(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

sooo sleepy.. just overload myself on fruits. had 2 slice papaya, 1 honeydew n 1 dragonfruit! i wanna go poo poo!! hahaha

hmm.. Mothers' day this 9th May. gotta get two cakes this year. one for mother one for mil.. i wonder who will be popping on this day.

meantime... yawn.. weather looks gd.. looks like gg to rain.. me feeling sooo sleepy.

it's raining so heavily in north-east area.... so cosy....Now trying to clear my work before i start my ML next mon if i din pop by this friday.


u can call her at 91652026 to check if she is available.

Sue.. u also start ML on 3rd? me also. But you are starting much earlier than ur EDD ya?

nanabear> Dont need to stock up on chicken essence lah. Just buy a box. After you give birth, ppl would buy all sorts of essences for you. I have boxes of essences in my house. You want? I sell to you cheap cheap. I dont drink it anyway.... LOL!

blue_turtle7> Ya, I did asked KTSC and she told me can use shampoo and bath foam. I was also wondering that if cant use shampoo n bath foam, what's the point of taking shower. LOL!

Lin> Auntie Jumie: 9165 2026

Hair fall> I heard from my friend that hair fall is experienced after confinement.... 2nd time mummies, does it happens this way?

Mothers' day> My girl's "full month" happen to fall on the day before mothers' day. I shall go visit her and let her wish me a happy mothers' day....

Oh ya, anyone can recommend me a reliable gyne.

Prefer the clinic to be opened after office hours and nearer to the west side.

Thanks in advance!!!!!!

Hi Cholie: you can try Adarin woodworth @

Choa Chu Kang

Blk 304 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4



6893 1227

Selling 2 Pigeon 200ml and 2 Avent 125ml. All 4 bottles for $15. PM if keen. Pick up at Bt Panj or somerset MRT

Selling 2 Pigeon 200ml and 2 Avent 125ml. All 4 bottles for $15. PM if keen. Pick up at Bt Panj or somerset MRT.

hihis again!

chloie: need to bu ur body lor.. drink more chicken essence, anyway no point stocking up..

mrs teo:

yeaps my edd is 14may, me starting ml on 3may.. cos i was getting sick of not having enuf clothes to wear,

stressed up about not having time to r & r before bb pops, cos i'm worried that if i work till THE day, then where got energy to cope wif labour?

oso at work, as long as i'm there, i need to keep up with my smiley face, good work attitude, pick up pple's shit wif a smile...

just wanna take a break from it all, and find myself again.. i.e go shopping (this time for bb stuff), watch movie, maybe high tea, sleep and be a lazy pig all over again! no more chance le, after my gal comes..


re u taking a break before ur c-section?

im due on the 24may but planning to start ML on the 10th..not sure if its too early though..tired of working too :p


me 3rd rest. 5th c section. dun nid push la.. c section mah.. so relac only on 3rd. then trying to make use of ML to do full bf-ing.

Anne> You see him? What is the estimated waiting time? Package starts from which week? Sorry to ask so many que. Heehee!

LucasMummy> 4-5 mths after birth!!!!! I better tell my stylist not to thin & layer my hair anymore whenever I go visit him. LOL!

nanabear> Give you a box is ok lah since I have lots of them. You come see what brand you want. If you dont need the whole box then the rest can pass to other mummies here who are looking for loose ones.

Sue> Problem is I dont take chicken essence, I dont like the smell & taste of it.

Delivering tmr and was told need to start fasting after 7am onwards for csect so am wondering what shld i hve for breakfast tmr before get slaughtered in the ops theatre. Think the only sumptous breakfast is either call in mcdelivery or ask hubby bring me to geylang for dim sum in early wee hrs.

Sue> we have the same edd but then I delivering tmr.

Chloie, his queue is pretty long but u must be able to be used to his style. He is a very chop-chop person. My each gynea visit is hardly beyond 5 mins. He answers watever u ask. Nothing more is said than necessary. U can start package anytime. U can rebate back one previous session fees if u wan to start later.

