(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Phy, bx,

Will just have to keep latching 4 those 3 days, I can barely see the colostrum when I squeeze ard the areola so I don't even bother pumping it out.



20-40 ml is perfectly fine! Your bb only how old? Don't be discouraged, keep going.

Pumping also should not hurt the nipples unless

1. u spent too much time on the pump

2. breast shield is the wrong size

3. pump suction is too strong.

RE: How do you know bb is breastfed enough?

Check the diapers, their pee will also be pale yellow.

Day 2 bb abt 2 wet diapers.

Day 3 bb abt 3 wet diapers.

Dat 4 bb and onward 6 wet diapers.

Stools will also progress from black (meconium) to greenish/greenish yellow and then finally yellow/orange/mustard (seedy/loose).

For those doing full EBM I found this pretty useful.



just curious, have you called a lactation consultant for advice?

You can try that if you haven't done so already. I think they offer the best guidance for your specific situation. First they can help find out what is wrong with our methods, then offer the best solution to solve our problem.


Alright bb just slp after feeding her formula so that she can slp longer at night.

Mummies: let's us work Hard together on breast feeding n bf infact is not an easy task n we also need bb to cooperate with us this is wat I feel compared to my #1. My #2 can latch on very well but I also hv the same thinking whether she has enough milk cos when I pump out I only get 40ml (combined) n very rare get engorged believed she has emptied the whole breast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so ebm ss was damn low. These few days I hv been drinking lots of longan tea, soup n Milo N fish for every meal hope that my body was not dehydrated n enough fluid for bfdg.

hey there... back again.. daddy offering bb EBM.. am pumpimg here..

Rantingbb... the 2 hrs consists on both breasts at max interval of 30 mins.. one breast 2 hrs!- I'll die! My boy's suction a bit strong also.. hahah

Ladies, abt milk supply- I highly recommend intake of fenugreek. It boosted my supply by 3 times.. We use it for cooking so i take the spice directly by roasting it first.. apparently they have the tablet form too...

Loh! thanks for the prompt updates. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My bb's weight at birth in 3.010kg.

Thanks Loh for updating the list religiously!

Btw, mine is nat w/ epi.

Birth Story:

5 May

cramps started at 1pm progressively through the night, managed to tolerate to thursday

6 May - was supposed to have my check up at 2pm but went in ard 10am.

1030 - saw doc, doc did a VE, said I was 2.59m and asked when wld I like to give birth, I jokingly said now and he said OK, will send you to the labour ward.

1135 - admitted to labour ward.

1335 - doc burst water bag and was given oxytocin

1435 - asked for epi even though pain was minimum and bearable.

From then on, I slept, watch tv and joked with hb. No pain felt at all. Love it!!! Only felt some pressure towards the end.

2020 - princess #2 arrived!

Now can't sleep, having blocked nose and a slight headache. Just requested for medication, hopefully can get some sleep.

Doc also said I can discharge today evening. Yay. I hate staying in hospitals.


Mrs Goh

hehe... I am also a mrs goh...

Re: BFg

think bbf mentioned it too. You can BF the following ways.

1. 15-20mins per breast, OR

2. Empty one breast then offer the other. Alternate the breast sat subsequent feeding.

Yes, pump for 15mins within 10 mins after latch. It tells your brain that more milk is required.


yes, 2nd round is better, especially after Gloria has learnt to latch properly. As for my swing, will still be keeping it cos it's good for travel use. My hubby is trying to psycho me to return to workforce. So if in future, I really return to workforce and still have a young baby to BF, then will use the swing at home & leave PISA in ofc.


just latch cos baby will benefit from the colostrum! From colostrum, then you will get milk ultimately.


It may hurt a little when you start the pump process. It may be due to engorgement or the time span between pumps is slightly longer than usual. It should ease off after the initial 5 mins. These are other possibilities apart from those mentioned by bbf.

Actually you have good yield from pumping (25-40mls). Don't stress yourself. Remind yourself that your body is already working hard to produce what your baby needs. I used to yield lesser than you did ffrom pumping for my older girl.

A good latch is as important as the supply. Take care of your feed tools then you can take care of your little one!


actually I yak here a lot about BFg but initially, the thought of giving up BFg also struck me. cos Gloria had BM jaundice (she slept a lot in the first 2 weeks) and did not feed well. Then she fusses a lot at the breasts, I had a lot of BF problems with her. Even my hubby suggested for me to give up. But I persevered and now things do get better. Take your time cos after the hormones do clear off slightly, you realize that you have managed to do well.

