(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

hihis and good afternoon mummies, fathers, mtbs and ftbs...

Mrs teo, preg_piggy, blue turtle

CONGRATS!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good luck!


i like ur gynae lei.. very pro non-intervention.. from what i've learned during my birthing course.. usually when we induce via chemical drip (pitocin), the chemical content is naturally very high and our body won't be able to produce enough endorphins to cope wif labour pain,

hence many mummies will have to turn to pain relief..

so, if u wanna induce, then just need to be mentally prepared...


are you ok? what happened? u slipped at home?

pls try to rest lots despite the disturbing environment in ur ward.. maybe plug in earphones or something..

or start moaning and terrorise the other noisy mummies!!! ahahaha

i just came back from my gynae visit and high tea... heee another fulfiling day into my maternity leave.. hee

my bb gal is now 2.8kg at 38.5weeks, not engaged yet, and i refused a VE just now and gynae told me that in that case, he cannot predict my edd, though my cervix is open (dunno to what extent) since w37... so am just gonna let my gal choose her own birthdate... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

at the high tea place, mum and i had to wait in the queue and the waiter was fussing over me and asked me to wait at a couch outside the tea place..

i was quite bemused because i felt perfectly fine standing around..

my mum oso asked me many times whether i wanna take a cab home and i was like wha.. queue so long! might as well hop on the bus!

oh ya..


ur boy is VERY handsome! i love his shiny black eyes!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the pain is worth going thru!

but personally, i hope my labour will be less painful.. though i've fainted from diarrhea pain before (useless huh!)



Not useless lah! I also passed out from intense cramps before.. even thou I tried very hard to stay awake, my body just gave up. Luckily I was at home so I shouted for help b4 I blacked out. But it was very embarrassing thou, I was peeing halfway and my panties were at my knees. HAHA SUPER DRAMATIC.

I donated blood twice, and I also passed out both times! Even more useless right...

Anyway let other people pamper you lah, dont have to be so garang.. enjoy the last few days of being pregnant! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ahaha.. bb-bao..thanks for sharing ur experience...

tell u sth more embarassing when i last passed out from diarrhea pain..

it was on the day of "A" levels physics practical test..

i had such severe diarrhea cramps that i dropped off the bus earlier, limped to a chinese sinseh shop and asked to use the toilet and the owner refused..

then i limped to delifrance a few doors away, was shown the toilet on the 2nd floor, crawled up stairs on all fours and limped somemore to the loo where i found relief!

thankfully i wasn't too late for my practical test..

oso quite drama like u... hehe!

kk will let pple sayang me, maybe no more chance after i deliver! less pple think if this preggy can be so garang during preggy, then after preggy no need to sayang la? hehe

bb-bao - on n off u can try to go the ntuc at rivervale mall for coconuts. I managed to grab the last 2 juz now and this is the 2nd time i bought there. The 1st time i only managed to buy 1...so i guess they dun stock up alot too.

Congrats to Mrs Teo, Destiny. Sharon, Blue turtle, Brenda and Preg Piggy (^_^)

Thanks Shuyan, Luckyone, BB Hon, BBF, AR and Sue for your concern. Discharge this afternoon, was given 2 weeks hospitalisation leave. Have a bad scare, would be extra extra careful, D day is nearing liao.

AR, glad that you got the solution already. And happi for you that BB is back home now : )

Sue, sleepy me (deprived from sleep from the more frequent wee hours toilet visits), I slip at the bathroom during shower. Ya, to avoid the noise pollution, I had the headphone for the TV almost 24 hour till I doze off. Thank goodness, it is only for 1 night.

Hi ladies,

Just like to know if anyone experienced/hear about company wants you to either resign/ be terminated but still cover maternity leave?

And have to submit letter post dated so that effective immediately after maternity leave is finished?

Hi hi everyone, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How are all the mummies/daddies who delivered doing?

Coping well with breastfeeding so far?

Am experiencing engorgement now.. going to try out the cool breast compress packs I got....

Phy, good luck!!

Hello everyone

first of all, congrats to all mums who gave birth already!!. Also to those mummys coming soon. Jia you.

My wife totally stop bf already as Bb doesn't wan to latch. Now on total ebm. So far, Bb have increase his milk intake to

75ml per 2 to 3 hourly. Also I manage to bath Bb without assistant twice. Woohoo.

bb-bao: Wow, that's fast. Look out for signs and prepare your hospital bag and everything K. Once baby is out, you will be ready, don't worry!!

