(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Baby Photos:

Ooooo...... Babies are so adorable...

When they are sound asleep, the little stretches, the innocent look, their facial expressions are all little surprises...

Blue_Turtle, Mrs Teo, Mrs Heng:

Me too another short tempered. Other factors would be the unbearable weather, the painful csect wound that makes everything around seemed more irritating...

I am relax with my father and father in law.

I am more relax when friends and cousins visit me.

I am Most relax when hubby is by my side cos he always ensure I am well rested and help me handle the mums...

Not that I did not want, but it's really difficult to pretend deaf...

I have already locked myself in the room instead of waiting awake for the mums to leave. They would just sit in the living room and watch tv not realising it's time for them to leave. I can't be accompanying them all the while, I need my rest.


goooood luck LOH! and Edie!

thanks for the encouragement about labour preparation...

btw, i wanna ask about nappy ointment for nappy rash..what brand should i get?

i'm thinking of hiding the baby powder which my mum bought cos i dun wan my girl to get powder in lungs... paranoid huh...

Dear mummies,

just to update... My boy had arrived on 25 April at 36 wk+, TMC, 3.04kg/ 50cm. Been bz total mooing so far so had not logged in for a while..

CL came only after 6 days cos still in midst of another confinement. Nearly tear my hair cos #1 is cranky & need to prep her for sch etc...

Now least can do let CL do bottlefeed EBM at night while I catch some beauty sleep.

Congrats to those who had popped 2!

Happy Mothers' Day.


nappy rash cream- I swear by Desitin original. A lil more ex but a lil dab or just 1 application clears the rashes. For daily usage, other brands like California baby or pureen is gd for protective barrier on the bb butts.

All the babies so adorable & chubby. Thks for sharing the pics. Think my boy on the skinny side. Will try to upload some pics.

Melting in binder... Killing weather.

Had done 6 of my 10 post natal session. love the kneads & rolls over the body but the binder is simply unbearable, take off after 7+ hrs. Tummy looks like clump of soften jelly, but can feel BFing had helped in toning up!

All the best to all BFing mothers, cheers to good health for babies & great bodies to mothers!

Moo moo...

Hi All,

Abt CSect - I cldnt sleep sideways till it was almost a week. But i removed my binder after day 5 as I feeling that tht binder was causing more pain. But after visiting my gynae at day 9, he recommended me to wear the binder whnever possible so tht the wound heals faster. So despite the super bad weather , i do try to wear binder during the day.

To all bf mums, I used to pump 60 ml during Day 5 and Day 6 untill i got super lazy and stopped pumping. So eventually I tried again on Day 8, but got tremendously small amount of milk. Today I only got like 10ml from both breasts. I agree I was lazy, coz I pumped only whnever i felt like, but now I do want to give bb a decent 60ml and I can't. Is there any solution or is tht it? Can I try to bring back the amount to 60ml? Any mums having the same problem?

Happi Mothers' Day (^_^)

Phew......now then finish reading all the posts which amounts to nearly 200 for 2 days (@@)

Has been busy doing some last min preparations and "me" time cos d day is nearing soon too. Experiencing some strange crampy feeling suddenly sometimes, hubby comment its anytime, we are both mentally prepared to go through the same sleepless cycle again....but hopefully this time round it would be easier with my maid around. At least there is someone to juggle when my #1 fuss or can help to coax #2 to sleep when he is cranky. Then hubby can have more rest and I can have more time to EBM peacefully during midnights.

Love all the newborn photos, so so adorable : )

Edie, glad that yr hubby would be in time to accompany you.

Loh's wify, Luckyone and Edie, all the best in advance for a smooth delivery.

Maggiemee, think u should have pop liao, Congrats!!

Huggy, very long ago JSP has posted the usage of diluted white rice wine to wipe body and face in replacement of tap water. Reason is to wipe clean our body while trying to stop the wind from entering our body.

Sue, dun get upset. Hubby is probaby having prenatal blues too :p

Most important is end result: BB is healthy.

Agginess, 1 que first, u mention u stop pump since day 6. So when u stop, did u experience engorgement?

