for obvious reasons, she didn't reply la

i quite kiam pa rite.. haaa

for ya, gooood luck and keep us posted oki?

i'll ask the gynae to be gentle during my VE later...

been having very sore groin and inner thighs when i wake up every 2 hrs to go loo, into the nite..

any mummies have this similar experience?


whoa! 3 needles..are u and wifey pissed wif the guy who administered the epi? ask u ha, issit epi or spinal which ur wifey had?

according to my gynae, epi needle is HUGE, while spinal is small..

i'm gathering info in case i need to do c-sect (emergency or watever)

Ranting,blue_turtle, so it's ok not to give water yet ya? I keep telling MIL and she kept hinting like 'are you sure','wait BB next time don't want drink water','milk very heaty leh'. *faintz* I just smile at her. Sometimes saying nothing is the best.

btw huh,

i'm getting really irritated by some colleagues.. trying to be funny by telling me i'm weak for taking ML early, enjoying a tai tai life etc etc..


they think it's very fun to suffer from poor sleep and painful aches then have to go to work meh? it's all a matter of personal preference..

why so un-empathetic???


sue, im hoping to in ur position now... so sian to be in office everyday... didnt sleep well yesterday nite, now having a super bad headache but still have to work... at least you could have a nap later but i still have to drive out to visit customers... super sian ah!!!