Sue: Hope your activeness will pay off with shorter labour. That's what you've been hoping for right?

Mrs Teo: I hope the process what not as scary as you've imagined. Congrats to you again!

bbf: I hope you're coping well, with also your number one and breastfeeding.

Bbf.. I in the midst doing confinment n hubby went to work the next day after I discharged. So kinda miss someone to talk too but luckily my son is ard to accompany me cos he is a chatty boy but during the day he wil b at ccc so only thing I can do is sleep n total breast feed my gal. Normally at night I wil giv her formula so that she slp longer n today is only day 6.

I trying to ebm out but only get 40ml so little not even 60 or 70ml but day time I total bf my gal very freq. Taking lots of soup n fish already but then stil same. I rem when I had my #1 I cAn express out 120ml the first week now not even half.. Sigh

Anyone hv same scenario as me like #1 can produce lots of milk but then #2 not much? Any advise to increase milk? Currently i ebm 2 times a day cos day time I total bf my gal n whenever I feel engorge I wil just get her to latch on n for fast relief. So far no intense engorgement.


any signs so far?

I assume you will be confining your activities until next week when hb is back?

I guess I am lucky this time, #2 has a better latch than #1 so I have significantly less problems doing direct latch on feeds.

But I think the engorgement still cannot be helped, just need to pump out and apply cold compress until the supply regulates itself.

Usually the initial part is over supply then when you really need to keep feeding bb it gets difficult to keep it up.

The Freestyle is great! But the handsfree strap contraptions are too difficult to use. I think I will stick to my good old nursing bra for the "handsfree" technology.


Total EBM is not easy...must give ur wifey lots of support to keep going.


only day 6. The supply won't be so much...even if you do produce so much, bb also cannot finish. A yield of 1 to 2.5 oz for each session is good enough.

Besides direct latch is the best way to establish supply, no need to work so hard on the pump until 1-2 weeks before returning to work.

My night time is like a circus act now...apparently #2 is a light sleeper. Super zombified during the day...Thank God for chicken essence!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aiyo you still can take bus now???

bbf, chubby_tiger,

My no. 2 is much easier than my no. 1. He drinks what he needs and damn fast! Then he's off to bed almost 24hrs. At night, its a breeze. At night i have to attend to my no. 1 more than no. 2. No. 1 still kicks and fuss at night. Sometimes have to do tandem nursing. Quite tiring when i have to do tandem nursing cus one on each side and I cant sleep properly. No.2 will kick No. 1 and no. 1 will try to head butt no. 2's legs.

As for milk supply, cus no.2 is drinking every 2 hrs in the day, engorgement is still pretty manageable so didnt pump much out. Think probably ss less than for no. 1 time. Now only about 50ml per pump on one side.


Its so nice to hear from hands on daddy! I'm sure your wifey is glad to have you by her side supporting her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] JIA YOU!

Congratulations to Mrs Teo, Destiny, Sharon, Blue turtle and Brenda!!!

My little boy is home this morning. His jaundice level went from 18 to 14 and to 8 this morning.


I also cried like nobody business when I sent him into the room, especially when I saw another bb lying there helplessly crying for so long and yet no nurses attended to him. Was so afraid that my bb boy will be like that also. Then I had to make sure he sleep soundly in the box then only I left the room.

Visited him yesterday to send my ebm, once I held him in my arm, tears flowing down again.

Anne Raj,

VE check is so painful to me. When my gynae broke the water bag, also damn painful. The nurse or gynae will put their fingers deep inside and their actions can be quite rough.

My 1st contraction started not around the tummy area, but same as preg_piggy, was around my lower back to the hip, causing me to limp and couldn't walk.


Really peifu you, you so powerful leh, refused to let Dr Ang do the VE check, i think you must be his 1st patient to do that, LOL!!!

bbf, chubby tiger,

I almost gave up breastfeeding when my milk supply overflow and had bad engorgement after discharged from hospital. Even my handy breastpump couldn't help much but causing me to had sore nipple instead. Was so painful and 1st time having the thoughts of taking the pill to get rid of all the milk.

