(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Thks Loh for updating the list.

Here are my missing details:

EDD: 17May

Delivery: Nat w Epi

Gynae: Dr Woo Bit Hwa

May your wife have a safe & smooth delivery.



Hi loh,

pls help me to update. I've given birth via c-sect w epi on 9 may to a 2.73kg baby boy...


Just to share, the whole c-sect process is short n sweet. Wat that hurts is the next day when I try to get off e bed.. Sucks...

bb-bao,so u r enjoying ur ML liao.Where r u now?Ur hse or ur mum hse?My confinement ending soon,can pop by ur mum hse to look for u liao...

sooo quiet neh... all mothers bz milking?? where is all the MTBs??

i think after i deliver i more free to chat in forum lol cos can access w my iphone so convenient.

oooh.. looks like gg to rain again.. freaky weather we having these days.

Sooo looking forward to gynae's appt wednesday so he can tell me when is my turn! so i can plan when to start ML! haha! other wise i will be working til D-day. if only i can go away on a last min short beach holiday n wait for signs to come while sipping fresh coconut by the beach. hah! but too late now. can only wait n wait in freaky weather sg...


I cont to latch on & use excess breastmilk to apply all over aerola & nipple joints esp. the hurting parts & air them after feeding. Wounds heal after a few days.

Reduce pumping cos more unbearable than latch on. Nothing more painful than labour pain, worry milk supply drop so bite my teeth to keep latching on.... ;S

Thanks Rhino. Latching bb on now. Will let him try the painful side later.

Oh!! He just pulled away. Only 10min. What does that mean?I latched him bac again.


Not really enjoying the 'nothing to do' feeling leh.. esp when I am home alone.

I'm not back at JW yet, cos my mum went HK for holiday! I havent pack my barang-barang for the one month confinement there also.. haha.

anyway I have your number, can call for SOS anytime! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

serene - congrats to you too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies - can i ask those mummies going through c sect with epi? Can feel any pain during the process? i'll be going for c sect on 20th may and gynae advise me to go for LA instead of GA. But i m afraid of the process. My #1 is through GA and yes the pain sucks. i m very confused n cant make up my mind wat i want.


I feel quite useless at work, so started my ML earlier..

I'll see what Doc says on Wed morning.. hopefully it's this week =)

Wah you still thinking of beach holidays and coconuts! Stick to Sentosa ok.. cant imagine if baby's born in Batam or what!

Hi orange, u can't feel a single thing during when injected w e epidural during c-section. N I feel very ok the entire day after e c-section. All my relatives were amazed by how alert I was cos I din have to wake up from ga.

Hi Anne, dr woody is good. E whole op inclusive of cleaning up lasted bout 35 min. Only thing is pain pain e day after when I have to get off e bed. Ouch ouch ouch...

Orange, you will not feel any pain in the process. Only a little uncomfy when they push the Bb out that's all. You can't see the operation also, only the doc that is pushing your tummy. the good thing is you will be able to hear and see your Bb first hand, and your hb can be with you. Hope that helps.

Lucasmummy: cos I nt staying wit my in laws so everything is up to me kinda kind of own freedom. But then I do feel lonely at times. N hb is quite tight up with work so can't be at HME with me all the time he only can try to come back early to play with #1 n accompany us.

Kcpq: so d u apply to lashes? Wat does it help? Hw's ur confinement so r u tbf ur bb?

serene - Thanks. u mean u dont feel any pain after the op? Is there any side effect after that?

