(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Mrs Heng,

I think it was $3/entry coupon, I mistaken liao, sorry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My ML is auntie Su, her phone number is 91390549. She is good and honest, if your body is already good enough and don't need anymore massage, she will tell you and just let you cancel the next appointment.


preg piggy,cos gynae say my piles look very raw,need to soak in salt water(must be salter than sea water),then he oso give me cream to apply.So far everyday I soak for 5 to 10mins,next week then go for review again.


All the Best


Thank you so much!

And it's so exciting to see the updates...


thanks for sharing... i shall persistently wait for good flow and latch him on again and make sure he has that contented look!

Night shift begins...


thanks!! look forward to seeing pics of your girl too!


really appreciate you running around to send me the oils in your very heavily pregnant state.

Thanks a million [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it's good to let off steam in the forum... and YES it's HARD. And to think some of us will go thru it 2X 3X or even 4X...

Just take each day one at a time and before you know it time passes.

If your nipples still hurt, it's probably a bad latch so she doesn't draw out the milk effectively.

Otherwise I will strongly recommend going to the LC and getting some advice.

IMHO, they are the experts who have seen many many mothers facing similar problems

and they can just give us the correct pointers to prolong our BF and enhance the experience.

What we do learn here is some of the experiences by the mothers but again each child is different.

And trial and errors take a lot of time and torture before hitting jackpot.

My BF experience with #1 is totally different from #2.

For #1, I have personally called on the LC dunnoe how many times...

go down and actually show how I feed my bb, cry SOS over the phone etc.

It helped a lot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihis agains..

bbf: no worries, u're welcome, i'd like to be as mobile as possible to help wif my upcoming labour..

mmm i think my daily naps are giving me insomnia and hence making me emo... hmfp!

had some disagreement wif the hubby post dinner cos he was telling me he didn't like the way my parents try to boss him around our house and i just didn't wanna agree wif him..

then later he went on to make me feel like i won't be able to cope wif childbirth when i can't even relax thru my usual perineal massages and i feel really lousy as it keeps replaying in my mind when i'm trying to relax and fall asleep...

makes me feel really lousy and scared that i'll be useless during labour!!!!!

so upset!

night shift just ended.

Like bbf, the LC's contact number became my favourite number during confinement. I also had a BFg friend's number where we SMSed each other and encouraged each other during our respective nightfeeds. It was what kept 2 nursing mummies sane in the wee hours.

I only went to RH's lactation nurse once cos of breast infection. Did not know that time that I need to empty breast after latch, so developed fever. Went to LC and they diagnose my prob, so I did not have latch probs, just 'emptiness' issue.

Yes, what we share here are really based on what worked for us with our #1. We may not be as clear as the LCs too. So if you have further doubts, always better to check with the experts.

Sue have faith in yourself. You aren't the only one sometimes I find it hard to relax thru the perineal massages as well especially when I'm not fully focusing on what I'm doing. Chin up you'll be alright once you've have calm down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Loh,

Can you pls update for me? I've given birth to a girl on 5th May via C-sec with epi, weighs 2.96kg, 49cm..


As for my birth process, it wasn't tramautic but sure not as easy and smooth as I hope it will be..

04 May

2.30pm - went to hospital for CTG to check on fetal movement.. was there for 3 hours.. kiddo was sleeping.. the nurse used a vibrator thingy to 'stimulate' her.. didn't work.. she used her hands to really 'shake' my tummy.. kiddo moved a little bit.. it was only the last 20 mins that she woke up and moved more.. From there, went to see my gynae and she suggested me to be induced the same night.

7ishpm - Admitted myself into the hospital. The first thing I did was to request for shower.. haha..

8+pm - Put on Fleet.. can only tahan 10 mins before running to the toilet..

9+pm - Put on drip to hasten dilation (only 2cm dilated)... anathestia doc came in to administer epi..

10+pm - Gynae came in to break water bag.. but due to the epi.. the process was painless.. told me she'll see me the next morning at abt 6am and try to sleep!

1+am - Nurse did VE and I was 6-7cm dilated..

3am - Nurse checked again.. fully dilated.. she was surprised but asked me to prepare to start pushing..

