(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Maggie, jiayou!


ML start already ah? good good...come come let's get this thread moving...


My massage lady coming on 11 May.

She is the Mona they were talking abt that is very popular and charges reasonably.

I booked her through a friend's recommendation in January.

3 days after c-sect? unbelievable, foot massage mayb?

Think chubby tiger explained that just now to me. She only pumps once in the morning and one time at night when she supplements with FM.

I suppose the body will regulate demand so if you supplement FM then body will eventually produce less than the requirements for TBF.

BBs have natural sucking instincts but can be nurtured when it comes to nipple or bottle.

It will take some time to train either way.

For BF, bb n mummy needs to learn to latch correctly.

For bottle, bb needs to learn how to drink from it as well.

During the 1st two months, if bb does not learn to latch properly and then adapts to the bottle, they will forget how to latch and same vice versa. ie nipple confusion.

Coz BB is too young to learn to switch to and from bottle and nipple so easily.


I train #1 to latch properly first and then introduce the bottle 2 weeks before I return to work so that he switches between the 2 easily.

He then takes the EBM bottle when I am at work and do a direct latch when I am home.

After a while they get used to the routine and my son actually looks for me and enjoys the direct latch when I get home.



seems like u have a very good experience with bf [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


share share info only. I also started @ the forum last time to dig coz no one teaches these practical things.

I had a hard time figuring out myself thru trial and error.

We should help each other, ya? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my fil just told my one of his reletive give birth on the car when on the way to hospital.

That's consider very short labour right?


wow looks like this thread is being moved by a few mummies.. hee

i c i c.. bbf: now i get a better idea..

so that explains why bbs take to milk bottles more than direct latch on, in the early infant stages...

btw, how often do u moo moo? every 2-3 hrs? for 30 - 45mins?

and mmm any tricks to help bb latch on? and what nots?

someone told me need to put the entire aerola into bb's mouth.. sounds easy but i'm sure it'd be hard for 1st time mummies... sure kalang kaboh one..

Sue.. i also no clue how to bf.. but i guess u can always get LC's help in hospital to teach us.. tat's what i intend to do cuz almost forgot wat i learn in class liao

bbf: It's good that number 2 has better latch on, I think that's the most stressful part.

I had braxton hicks last night for like 30 mins, the last time I had the contraction was 3 weeks ago. And I had a dream last night, after I've delivered, my tummy is still very big with a lot of loose skin... errr... is it going to be like that????

Sue: You must get the book bbf recommended, I read everything from there, it's called the Nursing Mother's companion. Very useful, after reading it I went for a talk by Sister Kang of Mt A and everything she talked I've read on the book already.


easy bb, every 2-3 hrs, each time abt 20 min. difficult bb, every hr, >20min.

I trigger the feeds when bb is sleepy and I feed on demand.

So far I just feed until my son he KO. I will try to latch again and if he refuses then I know he is full.

For positioning,

Do get the LC's/nurse help when you are at the hospital for every feed and when you have any difficulty.

They will show you what is wrong, how to position, how to latch and unlatch. unfortunately the only way to learn is on OJT.

hihis edie..

oic!where can we get the book?borders?popular?

wow u get bhc, i dun even know how it feels like..

hang in there! 2.5days before ur hubby returns!

hey edie,

yes yes fully agree...latching very stressful esp when the nurse standing is over our shoulder going,

" no no move the hand left a bit, loosen your shoulder,

press below the aerola, yes, a little to the left..."

then the whole body tense up. I feel as though I am totally uncoordinated at some point.

Like learning to march but then the left hand and left leg moving at the same time.

bbf... that sound so scary! hopefully my baby will be miracle baby who can latch on naturally and easily. haha. But you're doing well now, just relax.......


Gloria is doing better now at latching, in fact, almost as good as Faith did. Only complaint is she still takes an hour to feed. Most times I would be dozing and feeding at the same time (multi-tasking).

And most times I would only post here when I am latching / pumping. So if you see my post it means I am busy milking...

