(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Talking abt massage this time rd i not engaging any cos I hate e sticky n oily feeling after the massage n can't shower immediately n the weather already so humid make me more pek chek, n mine is a csect so hv to wait a month then can do n I think the effect wil b slower compared who do it a week after their labour.


Congrats Huggy!!

It's so heartwarming to know that your little one knows who u are!! Rest well!

I'm 36 weeks now, but seems like I'm going to have a tiny baby. Went to see Doc just now and he's still so small, like 2.3 kg only!

Aiyo poor boy.. Doc said when he's born he wont be 3kg at all.

I hope that means I'll have a quick and easier labour? heehee..

bb-bao: my boy is also quite light, 2.5kg yesterday @ week 36. i don't think he will be @ least 3kg too. but yea...perhaps, it will be much easier during delivery. fatten them up with milk then!!!

by the way, any mummies here ordered the SHEARS baby carseat @ expo last month?? i was told by the sales lady that they didnt have stocks then & i can expect delivery in end april. it nearly slipped my mind to call & check until just nw. guess what?? stocks will only be in on the May 21st due to duno what friggin delay.

AR,Piggy and Huggy, congrats on little ones. Huggy your baby's so cute and adorable...

AR, finally you get to see your little one at 40weeks, thats a long wait man!!! do share your experience ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to all mummies who have popped! So exciting!

Blue_turtle7: I am not in labour after my gynae did a VE check last week, i am still waiting for my baby girl to pop... seem like she is very comfortable inside...

Sometime, i can feel the tightness in my tummy... lately, i have back pain, but still can walk slowly, don't noe is my turn soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi bb-bao,

I had send u PM about the sample of the milk powder.Plse reply me.Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon: When's ur EDD? I also get tightness in my tummy, these 2 weeks getting more frequent. Last i checked with my gynae, she said that as long as there's no pain, most likely it's BHC and not contractions. I do get some lower backache towards the end of the day, or after long hours of continuous walking/sitting, but still bearable.

Me visiting gynae again on monday and to do CTG also. Hopefully bb can stay in for a little longer.

bb-bao: small baby might mean ezier delivery. so be happy ya. might also mean u won't get too big a tear down under, which is definitely good news. try to fatten bb up after bb comes out lar.

Hi Mummies..

Just read the thread..Congrats to AR and Huggy..

Huggy> ur baby pic so cute leh..Very ang mor look hehe..Eyes so big n alert..

I'm still waiting for my turn..Another 4 days to due date..Dunno wad the baby doing inside..But he is getting big i think cos recently my appetite getting beta..gosh! Ordered mac breakfast at 6.30am haha cos couldnt slp..these days keep waiting for signs hahaha

Ello Mummies~!

Haven been posting for the past few days. Took quite a while to finish reading all the posts >.<

Grats mummies who had popped!!

Huggy - ur bb really doesnt look like newborn fr foto..so chubby! ^^

Brenda - Did Dr Joycelyn give u any advise? U b seeing ur bb real soon! My appt with her will be this coming Fri...kinda worried n nervous this round coz i hv nt been putting on wt tis 2 weeks. So worried dat bb didnt take in nutrients..=(


Hopefully we can go deliver together and scream together? haha.. same EDD!

What's your status now? I saw my Doc this morning and she said my bb is starting to engaged already! OMG..

I actually noticed a drop in my tummy yesterday you know.. plus the intense pressure on my pelvis..

bbf, bleeding stopped last night. Guess it's just from the VE.

Congrats to AR,Piggy and Huggy.

Huggy, Your little man is soooo adorable!

BB Bao, 2.3 kg at 36 weeks is ok. My bb was 2.4 kg at 36 weeks. then yesterday at 38 weeks, became 3.2kg! Faintz.

But for my #1, weight was 3.2kg at last check up (which was 2 days before i delivered), end up only 2.9kg at birth.

Hi All~~~

Congrats to all mummies who have delivered!!

Went for my check-up yesterday.. Doc say bb haven't engaged yet.. and she is facing the front view again.. (she is facing the backview two weeks ago, but she turned back again).. doc was saying.. if by next mon not deliver yet.. he wants to discuss on inducing le.. my edd next tue..

anyone needs milk for mummies? i have 20+ packs and 1 can Frisomum.

throw away very wasteful, be happy to give to anyone who needs them.

let me know!