Alsky - Thanks. While the doctor is pushing, can your wife feel any pain? My pain threshold very low. Actually i tot that tis time i wanna let my husband n myself went through tis scary but sweet moment but i dont have the confidence.I'm really confused


congrats serene!

edie, mrs heng

i haven't popped too.. my back pains and slight tummy aches - all fake one.. always go away and dun intensify...

my gal too wants to make a surprise entrance sia...

mmm however i noticed that my water retention seems to be getting worse... so need to observe more...


thot u having some brown discharge? and yeah, better not to induce if u can help it.. cos i read that it's harder to cope wif the pain once our bodies get flooded wif the synthetic oxytocin/pitocin, as compared to the ones excreted during natural labour


yos, rest more! ur hubby shld understand lor..


any symptoms so far? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

about info on breastfeeding and links:

thanks mummies for the useful info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

it's nap time liao..

being on ml earlier is goooood.... :p


btw, i'll be goin for the lunchtime yoga tom..if i do manage to sleep better tonite and if my labour pains dun start...

Orange, no pain is felt during the pushing too. My wife is not sleepy after the operation too. It's after they put drip and my wife start feeling sleepy.

alluuuu mummies! congrats to those who have popped. I started my ml already. 2 weeks earlier than planned. my centre got hfmd and chix pox outbreak, so scared.

no signs of delivering anytime soon. legs swell up like nobodys business. tom, got chk up, hopefully the last one. am excited to see the lil guy.. ,>

Sue: Well i have been hang BH on and off but i had an intense one last Sat night. I thought that was it!!! My hubby also thought we shd be going to hospital soon as he claimed that i was looking pale trying to manage the pain...however, after 30mins of the pain, my hubby found that the water pipe in the kitchen toilet had a burst, so we were busy with it and realised my pain went away.

So till, now, no other signs......each day looking forward but nthg...so sad...i still dragging myself to work...dont want to waste leave or ml.

topsy....hahahahahah!!! tell me abt it, everyone at home laugh at me when i shared the story. at first they also thought it was my waterbag!!! hahahahaha

Sue - can b quite irritatin at times rite? So uncomfortable but it juz comes n goes as it likes..zzz

I been walkin alone at raffles city n suntec for 2 hrs..not much ppl..can slowly walk hee! Now restin on bench n waitin for hubby to pick me up for dinner. Hopefully my 2hrs of walkin helps.

Kcpq - I Learnt fr Taiwan variety show dat we can apply a bit of bm to bb's eyebrow n lashes to make them fuller n longer! Nt sure how true leh

haha Anne!

very funny! u know in hypnobirthing course that i went, i was taught to practice relaxation techniques to help distract ourselves and cope wif the pain...

sounds quite similar to ur water pipe distraction story..just that urs were fake BH... hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrs heng:

if only there're such a thing as a cheap pre-delivery escape package where we can check-in, do leisurely activities, exercise, attend talks and courses on labour, baby care and be served sumptuous buffets, endless massages, all for the purpose to distract & prepare ourselves while waiting for labour to begin...

and the advantage is it's a flat fee, so if we deliver later, we get to enjoy these facilities, and not feel pressured that the other mummies have delivered earlier!

mmm come to think of it, i'm doing sth of this sort, but at the expense of spending quite a bit... heh


chubby tiger & mrs heng, e ebm helps our lashes to grow... Hehe... I have been applying the milk to my lashes n brow... recently i even tried applying on my whole face. after that... skin feel so soft! i clean my face apply e milk... thats all... till now... no pimples... u can put it in e fridge... so when apply... s cool! =)

wow kcpq,

looks like u got a lot of excess ebm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do you wash off after application for those that you apply on yourself?

I have used EBM previously for bb's conjuctivitis, insect bites and runny nose too...it's quite effective.


Wow really! Seems like bm works better than miracle water!

Like that I can save my bm for my future facial masks liao.. maybe can secretly apply on my hubby's face when he's asleep.