Ways that might help to improve or increase milk supply

1. Best way: Try to latch BB more often now as this is the best stimulation for milk flow.

2. Try green papaya and fish soup

3. Drink lotz of fluids, red date tea, milo, milk, fruit juice etc.

4. Consult gynae for medicine for improve of milk flow

5. Fenugreek pills

When feel tired to latch on, must also EBM timely (every 2 or 3 hours) to keep the milk flow consistent and prevent engorgement.

Happy Mother's Day to all!!

Miss my baby while at work.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My wife have been pumping religously every 3 hours since discharge from hospital. She only will miss the 12 midnite shift so as to rest more. Now her supply is 80ml per session more or less. Bb is also on a 3 hr shift too. I know it's been hard for her and I totally support her decision if she ever wanna stop ebm. Luckily BB is not chosy between BM and FM( we feed him FM during night). We chose Similac as the FM cos when Bb is born, the nurses uses similac.

Happy Mother's Day to all mummies and MTBs!

Just finished mooing. Had a meltdown last night cos BB G refused to go to sleep and kept crying. on the other hand, I was so tired I just wanted to sleep. So my mum stepped in and took care of the baby & managed to coax BB G to sleep.

I have been more tired for this confinement. Maybe because both Faith and BB G are taking turns to wear me out. Maybe because I have been more involved in taking care of BB G, especially in the night.

But I guess I am now quite certain that I prefer not to try for c3 anymore cos the risks of diabetes during pregnancy and the physical exhaustion post-natal is really making me think twice.

If my MIL wants a baby boy, then she has to give birth herself. I refuse to do it again. It's a job hazard for me leh. Ok, now rant finish, going to sleep...

Happy Mother's Day! Hope you'll have a nice day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So nice to see so many cute babies photos! Keep them coming!

2nd time and nth time mummies just out of interest really. For those who had labour start naturally how long was your 1st stage (beginning of contractions to just before the pushing stage). Everyone seems to say that 2nd time progresses faster so am trying to work out and see if I have time to get to hospital. Won't be a prob if baby decides to come in the night but if in the morning my hubby will be at work which is an hour away from home and we are about half hour away from hospital. Last time my contractions started in the night so my hubby took the day off! Keeping my fingers crossed that it will be the same this time round but one can never predict what will happen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

will probaby start pumping today...

cant stand waking up trying to latch baby all the time. its only day 2 of confinement..

Question: Pump already immediately put in fridge??

I was discharged yday at 1pm.. until now bb hasnt pooed... am worried. Will see how today.

most ultimate comment my MIL made.. she says when feed bb have to pull the nipples.. i just luff at her comment.. then i say to her nvm, my nips are big enuf. Freaking ridiculous lor. Really stupid comments. I told hb.. he says shes talking shit. just ignore her.

I also agreed that the most crucial times during confinement for me.. is the presence of hb. esp i am staying with MIL.

lUCKILY MY 2 SILs are also undewrstanding. they told me to take it easy and ignore MIL comments.

Hi everyone! long time no post already. baby has just passed 1st month... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Learning curve still incredibly steep!

Sorry out of point a bit but need some recommendations...anyone has part-time maid to recommend? i'm staying at bt batok... thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmmm... seems like a lot of mummies are expressing milk already. Day 6 for me, looking like panda, backache... but still persisting on with TBF. Hopefully I can last longer. Have been thinking about taking out the pump to assemble and sterilise. But yet, trying hard to resist.

Anyway... some funny comments I have heard the past few days.

*baby cries*

"You breastfeeding ah?"


"How much the baby drink each time huh? Must be she still hungry. Not enough milk ah?"

*frowns* *Shrugs* "Eh... 20 mins per side? half hour ago?"

*hmmm... are these people bonkas? My breasts are not calibrated leh. How I know how much baby drinks?*


So you wear the binder 24 hours a day? Hmm, ok, maybe I'd better do that as well.. I usually removed it at night when I sleep but find it difficult to get up during the night.. esp when I hear the kiddo cry or when I want to pump.. had to wake my hubby up to 'pull' me up...


I'm using the Dale Abdominal Binder as well.. Maybe I don't bind it that tightly so I don't find it too uncomfortable.. I hope to be able to sleep on my side soon.. As it is, have to wake up at night to pump.. so whatever sleep I can get now is very percious.. haha..

Thanks, bbf and chillmum, for your well wishes.