I always thought that it would be easy for me as I already bf for 22 months without fail and never stop even when I was preggy, but it could turn out to be very difficult!!!

My breasts were so hard and expanded to the max already but still had no or little milk coming out only. I press until blue black and it became more swollen.

It is useless to use hot or cols compress, useless to use cabbage (although it did stop more milk coming in for a night but what I need is how to get the milk out!), so hardend and painful so all the massage technique couldn't work. Then my massage lady teach me to put asam on my breast, it only work after 1 hr later but with a even more fully loaded breast, anyway, at least can get half the milk out and reduce the breast size after I hand pressing tne milk out.

But the most effective way is to let my massage lady massage my breasts. Yesteday just had my 1st massage, she help me to clear all the blockage and today I can get 220ml each session. (Used to be 60 to 70 ml only after 1hr of massage and pressing.)

Now I just left with sore nipple to deal with. But I think I can survive with bf from now on.

Chubby tiger,

To increase milk supple, you can try eating the ti ka vinegar (pig trotter vinegar), very effective one. And drink more liquids.]

But not to take when having engorgement, will make it worst.


Jaundice could be bad for baby if drag too long. Must be treated as soon as possible. Even though very heart pain but still have to send them for treatment.

Actually I find the contraction is bearable.. which is most probably the same as normal labor.. but i still think induction labor will lead to a longer labour hours.

But i still take up epi in the end.. cos I wanna get some sleeps and to get the cervix opened up faster.

The contraction started at 8pm on Monday evening.. but i admitted to TMC at 11pm, and the show started ard 4am.. which the cervix opened up to 3cm only. Till 6am, I didn't catch any sleeps and the cervix still at 3cm.. so i decideed to take the epi to relax myself to sleep and to make the cervix open.

Till 10am, my cervix only opened till 5cm, and suddenly at 11.30, my cervix opened till 8cm.. and from 12.45pm, i started to push.. and the pushing took me more than 1 hour wo.. very very tiring.

Actually i rather puzzled and disappointed on my bb's weight.. For all my medical checkup, gynae said bb is growing well, and her weight is good. At 39 weeks, gynae said bb weight was 3.18kg, and it should be 3.3kg when she reaches 40 weeks.. But when my bb was borned and weighed, she is only 2.75kg.. It's lesser by 0.5kg lei.. really dunno what happened.. now feel so guilty like i didn't feed her well enough..

Tmr going to bring bb home le.. very worried abt breatfeeding wo.. we have the help of the nurses at the hospital.. but back home.. dunno who to seek for help.. Especially later when back home, scared hubby, CL and in-law will say bb not feeding enough, wanna me to feed her formula lei..

Bb gal got some rashes on her right cheek, ask the nurses what happened, they also said dunno lei..

So worried..


can I ask when you feed formula at night, won't your breasts engorge? or do you pump the 2 times at night?


your #1 n #2 sleep together at night??

Mayb girls are gentler than boys..

I think my boy will crush didi's head!

Hmmm, you all seem to be pumping a lot.

Been trying to use my son to relieve the engorgements until he keep regurgitating milk. :p

I've just pumped only 2x so far after latching to relieve the engorgement.

Anyhow mummies, I don't think we need to be too concerned abt pump yields

if we are already tbf using direct latch and letting our bbs regulate the supply.


I suppose the engorgement occured becoz ur son had jaundice and had to be hospitalized.

Should be easier now that your "human pump" is back and functioning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congratulations JOJO!!!

Don't worry about the rashes, just apply some cream like california baby calendula cream or Avent Magic cream. After a few days or weeks, it will be gone.

jojo,me too,very disappointed abt my bb's weight.At week37,gynae estimated bb is 2.5kg,but when he is born,he weights 2.01 only.Then gynae oso dunno y he is so small.But dun worry,we still can pump them up now.

Bbf: nomally I wil feel engorged when my gal slp Too long which she had exceeded her feeding time cos she hving slight jaundice so abit slpy n usually after her bath she slp longer n I will express after my lunch time so tt I can slp better. I wil give her formula after her mrng bath n then night I wil give her formula fr 11pm onwards so that she can slp better n my son, hubby n me also can slp btr. N yes night time I wil express out 1 more time n keep it for her pre bath breakfast. So add up 1x day n 1x night= 2 ebm

Huggy: so jealous u can get 220ml ebm hope mine ss wil slowly increase cos only day 6 hope bbf said is correct stil early.

