(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Rantingbaby: Add me to Baby Shower interested list too.

AR & Maggie: I intend to let baby sleep next to me too. But either a lower or higher bed for baby. Safetly come first.


Thanks JSP...

My mense is always regular. I was wandering as i have heard pple say that usually boys are born a little later than EDD.

Eh... I am confused between Anne Raj and AR. Are you both the same person?

Anyway, AR, I offer baby-sitting in the west, provide pet taxi for vet appointments and outings and chartered car service for corporates and individuals. So can book me and my car if you prefer to travel in a personal car with a driver that drives safely. I do transport of logistics for corp events (e.g. D&D, seminars, road-shows) or anyone who is sick of taxi uncles' reckless driving.


I had my #1 sleeping with me in the middle of my bed at night. Day time, she sleeps in the playpen. Co-sleeping has a few advantages like more responsive to night feeds and bonding. Of course, if you tend to have big movements when you sleep, the habit can be easily corrected with a baby co-sleeping with you.

But those said, SID can still happen if you are not careful. I did not have the snuggle thingy. We just placed a baby bolster on either side of my #1 and snore away.

Anne Raj

Not a lot of planning if you ask me. It's good to have that window if you intend to go off early for ML. Helps with the packing of your diaper bag and also gives you an idea of when to expect your baby. Just remember to lay a thick towel on your side of the bed 4 weeks before EDD.

rantingbaby, Im Anne Raj, diff from AR.thanks for your info.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi rantingbaby, im diff from AR. Im anne raj... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im getting breatheless at time, is anyone having the same prob? I was suffering from a very bad backache for the last few days. On Sunday, my PT maid didnt turn up and ended up doing some household chores and made it worse. Had to take MC yesday to rest and feel so much better now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im afraid, now i have such back pains, would it get worse by the end of 3rd tri?

i have bad backache too

but i think my seating posture suck all the while.. heheh so nowadays need to be reminded to sit STRAIGHT!!!

i am going swimming today ;)

I think all of us are having backaches... I have been complaining to my colleagues abt my backache. cant sit down for more than 30 mins. pain... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mrs Teo, its raining cats and dogs now.. be careful! I would love to go swimming but my hubby doesnt the idea of me swimming in the tight suit (bec of modesty issues) Sigh.... I wonder if they have pools for women only.. any in Singapore?

Hello! Im 09 March mum.

Im selling Bugaboo bee stroller, Maxi-Cosi car seat, Graco pak & play play pen. They are 9 months old and very good condition like almost brand new.

Bugaboo bee stroller (original S$999 - selling S$500) Cover colour exchangeable, current colour is pink. I also have matching Umbrella and Travel bag.

Maxi-Cosi car seat (Carbrio Fix, Newborn upto 9 kg, Lily pink colour), Can be attached to Bugaboo bee stroller and I have an adaptor. (original S$358 - selling S$180)


Graco pack & play playpen (original S$390 - imported from USA, selling S$150)


I also have a crib, matress, diaper changing table, breastfeeding pillow, tiny love hanging mobile, sleeping bags, etc. They are all really good condition!

Please PM if you are interested in buying. Viewing items by appointment. self-collection at Arcadia road (Bukit-timah)


i waddle in the pool at night abt 8pm liddat. not many pple (esp kids) that time. and also can wear anything also not scared.

i dun think theres female only pool though.

Ms Teo,

it raining now and pool will be cold.


there is bikini swimwear sold for Preg Lady. Nt sure if wear T-Shirt & Shorts to Swim pool will look funny anot.

bb-bao: Thanks for the info, where is your fren's shop.. Cos I hope to slim down b4 starting 2 search for BS for the shoots only..

bbf : I'm also interested to join u ladies for the baby shower...

Hi everyone,

this thread is suddenly so active....I'm keen to join in the baby shower but not sure if I can make it cos I guess it will be on a weekend at someone's home. weekend I need to do housework/go IL's place and watch my boy....so if timing is rite, I will love to join in the fun....