Do you all have water retention problem after birth? I had a few major ones before I gave birth.. but what I'm having now is worse than during the preggy days... My feet really look like pig trotters.. and the swelling is going higher.. Gynae did warn me to expect water retention but this is beyond me.. I can hardly feel my feet.. I can't do massage right now due to C-sect... Any idea when is the soonest I can start on massage?

Hey mums...

Feeling damn blue these few days.... think its the postnatal blues setting in.... every single damn thing also feel like crying.... especially at night!! Driving me nuts......

Yeah i agree stay with in laws damn hard.... MIL will make comments baby hungry half an hour after i feed even though she latched on for 1 HOUR!! make me feel so worried and even more stressed over my supply..... i did pumping yesterday purposely missed 1 latch on to see how much i can express.... came out to be 75ml....... seems so little.... cos i feed baby EBM and she drank 80ml......

Breastfeeding seems very very hard....add to that sore nipples, c-sec pain... lack of sleep..baby latching on the whole time if not pumping..... comments from in laws... worry about milk supply... wah.... going crazy liao....

On BFing & engorgement,

would prep myself b4 latch on:

1. Warm drinks like Milo/ milk/ red date drink, hot soups like papaya w fish/ ribs Etc

or warm bath; or warm towel & massage breasts in circular motion to soften lumps.

2. Latch on every 2.5-4hrs or when bb awake- he is quite used to the routine. If not, would express one side 1st, keep the other full breast for him- enuf for him for my case for 30-45min+ feed.

3. or Express a bit fr both breasts, nipples easier to latch & let him latch on 20min+ on each side.

4. While Latching on 1 breast, try to massage on the other to get ready.

5. Always express out balance in the breast after feeding, to allow for replenishment.

This is my 2nd week, my lil hippo drinks ard 90-120ml EBM per feed, & base on this gauge, I usu have lil balance to express after a full feed.

Best yield in early morning w gd rest ard 90ml/ side. Other times ard 60ml/ sides without latching on.

Think better to stick to a religious routine rather than ad-hoc pumping. Your body will be regulated with constant latching on & pumping. Did latch on throughout the day & 2 EBM at night so can catch some gd sleep at night.

Gd thing hubby & my parents can help to entertain #1, so will catch some naps whenever bb naps too.

Had not resort to any cold cabbage therapy yet. Massage works for me cos milk will release to bb when lumps soften.

Rest well, eat well, drink lots fluid & stay relax for better quality & qty of milk! All the best, mummies... Moo..,

Hi, pls update my details.

Date - 8 May

Procedure - C sec with epidural

Weight - 2930g

Length - 49cm

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all MTBs & Mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You're so cute when you made the comment that your breasts are not calibrated... Its all so true! My CL been asking me if i have enough milk, if bb is drinking enough milk and i just told her off. She even made a funny comment, "did you use bra push-ups or is your breasts so big?" I was like "duh" its all natural lor, i'm just wearing my nursing bra. She wanted to tell my no. 1 to stop drinking my milk but was ticked off by me. I feel I have enough for both kids lor so I dun see y no. 1 has to stop nursing too. However, weird thing is 2nd time round, no one else (family & relatives) asked me about my bb drinking enough already cus no. 1 is gd proof!


Wishing your wife a smooth & fast delivery! Update us ya!

BB pictures,

Love seeing all bb photos... really cuteeeee...

Rhino: so I cld say u don hv much ebm stored in fridge except those u pumped out at night. Right? For me normally not much stored ebm except those I pump out at night or feel engorged n will give it to my bb the morning after her bath.

too stressed abt how much bb is actually drinking w/o expressing out.. i cant tell. She just had 30ml of EBM. Is that enough for a 5day old baby? She hardly drinks the last 5ml and is already so sound asleep. I will try to express in another 2hr.

My concern is that she stil has not pooed.

Loh / edie.. SMOOTH DELIVERY!!!!


Happy Mother's Day to All!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: MIL and comments from other pple.

Fight the blues, stay positive, don't give up!!!

My MIL stands over my shoulder and asks the same question EVERY time.

"Is bb drinking? Enough milk or not?"

It's never going to end I realised. Just ignore...


She did poo in the hospital right? Just monitor a bit longer.

Mayb she will give you your mother's day gift later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@chubby tiger:

u r right I don have much reserve in fridge.