Mrs Heng> Ya she gave me an appt on mon..Cos by then baby alr overdue..So she wans me to consider inducing if baby dun cum out by sunday due date..Hmm..Cos she say i small size so baby overdue the amiotic fluid will be lesser n baby gets bigger..

She did VE check on me on mon..baby engaged but cervix not open yet..so she say not these few days perhaps end of the wk..

These few wks i also nvr put on alot of weight but baby still putting on weight so dun worry..She say as long can feel baby movements every nw n then..cos amiotic fluid will get lesser as baby grows bigger..So muz monitor..

Really envied those mummies who have gone thru natural w/o epi or with gas..

Is the pain bearable.. hopefully i dun have to be induce and to get thru natural w/o epi or jus the gas..


WAH, what did you do/eat...?! Baby can suddenly grow so fast one hur!?

Oh well if mine's still tiny when he's out, means he can wear his NB clothes a little longer.. I think I bought too much NB clothes!

It was quite funny to see him on the ultra-scan just now - his foot was at his mouth.. dont know what he's trying to do!

brenda - so meaning if u dun pop by tis week, nex mon will go for induction? Ya..hopefully my bb is gaining sufficient. She is still very active these few days.

bb-bao - so cute!! durin my previous scan, my bb is in FROG position...so unglam...lol

Actually I book 4 bedded but no space so they auto upgrade me to 2 bedded ward... So far no restict for 2 vistiors bah as long as nobody complains... :p

Huggy > our baby might be neighbour lor... I'm staying at level 6...

BB-bao, I ate A LOT OF CHOCOLATES! like everyday, 1 chunky kit kat. and a lot of ice-cream. lol!

Mrs Heng, cos i didn't buy any herbs, so thinking of buying it.

Mrs Heng, normal shampoo can ya? also.. our body just rinse w the da feng cao soaked warm water rite.. can apply shower gel boh? then rinse off w the da feng cao water. i dunno wat kinda smell the da feng cao will be after we bath in it.

bb-bao, OMG! yr bb is engaged liao! dunno mine engage already anot.. tonight gg for check up. u all scared bb not putting on enough weight, im scared bb put on too much weight! hoping she can remain at ard 3kg/below!


You win already! That's a scary amount of chocolate in two weeks!

But I wont say no to Ben and Jerry's... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I tried durians - the smell of it almost made me puke before I even started.. but okay lah, I managed to eat some.

Seems like not very significant weight gain from the durians, I guess it doesnt work for everyone...

Mrs Heng> No mon is juz another appt for my weekly checkup on the baby..Making sure his amiotic fluid n everything ok.. Mon she will discuss induction on me lor..Ask me choose a date to be induced..Cos by then baby kinda big alr..He was 3.2kg on mon..Then she say i small size so scared i gt difficulty pushing..

Isit necessary to drink chicken essence b4 labour? I still contemplating whether to drink or not scared it affects my blood pressure..Wait too excited n fast hahahaha


Yah I got a shock yesterday actually.. 'cos I had this weird feeling in my thighs, and pins & needles in my feet.. probably due to the bb pressing on my pelvic area.

I realised my tummy dropped a little too. No more sweaty under-breasts, hahaha...

Eeee..... I dont really feel like bathing with herbs leh.. I'll smell like a medicinal hall.

Mrs. Wong did caution that herbs got fine hairs on the leaves that might cause skin irritation and hives right??

I want to smell of Dove or Johnson's Baby Milk Bath...

Brenda, according to JSP, she drank chicken essence b4 deliver leh.

I guess drink 1 or 2 bottles will helps you feel awake bah.

bb-bao, ya somemore yr edd is later then me leh..the last i check two weeks ago not engage. tonight will ask doc.

i bought the da feng cao herbs, those comes in satchet packets. intending to bath w it. dunno will smell like medicine hall anot if hav the smell then i wash w shower gel to "mask" it. heee

helo mummies! until now i still dunno wat u all talking abt the raspberry tea leh..

Last nite i was trying to prepare my #1 to tell her tat I will be away in the hospital for 3 days.. to deliver baby.. i had a hard time.. becos she would start crying.. i said ;

"Mummy will need to go hospital take baby out ok?"

"NO! cannot! *starting to wail* mummy cannnot go hospital"

"den mummy dun go hospital den how to let baby come out?"

"NO! cannot go hospital"

"den u wan baby to come out?" "no baby stay inside"

By this time i already thinking jialat liaoz!

den i try to explain to her .. tat baby must come out .. so that she got baby to play with just like her cousins.. den i start again..