Body Aches

Other than having back aches occasionally, I have a greater problem - aching on the hip. I hv it quite often and I'm really scared that it will get worse as the pregnancy progress. My gynae said it's due to the loosening of joints and it seems like there's nothing very much that can be done.


can visit www.derrick-ong.com, his office is at Smith Street. Har no need to slim down lah - your legs will be cover by your gown, your arms by your veil.. any other things can easily photoshop one =D


let me know how ur glucose results turn out... as long as there are a handful of us to go on weekday evening...i'm all for it!


please don't wait till I deliver to see me in ESH. I think I will b in quite bad shape then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mayb we can meet at some gathering before delivery ok, when i still look fresh and awake?

i've seen those swimsuits that are sold in m'sia which cover the entire body, will that help to deal with the modesty issue?

ESH has this crash course on the day u discharge. abt 30 minutes conducted by the nurse. It may be better sign up for those at TMC and KKH before the delivery so that u can be prepared on what to expect.


oh dear can u ask ur hb carry u up when u discharge?

The pain should be manageable but will take sometime to clear all 3 floors, depends on how bad ur wound is.

Anne Raj,

just want to double check coz now there are 2 ARs....ur gynae is Adrian Woodworth right?

hihis mtbs agains...

WHAAAAA....so active sia this thread these few days...

it's good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i had so much trouble accessing this forum the entire morn...and bz wif work during pm

btws yeah, bbf, ktsc..durian session sounds good..but need to find a suitable week day, maybe after yoga? hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wonder if gwen from wasabi yoga got back to bbf olreadi?

hopefully we can get something confirmed within the next 2 weeks...


mother and child yoga at tanglin mall sounds friendlier on the wallet, but location is not that convenient for me lei...

but anyways, thanks for the recommendation... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i guess that would be my back up plan...

oso oso thanks for sharing about the bit about bathing for baby... dunno some father was telling me CL dun need to do anything if we're breastfeeding...mmm so there's plenty they can help out wif...i.e bathing for bb... now i know...


CL will definitely bathe the baby... all you have to do is to rest and heal and also bf bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When i had my girl, CL took care of her while i eat, sleep & milk my girl ;) But then i bathe everyday lah... i can't stand being so sticky and hair so greasy. I guess i'm so particular about personal hygiene. I also didnt use the herb water to bathe or wash hands even though my hb bought for me from those chinese herb shops. Guess I couldnt stand the smell of the herbs.


I haven't heard from Gwen yet... I will give them a call tomorrow.

Apart from breastfeeding, CL can help with the change diapers, do housework, cook and bathe the bb...

but if u already have someone to help you out with these things then you can save on the CL.

However, if you breastfeed then you can forget about getting a good night's rest and having your CL take care of the bb at night.

You will have to wake up every 2-3 hrs to feed.

I did hear that some mums become quite lost after the CL leaves,

so you really need to observe and learn how she handles your bb so that you will be able to do the same when you are on your own.

Re: swimming

I am quite sad cos I cannot fit into the maternity tankini I bought for my last pregnancy liao. I hope to find a bikini that fits... But must inform hubby though he does not mind me wearing bikini.


Can wear tee & shorts in pool but certain places have costume code, so better to check out first.

Anne my MW said that babies will come whenever they are ready so you just have to be prepared. I guess it is good to pack your hospital bag early though having said that I was still packing my bags while in the early stages of labour. It was a source of distraction though. I thought my son was going to be late but he arrived almost bang on time! He was born the evening before his EDD. Not true in my case about little boys being late! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rantingbaby you certainly have a varied home business. You must be superwoman looking after your daughter and business at the same time. I work flexi hours and it's already very difficult juggling betweeen household chores, work and a very active toddler.