Ylc: i also feel my #2 can latch on btr than #1. N yes engorgement is manageable this time cos my gal really empty my breast milk.

goooo mornings [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haiz, my body's been failing me the entire nite...

lower back pain, neck pain...

and finally my very sore stiff neck kept me awake since 5am,

doesn't seem like the massage i went for last nite worked that well..or maybe need more sleep to recover... :/

so depressed! better not go into labour today! else i'll be an extremely grouchy wife and mummy!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wanna ask u mummies, when u take ur bb home from the hospital, do u carry them? or put them in the infant car seat? for those who get driven home?

i thot my mum was being riddiculous by insisting that using a infant car seat will give the kid neck and posture problems.. wonder if this is one of those old pple old fashioned baseless beliefs..


yeah! i like to take the bus lei.. get to see the world go by.. but only take it during off peak hrs, so dun have to rely on someone's charity for a seat :p

but for today? i think resting my stiff neck shld be my priority...

sighs, was gonna try out the lavendar bah cho mee... :/

btw hor, do u think ur gal knows that her new bro is more easy going and easier to care for? i.e since she's now fighting for ur attention?

personally, i think it's hard for me to be unbiased lei.. esp when 1 child is so much easier to care for than the other...

i can only find a comparison wif my doggies (since dun have kids yet), 1 of them is so innocent, friendly and asking for my attention for pats and hugs, and i end up liking him more than the other daoster..


ya lor, talk about being sleep deprived.. all kinds of funny things will happen cos of that.. sigh.. we can only remind ourselves to be extra careful.. when are u starting ur ML? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yesh, hopefully being active translates to a shorter labour.. only time will tell.. LOL...


regurgitating milk! ur new kid must be stuffed high and happy wif all those feeds.. hehe!

oh ya

i'm actually quite confused about the tbf bit..

if i do get too tired wif bf, can i supplement it wif formula milk in the night?

is there any downside to it? i.e engorgement (means swollen breasts from too much milk?)


haaa..yeah glad to manage to assert my rights as a patient, oso said that during my 37th week VE, i felt contractions and extremely uncomfy.. so i think he got the msg.. and went like it's up to me...

mmm i think i'm in a better mood liao.. after pouring my thots out here.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gonna try catch some more sleep now... :p

Jo, Shuyan,

I am also very worried about baby's growth 'cos he has been on the smaller side since 32 wk.

Now at 37 wk, Doc estimated that he is only 2.4kg.. *heartpain*

Now that you are telling me the actual weight is even lesser, I am scared liao!

I also feel guilty, like, what's wrong with me.. how come baby's not growing well inside?


gooood morning mummies.

nanabear super, just posted on fb waterbag burst n driving herself to hospital!

bb-bao, yest i went for check up, at 37wks bb weight is 2.6kg. but doc say its ard 300g plus minus. from scan is not always accurate, so its possible yr bb might be bigger then 2.4kg also. dun worry abt weight. after birth just make sure he take more bm fr u to fatten him up. then can motivate to lose weight yrself also.. keke.

Oh Crap, I have just received an email from my Kaplan school that I have classes from 23-27 May.

I either go to class as the "Heavily-Pregnant-Woman-Going-To-Labour-Anytime-Soon"

Or, the "Smelly-Confinement-Woman"

Huggy, wow, your milk supply would be alot lei. Thanks!! I was thinking of backup plan if milk flow not so good. One more tip liao, eat the ti ka vinegar (pig trotter vinegar).

BBF, your milk flow very good too lei. Envy!!! Hope I could experience that too.

Sue, U take care too, rest more today since got aches. Hang on, your D day is coming soon, 1 more week, right?

I would be on HL till 17 May, then after that see whether want to start my ML or go back to work first. Cos gynae say BB head getting very low, so might pop anytime liao.

I carry my #1 home when bring her back home. Also I never buy infant car seat cos my gal don't like being strap. She likes car rides, always so excited till cannot sit still. But personally think that the infant car seat should not lead to neck and posture problems. Never heard of that before lei.....


can understand how u feel. how abt urself? what is ur total weight gain so far?

for my #1, I gained about 10-11kg, and my bb was born 2.95kg at 39 weeks.

for #2, I gained about 12-13kg as of 36 weeks and my bb is estimated to be 2.8kg at 36 weeks.

my gynae say for me, my babies are not the sort who can absorb much if i dun put on enough weight. hence, i try to eat a lot for my 2nd pregnancy.

chillimum, bx,

Ok, I guess we are petite to start with..