Blue turtle

I lock door when I BF at home. Generally my mum is pro-BF, tho her aunty 本色 will sometimes pop out and she will bug me if Gloria cries after an hour's latch and she'll go, 'Did Gloria drink enough?!?!'

I lock door mainly cos of my older girl, Faith. She is disruptive during latching. Always jumping on the bed, disturb Gloria or test me patience. So lock her out and I have peace for an hour or so.

Locking up can help you to destress during BFg and minimise unnecessary harrassment from unwelcomed people. ;p

chubby tiger

I agree that mummies need to persevere on and support eahh other on our BF journey. Both babies and mummies need to learn the techniques properly so that BFg becomes enjoyable.

I had an enjoyable BFg journey with Faith for about 13 months. I intend to BF Gloria for 2 years min. It's a personal goal to keep her as healthy as possible (apart from savings from FM). Faith was a pro in latching since day 1 compared to Gloria. So every kid is different and I learnt to come to terms with that.

I also drown myself with plain water. Actually I really hated plain water and avoid it as much as possible. But I only appreciated its value during confinement. I remember a recent trip to a Jap restaurant, where I had to ask for warm water. After the first sip, I told my mum that even a mouthful of warm plain water would make me so touched now (cos totally sian from red date tea).

Congrats to phys and nanabear!

AR, do you pump after the 2 hour feed? Still 2 hours is long and you need to rest cos childbirth is a traumatic experience for your body.

Re: fenugreek & milk supply

A word of caution for mummies about fenugreek. If you intend to take this to boost your supply, by all means. But take note that if you consume it before you have clear out all your blocked ducts, it will not only increase supply but also bad engorgement. Before you start consuming fenugreek, start by cleaning your nipples with clean wet cloth & massagingyour breasts thoroughly before feeds. Also, remember to start slow on the amount consumed. Instead of the recommended dose of 2 capsules 3 times each day, start with 2 capsules once a day. Cos you should boost ss gradually.

Btw, the views on BF is personal view and based on what has worked for me. BF is an initmate journey that you share with your baby. So do what feels comfy and works well for you and your baby.

Congrats Phy! This time u staying in the hospital for prob the best reason in life!

Bbf: I didn't. I have no pro with latching bb on just that he didn't seem to drink the same amt as I have pumped when direct latch on.

I've got a qn. Is it normal for bb to perspire alot? My bb woke uo with his back n mattress cover pretty wet.


my older girl used to perspire a lot during infancy. It could be the weather cos recently Gloria also perspires quite a bit even in cool dry places like my bedroom. Just keep them hydrated with their milkfeeds. Remember to wake your baby for feeds. Cos no matter BM or FM, it already has water in it. No need to give additional water or worse, honey water.

Congrats to all mummies who popped yesterday and today.

Re: BF

For those who want to know more and those who have a bit of problems. This link from Standford School of Medicine is quite useful. Has video demo on how to latch, hand express etc.


I've been doing some revision. Hopefully I'm more prepared this time round. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lucasmummy don't feel so sad about TBF. I know it's hard to let go when you really want to do it but sometimes that's the way life is. It was the same for me the first time round. I was forced to give FM to #1 the second day 'cos he wouldn't latch and his jaundice was getting worse. But I was determined to give him as much EBM as possible. So I pumped like mad the first few weeks and eventually my supply caught up and FM feeds lessen and eventually I managed to phase it out almost completely. Don't give up but don't kill yourself over the pumping either. Do it at a pace that is comfortable for you. If you do that you'll be a lot happier and won't burned out too early.

blue turtle you should invest in a good pair of ear plugs then you can block out the unwanted 'noise'.

sue regarding your question about supplementing with FM in the night and the need to pump. I have a leaflet on BF from my MW and it said it is better to do at least a pump in the wee hours of the morning if you don't want to latch 'cos prolactin (milk producing hormone) concentration is highest around 2 to 4 am. This essential if you want to maintain supply for long term bf. I didn't latch during this time with my #1 too stressful as he always cried so I usually pumped while my hubby fed EBM. It must have helped cos I managed to pump for 15 mths.