4+am - been pushing for 1+hour.. no luck.. epi dosage was cut down earlier, it wasn't v painful but the pressure was tremendous.. but baby was still v high up.. nurse decide to increase epi dosage so that I can rest a bit..

5+am - started another round of pushing till my gynae came in 6am... baby was still v high... tried it with gynae for another half an hour..

6+am - urine with blood in it.. and baby was still nowhere in sight... gynae suggested emerg c-sect... I agreed and got wheeled in operating theatre.. pumped more epi in me... and baby was out soon after some tugging and pulling... gynae had to get the nurses to push on my tummy whilst she tied to pull the baby out as the baby was jammed... finally kiddo was out.. wailing to the world.. Gosh! The feeling is indescrible... I'm not a emotional person but at that point in time, my tears just started...

Mummies who have gone through C-sect,

Can you sleep on your side shortly after? I'm a side sleeper and I find it it a bit painful to sleep on my side.. and I couldn't fall asleep on my back (that's why I'm still up at this hour).. I've slept maybe 2+hours and have been lying in bed awake since 1+am...

And do you put on your abdominal binder 24hours? I removed it when I sleep..

As for breastfeeding, I've been latching my gal on in the day but as this is only the 3rd, there is no milk yet.. she'll suckle but up to a point, she'll push the nip out (maybe cos' there's nothing...)I'll usually attempt 15mins on each breast.. For nights, I told the nurse to go on formulae so that I can rest a bit more.. Tonight is the first night home.. told the confinement lady to bottle feed at night.. so far, kiddo has been up at 2am and now.. with crying episodes in between. confinement lady has been taking care and kept asking me to go and rest but I just can't sleep... Kinda frustrating when I know that I ought to rest more now...

So far, hubby has been v supportive of me throughout... he kept apologising to me for the pain that I had to go through.. and he's ok with my decision to bottle feed her at night.. Thank my lucky stars for him...

Congrats JThan!

My second night duty for this morning went well and very quietly.

Congrats JThan!

Wah, your birth process also sounded quite dangerous! Pushing for 2hrs++!


Jia You!!!


White rice wine was not my idea, i copied from dunno ktsc or some other experienced mummy. I think it is used to wipe clean our body while trying to stop the wind from entering our body.


your boy boy mabuk already, LOL!!! So cute!!!

Morning mummies!


I lie to the side when I am back home. Most of the time on my right cos the other is painful.

I removed binder the moment I am home cos it's really hot. But both massage lady and my gymaes nurse encouraged me to wear it for a month. So I wore and only removed when I need to clean myself. However my gynae say it's up to individual.

The binder is quite uncomfy. It causes itchness. Gynae said it only support womb n not for slimming but I use the later reason to motivate myself to wear it for a longer period.

Btw, Congrats to ur newborn! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies!! am back to update..

Loh : thanks for updating the table.. mine is under GA C-sec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

let me share my story..

since i cant sleep now.. let me share..

on 6 may abt 4+ am close to 5am.. i was turning while sleeping as usual.. den dunno hw come when i use my strength to turn.. den felt wet.. tot i could not control my urine. so when to toilet n urine.. changed panty n put on pad.. when i went back to bed.. the same thing happen.. so got up to change again.. den pad got a bit of staining din tot much of it..

went back to bed.. cant sleep.. played psp.. hubby ask y u not sleeping? i just said cant sleep..

after a while i manage to sleep abt 2-3 hrs den tiffany woke up.. brought her to sch.. showed the maid hw to bring her so walked all the way with her..

meanwhile still trying to figure out is it i cant control my urine or waterbag broke.. made calls to my sis n sil.. while walking 1/2 way.. cannot control liao.. water flowing n i cant control..

still went to drop tiffany.. call gynae n took a cab back. in the cab i told gynae i think its waterbag broke.. the taxi uncle so funny .. he keep turning n look ât me äfter i said tat .. so all ask me go hospital ..

i called hubby told him n went to bathe wash hair etc.. he still say i power can wash hair.. if dún wash nw, 10 days later den can wash leh!!! den i ask hubby , i drive to hospital ?he said ya cos peak hour also difficult get cab . n of cos i drive myself faster la.. sped 120 all the way .. trying to find tp escort me.. dont have .. hahaha ...

best part .. i reach hospital need to find parking, i left the car at the entrance n told the security tat my waterbag break n run off.. they got the valet to park for me after that...

went to delivery ward .. changed n gynae came n dilated 0.5 cm liao .. den go emergency c-sec lor .. just otw to OT.. i felt contractions.. nw i know hw contractions feel like .. hahaha !

lucky i taught my maid hw to send tiff to sch so called 'last min '.. if not yesterday morning..dunno hw..