maggie mee I started out with the avent manual too b'cos at that time I wasn't sure how I get on with bf. It is a good pump to have on standby and if you want to pump occasionally but if you find you require more heavy duty pumping it can be quite taxing on your hands. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rantingbaby! You were up at 1am to reply the thread? Cant sleep?

bbf hahah! you sound so funny when u said when u said to catch u when u are more awake and fresh. Was just picturing how wud it be when u are dizzy after delivery and with the droopy eyes. But then again, i have always thought of that moment. I really dun want visitors to visit me on the day of my delivery. I wud really want to rest. But how to tell them not to come? Esp since its the first grandchild for my side and the firs family 'heir' for his side (my hubby is the only son in his family). Haiz... I wonder whether I can sleep during my hospital stay...

As for the swimsuits.. I have the scuba diving one.. Not the catwoman type more like the super baggy ones.. even then when it gets wet, its sticks to ya body.. so my hubby is not comfortable (he is super conservative when it comes to my dressing). Esp now since my bum and belly is 'emphasized' hehehe! oh well.. its ok.. we all have to make some compromises in a marriage. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm looking for a maid now... need some help in reliable maid agencies.. I've been reading up some forum... very scary..esp when there are so many unprofessional agencies ard.. What alternatives are there?


Thanks A R for warning me about the hotness of this forum. Its really amazing... =)

JSP - I have friend whom engaged Mdm Mariam and feedback is she is GOOD. So i guess you don't have to worry.

chilipadi confinement meal is nett at $1568 (regardless where u stay : no extra charges on ERP)

Lunch and Dinner ;) I will get my mum to vet thru the menu then confirm.

As for the yoga lesson, I am unable to reach Gwen too.

hi all, my mistake. I went for the yoga class yesterday and realised that Gwen will only be back in Spore today. :p

actually if there is at least 2 pax, she will start the class. Will call her to confirm later. Anyone can make it next tues (20-Jan) @7pm? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes i can. but like what bbf suggest. it'd be good if we can sign for 8 lessons instead and also have trial lesson.

I think

Sue, bbf, myself, KTSC are keen.

correct me if i am wrong k.

good mornings mtbs..

blurangel: no worries, but mmm hope gwen gets back to bbf's email soon..

Mrs teo: you're right! good memory [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btws, i was examining my body last nite in the shower and was HORRIFIED to see spider veins on my legs!!!! xiao liao! then i recalled that my mum also has really horrible ones while carrying me... it never disappeared for her...

so how? any remedies mtbs? very worried now...

am only 23 weeks and with 17more weeks to go ...

how's my legs gonna take the weight of my heavy upper body? soomemore my legs are not that slim.. such useless legs.. cannot carrry heavy loads... :/

spider veins means no more shorts... at least stretch marks mean no bikinis which we may not wear that often anyway.. (BUT both are no-nos to get la)



Sue, dun worry, you are not alone... we are all in it together..facing similar 'challenges'.. So comfort urself in that thought. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies, how do you intend to store your expressed breastmilk? See some freezing in milkbags while others use glass bottles. Was thinking if i'm using those electric bottle/food warmer devices then shd use glass bottles?

Any tips to share with clueless me? thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks AR [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's consoling to know...but still quite depressing lei!


good point! i should start wearing my existing flight socks in the office..


someone mentioned to me that he and his wife use BPA free plastic bottles..although bottles take up more space in the freezer, they saves loads of preparation cos we just need to take it out of the freezer and into the bottle warmer..

as opposed to milkbags - need to thaw first, then heat up... and this will increase preparation time..

esp when we need to feed the bb every few hours, any preparation time that can be saved is helpful and we can use it for something else (maybe some rest?)

i thought what my friend said made sense..

wonder what's the experiences of the other mtbs...

Thanks for the add in fb, all ya pretty mummys[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi bbf,

dunno will my training now be enough to tackle the stairs prob later. even at hm also need to use the stair to go up to my room. im gg for gynae appt today will check w doc c wat he advise. actually i dun mind gg back my parents pl during the first mth hehe. really miss their cooking. any idea if newborn is ok with dog ard? i hav a jack russell at my parents.


regarding spider veins.. i also hav some on my lower leg. quite worried abt it too cos v ugly leh if it were to get darker. sob..