Re: BFg

Unlike bbf, I intro bottle EBM in 2nd week only for nightfeeds for both Faith and Gloria. This is so that I can pump and quickly go rest. But I will never give bottle to baby personally cos baby will pick up my scent and be confused about the flow speed. Cos bottle flow is always faster and requires less work by baby. Nipple confusion occurs when mummy offers both breasts and bottle. Bottle should ALWAYS be offered by another person, never the mummy!

The first 2 weeks post-partum are the hardest. It's not just the nosy ILs or crying babies that you have to deal with. You still have roller-coaster hormones and hormone-induced engorgement to handle, apart from latching issues.

Besides, our BM changes according to our babies's growth, so chilled / frozen EBM should be given early, if possible. Or just use during nightfeeds or when you are sick.

I latch on for 20-30mins before switching to the next breast. Another method is wait for bb to finish with one breast before switching to the next. So if you started with left breast, next feed just start with right breast. This will help stimulate both breasts.

I also pump out after I latch on. I would pump for about 15mins (dual pump) after latch on to empty out both breasts. If I pump at night without latch on, it would be for 20-30mins.

If possible, keep to latch/pump once every 3 hours to build and establish supply. If you intend to continue BFg, though you supplement with FM, you must still pump out, if not will lead to engorgement and clogged ducts, then infection, etc.

When I went back to work, I pump at work so Faith had supply for next day and I latch her on direct after work and before work on the next day.

Tricks for BFg latch on? Never push your baby's head cos they will arch their back and you end up with incorrect latch. Never pull nipple out of bb mouth unless you want sore nipple. If engorgement / clogged ducts occur, experiment with both hot and cold compresses. Personally, cold compress worked better for me. Offer both nipple and areola, or you will have sore/cracked nipples.

Pumping excessively or too high speed is not encourage cos you will hurt your nipples and your breasts. Standby nipple cream to help sooth sore nipple in week 2!

Always remember that fresh is best, followed by chilled then frozen.

It took me one hour to type out my last post usingiPod touch cos BFg...

Oh, Sue, one more thing... Baby's ear, shoulder and hip be be in a straight line when you latch.

Edie, wake them up for latch. Loosen any swaddle or rub their hands and feet. I usually carry Gloria upright (head supported by my fingers). Or change diaper is another effective way of waking them up.

Edie, only night feeds I will pump without latch. Feeding is done via bottle by another person and it's EBM.

Or I use small pillow placed on baby's chest to support / hold bottle in place.


I had the same phobia coz #1 was not easy. I secretly shared the same wish as you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

true enough bb #2 latch on naturally immy after labor!

Miracles do happen...haha u can keep wishing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


1 hr is really long... I emphatise with you.

But it will get easier as we perservere along.

hee hee, I milk and post too. It's a wonderful tool to kill the boredom...

Oh yes, I totally agree, bottle feeding should never be done by the mum who is Bfing. I have never fed the bottle myself when I BF.

Hihis to all,

just quit being a full fledge druggie. Is still on oral painkiller though.

My ultra quick birth story

6am drove to mt e

(settle payment, paperworks...)

6.30am go to ward/bed, have something shoved up my arse

6.50am poo

7.15am wheeled into OT, teared coz very scared

about 10min time doc instill IV drip, heard my gynea said "good morning"

8.30am heard someone say "wake up, wake up"

it's amazing. Puff!!! Just liddat, I'm a mom now.

I only dared to carry my dotter until today. It felt abit strange. She looks like hb 90% ...

sue - When my #1 discharge from hospital i carry her instead of putting her in the car seat.

rantingbaby - Is it necessary to offer both breast to baby on every feed? I only breast feed my #1 for few days n regretted it till now. I tot of breast feeding tis time but i have no confident at all.

Mrs Teo - Congrats to u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Are you having c-sect GA or epi?

Hi, just woke up from my afternoon nap. And there are already around "60" posts to catch. Thanks BBF and Rantingbaby for all the tips on TBF and EBM.

Sue, I have not start my ML yet. Now is on HL (hospitalistion leave) till 17 May. After 17 then see whether want to start my ML or go back to work first cos my EDD 25 May lei.