ók not as exciting but definately n experience for mé.. lucky its leaking n not gashing waterbag ..

while sitting on the toilet bowl ât 5am .. i was thinking of this sat mothers day dinner with my mum n sis.. thinking hmmm last mothers' day with 3 of us.. next year got 4! n ya lor she cant wait to come out..

den in march my buddy's bro was asking me to deliver on 6 may same birthday as him, i still say cannot, c-sec too early n dun wan .. y must same with u ?? hahaha!! see cannot talk too fast ar !!!



morning morning!

hope all the mummies and mtbs are doing ok? Haven't been able to catch up on all the posts recently. quite a nightmare to have to do feeding every 3 hrs for me. look like a crazy panda now. =(

MTBs, try to get as much sleep as u can now. haha... it will be much needed.

Mummies, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY in advanced! All the best to those who are BFing, speedy recovery to all those who went thro c-sect!

Morning, went for my week 39 gynae check yesterday and am 1.5cm dilated and brownish discharge from yesterday till today. Hubby coming back tonight so bring on the contractions!

Anyway, my gynae says if baby not out by Tuesday she might induce, so I hope baby will be out by then, would love to feel the contractions and then go down to hospital. So will start walking again today, had been on self-claimed bed rest for the whole week.

nanabear, Victoria is so cute, my heart melts when I saw her pic and Tiffany looks very doting.

Morning mummies, me 'enjoying alone time' in the ofc working half day today. tsk tsk. got a long day later, gotta collect cake for my mum n buy cake for my mil... go grandma's hse for dinner. Tmr, gotta set up the bb cot in the room n arrange all the stuff to be placed ard the room. they r all still stacked up in my hall! early next week, gonna get the pt cleaner 'spring clean' the whole hse. phew~~~

JThan and nanabear, woah yr birth story indeed "drama" glad everything turns out well now. sometime comes to childbirth really dunno wat to expect on D-Day. Congrats on yr newborn again n just in time to celebrate mother's day w u!

edie, baby really obedient waited for daddy to be back before 'show hand' hahaha! hope u can deliver tmr hav a Sunday bb w hubby by yr side~~~yeah!



Yeah after C-sec cannot sleep on side painful..... think now about 1 week later then slowly can.... i also side sleeper but no choice..... i put a small bloster under my knees and sleep on the back becos if i sleep flat i find it more uncomfortable.....

i wear the binder 24 hours a day... only take off to bathe.. cos there was 1 day i washed it and my back hurt so badly without it..... anyway the tummy so ugly!! soft like jello like that so i rather have it wrapped up! I was thinking women wear corsets to make slimmer so i hope that it will help... though now lucasmummy say only for support so may not be the case! But anyway make myself feel better i wear all the time... initally also itchy but think now used to it already....Using the Dale Abdominal Binder

edie!- all the best to ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ranting baby- its both...

he feeds for 2 hrs sometimes and past 2 days he has been feeding every 2 hrs.. we just offered him FM at 8am(i was super tired from the 3am feed tt lasted until 5.30 and no more EBM). then took him for sun bath at 9.30.. by 10.30 our friend asking for milk again!! i dun empty my milk after 2 hr feeds. bec i know my breasts super tired liao..

Something funny to share.. when i try to unlatch Raihan (that's my bb's name).. he knows!! n we will be playing tug of war with my poor innocent nipple. one hand i'll be trying to open his mouth by putting my pinky to stretch his mouth n he will be trying to hold onto my nipple as tight as possible!!! haiz!!

bbf- i thk i hv become a human pacifier.. prob is i dunno when i m rendering that svc... heheh.. so much to learn!! dunno whether i'll pull thru for the minimum 6 mths bf-ing... n ur bb looks cute!!