Put on abt 12kg so far, baby's weight gain was good initially, but slow after week 32. My tummy is stretched to max already, maybe no space he cant move anymore?!

Yeah possibly I dont eat enough also leh.. 'cos I cant feel hunger! ok I shall feast on durians every night and have a fart-war with my hubby.

Bb Bao: not to worry abt the weight.. tried to eat more nutrious foods.. maybe Shuyan and mine case is one of those rare cases. Or maybe my gynae not prof enough.. My friend's gynae is very accurate with her advice only.

I have yet to talk o my gynae since delivery lei..

Loh, can update my status: Nat/w epi. Bb 47cm, lst child. Thank you.

Bluue turtle: maybe we are in the labour ward together wo.. =P


thanks for the info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wonder how long it will take for the supply to regulate. My breast will just refill itself to the max everytime...haiz

Keeping my fingers crossed that it will subside soon.


haha :D Wow so steady..confinement can go for classes!

Can perhaps call the school up for a reschedule?


don't envy me. Now is over-supply le, engorgement problems. Hopefully will stabilise after a while. I don't intend to stash milk now coz it's so pre-mature. The last 2 sessions, I gave the extra milk to my elder, hee hee jia(1) liao(4).

re: birth weight vs ultrascan

don't worry mummies, as long as bbs are full term. they can be smaller and easier to push out for natural birth.


TBF means only breastmilk and no other supplements or substitutes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Downside to supplementing...it depends on how you perceive it and how you want to manage your bb's intake. There are bbs who only take FM and still grow up healthy.

For #1 I did TBF, since milk supply didn't kick in until 3/4th day bb get very demanding and needs a feed every hour. BB was always crying for milk and everyone was stressed in my household.

For myself, this time I agree with my LC that there is a need to supplement FM when bb get dehydrated and the milk supply has not kicked in.

But it is impt to re-establish TBF once the milk supply comes in.

How do you know bb is dehydrated?...

You just need monitor the pee color, it should be pale yellow and not too orange/brown, or even red.

But I am a strong believer in BM, yes I am those crazy breastfeeding milk nazi type. So just for me, too tired is not a valid reason for me to give FM.

TBF is tiring, and these are some of the sacrifices I feel that I have to make to ensure that my child gets all my antibodies all the time.

But that's just me lah.

Still every mum should make their own choices and should not be pressured into anything.


JIA YOU!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The estimation of weight is not very accurate lah. Sometimes can go off scale. Not to worry, from now onwards just feed more milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] For the face rashes, try to clean your girl's face with cotton wool & boiled water and also put some bb's face cream on her face to keep moisturized at all times, then the rashes will go off. My girl used to have face rashes until damn terrible. both cheeks would be red red one.


yeah my no. 1 & no. 2 sleeping together with me in the middle as their cow. My girl very gentle lah... she sleeps one corner while my boy will guai guai sleep the other corner. Only the feeding part a bit difficult when they both want it together, i have to latch on my boy first then let my girl drink her milk.


My boy very easy going lor... he doesnt care if he gets carried or not, he is just contented sleeping on his bed. He finishes his milk n he will just drift off to sleep. It doesnt matter if he's in my arms or on the bed. Me n hb will try to carry him for a short while but not too long cus we so scared like my no. 1 always demands to be carried when she is an infant and can't sleep on the bed at all. Last time i used to hold her to sleep. Once touch the bed, she will start crying.

I'm feeling so guilty as I feel I dun give my girl enough attention. I keep telling my hb to pay more attention to her, buy her this and that to keep her occupied and happy, dun scold her etc etc. This morning so heart wrenching, she was crying cus I couldn't bring her to school and grandpa forcefully carried her away, i could see frm her face how upset she is and i couldnt help but feel so so so sad. Will have to hug and kiss her more when she comes home. Its pretty hard to give equal attention to both kids.

bbf, hi-5!

I embrace the same thots about BFg. 2 nights ago, hubby told me there's no more frozen milksticks in the freezer & asked if he ought to get a 400g tin of FM. I got shocked cos I thought I pump out quite a fair bit.