I think nipple confusion depends on the baby. My son was given a bottle at day 3 and I always thought that was it no chance of him ever latching. But one day when he was just over 6 weeks old I just decided to try and see if he would latch and he did. Fed for almost half hour. Was rather surprised b'cos everything article I read said don't give bottle too early. But as my MW says every baby is different there is no yardstick which applies to all. I did a combination of bottle (fed him myself)and latching for the next 4 mths and my son didn't have any problems switching. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks rantingbaby and bbf, will just latch the first few days. hope mil and my mum dun nag at me like they did during #1 time. during #1 time, i requested for bb to be fed FM in hospital as i had a little complication and was too weak to bf from blood loss. hope this time wun happen again. but gynae cannot guarantee that it wun happen again.

u gals are up early!!


my older girl used to perspire a lot during infancy. It could be the weather cos recently Gloria also perspires quite a bit even in cool dry places like my bedroom. Just keep them hydrated with their milkfeeds. Remember to wake your baby for feeds. Cos no matter BM or FM, it already has water in it. No need to give additional water or worse, honey water.

wah! so many posts cant catch up nw..

i âm very hungry! post op cant eat yet ..

sue - i was dilated 0.5 cm not 5cm.. hahaha .. n i choose elective c-sec .. but waterbag broke .. no contractions only waterbag broke so have emergency c-sec lor

Good morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congratulations!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


icic u r keeing the swing as back up for future...so does this mean you will be planning for #3?


You can still try the LC who can also help with pump/supply issues. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry I'm a bit confused, do you mean that lucas doesn't drink the same amt from latch on vs the expressed breast milk? How do you arrive to this?

oh oh gotta attend to my whinny #1....

not yet leh. I haven't pop mah hehe..

Or maybe end of Jul also can.

will check with everyone around early or mid july.

place, any preference? hotel buff?

I'm so bored at home.

Thog going orchard shop shop then go for cup of nice coffee and takoyaki.

recently like to shop super market. sometimes got offer i will buy a lot of fruits and vege.

icic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no worries.

Just wanted to check out what the date was so that I can block out the time on my calendar.

I prefer just having a buffet at a condo/hotel/club function room. What abt u?

morning edie!

Yes, I think you are getting ready 4 motherhood. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


once hubbie back tmr and u can go and deliver. heheh

But before that go and enjoy one nice candlelight dinner and movie or you may not get the chance until many mths later... :p

bbf, actually I'd like to deliver right after he's back. He'll be back tomorrow night, hopefully we can go straight hospital after airport to get it done. I've been doing nothing for so long, hands are itching to get things done but I believe I'll regret what I'm saying now when the baby is out.

Oh ya, the gathering after we pop and before work starts. Hotel will be good right? We don't have to do any cleaning up and being served. It will be fun with our babies.

bbf, me anything loh.

just worry so many babys if they cry at the same time hor, other customers can take it or not haha.

edie, yeap enjoy last few days "er ren shi je"

me going to watch IP2 tonite!


soon soon... let nature run its course and leave the regrets for later.

Will the hotel be too ex? How much does it usually cost per pax?

edie, yeap do nonthing very siah right?

I just started ML 2nd days already dying...

Will go orchard for high tea before meet me hubby for movie.

bbf, if it's high tea probably is around $25-$35? Can source around for promotion like one for one or things like that.

luckyone, you got a lot of 'er ren shi jie' so good!! can see your hubby dotes on you a lot.


will be the same if we hold it anywhere, it's a bb gathering mah...

but usually the bbs won't all cry at the same time or cause a chain reaction. So not to worry.

Bbf, Rantingbaby.. thanks for the encouragement.... really difficult cos baby on TBM..... spend 1 hour feeding her and 30 mins pumping..... then she feeding every 3 hours.... so my whole day is literally feeding and pumping!! damn tiring.... plus at night her feeding takes even longer!! REFUSES to sleep... hiyoh.... can see why mummies give up.... so difficult for something supposed to be so natural....

she is 1 week old 2 days old...went to see PD on tuesday and she gained back the 200g she lost in the hospital (back to her original birth weight) since our discharge on Sat.... she was also jaundiced at 160 but doc said can bring home....didn't have any phototherapy either.... now she is still yellow but doc didn't measure anymore and he's happy with her weight gain so assume should be alright... but yeah... no time for anything anymore.... feed..pump.... thats my WHOLE DAY!!