Maggiemee, all the best for a smooth delivery on Sat ya : )

hey hey Mrsteo,

Congratz!!! ur birth story sounds very surreal indeed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How r u feeling now? wound healing well?


if bf is ur preferred choice, just try 1st...and if really cannot nevermind. at least u tried and there should not b any guilt. bb will still grow up with ur TLC.

depend on what skool of tot u prefer. u can also offer to empty one breast first then move on to the other.

Orange, my mum's mantle is offer both breasts for about 15-20mins each. It helps to stimulate the breasts to produce more.

I also mentioned that some would offer only one breast and totally empty it. If baby wants more, then offer the other breast.

I offer both to Gloria cos I am used to it. I used to offer Faith both too. So it's up to your level of comfort.

In case you have switched totally to FM or bottled EBM, take heart, cos you can still train baby to latch. Just offer baby slightly less than usual amount when giving the bottle. When baby is done and cries for more milk, offer your breast. Baby may fuss around the breast, but they will ultimately latch on, especially when they are still hungry.

bbf, I always feel like a deflated cow after each latch. She is sapping my energy after the first 30mins (ie 1st breast). By the time she is done with the second breast, I am toast. Still must get off bed to get pump parts to empty breasts. Good thing I have dual pump now. Takes me 10-15mins to empty breasts. Hehe!

Congrats Mrs Teo on joining the 'mummy cow club'!

Hello mummies....

Congrats to all who have popped!

I finally have the time to turn on my laptop.

My first few days at home was chaotic. I was easily irritated especially by our parents. I actually requested no visitors for this week. My CL was having flu on the 2nd night. We put baby with us in the night. Me and my hubby were exactly 2 lost child...

bbf, rantingbaby, chubby tiger

My TBF failed. Supply was so low that I have to wake up every half hourly to feed. So i pumped. I want to make sure supply comes in, I pumped every 2 hours after each pump... Feed bb every 3 hourly. I have resigned myself to mixing with FM. Kind of sad, but I guess, I realy to keep an open mind...

My consistent pumping has increased supply from 40ml to 80ml.

Past few night was shag.

Pump, Feed, change diaper, sleep for about an hour then wake up and repeat the routine again...

Bearing with the weather, the binder on my tummy, the body odour that smell of sour milk... I broke down once...

Now that my CL has recovered, I would have more time to rest. I increase the interval of pumping as well...

Need to get my nap again...

For those who have not popped, the energy the newborn can give cannot be underestimated. Jia you!!

Re: Car seat

I insist on putting baby in infant car seat no matter what. Cos we can be careful when we drive but there are many other drivers (single, no kids) whom we cannot control how they drive. So better and safer to put in car seat.

We may say we can carry. But upon impact, baby will be flung out of our arms from whiplash effect. No guarantee for baby safety. I also insist that my husband waits for everyone to have the seatbelts on before driving off.

Lucasmummy, it's alright. I am also not as insistent about giving Gloria FM this round, if my ss is low. You have done the best that your body could provide. Besides, bb will still benefit from your partial BM. Keep adding oil! We are here to support and encourage each other.

I am about to wake my milk monster for feed in 10mins. She just settled into about an hour back. I have yet to nap today...

m also milking now... thats when i get to read the posts...i have dual pump too but its mini electric.. so need to hold bth hands then cannot breat compress.. haiz! no choice la.. do single pumping..

i had to offer EBM bec my bb was in hospital frm mon till wed.. now the fella fussy..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] doesnt want to latch on properly.. i offer EBM myself bec we dun let my helper handle the bb..m so sad tt he is refusing to latch on... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] like losing the bond... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i tahan his latching on too sometimes upto 2 hrs.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my butt will hurt like hell bec wound still pain...