Nice guy but u must learn to ask. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serene> You also goes to him? I know he's quite a popular man but dont know why.... I will consider going to him next time.


oic.. but must remember to jing bu oki? hope u not going to office yet sia...

my gynae dr lawrence ang (at sembawang - tooo far from ur place) is oso really popular..

i told him about bb_hon and he was like eh.. which mtb? then i found out later that he has an ave of 1-2 delivery a day!

supposedly he's cheap and very experienced, but since he seeees so many patients, oso very chop chop.. not a single nice presentable ultrasound or 3D scan pic for my gal, since i switched gynae to him..

i went to him cos of my friends' recommendation.. so gonna follow thru and see how my experience is like wif him lor..

what are u looking for in a gynae?

seems like ylc's one is very experienced and qualified too lei.. i.e can oso do NT test while most gynaes not qualified

chubby tiger..wow! wishing u a smooth c-section, after ur dim sum at geylang..at the 126 place?

mrs teo:

oic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good luck on ur c-section oki? so u going for those pull out stitches or dissolvable ones...


I dunno yet leh. But likely listen to doc lor. Coz scare infection ( plus I m not the best person to take care of myself)

Serene, u b delivering at tmc? I'm visiting dr woody tmr evening after work to discuss if I can do c sec on 8 may not. If u deliver at tmc on 9 may, we could bump into each other eh!

Somehow I dun hv the mood to deliver too. Dunno y. Quite disturb. I picked the date n do the neccessary yet no urge to deliver. I do cos I know I gotta deliver. Pre natal blues??

Hi sk, yup I see dr woody too. I m delivering at mt a cos I feel tmc very crowded. Dr woody gave me a choice of dates n I chose sun though it's slightly more ex to give birth on Sundays. But fortune teller said say good day.

Did he do ve for u? He most of e time does not even take my blood pressure. So crowded that he forgets.. Never had my weight checked before too.. But he did d&c for me last time. Out of convenience la..

No prenatal blues la. Just feel abit unsure. I dunno if I m ready for my little one. Dunno if shd do GA or epi during c-section. N worried bout baby's size. Last scan at 35 weeks was only 2.35kg. Dunno if dr measured accurately. So light..

Dear Lovely Mums/Mums to be Congratulations!

At Dino Cake House we offer 1st month baby cake packages (range from whole cakes to "customise" choice of our in-store slice cakes.)Price can vary according to your budget

As I know being a mum we must watch our pockets

Enquiries can be made at [email protected] or contact 93867842

I can also provide samples for you to try before accepting your orders!

So dont hesitate to call me (sharon) for any of your enquires.

Best wishes,

Mummy of an 8 mth old :angel" Mikaela


All the best for your C-sect tommorow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serene, SK

I think when it comes to induction or csect, our minds will tend to turn more towards the process instead. At least that was what I felt when I was induced for BB G.

When it comes to natural breaking of water bag, it's almost like a love-hate relationship cos you are kept on your toes lime forever. There's nothing you can do to start the labour process, yet you hope to give birth soon.

But when it comes to induction / csect, it may take away the drama by a little but the anticipation is still there lor.

Chubby tiger, gd luck for tmr delivery! Go chomp on dim sum!!! 126126126!!! Yum!

Today doc check up, at first he say bb quite big, I got a shock. Then after measuring, at 36 weeks bb is abt 2.4kg... Dunno accurate anot. Me gained another 2.5 kg in 2 weeks! ( oh well...) doc ask me to cont eating as per usual (............) he also est bb to arrive approx 2 weeks later (one wk before my Edd). Next appt w him will b next wed.

Re: Da Feng Cao / Hair Loss

I use da feng cao like normal bath water for wetting and rinsing off soap. Yes, I use my Johnson's bath foam and normal shampoo for hair wash too, then rinse off with da feng cao.

Personally I feel there is no correlation between hair loss and da feng cao. Post-partum hair loss is natural loss of hair that were retained during our 9 months of pregnancy and it can occur as early as 3 mths after delivery. These are hair that were supposed to have dropped normally but were retained as a reult of pregnancy. Da feng cao has nothing to do with it.

But how much hair we would lose depends largely on our hormones especially those who are successful at BFg.