And when go see doc so worried she wake up... cos feeding her takes a whole hour... literally went into panic attack that day at the hospital cos dunno where to feed her.... and a screaming baby attracts a lot of attention.... really take my hats off to mummies with a few kids... 1 already i like going to peng san liao.....

Phy congrats!! and congrats to all the mummies who have given birth this week........lost in too many posts liao...


$35++ still ok... can do...I worry if it will cost like $50++ not so reasonable.


I feel so unloved le...my hb never even bring me for movie or say thank you when I bear him 2 kids. :p

blueturtle, u feedback to my hb ok!??!?!

bbf, 35++ ok but weekday should be cheaper right?

man seldom say thank you one.

As for movie and other prog, most of the time I palnned it one.

cause man aslo lazy to plan haha

I also plan after baby go infrant care, we will take half day leave for nice movie or 1 day leave to Universary Studio.

after got kids, sometimes need "er ren shi jie" too.


yes I hear you... it's crazy tts why I don't even bother to pump if possible.

I got a night tiger, at 2am, 4:30am and 7am, his eyes will be wide awake and he refused to lie by himself.

Then my cranky #1 will wake up from the noise and then the circus act starts. I have to change diaper and feed #2, and also pacify the elder back to sleep at the same time.

But we have to try to relax, too stress also not good for milk supply.

okok better not complain, some of the other mummies even worse...


if it is going to be on a weekday in August I will have to take leave coz I will return to office in 10 weeks.

Need to check out the rates to confirm it is really within budget. What hotels do u think will be good?

I guess mine is the all action type, I ask he will execute. Aiyah sometimes just want to hear some feel good mushy nice words... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just finished feeding...bb sleeping! Yay!!! gonna catch a nap.

Hullo MTBs... wow so many advice on bf... i just take it slowly and take it as it comes loh.,... haha .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tonite checking in liao... so excited... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to Phy n mummies who have popped already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbf & rantingbaby - thanks for the info. But how to know if baby is full? Is it true that baby will reject/withdraw from the breast once they are full? My #1 was totally on formula milk n i feed her every 3hrs with no problem. But for #2 i m confused if i were to BF.

bbf, 35++ ok but weekday should be cheaper right?

man seldom say thank you one.

As for movie and other prog, most of the time I palnned it one.

cause man aslo lazy to plan haha

I also plan after baby go infrant care, we will take half day leave for nice movie or 1 day leave to Universary Studio.

after got kids, sometimes need "er ren shi jie" too.

Luckyone.. so nice to see everyone gradually embarking on our next journey.... bfing.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TGIF mummies! but me on duty tmr half day again sob sob...

i think gladseow popped yest.. received sms fr her yest. bb gal 3.1kg, 52cm. Loh, pls help to update. thks! N the missing detail for Mrs Teo is c-sec w ga.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yup the list is filling up n making me v nervous too. last night i hav this constant cramp feeling in the womb throughout the night, comes n goes...

i tried to search online for any baby friendly rest/hotels in sg leh but cant find any gd...

but personally i like the buffet at swissotel merchant court and hotel renvdervous's straits cafe. but huh, w the baby in tow... can eat in peace meh? lol

Finally am off pain killer. High on drug for the first 2 days.

C-section GA is indeed the right choice for me.

5am admit (paperworks , go ward, clear bowel, change)

7am wheeled into OT I cried coz they going to put me on drip (. Hb not allowed in)

7.30am saw my gynea, he said "good morning"

9am heard a voice asking me to wake up, first tying I managed to ask was "hav u given me pain klller?" then k ask if my baby was okie

9.30am pushed into ward and saw my parents and hubby

(baby under some light warmer thingy)

10.30am saw baby , it was weird.

But yesterday I started to carry her and today felt abit "bonded" hehe

mrs teo, congrat!

yeap 1st time see baby will feel a bit weird right?

I think I will have the same feeling too.

nearly 10 months in stomach sudd see our baby the feeling of course will weird loh..

Those who's popped, Happy Mother Day!!


Congratz to mummies: Nanabear & Phy and those who hv pop these few days!

My gal was admitted to hospital yesterday morning.. so sad to leave her there but no choice cos her Jaundice still 17.. This morning her Jaundice has reduced to 11.. Hope by Sat morning she can be discharge to celebrate Mother's day wif me!!!

