(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

shuyan> Ya, tummy slim but my thighs are still HUGE!!!! Today I told her that I tried on my jeans last night, I can fit but the thigh area is tighter than pre-preggy so she used the ultra hot oil and used extra strength to massage me today. Friday going to gyne so would go weigh again. LOL!

Cold drinks..... Wah.... I see liao I drool lor! Must ren for another week.... My mum still ask me want to drink or not, one mouth only, so never mind but I never drink lah. Very tempted!

Luckyone> I dont felt any weight lost.... Very sad lei....... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chillimum> Dont worry about eating junk food now. As long you like it, eat it! Once your start bfing, you will lose all the weight.

preg_piggy> Congrats!!!!!!!!

Got a que to ask, how come some say induced labour is more painful than natural?

Preg_piggy, Congrats congrats!!

Agginess, any kind of operation hor, eat Fish essence is good. Dun walk too much. When getting up of chair or bed, try to be slow and steady.


Be patient, cos like you, bb is also learning to latch onto your breast. But I know it's hard to be patient when all our hormones are still raging.

Milk comes in on the 3rd or 4th day, so before that, colostrum is about the only thing from your breast that will keep your baby satisfied. If you are worried that your baby is not getting enough, then ask the nursery nurses to spoonfeed your baby with glucose.

You may be worried that baby is not taking enough now, as the weeks roll by, you will start complaining about sore nipples. Cos baby will have growth spurts on day 3, week 2, week 3, 3rd month and 6th month.

You will be pumping and latching like nobody's business.

Luckyone, hubby actually suggested I start my ml this monday but then i feel is a waste n it means i need to report work early. so only took 1 day rest b4 my delivery day.

Agginness: if u cant take the pain pls take the pain killer it wil relieve the pain. Try to walk slowly and lie on the bed to minimise the pain. And try to avoid chicken in the 1st 10-14 days.

Qns for those who have popped.

How much weight have you lost 1 week after your delivery? Is it normal to have loose tummy skin and how long we need to wait to get back in shape?

I'm so sad after delivery nothing has changed despite my sleepless nights. =(

Jerbunny,I dun dare to weight myself lor.I think I will try my pre-pregnancy clothes after my massage tmr,then should be able to tell whether I got slim down or not. Regards abt loose tummy skin, after I do the wrapping,the loose skin is not so obvious than 1 week ago liao.

oh, thanks for replying shuyan.

I am only able to do my massage 20 days after my delivery due to c sect. Hopefully its not too late. Everytime I see my body a bit upset la... although my boy worth everything

Jerbunny,yeah its true lor.My massage lady say some c sect woman did their massage after 1 week.some even do after 5 days.She say its ok to do early cos they bind at the side,not at the wound area.

mrs teo, wat time u be hving ur c sect? mine will be in the mrg ard 9plus. Ur gynae is? Mine is Dr Joycelyn Wong.

baby_t: ya currently at 36 weeks. It's indeed abit early to c sect at 37 weeks. But cos i told her of my concern of little fetal movements and since bb also not abosrbing well already inside, she agree it's better to tk him out. BB currently 2.9KG. Reckon ard 3kg next week when I c sect so she is fine with it.

Went for my check up this afternoon. I'm 38 weeks n my gynae say bb still very comfortable inside me. Everything's fine and bb put on 800g in 2 weeks!

But I'm bleeding now, could it be due to the VE just now? Not bright red and no contractions, just a lot of pressure.

destiny: hey, 2.9kg is v gd for 36weeks. yr baby is a gd 400g heavier than my mine already. mine seems quite small... m hoping he will be @ least 2.8kg @ birth. gd luck in yr op nx week! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


bleeding?!?! pls call your gynae to confirm it's nothing serious or sign of labor.


Don't worry, slimming down takes time also. Loose skin ard the tummy is normal.

I didn't fit into my pre-preg clothes till 6 mths later.

Still managed to lose all the weight to pre-preg eventually but the body shape change a bit.