Nanabear! salute u for driving to hospital urself! n ur bb is super cute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

COngrats to all mummies who have popped!


Your bb so cuteeee & sweet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Tiffany looks so pretty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah you still can go home n bathe first and drive yourself there... kudos to you!


The end result is more impt than the process!

No matter what methods are used during labor, as long as bb comes out safely and you are ok, it is a good thing.

And how you go through it represents nothing of you as a person.

Many pple used to die from childbirth.

We are lucky for the options we have been given

it will be a lot less stressful if we keep our minds open to deal with the things we cannot predict.


Congrats!!Your labor must have been tiring.

After pushing then c-sect...kudos to u.

Cannot imagine having to breastfeed with the binder and the itch/pain.

You must be doing very well. All the best for your recovery.


It is a beautiful photo.

your daughter looks like she's all ready to take care of the younger. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So far my elder can only help to comb didi's hair, but even that is a disaster. Didi hair end up looking like the muppets animal character.

I don't think there'll be a chance for such a nice photo with the 2 of them in it.


looks like your self-aclaimed bed rest worked! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] D-day only 3 days away!!! Time to start the count down to join the sleep-deprived cow club.


Thanks thanks...my boy cute but yours is very handsome...he has nice sharp features! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, before you left Parkway east did you attend the parent craft class by Fornie?

I learnt the difference between the suckling and proper latch through observation of my bb.

When my bb suckles his latch relaxes and the mouth closes smaller around the nipple area.

I will check the latch around areola,if bb is not taking a majority of the aerola. I will unlatch him and try again.

I observed that my bb's jaw open and closes,in a biting motion when he latches correctly.

HTH otherwise u know the number to call at Parkway east. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Huggy - haha..no worries. Btw, they auto passed u coupon during admission?

nanabear - u r really a calm n brave mummy!! Salute to u !! Tiffany n Victoria both look beri angelic..pretty babes =D

bbf - Tks..i'm lookin forward too! I cant help but to show ur bb's pic to my hubby n he also think ur bb is cute!

Edie - ur EDD 18th..y is there a need to induce by nex tues ?

edie - OoOoHhh...Wish u a speedy and smooth delivery ! ^^

blueturtle - ur gal so smiley!! Quite alot of hair too..kawaii neh!

Blue turtle! smiley baby!! hehhee!

Bbf- Ya, i did attend the talk by Fonnie. She helped me in the hospital a few times too. She was the one who also said aft seeing how my bb latches on that 2 hr feeds shdnt be uncommon to me.. haiz.. hahah!

But Fonnie was very computer like. She knew EXACTLY wat she was going to say! u know how she talks rgt! whao! I was totally taken aback ont he first day. hahaha!

My right boobies having engorgement i think.. a lil pain since mng.. going to pump out the milk.. hopefully better later..

And thanks for the compliments on my boy... must teach him from young that girls are bad! hahahhaha!!

blueturtle- ur gal got a veri nice smile.. so sweet...

edie- ur self declare bed rest did work... jiayou on ur up coming delivery... can wait to see you bb photo...

nanabear- veri nice photos of ur kids... ur elder one looks like a great helper...

sue- don have to be too bothered abt the process.. just relax and let nature do it's job...

bbf, ah yeah yoh! you baby looks enjoy sleeping hehe so cute.

nanabear, your girl ah? very pretty leh. baby also cute (^^)

blue turtle, your bb can smile already! so cute!

Mummies! Finally my turn!!!

Monday morning, 2am I will check in for induce labour!!! (too bad after mother day...but nevermind, next year can celcbrate with my boy boy hehe)

This morning went for check up, gynae sent me for a scan, check baby's weight and water level then follow by baby's heart beat test.

Result was water level 5.5 which is quite low already but baby's heart beat was alright.

So my gynae said let me enjoy my mother day 1st before labour.

Yeap baby's weight 3.4, 3.5.

So excited already..also quite sca~re...

Hope my labour won't be super long one..


Oh soooo cute your girl... Love her smile! Its so hard to capture their smiles at this age. My boy wont smile much except when he is absolutely full and satisfied! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]




Gook Luck! Wish you a smooth & fast delivery ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Am super excited for u!! All the best!! Jia you!!