"mummy have to go hospital take baby out ok?"

"ok.. but i dun wan mummy lie on the bed.. mummy cannot lie on the bed" i was like really snooked!


eh mummies.. where got offer for chicken essence ar ?? i need to stock up.. so need to find cheaper ones.. hehehe..

chillimum : the da fung cao no smell one.. i was surprised too.. although there is colour but no smell one..

all the mummies going for natural - chicken essence for strength and concentration on pushing issit?

So c-section mummies like me dun nid take then... coz will be knocked out...

i saw in one of the post a mummy mentioned if c section, try not to eat chicken after surgery (upto how many days?)

I am ordering confinement meals.. they mass cook so i need to take note when to stay away from chicken.

nanabear: da fung cao no smell? YEAH! my mother bought me a large pack! yipeee... no smell good. my MIL never say cannot use shampoo, but she did say try to use cool boiled water to bath, dun touch tap water. ok lar. whatever goes, as long as she let me bath and wash hair... 1 person take 1 step back. =D

bb-bao: current status i also dunno. gynae visit next monday. as of now, tummy still quite high up, so i doubt will have any surprise yet. update you again. see if we can really be neighbours screaming together. hahahaha

nanabear, thks thks... no smell gd.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i heard cant wash yr hair w the da feng cao water hor, will result in hair fall. only wash body.

Boiled water to shower> My advise - To boil the water early in the morning as it takes at least 3-4 hours to cool down the 2 pails of water. I always cannot tahan to wait any longer so end up showering with the super hot boiled water. End up perspiring even before I got out of the toilet.

But now, I cant be bothered anymore.... Just shower with tap water but on the heater till quite hot....

huggy ur bb is real CUTE! love his eyes!! so chubby!!

Nanabear, ur girl so cute ya? haha...im also starting to tell my no.1 tat mummy nid to go hosp to tk out bb n she nids to stay with my aunt. So far she seems ok, she will repeat aftermi "Mummy go hosp tk out bb, later mummy come back and find Chloe." I dunno how she'll react when Im not ard for the 3-4 days....i'll miss her to bits.....

blue_turtle7> Cannot use shampoo???? Then no point to shower mah. The hair would still be oily if dont use shampoo lei....

chillimum> Cannot wash hair with the da feng cao water? OH NO......... Cham liao......

Chloie, ya dun wash hair w da feng cao water. i read other forum mummies wash hair w da feng cao water, drop a lot of hair. i think hair fall is common after birth but better to prevent more hair fall. can shampoo but rinse w warm water. then body wash w da feng cao water.

Chloie, Thanks for the reminder. Yeap I had experience on that last year too.

I added half pail of cold tap water haha made no point right?

chillimum> Too late........ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But since I have started to shower with tap water, I think my body parts would start to ache soon.......

nanabear, why you need to stock up chicken essence? You probably need only 1 or 2 small bottle if you go for natural delivery.

Normal price is around 40++ for 6 small bottles.

Luckyone> I also added cold tap water to the boiled herbs water cos too hot liao!!!! My face hurts when I poured the hot water over my face. Nearly screamed out lor and my face were reddish after the shower. LOL!

Those with CL, I think the CL would prepare the boiled water. Those without, I'm not sure how are you all going to handle all the "waiting of water to boil, checking on the water & waiting for water to cool down" process.... Very tedious......

blue_turtle: my EDD is 6 may. Will visit my gynae again next tue if i din pop this weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloie: I will use shampoo lar. What's the point no use shampoo right? In any case, no one will know if I use shampoo or not right? unless someone come smell my hair after i bath lor... (i am a very defiant person =P)

Don't bath with very hot water! according to the lady who does my facial for me, long periods of using very hot water to bath will cause the skin to become loose!

nanabear: else can go petrol kiosk see got discount for the chicken essence. Otherwise can check out Eu Yan Seng. My mother was telling me they have some mother's day promotion going on.

chloie : can la!!! MUST use da feng cao wash whole body inclluding the hair! just cannot use tap water only.. the main thing is not to use tap water.. hair fall is becos of pregnancy la! its normal!!

luckyone : my granny will wan me to drink 1 bottle everyday for confinement.. or alternate days.. its a must.. so is DOM..

blue_turtle : oh ya hor!! thanks!!! but euyansang very ex leh!



good reminder on Eu Yan Sang - Mothers Day approaching.. can stock up some good / valuable items.