My chest expanded (not NN), there is this little black dress I had to throw out because even after 3 years I still could not get it to zip up.


NP, when I join you in pandora land I don't think I can even put a coherent sentence together anymore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hang in there mummy...

Just keep latching bb, to learn the correct latch technique. When bb is satisfied, they will not fuss and unlatch by themselves.

No point squeezing, colostrum very hard to see and measure and milk will pour in within the 3rd or 4th day.


has AR given birth already?!

Hoho... based on FB updates, i think pinnky also popped already.

sighz... hearing all abt the loose skin, i really hope i don't pop so soon! haha... at least everything is still tight now.

can't wait for my gynae visit and scans on monday. will be doing my postnatal photoshoot on monday too! *weekend pls come quickly! bb pls stay inside!*

Hi hi..

I feel guilty..Had a very very sinful dinner..Went hard rock to haf heavy dinner n ordered brownies for dessert..TOt since its the last wk of my pregnancy my as well gulp as much as i can before confinement..Then in the end...I vomited..Think overeat or baby rejected all the food..Came back wif bad rashes applying calamine lotion on my tummy now..Sobs!!

My back pains, bum pains n legs pains are getting worse..Cant walk much alr..Approaching wk 40 alr..

Brenda. Try not to over eat not good for ur digestion eat to a limit. Today lunch time I had Andersen ice cream for dessert also cos gg labour on this thurs. Feel so contented but then afraid too much sugar wil lead to giant bb.


Thanks for the update.

Hi all,

Share with you some of my boy's photo:





Didn't manage to be a May mummies even I have tried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My birth story:

4.30pm: Gynae checkup at week 38. Scan showed bb 3.4kg and 2cm dilated. Did VE check which was more intense as compared to week 37 and he told me could be anytime this week. Ask to consider induce or wait for natural birth. CTG shows some contraction but I just went back home without waiting for Dr Ang's checking on the CTG report because I need to get ready as already agreed to be induced on the same night.

5.30pm: Started to feel pain from the lower back to the thigh but still can walk home from the clinic.

6.30pm: Dr Ang called to go back to the clinic for him to do VE check again as the CTG shows I should have started the contraction.

7.30pm: hook on CTG again, and shows that I should have intense labour contraction. At this point of time, the pain still on the lower back and all the way to my right thigh. Couldn't walk when the pain hit me.

Dr Ang ask to be admitted at 9pm.

9.30pm: Admitted to TMC. Went straight to the labour ward. Already can't walk.

10.10pm: Gynae burst the water bag. (Damn painful!!!) Only 3cm dilated. Real contraction started after that. Ask for epidural.

11pm: Epidural

12am: 4cm dilated

12.15am: Felt a sense of pooing (labour contraction has strated). Dr Ang still busy delivering another baby next door. Nurse did VE check and 8cm dilated.

12.45am: Feeling is much stronger, Dr And finally here. Start to push but baby is still very high.

Dr Ang used vacuum to assit while I continue to push many times and started to lose energy.

1.01am: BB was born with ambilical cord on his neck, which is the reason why he was still high all the time. He was being held up by his cord.

Luckily I never insisted to wait for another week. Luckily bb decided to arrive and give me contraction pain. Luckily Dr Ang use the vaccum and his hand to pull bb out.

BB's fingers and toes looked purpleish when he was born. Dr Ang said it could be turn out to be a very dangerous delivery and disaster. Thank god everything turn out to be fine!

Thanks a lot Lucasmummy and bbf!

When Dr Ang just pull his head out, he cried so loudly immediately, before his shoulder and body was out. But once he was on my chest, he open his eyes so big and look at me and stop crying when I touch his face. When the nurse removed him for cleaning up, he cried very loudly again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then when I tried to breast feed him and hold him in the labour ward after cleaning up, he will be calm and when the nurse took him away he will cry again. It is as though he can recognise my voice and my smell. How could I not love him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes, Thank God indeed!