EBM enuf for night feeds only.

So still need bb to work hard for his milk. I rem when mature milk comes in, can yield ard 180/ side or more.

It just takes time.

BF mummies don worry too much abt how much bb takes. Once enuf, bb looks satisfied & sleeps well, pees & poop alot. They just know as it's a basic survival instinct.

Just that bb dozing off during BF, makes the process so long... & tiring. Try all sort of feeding positions to make myself comfy, still like cradle & lying on the side.

Had not buy FM yet & not thinking yet. Don be dishearten by neg comments. Believe in what u believe is best for bb!

Happy Mummies Day!

Congrats SK!


I usu bind in the day and will remove in the night. With bind seem to have better support and feel less pain at the wound as compared to not wearing...


Hush hush.... Let's relax together...

I wanted to let baby latch on as much as most of you... However, the initial was too tedious... + parents nagging...


Therefore, I started to ebm.

When I first started, I religiously pumped every 2hours for day and night supply.about 40ml.

It is wearing me off. When I brought baby to see PD a week later, she said I looked weak. Then I consulted her a little. She suggested that I should rest more and pump every 3hrs. She assured me it's ok to mix with FM.

So I started to pump every 3hrs. Longer interval = more rest.

My milk supply has gradually increased from 60ml -> 80ml-> 100ml now... It's not much, but the increase is motivating at least.

I also started to feed FM for bb in the night. At most 2-3 night FM feeds only. Baby is quiet and sound asleep after feed = more rest for mummies...

but I still wake up every 3hourly to pump.

In such a way, I wish I could store more EBM for night feeds, and latch bb on once again in very near future...

I guess every body varies, and we all want to give our baby the best. But let's not forget our well being. When things did not turn out to be what we expected, there's always other solutions or alternative...

Jia you all TBF, EBM, FM mummies!!!


Kudos to you. I know how it feels like to pump every 2-3hrs and I hate it.

It is pure mental and physical torture.

Not to mention the additional time required to wash and sterilize the pump parts.

Do take care of yourself. Take one step at a time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good luck to you and wifey!

And thanks for all the updates[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy mother's day!!

Huggy> thks for the ML's no.

Shuyan> I will try the salt water method after my wound fully recovered bah...

My ebm for both side nv exceed 60ml to 70ml even I pump every 3 hrs ... I hv tried drinking hot drinks n soup.. Does not really help to increase supply... Anyone faces this problem?

its my 3rd try at pump. I am doing it 2hrly and the volume is very little. 40ml for 1st time, 15ml on the 2nd time and then 10ml on the 3rd try.

Is my interval too close? I pump when i feel abit breast getting abit sore.. very scared have engorgement pain.. so try to pump 2hrly.

but wonder why the supply is so little..

I gave birth on wed.. its already sunday.. seems like my supply is diminishing..


Hi Mrs Teo

I think 2hrs interval is too close. 3-4 hrs b better cos that when the nurses push the baby for feed when I opt for total BF in hospice. The breast glands need time to fill up 2.

My boy only feeds on colostrum- clear liq only on 1st 2 days, PD supported me & monitor jaundice level, no glucose given Even though milk supply had not come in cos she mentions bb stomach only size of thumb, got own reserve up to 3 days. Just keep latching on at 3-4 hrs in the day, 4-5hrs at night. So for pumping, would follow similar timing.

Cant really tell how much bb takes cos breasts no gauge. A gd 15-20 min latch on each side, buffer some dozing off in btw say 5-10min. It varies fr bbs on milk intake.

Satisfied & full bbs will cont to sleep.

U delivered at TMC? Try the hotline no. There r only senior stuff nurses on duty who can help w your specified queries.

EBM best consumed not longer than 1hr if in norm room conditions.

Chilled milk best consumed within 2 days or 48hrs (heat w WARM not hot water, otherwise nutrients b lost).

Frozen milk best consumed within 2-6mths in freezer compartment.

***Note taste/ smell of thawed milk very diff fr chilled milk.

#1 rejected when I return to work, so end up gotta mix with some chilled milk, then slowly all thawed milk. But this is still better than FM.


If you continue to latch, bb will regulate your milk supply.

In fact regular pumping is not recommended by my LC for the first week.

Rather pumping after nursing is recommended to relief the engorgement and empty the breasts...

