(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Luckyone, Chillimum: i dun think i can survive eating cereal every morning for whole month. i think i will go mad. in any case, my MIL is the kind who cooks noodles (ban mian kind) for breakfast... scary yah? need to work out something with hb to buy me mac, or prata, etc for breakfast.

milk good cos got calcium right? and i think we will need the lotsa calcium esp if BF-ing. But no milk for me lar. Lactose intolerant. might go buy the expensive lactose free milk though, if needed.

Luckyone, u can try wholemeal bread sandwiches (yucks for me!) then everyday get CL to put in different fillings. Egg mayo, ham, tuna(?), luncheon meat(?), etc.


Luckyone> Got it aldy.... Not the iPhone though. Just need a hp to call, take pics, surf net, that's all. iPhone too much for me liao. LOL!

And I have not lost much weigh lei!!!!! Can die man! Really envy those who are bfing. I have only lost the weight of my girl and the amnio fluid. The rest of the weigh are still in me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Super sad can!!!!!

My MIL says can take half boiled egg!!!! Yumm....

Bread I think can ah... Oatmeal, cereal, cake as long as not chilled should be fine I guess... Can also have noodles ah...

Milo, horlick and milk as long as not chilled.

Luckyone,im not sure also, read somewhere before dun take bread if breastfeeding. any experienced mummies can clarify?

Blue_turtle, wah! ban mian for breakfast is v heavy leh! lol. i seriously at a loss think i stick to milo n biscuits for breakkie.

blue turtle, yeap I will ask CL to made diff fillings sandwiches for me. I can eat bread for 3 meals per day type (^-^). So sandwhich, hot cake, cereal that should be enough for 28 days bah.

Chloie, me too don't need too much function for the phone. I don even take picture from the phone.

So for me very easy just call and SMS.

Ah Yeah, slowly girl don't stress yourself.

Few more weeks later, go for some execrise.

Meanwhile, take a short walk downstair everyday and eat early and less dinner at night.

LucasMummy, noodles not bad too but I hate "mee hon".

chillimum, yeah loh if can't eat bread hor, thre's nonthing much I can eat liao.

what about "fruits" apple should can one.

honeydrew, grape?

Ornage and Papaya should can not right cause too cooling?

Luckyone, fruits im not sure also... but must see, some fruits r cooling. cant eat those tat r cooling.

bb-bao, yoz, wat happened? BEER?? where where? lol

Papaya i think it's ok lar. suppose to help increase milk supply i heard. haha.

maybe watermelon, pineapple kinda cooling fruits dun eat lor.

think need to eat a lot a lot of fruits and veggies, else later constipation after all the super heaty confinement food. =P

my MIL was telling me some veggies that's cooling or cause wind also cannot eat, e.g. kangkong.

Hi Mummies..

Just woke up..hehe..getting really tired these days..At last tummy went lower can breathe beta abit..

Yesterday went for my wkly visit to gynae..My baby is due tis sunday!!! he is engaged long ago but after VE check, my cervix is not opened yet..So gynae say wun be these few days..Hopefully end of the wk..Maybe baby wanna due on his EDD haha!! If by nxt visit to gynae he is still not out..Gynae wans to induce me alr..Cos baby weighed 3.2kg yesterday alr..Me feel my ripcaged back bones all bruised haha!! Legs really no strength alr dunno hw to walk hahahahaha!!!

My Gynae checked on me saying i gt mild contractions alr but i dun feel it leh..haha!

hehe..nxt mon then can c doc..Hopefully tis wk gt signs of labour..I wait til eyes dark rings kinda bad haha..Bought eye masks..Getting really clumsy when i walk these days..Gt few bruises on my legs alr haha..But no energy to rub, cant even bend lor..

hello ladies. i just came bk frm my gynae's clinic. baby is nw 2.5kg @ week 36. thats alil light isnt it? but oh well...dr says she thinks baby will probably be @ most 3kg when full term.

congrats to Huggy! really big baby u have! current record holder here!