My bb hiccups often n sneezes at least once a day.. wat to do?

i just popped this morning.. before 12 pm . water bag broke at 5am ..

will update soon after the anesatic wear off..

baby is 2.8kg. came out ât week 37 + 5days

hihi agains.. just woke up from afternoon nap..

mood getting even better now wif the neck pain goin away..yay!

ranting bb, bbf:

ooooo i think i learnt a lot about bf, ebm and latch on today! thanks for the good info!!!

i'm wondering about the bit on stimulating the breast to produce more milk, so in a scenerio where we offer more of 1 side of boobs to the bb, then we'll end up wif 1 big and 1 small boob la! whahahaha....

i have unbalanced boobies..maybe i shld try that on my smaller boobie... :p

bbf: the nurse experience sounds stressful.. i think i'll snap at her if she gives me any pressure of such sort..*evil grin*

mrs teo:

congrats!!!! so is there such a thing as the $500 painkiller jab? aiyah! i forgot to ask my gynae during my visit yest...


i see.. thanks for sharing ur practice about car seat...


good luck on sat!


oh ya..i know i know now.. dun tell me i gaabra and mistype again.. heh.. have a good HL rest oki? 3 more weeks to the DAY for ya..

must remember to do the cat pose for 10-20x every day to move ur boy into the correct occiput anterior position..

oh does any one have any experience wif air purifiers?

on one hand i dun want something tat cleans the air toooo much that my kid cannot adapt to air outside,

on the other hand, i personally am really allergic to dust and itch terribly, and i want the air purifier to be able to zap dust and sick bugs i.e flu, coughs

got such thing in the market?

congrats nanabear!!!

u brave mummy.. got thru it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how come u needed c-section? cos i thot u mentioned in fb u were 5cm dilated liao..

Congrats nanabear!

I'm still waiting. My doc broke waterbag at 2.30pm! Guess I'm going to have another 12 hour labour as wif #1.

I'm home! Argg...

Need some SOS...

How long does it take on average before the milk comes in? Baby is ok at latching, but then like no output. So sad. Today is day 3 already...

Anyway, the suckling motion is quite painful on the nipples right? normal ya?

*panick attack*

Blue turtle, milk comes in from day 3-5. Now your breasts are controlled by hormones, but the milk will come in, so be patient. The more ganjiong you are, the more stressed you become. Yes, nipples and breasts will be ultra uncomfy and painful.

AR, you cannot latch too long. The max you can latch is 20-30mins each side, or you will have sore/cracked nipples. Though you can still BF with cracked/bleeding nipples but if baby takes too much of your blood, bb will either vomit blood or have poo with blood. Then you worry and have to send into hospital for test and all. It's really not worth it.

It may be stressful to hear the piercing cry of baby, but better a crying baby than a sick baby. You need to take care of your feeding tools to care for your baby.

Sue, yes, your breasts will feel like one big and one small cos baby only feed one side. After feed, just pump out, then will balance liao.


CONGRATS! Rest well ya!




hahaha if you constantly latch on one side more than the other, bb might get used to drinking from one side and refused to drink from the other side then you will get one big n one small breast. But pump out from the other breast if you feeding from the other to even it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha the nurses tried to stand there and tell me what to do when i was in hospital... i just told her to go away cus I know what i'm doing just a bit rusty with newborns hahaha. So i just took my time to feed my child lor. Do whats most comfortable between you and your child.

Blue Turtle,

Don't be stress. like what rantingbaby said, milk only comes in day 3-5 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The more stress you are, the harder the milk will come in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just relax and let nature takes its own course [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Hi Ranting Baby,

Can i ask about bf -

How do you know how long to let BB latch on one side? (i meant does it mean bb is full?) Thereafter, how long do i pump it out?




the challenges of having to manage confinement, TBF and the stress of 1st time mummy can be overwhelming.

I think there can be only so much we can give. REM Happy mummy = Happy bb.

Once everything is stabilised and confinement is over,

you can decide if you want to try to increase your supply and phase out FM once more.

BB will have our TLC no matter how we choose to do it so don't feel so bad and kick yourself too hard over the type of milk.

Stay positive! BB can sense our emotions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


every nurse/LC who comes in to help with the latch will do the same thing... :p

It's like perfecting the golf swing, except that we get only 2 days of coaching.

Been looking at air purifiers myself. I think the honeywell one seems like a trusted brand.