Congrats AR & Piggy!!

chubbytiger, Wishing u a smooth delivery! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

THanks everyone. Again wake Up early n was earlier than yesterday cos hving stomache hv a urge to go toilet to release. So finally today is the D day. Excited n worried hope bb is fine n everything is smooth esp the pain after the csect although this is my 2nd attempt but e fear is still there when they push u in to OT to get cut.

Jiayou chubby tiger!

Csect may differ from natural birth but the end result is the same - we get to see and craddle our pride and joy in our arms!

I kept my #1 to sleep with me on the hospital bed yesterday night. And it was a wise decision, as I suddenly start to have breast engorgement in the middle of the night and my girl helped me to release the pressure a little. The best automatic, hand free, rinse free, sterilize free breast pump in the world, LOL!!!

Serene, oic. Thot u be giving dr woody ya preferred date instead of having him to give u some dates to choose hehe.

I delivered my gal after 8pm last time and there is an additional cost of OT at $100 charged to my bill. Din know abt tt till admitted for c sec procedure.

Rantingbaby, somehow I feel I dread of the confinement process. I din haf a full confinement for no1 so I din really follow thru with the trad beliefs of using herbs for shower or no washing of hair. Only ensure I shower before sunset and used hot water for washing hair. I bought the herbal bath packs and ended up sold away. Cos May is a HOT mth for doing confinement. I rem telling myself not to do it agn but see wat happens....juz after a yr and hx repeats itself. Lol.

Congrats to mummies who have delivered~~~!! cheers....

I'm in the mist of prep for my gal's 1st bday this Sat...hohoho...


I heard that confinement not done well for first child can be compensated by a good confinement done for next pregnancy.. so this time round, suffer a bit more for your own sake..

Dr Woody a bit weird lei.. From my growth scan, the report came back saying i have dilated hence he said if the baby can stay in me, i can carry til 37 weeks. But yet, he din check for dilation in subsequent visit. And now i wonder if until May 9, nothing happens (no contractions or waterbag break), does that mean I can carry beyond week 37?

I am so lost..

He did tell me of the extra charge for Sunday though.

Serene, for both preg he dun do any VE or blood test for me at all. Only took less than 5x of the blood pressure for my 2 pregs. Maybe cos period is close so he dun do that often. Similarly for blood test, cos I did mine at KKH (referral via polyclinic) so when I passed him the report he din do for me for 1st preg. Then 2nd preg came soon after so I guessed he skipped that part. He did mention to me that our blood profiles should be stable thruout the preg (if I rem correctly lah).

Then he told me my water level will be low if baby drags too long in my tummy so he proposed to bring out in wk 38 for my no1. Then for this preg, I initiated it after wk 38 cos dun dare to risk having a natural birth since he analysed for me that there is a possibility of going into a emer c-sec if uterine rupture and baby got stuck in between.

For this confinement, I doubt I could do any better cos to boil 2 big pails of water to cool at early hours seems tad diff (lazy me) cos my mum, hb and mum's helper will not do that for me. Haha.


oic, hmm, our EDD are kinda close and both of us are doing c-section. He did a blood test for me during week 12 but he din tell me the results at all..

Anne, how about u?, did he tell u to try natural? u are seeing him today rite? i think i will see him on Monday cos it sch holiday , no work for me...

AR, congrats, the long wait and early weeks rest are worthwhile afterall, U manage to natural delivery without epi, bravo (^_^)

Huggy, congrats, your boy boy realli looks very alert and nice-looking. Looks like your TBF will goes smoothly, got a very handy human pump, heeeeee......

Sue, u must be looking forward to your good rest days without facing the hectic work life. 3rd May would be just round the corner : )

BBF, hope u are feeling better. Your D day is coming soon.

Chloie, if u prefer a gynae who is patient and a female one, u can try Dr Joycelyn Wong. Personally find her better than my previous gynae. But her waiting time can be quite long too.

And sorry I know this has been asked many times, do you or anyone still has the contact for massage lady recommended by AR? Chloie, how many massage sessions u have went thru? And how's the experience so far?

SK, thanks for the info for the additional charges to OT after 8pm in TMC. Would ask my gynae about it tomorrow.


Hi may I ask, for C-section,

when is the earliest we can start on massage?

I have gained like 18 kg for this pregnancy, recently lost bout 2 kg. I wonder how early can i start on the massage after the c-section?