& gd luck to AR! hope u have a smooth delivery! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yum! just had lunch, nasi padang.. full n satisfied for now..

bb-bao, still hav to wait out til after confinement then can drink wor.. but.. dun think i can last til then. will prob sneak out for one or two after 2 weeks at hm. r u bf-ing bb? must note dun drink 2 hrs before feeding bb hor. also, drink lotsa water cos alcohol is dehydrating. i thnk i so long no drink, one beer is enough to make me high liao hahahaha!

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anyone gg??

Luckyone> Ya lor... I dont eat alot also. Hopefully can lost the weigh soon.....

Fruits during confinement> I mostly take apple. My mum told me mango, grapes cannot eat too much cos it is "toxic".... LOL! Havent dare to eat orange yet.

bb-bao> You have not have ice-cold beer for the longest time ever, mine is COKE!!!! OMG! I would do anythg for a can of cold coke now man!!!!! LOL!

helo mummies!

i am feeling so heavy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and dun even feel like coming to work.. becos walking is such a chore now. and am always hungry!!

no cake... can we have chocolates? its heaty...

I have huge craving for royce now.. and i think i wanna eat during confinement if its allowed.. wat do u all think.

Chloie, but auntie jumie told me u slim down alot, esp is ur tummy, she say flat liao.Coke I oso wan....any cold drink oso can.my hubby everyday drink lemon tea in front of me,see liao saliva dripping.

bb_bao,during ur confinement I'll bring cold beer to ur place...can see but cannot touch...lol...

Confinement food: My MIL say for the 1st 1 or 2 weeks cannot eat chicken(becos of the stitches),must wait till gynae say the wound is ok,then she ll cook chicken.Right now everyday I'm eating pork with ginger...eat till wanna vomit liao.Is not the food not nice, but is everyday eat the almost same thing eat till I very jer lak...

bbf, tks for translating my pandora-land language into proper Eng... Was tired and busy with latch and pump the whole of yesterday... So type with one hand is really terrible...

Congrats to taybaby & huggy!

bx, I only use the Tupperware method for night feeds cos hubby lazy to wash up and sterilise. And I will be dead tired after 1.5hr on latching and pumping. So keep in Tupperware for one more use in the night, then morning will wash and sterilise with the rest in the morning...

haha shuyan, yr son so cute.. bet u dunno wanna cry or laugh!

Mrs Teo, then can take potato chips too? heaty. im thinking confinement mth cannot take any other food other then breakfast, lunch n dinner those confinement dishes leh. now im thinking of gg supermarket stock up on snacks n titbits liao... alamak! suddenly remember need to lose weight. grrrrrr...........

luckyone, yeah lor, my son is very close to me, he always offer me with food or other stuff, but not to his daddy. So my hubby always complaint de. Maybe now he is young so he is close to me, I think next time he ll be closer to the gf/wife liao, haha...


yeah I also hope my kids are close to me.. but come to think about it, as a gf/wife, I also want my bf/hubby to be close to me right!

If he's still a mummy's boy during adulthood, everything also "my mother say..., my mother this, my mother that..." I don't think I will marry this kind of guy lor... =X

hi mummies, just return from gynae visit. BB is engaged already. Not absorbing well n he onli put on 200gms these 2 weeks. Placenta also started to age liao...told dr abt bb not being active and always quiet, she allowed mi to brg forward my c sect date to 5 May. Say since bb not absorbing well inside and also little fetal movements, might as well tk him out n SEE n HOLD him...she understands the agony of worrying n the sufferings of the pregnant mother.. so i shall see my son in 8 days time.

Jiayou to all mothers!

BB-bao, yeah lor, mama's boy oso not good.Jus tat next time no people ll "ta bao" supper for me to eat lor. Cos my friends always say got daughter is good, cos next time sure got supper eat...lol....