However if you intend to do exclusive pumping. You need to create more demand to increase the milk supply.

You can try galactagogues like fernugeek,milk thistle, mother's milk tea etc as some of the mums here have recommended.

There is also power pumping method to increase milk supply.

Basically, mimicking the cluster feedings of the bb during a growth spurt,

ie, for a period of 1 hr repeat the pumping of 10 min, followed by rest for 10 min.

Do this once everyday until supply increases. Takes abt one week.


mrs teo : its best to latch den will have supply.. and will also stimulate the supply..

when there is demand.. there is supply..

help! i am thinking should i express since i am feeding on demand leh! how?? she cant seem to empty my breasts..

lilstarz : its normal for baby to suck suck and den stop.. suck suck and stop .. ur LC never advice u? when baby stop.. must wait a while count til 5.. den baby will suck again.. just like when we eat.. we also must rest a while lor..

ok then i wil continue to latch and pump only the access (if there is)

rhino, maybe i will go back on wed to lc classin mt e. since thats also my stitch removal appt.and pd appt

Jthan.. u know i think i wear the binder my stomach look like smaller a little...then everyday i will try to tighten it more and more... hiao lah can't be helped.. i dun want to look like i have a beer belly that jiggles when haven't even touched alcohal since dunno when....

Lucasmummy...yeah i agree its tiring.. my hubby give me ultimatum already say if i next see PD on 18th and still so tired and unhappy he wants me to get formula on standby... irony even though baby poop and pee and gaining weight properly but the exhaustion and stress getting too much to me already...

i tired pumping in between feedings.. poor amt pumped... CL put a stop to it say if i empty too fast the baby later got not enough..cos the princess one moment feed 3 -4 hours.. next moment 45 mins... so a bit hard to gauge.. think will just stick to pumping after a feed to empty breasts....

Nanabear... the thing is i see my babe suck and suck... but dunno got swallow or not.. then put her down is actually fall asleep using me as human pacificer!! then give her 5 mins she will wake up and want more milk.. so its 3 mins on the breast...5 mins sleep then i realise.. then 5 mins trying to wake her up... then the cycle continues for at least an hour before she finally goes to sleep!

Mrs Teo... Wed got free breastfeeding class at Mount E.... at 2pm i think but must make appointment if u just want some help..if not can telephone them... think i will be going....need all the help i can get my nipples too pain liao.. cringe when i think of latching on...

Happy Mother Day!!

Another 6 hours ++ I will going for labour.

Already pack everything in car, my husband said like 3 days 2 nite staying in hotel haha..

Thank you everyone, I will jia you!!

Mrs Teo, ah yoh! Why you baby can be so cubby?

I love cubby babys (^^) super cute loh.

Yeap all new born babys are so cute loh.

I will try to post my baby photo here too but that will probably be 2, 3 days later..

Getting s~o excited!! Don't know how's my baby look like (^^;)


finally after all this waiting...All the best![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally baby managed a tiny smear of poo... She's drinking about 20ml per latch on average. The balance 10ml I store in fridge... Trying on a 3 hrly latch, thing is my baby can sleep for many hours without wanting to feed. Do I wake her up for 3 hrly latch? I need to increase my milk supply ... 30 ml sounds so pathetic . I also need her to poo more ...

Dear Mummies, Daddies, MTBs & FTBs

Understand tat many mummies who popped have some concerns over bb's milk intake. Would like to share the following table extracted from Mrs Wong Boh Boi's book. Hope it will be helpful as a guideline for all the hardworking mummies here. Jia you on moo moo! ^^


For babies older than 1 week, the formula for calculating a suitable amt of feed is:

(150ml X body weight of baby) divided by No. of feeds per day

Mrs Heng

thanks for the chart. It's really useful as a guideline.


same, I think binder makes tummy looks smaller too! Jia you!


all the best!!!!



You need to wake bb up to feed every 2-3 hrly.

Otherwise bb can just sleep and forget to feed.

It will be even worse when bb has jaundice.

Take bb off the swaddle, hold bb in burping position and pat her back to wake her.

Then try to latch when she is awake.

Make sure bb is passing pale yellow urine and stools should be loose/seedy and

stool colour should turn from black to dark green

then greenish yellow to yellow.