My prayers for you to have a short and smooth delivery. Use the yoga breathing techniques when contractions kick in. Try to go as far as possible without epidural. I am sure u can do it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbf: my milk ss start to kicks in already n hv to pump quite freq cos can feel the breast very lumpy n hard. Some time i tahan til my gal to wake up n empty for me but then i realise tt my breast bcom hard until her mouth cant cover the whole areola so end up she so pek chek n i end up suffer nipple pain n bite from her.

would like to find out this kind of lumpy breast n engorgement when will it start to go away? I was wondering those bf their bb for so long do they still feel the engorgement n lumpy/pain breast?

thanks mummies n mummies to be fôr ur compliments =)


edie : jiayou !!

blue turtle : ur girl smile so sweet!! n so early know hw to smile !

my milk flow comes very fast.. amazing ..

catch up again .. nw i gôt a lot of wind in my tummy ..

those tat i haven reply.. reply later ók ? =)

i realise whenever i bf .. i wanna sleep

hey mummies.. any of ur babies have heat rash?

Raihan's is pretty bad.. my MIL insist on draining him with water (2 oz per day) to reduce it...

chubby tiger.. bb has strong resemblance of someone.. is it mummy's or daddy's?

nanabear.. ya bf-ing is energy consuming...


Thanks! Funny thing is.. I've got a pic of my #1 that I also took after a feed having the same expression!


kekeke...yes, Fonnie does speak in a very robotic manner...remind me of my gps. haha

But she is very helpful and experienced. She managed to recognize me after 2 yrs too *oops*

When I discharged, I told her my right latch needed some help coz I was beginning to get sore. She watched me and was able to help me correct it straight away.

haha now is just bfing, soon you'll be bz fencing off the girls in no time...


If you are asking me how long the engorgement will last, I think it will vary from person to person. Eventually the body will recognize the demand and slow down the production.

I can't rem how long it b4 it got resolved for my #1 though.

For #2, Day 5 after milk came in aldy and still I get the engorgement. Looks like this may take another week to settle.

Basically if you continue to bf, when feedings are missed, we will still get lumpy breasts and engorgement.

Rather than wait for bb to wake, you can initiate the feeds. I will wake my bb every 2-3 hrs to relief my engorgement.

After the feed, apply cabbage leaves/cold compress.

You can try to pump/manual hand expression some milk out before feeds so that the part around areola will be softened.

This will facilitate your bb to latch better when you suffer from engorgement and prevent sore nipples.

waha! all the bb pics are so cute....more MORE pls!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I Love it!

Finally back at home.... settled baby in her cot, ate my dinner...

missed out alot posts... will read all when I am free. Breastfeeding is so tedious... although my milk flow is considered good... I still have problem with her latching. I am now on HER schedule... feeding as and when she wants to. Very hard to keep to a 2 hrly or 3hrly feed.

Makes things worst with MIL keep saying she's hungry when she's just crying... all babies cry lor. and being hungry is NOT the only reason.

Not letting external people affect me especially this one mth confinement period.

this is my baby... she looks like her daddy about 95%. the only 5% belongs to me... (coz her nailbed is huge like mine and thats all abt it)

Mrs teo. Totally agree with ur statement on crying bb. My mil n mother also keep commenting that bb is hungry whenever she cries. It's like "hello... She cry every hr means must feed every hr is it?" maddness. Else will keep saying ur milk not enough go buy formula, etc. Frustrated. Feel like locking myself in e room with bb n just ignore all of them.

mrs teo - ur bb so chubby!!..she has rosy cheeks..feel like kissing her!

Re: Crying bb

I agree with blueturtle n u. Although i hv not deliver yet, i forsee i will face the same situation too. Prob is...i'm a short tempered person. So i dunno how i will react...Probably juz turn a deaf ear n do what i deem right


Good Evening MTBs & FTBs,

This morning wify got blood in her discharge n we went KKH to c gynae. was told wify was 1cm dilated. so we waste no time today n we went starbucks for her latte n Din Tai Feng for her Szechuan soup fix n some last min window shopping for her gift. will be a busy wk ahead.