Your birth story looks super scary in retrospect...

I'm happy for you that everything went smoothly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Huggy. Yr boy so cute hope my gal come out Her weight will be ard 3.3kg. Surprisingly i woke up so early cos too many things to think n excited cos tmr will be seeing my lil bb. N thinking wil there b any hiccups during e del, e pain I hv to go thru, maid can handle n wil I hv enough rest...etc like kena labour withdrawal symptom.

Chubby tiger,

Don't worry, be happy! As you will see your precious little girl very soon. All the best for your c-sect tomorrow!

Same here, I even started tearing right at Dr Ang's clinic when I agreed to be induced (although later turn out to be a natural delivery on the same night), actually have been feeling very down for a week. But after labour, all the worries just went away like that, as I know I will overcome all the problems and obstacle one by one no matter what for the sake of the 2 angels in my life.

My boy only looked alert right after delivery. After all the cleaning, warming, vit K injection and the swaddling, he is a sleepy head now, looks like a newborn now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies who delivered at TMC, any visitors restriction now? I rem that TMC only allows max of 2 visitors at a time for visiting.

So am wondering if they are still doing it? I opt for 2-bedded so does it also mean max of 2 visitors at same time?

Ah yoh! Huggy you boy very cute leh.

AR, show us your boy pict too hor.

BTW, AR delivery time was quite short too hor.

I think less than 5 hours?

baby_t, yeap you're "sinful" and "sin fu" loh.

I have to cut ice-cream, beef those heavy stuff but you can eat a lot loh hehe..

chubby_tiger, If my gynae said I'm not ready for delivery yet, I may go back to work next week too.

Cause stay at home hor, elect bill sure go up!


Huggy! congrats on the arrival of ur bb! glad ur bb is ok..sounds like a harrowing experience

i've got the same gynae as you and BB_Hon,

i find it extremely curious that everytime Dr Ang does VE, that mtbs get contractions and then deliver ..

after my last VE check at 37/38 week, i also got contractions and back pain, which stopped the next day,

i'm due for my 38/39 week check next mon and am kindda skeptical about his VE check.

Why need to be so rough and then get contractions? hmp!

AR, pinkky:

congrats on ur bb's arrival too!!!

btw, about my caffeine fix, heee mrs teo and luckyone.. thanks for the support ...heee

Congrats congrats to all mummies who have popped! So exciting!

Sounds like a lot of mummies actually delivered after the VE check! yikes! think i don't want let my gynae check! hahaha... in case it induces labour. i still wanna enjoy my last few weeks of peace and quiet and good night's sleep =P

Have finally decided to drag my hospital bag into the car this morning! And last night also sent car for cleaning and vacuuming! All ready to welcome the little one. Even though I hope it won't be so soon. =P

Lucasmummy, yes and the restrictions applied during the h1n1 period last yr but not sure if they are continuing the ban or not.

I hv picked a date for c sec and it wud be next weekend!! Yeah! Be visiting my gyne on Thursday evening to cfm it!

Morning mummies,

Huggy, congratulations!! Goodness, your boy is so cute, he sure looks very matured huh, I remember when my #01 was out, she was also very alert, her two big eyes keep rolling around to check out the new world. So touching, the baby is definitely bonded with the mummy inside out, have a good rest!! :")

AR, congratulations to you too, do post pictures of your baby too. :")


Hope you are doing well. The tummy is usually the first to slim down with the help of massage, the rest of the body, you will need to work on it alittle. It took me 3 months to go back to my pre-maternity clothes. :")


I also feel like my chest has expanded after #01, hope it doesn't expand further with 2nd birth...


Huggy, phew.. glad things turns out well for u n bb. yr bb is gg to be a smartie. looks so alert.

AR also gave birth nat w/o epi? so many mummies is nat w/o epi... all so brave...

Mummies, good luck n dun giv up on bf-ing yr newborn. perservere!