Imagine him waking up and saying "whats that sour smell...?"

chubby tiger, confinement so far so gd... lol... looking forward to it ending of cours! can't wait to bring him out to show everyone! Hehe... yup total breast feed for my darling boy... i let him latch on n bottle feed him so daddycan bond with him help me too. =) he's drinking asking for milk every 3hrs... 60ml he drinking now... =)

kcpq - when u apply to ur whole face, do u wash away with water? Mayb i can consider applying to neck. I hv fine lines on my neck =(

sue - wow..dat will be heaven for us !!!

bbf, Hehe... i never wash them off at all... totally feel so gd!! =) must try!!! i even drink e left over lo... who knows if it can help boost my supply... LOL!!!

bb-bao, Hehe...i think it better than miracle Water lo!!! it doesnt smell. lol...

to boost milk flow.. i tried... i think it some how work. Lol... 3hrs after i drink it.. my breast feels full. causei not free to pump... so i use medela's milk collection shell... n collected 30ml of milk from each breast... without pumping lo!!!

mrs heng, i never wash it away cause its not sticky. i recommend u to put in the fridge... cool feeling when apply. =)


I like your idea of a pre-delivery escape package, mayb you should throw in a post-delivery escape package too, where we get served the finest confinement food, where the mothers stay for few weeks to learn how to breastfeed and take care of the bb, and provide folks who help to fence off pple who pass weird / negative comments and give them a re-education.

Could be a hit! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh btw, I received the oils...it's very nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hheheh thanks thanks.


I shall try your recommendation on my son's brows...:p


yeah, we mothers should come tog and do this biz of pre and post delivery service! ...hahaha


u're welcome! glad u like the oils! i've been having fun playing around wif my collection too.. machiam like masak masak

btw, for some reason, i only got the funds transfer for cost of oils but haven't from postage.. did u use another bank (ocbc) for ft?

Hi Mummy,

I'm letting go a JJ cole body support (pink colour) to be used in prams and car seat. Suitable for newborns. I have used it less than 10 times cause my baby simply refused to sit in the pram. Selling price is $45, am willing to let go at $20. Interested parties please email me at [email protected].




thanks for checking.

I checked my online history and realised that I must have forgot to click confirm to complete the postage transfer the other night

...think too tired from all the Bfing.

Anyway pls check again and let me know if the transaction goes through.

Transaction Reference 1005100027882962

kcpq: wow piangz u machiam really fully utilized ur bm. But the bm abit sticky leh if we apply the whole face. but i don mind tap the bm to my girl eyebrow n lashes I want her to be pretty. Maybe i shld apply some on my eyebrows also cos mine is not those thick type. Really dim know our bm can do some much wonder.


I must say that you are very experimental with your EBM....

OK I shall try smearing my face with some ebm tonight and see what happens [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Need all the beauty help I can get with the sleepless nights.

yos bbf:

no worries! got it liao.. thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh ya, wonder if the ebm works on dark eye circles huh.. let us know! ... :D

have u decided to get the honeywell air purifier? i haven't done any research since the last time i asked...


wow! now i can't wait to use ebm on my eyelashes... wonder if it'll help my thinning crown of glory too...

but first, my gal must arrive first.. haha


wanna ask u.. how did ur gal give u a surprise entrance into the world last time?

i've been monitoring for any syptoms.. i.e cramps, backache, but none so far..

just really curious if they'll hit me suddenly.. :p

Good facial essence, kcpq!

Cant wait for more excess to try on diff parts of the body!


Sue, #1 entrance was really a surprise cos I dun feel any pain, waterbag not burst, only that gynae mention I'm 2cm dilated during the 38th week visit on 29th Sep late afternoon. She ask me to admit on that day. But cos I din feel anything, I still wait till 30th Sep early 00:01 then go Mt A just in case really would deliver soon.

Until 2am plus still din feel anything. Only when gynae did another round of VE at around 4am plus, she say waterbag already burst (probably when clear the bowels. Then the real pain starts to kick in. Ask for epi after 30 mins plus of intense pain. Then check only dilate to 4cm. Util 7am, still not much progress with the dilation. Gynae advise e c-sect. Felt scared and lost. Consider around 10 mins plus, then agreed for the sake of BB well being. Preparation for C-sect start, then deliver BB at 8am. So I had no symptons at all #1 would arrive.