Hi Mummies

Mrs N

I am not a supermum, more like lazy mum. My home business moves rather slowly, so can afford a lot of time. I have a helper at home and she takes care of my #1 and my chores. My main roles at home are to sleep with my hubby and #1, plan meals, grocery-shop for necessities, eat & nap.


yar, could not sleep even after watching 'Fantastic 4'. So came online to post a little.


Unfortunately, you will inherit most, if not all, your mum's pregnancy battle scars, so better to interrogate her first. I have no experience with spider veins, though my mum did have it. It could be from pregnancy or because she used to stand a lot as a hawker's wife.


initially I used milk bags, but they are bulky and go out of shape with freezing, and not at all eco-friendly. So I switched over to milk stick tray bought from Mumsfairy. After freezing, I transfer the milksicles into tupperwares until I need to use them. They are more for freezing use, not storage. But I felt they were a good buy. Was wanting to buy another set, cos my hubby spoilt one of the trays. Each set has 2 trays. Each tray can freeze 8 sticks of 30mls.

May 2010 MTBs Baby Shower

Date: Late Feb / Early Mar (TBC)

Venue: TBC

MTBs interested as follow:













BBF, think you have to start planning... :p


i am abit worried too. coz my dogs are abit cranky at times. but best to prepare the dogs for it...


hb and me will contribute one towel used by bb to the dogs.. let them get used to the scent of the bb.

Spider veins - me also have, i use osim massage chair and use leg gel though my sis says its no good. - makes me feel better aft using.

Hi all,

Regarding expressed breastmilk, cant we just refrigerate it? how long can freshly expressed milk last? cos i work 9 to 5 so will express out milk during this time, can i keep in the fridge n not freezer? when i reach hm i will bf bb. then next day bb will drink my expressed milk fr the day before when im at work. is this do-able?


don't worry about the JR at your parents. cos if you intro the baby to the dog, the dog will not attack the baby.

Before you bring the baby in, leash the JR and lead it ouside the house to meet the baby. Let the JR sniff the lower half of the baby, i.e. feet, legs or diapers. Then lead the JR into the house first, before bringing baby in.

This is their way of establishing pack hierarchy. Most dogs would let the baby in with no issues, unless they growl at the baby. So if te JR does growl, lead him away first, before bringing him back to the baby.

Mrs Teo,

thks for the website! think yr dogs r quite big rite.. but i heard big dogs are more tame. mine will bark suddenly n his bark is quite loud will scare the bb. so its between the stairs at my pl and the dog at my parents pl. if i can manage the stairs.. think i just stay put at pp. yr hse is also two storeys rite? any worries abt stairs after birth?

i will start massaging my legs.i rather take precaution now.


Here is what you need to know about storage time for EBM:

Room Temp: 4 hours

Ice Box with Ice pack: 24 hours

Fridge: 48 hours

Freezer: 3-6 months

Deep Freezer: 6-12 months

After your pump, you can let it cool for a while before placing in the fridge (in the office) or freezer (if you are at home).

You can transport chilled (not frozen) EBM home after work then freeze it. Cos if you freeze it in office, it will thaw on your way home. Thawed EBM CANNOT be refroze.

Hi rantingbaby,

wow thks for all the information. i hav noted down the timing for ebm. i will transport the chilled milk hm then leave in the fridge for my mil to feed bb the next day.

Hi all,

i realise just for me to walk from market to home . my leg will ache. I though walking is good. I cannot image i go swimming, which need to use leg power to float on water. Wouldn't it be aching like mad later?

tinospora> I just called up Mt A to sign up for the antenatal class. The lady told me to start in March so that I can end in early April. Forgot to ask her how many lessons are there in total. Any idea?