In the end, we did not need to buy FM cos milksticks tray still have about 7 pcs and the freezer bag has another 3 sticks. Still sufficient.


there's no right or wrong solution to feeding your baby, only what you think is best for your baby.

Just remember that if you want to continue BFg, but have to supplement with FM, then pump out what is not consumed. This is so that you can maintain the supply and continue to BF.

Hi Hi,

I am new here. Will be giving birth - planned caserian next week.

Can i ask - if any of you here whose doctor asked you to have an injection before the planned C-section to remove water from the baby lungs? i find it weird as i never heard such things before.

Anyone can advise? Tks so much

Ylc: I agreed wit u it is hard to give our full attention to #1 nw. I felt so sad when he requested he want me to fetch He go HME or bring him to sch but hw to while we are doin confinment. Sometime I really hv the urge like heck care the confinment rules n just bring him to sch.

Btw you stil hv hw many days to go to end ur confinment? For me another 3 wks to go

bb-bao,jojo,I put on 15kg in total,then everybody say my bb sure very big becos of my tummy size,but who knows my bb only 2.01kg.Then the old folks say during my pregnancy I drink too much,so bb very small size.But dun worry,so long as bb is full term n healthy,we can feed them more when they r out.But indeed,bb very small size very hard to carry.I dun really dun dare to carry my bb when he juz came back,but now ok liao.


yeah me too another 3 weeks to go... our dates very close mah... mine 27th yours 29th [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah lor, i cried after she left cus cant help feeling so sad, we are very very close to each other, she sleep she must touch me then she can sleep and I m so used to hugging her to sleep already. Now can't even bring her to school, i feel so lousy.

hellooo everyone! today start ML staying at home now.

Congrats to those who've popped.

This morning my husband just said whether baby will look like him "so handsome or not" haha.. quite excited loh cause we din go for 3D or 4D scan.

Hullo MTBs... me going induce on 8 liao.. cuz water level not good so wish me luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you are so lucky...my son wants to do WWF all the time. I think tandem nursing is really tough! Salute u.

My #1 also acting up a bit, very attention seeking

but at times he will do very nice things like go up and pat his didi's head.

He also remembered this soft rattle we bought for didi and he brought it out when didi came back from hospi.

Luckily, there is enough pple to shower him attention in the day time but night time...my eye bags ah getting worse.

Sue, don't worry. The funny thing with us humans is that

we always have enough love to go around.

It won't be any diff unless you keep comparing them. You will learn to love them for being them in their own way.


hi^5! Has bb gloria been giving u latch on problems?

I try to refrain from expressing or freezing my ebm unless really necessary.

I think it does destroy quite a bit of anti-bodies. Usually I will leave it in the chiller for the next day's intake.

re: weight

1st day back, only 2 kg shed!!!! My son weighs 2.8kg how come??? *sob*

3rd day, 4kg!!

I think will put off weighing myself for now until massage lady comes by. haha :p

hihis mummies, mtbs, ftbs

woke up again at 11+ feeling way less grouchy, but still haf stiff neck.. :/


hang in there... i think hor kids forget easily..so later when u give many pecks on ur gal's cheek later, all will be fine again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh ya, i forgot, u on ML now..too grouchy this morning to digest all info from the thread..


do rest lots and bathe more.. hehe..no more chance after bb pops...


wwf! sounds cute u know!everytime i hear mothers describe their playful kids, i find it so amusing and cute! but i can imagine they have the gift of exasperating their mothers.. haha..

when is ur massage lady coming?

was told they can come immediately after normal delivery..

one even told me 3 days after c-section = i dun believe them

more questions about bf, so if i supplement wif fm at nite, does it mean i still need to wake up in the middle of the night to express the breastmilk?

am wondering what my options are before making a decision... dun wanna be at a loss of what to do when the day comes...

and do babies prefer nipple vs milk bottle? if i pump during the day and store it in the chiller, will they take to the milk bottle more than the real deal?


luckyone.. will wk till tis wk loh.. start aft give birth.. haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So when u go kkh for yr appt tis sat.. rem me will be upstairs in labour! hopefully ald pop by morning.. i duno how the process of induce leh.. guess depends how long it takes for me to dilate rite...