Blue turtle,

if things don't get any better do give your hospi LC a call. I used to call my LC and my friends who were successful for BF advice.

I think that is how I managed to survive. Sometimes, the info in the forum may not address your problem timely and specifically.

Painful nipples are a result of a improper latch. Instead of bearing it out, do unlatch your bb and try again. A correct latch won't give you much pain. The bb's clamp will be around the areola.

RE: imbalanced breast,

I tried both methods.

The 15 min on each side and I also use the method of just offering one breast.

It does not give me unbalanced breasts because the other breast will be emptied at the next feed.

I'd like to add that the 2nd method infact ensures that bb gets the hind milk.

The imbalance occurs when we forget and start offering one breast over another.

Also, milk production varies from person to person, some pple just naturally produce more milk on one side than the other.


I think I better not complain here. I have not been working as hard as you have.

You certainly seem to have made a good investment with the dual pump. What do you plan to do with your single?

For some reason, the 2nd round is a lot less stressful than the 1st time. Do you agree?

I feel that I can enjoy my confinement now and work towards my transition back to the office.

Wow..nw the topics is on breast feeding. But I really learn a lot from other mummies here. Hope my supply can increase each day.

re: breastfeeding

since our milk only comes in day 3-5, what do we do during the first few days when there is no milk? just let the bb latch?

Hey mums....

Been saturday since i logged on cos discharged from hospital.... the confinement lady didn't come until Monday... think i survived on something like 2.5 hours of sleep over the weekend... cos baby kept crying and i kept latching on and basically my nipples feel like they going to drop off any moment!! Anyway apparently i got the latch wrong thats why she was feeding about 2 hours each time.... and MIL keep saying she hungry she hungry (poop or pee and cry also keep telling me is hungry) adding to the stress...anyway i am soooo glad my confinement lady is here...

latching on baby every 2.5 to 3 hours... if not i am pumping (quite painful i feel).... and only have 25ml to 40ml each time (both sides combined!)... so pathetic right...drink so much soup and water (my skin feels great by the way due to all the liquids) but then still so little milk..... I do the one side each time to ensure she gets the hind milk then pump the other side out.....and next feed use the breast she didn't feed on previously.....

Hey any mummies can advise if pumping supposed to hurt... i find i get more out of using a manual pump than electric pump but the fingers get so tired.....

Mrs Teo, at Mount E look for the lactation consultant Gwek Choo if you need help... she is really good.....Had engorgement over the weekend when i was going to discharge... she helped to squeeze EVERYTHING out... damn painful siah was screaming away.... but better that than sore swollen breasts.....Anyway take care.... rest well....

Hi all mummies, bb finally decided to show up.

Loh, pls update my info, Thanks.

Date: 6 May

Time: 2020

Weight: 2.975kg

Got a question for all bf mummies, if the milk don't come in till day 3. What will the bb be taking until then? Colostrum? Forgive my ignorance, it's been 6 long years..

It's me again...

Yeah.. thanks bbf and rantingbaby. I am learning to let go. Asked my hubby to buy a new tin of FM, previously using samples. Then again, I won't give up pumping.

I love the feeling of baby latching on, but I wouldn't be able to find out how much he has drunk. It's really difficult for me to control.

Yea, and I also understand milk supply with good amount only comes in after a week.

On top of that, I started to drink Organic Mother's Milk tea once a day and Annum Lacta Milk twice a day... I am thinking it's probably the reason of the increase of supply as well...

I also knew drinking this to supplement the milk flow may not be the best choice... Then again, I think I am too desperate. ha...

Looks like I really need to learn to let go alot of things....


LucasMummy: dun give up lar. Let's all work hard together!

i almost wanted to scream at people just now lor. i was trying to latch on and 2 persons were nagging and nagging at me saying no milk, no this no that, feed water, i just snapped and went "yah lar yah lar". think they got frightened off.

it's really frustrating i tell u. if they keep doing that, i'm going to lock the room door when i latch on next time. angry lar. just keep walking in whenever they hear the wailing bb when i was trying to feed.