CONGRATS to mummies who have popped!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow so many early mummies!!! all falling into April!


its okie. bb understands momma needs to satisy her craving.. if momma is cranky.. bb also will be cranky.. hehe

Nw inside the train took time off to go HME n rest n starting my ml tmr n csect on this thurs excited n nervous. Remember last week was complaining abt afraid bb wil come early n nw knows tat will really get to see her soon feel like want her to stay inside longer.

hubby is gg to bring me out to eat beef steak for dinner later, trying to boost baby's weight alil more. & m having cravings for cold cold coconut water! the weather is soooo hot!

wah i'm so envious of you, baby_t! I love beef!

I only managed to have beef brisket noodles for lunch.. chey..

I have been to 2 NTUCs and 2 Cold Storages - I cant find any coconut!!

Damn, in the end I bought bubble tea.. hahaha...

Yeah I have lotsa cravings suddenly too, I had fried chicken last night, and now I really, really want some Bah Kwa. I hope some kind soul will surprise me with some bah kwa (hello hubby are you listening?)

Sue, don worry even pro of gynae also said 1 cup coffee per day is alright (no only my pro gynae even newspaper other prof gynae also said that) hehe that made me feel better cause I'm ice latte fans!

oooh! beef! I like beef too! baby_t you very "sin fu" leh.

mama boy> I don wan my boy boy become mama's boy too.

Like very "gairly". I will asked him to fight back to those who bully him instead of coming back cry to me hehe..

But I beli that boy very close to mother, will be very nice to girlfriend/ wife when they grow up.

My husband is the type loh.

chubby tiger, wow soon you will see your baby. Take more rest and take care hor.

piggy, congrats.

Me also have to take extra care now. Having blocked nose on 1 side since 2, 3 days ago.

Think having "hot" flu. But not dare to drink too much "liang" stuff leh.

Wah... Went back to work for half day, so many to read. I wonder if we can have mee Siam, laksa during confinement.

I have to patiently wait to gobble my first mug of beer after birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

BHC at week 39 is quite painful and uncomfortable. I really wonder my baby wants to nua until when...

So tired today.... Yawnzzzz

Hi mummies thank u all for the well wishes..

Loh pls help to update my girl info.


natural w/o epidural

will update my birth detail again..

Jia you to all mummies who hv not pop n those who pop rest well!

bb-bao & Luckyone: more like "sinful" than "sin fu"! beef steaks are delicious! but its ex, so i usually eat it on wkends. but hubby thinks baby is alil light @ 2.5kg nw, so he wants me to eat more beef & high calorie stuff like ice cream/cakes. but m worried tt the excess weight will be on me instead of baby. so m abstaining from the boxes of ice cream that he stocked up in d fridge for me. will just indulge on d yummy steaks :p

bb-bao: try giant! i saw lotsa coconuts there when i was @ parkway parade giant afew days ago. its $1.10 each i think.

destiny: i think ur @ week 36 nw rite? my gynae also mentioned abt the placenta "ageing" - as shown by the increased calcification. i think thats why its slowing dw the absorption of nutrients by baby. hw heavy is yr baby nw? is it abit early to have C sect @ week 37?


Hi all,

Just got discharged this afternoon.

Alsky: U r rite, and u can say it again, wht a dramatic labor!

All these were seriously unnecc. I did tell my gynae tht after first induction, can i just opt for c sect. He insisted tht i shld not give up and try for nartual. And in the end, e csect. Tsk well, like others mentioned, as long as baby is alrite, then good.

About the attachment to my baby, seriosuly, Im finding it hard to believe this is the baby boy that was inside me. I still cant accept it and when I look at him its like a miracle! Im one of those who cant accept reality so quickly..

Alsky , Jerbunny : How is the recovery of c sect? It is really really painful and the sharp pain goes on and off..do u guys know anyting or some particular food that will ease the pain or help recovery?

And a question for those 1st time mummies, my colostrum is so little and my bb doesnt want to latch on easily. So Im trying to squeeze and squeeze untill my nipple is so sore...Im almost giving up. Any advice?

