(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Ylyn ,

Try to get some rest and not think abt it .. there should be nothing wrong with your food intake .. just make sure u rest and do a mini confinemnet for yourself and try again. I am sure u will have another healthy bb next round.


Mine the opposite as yours .. I have two bois .. n all along I am praying very hard for gals .. that is y my two boys looked like gals with long eye lashes .. I am still praying hard for a gal this time rd cos gg o close factory after this ..

Not true that old pple love bois .. MY MIL doesnt even care abt my preg and grandsons .. keke.. In fact even when she is in Australia n when we called her she did not even ask for the well being of her grandsons .. not even " are they okay" ... Crazy to complain in this public forum .. MIL loves her daughter son and even when she is staying with us for a few years in sin, she would go and take care of the grandson and eventually migrate with them to aus when they shift.. haha .. so I gotta be SAHM to supervise my kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no choice .. there is always a preference over sons and daughters.


Blow some pink dust over .. Congrats on your princess .. I am sure U can choing for the year end sale for princess clothes already[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am having a terrible headache since yesterday night n slept from morning till nw .. just woke up ... hubby in GZ nw .. wished that I am in GZ as well .. terrible feeling... yesterday have a terrible stomache too think i ate sometime I ordered from outside restaurant... so sianZ ..



I am very sad and shocked to hear abt ur bb. I hope you are fine. There is nothing that you had done to affect your bb so don't blame yourself. Life is fragile at any stage of the pregnancy and we simply don't have control over these things. Take the time to grieve once the ordeal is over. I pray that time will heal all. Stay strong and don't be discouraged. We all take on these risks and heartaches when we decide to be parents.

Sue, Destiny

congratz on your gals. I'm sure once everyone gets over their own selfish expectations they will grow to LOVE your gals. I'm going on to my 2nd boy as well so everyone in my family is going through some denial coz we don't have a single granddaughter on both sides of the family. My hb and I are taking the time to lament over the cute princess dresses, and hello kitty stuff that we won't get to buy for dress up as well.

Still these things are quite trivial la, having kids are a real blessing no matter what gender they come in...

I really don't get it with the older folks, what is this? are we still in the dynasty era? when i was expecting my first i told my hb that he is not some emperor so we don't have the responsibility to pass any family line. There are many pple with same surname what.


hope u get your girly wish! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd morning MTBs n FTB,

went chk up on fri nite, the wait of 1+ hrs seems like forever n not forgetting the non stop rain to make ur mood damper. at seeing the hb on the scan then can we relaxed our mood but wify is still nervous that she could not focus on wat the dr told her. it seems that there is some blood clot in her cervix that is causing the spotting. if by mon spotting increases or turns red, we hav to made a trip to the 24hr KKH clinic. prayed hard over these wkn nothing will go wrong.

so much things to worry n somehow we quarreled today over our kid's care arrangement when we not even hit 3rd tri....mayb we both not in the right nerves.

jus a while ago, wify complained of breathlessness n backache again, sigh nothing i can do for her...

for other recommended bird nest can try this http://www.lohongka.com/sg/eng/index.php?na=sg_outlet.php

Ylyn, sad to hear abt ur case. do rest well n recover. stay strong n hope to c u soon in MTB forum again.

Morning ladies.

Oneegg & ylyn

I am so sorry to hear about yr loss. I hope that both of you will recover soon and regain back your health.

Just went for my OSCAR test last Sat. Results not out yet cause will be only be seeing my gynae in 2 weeks time. Asked the sonographer whether so far so good. She said so far so good. I guess that is good news bah. Cause she refuse to tell me more and say my gynae will let me know the results. Hopefully all goes well.

Ylyn... im sad to hear abt your bad news...do take care n rest well...

MTBS... lets all JIA YOU.... give thanks for each day. Every day i pray bb will grow healthy in me... i just can't wait for next week to see my bb again...

morning mtbs... weekend passes ever so quickly n its Monday again...


i knw u will be strong for ur #1 rite?? n pls take care n do a mini 2 weeks confinement so tt u will be pink of health to try again... *hugz again**


congrats on having a princess... so hoping to knw bb gender during my next appt on the 25th... my HB says if i have a ger means he'll be broke most of the time... heehee...


i'm so sorry to hear abt ur bad news... *big hugz*... n do rest well and nourish urself back to health so tt u can try again... dun think too much and rest as much as possible during this 2 weeks...


hope everything goes well for ur wife... i also had bleeding sometime back so was asked to rest n not walk too much... guess the same applies to ur wife as well...

maggie mee

i also seeing my bb next week... cant wait till then too... let's jia you together...


I have 2 brand new with tags Kate Spade Lenox Hill Noel Diaper bag (1 black and 1 red) going at S$325 only for self collection in the west. Bag is 100% authentic and comes with original care card, dustbag, store receipt, paper bag. Interested please email me at [email protected] for fast deal. Thanks

Morning mummies ,

I slept from 7 pm yesterday .. and woke up at 3 am ..cos slept too much in the day .. headcache still on but milder nw .. hope it goes away soon. gulping the chicken essence n refusing to take medicine .. cos taken too much in first tri .. think not too good for bb ..

had carbonara spegetti n pizza delivered here for breakfast .. n no appetite at all.. I vomitted everything i ate yesterday bcos of the stupid heachche ..juZ throw my two kids to ah yi to handle and slept the whole day .... think I am gg to sleep again later .. stupid weather ..

Hi OneEgg & ylyn, remember not to take cold stuff for 1 month. Take good care and rest more.My gynae said to me before: Most people who's had misscarried on 1st pregnacy, 2nd will be no problem (^^) be positive

Advice...Please...Anyone around 12 weeks to 15 weeks stomach still the same size? I fels my stomach remain or become a bit smaller (am I too sentitive?). Anyone still having headache on 1 side? These few days because of the wether, I got a bit flu. It's right not to see GP and take medicine? After I drank ginger with hot honey I felt much better.

Hi Viven, thanks for your sharing. I will wait till 5 Dec to see my gynae and see what he says, hopefully everything will be ok.

Hi ylyn, pse take good care and stay strong. Rest well.

Audrey... im in 16th wks.. but also feel tummy not getting much bigger... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] guess dun worry too much.... best we keep ourselves in jolly mood.... i think it will be best for our body... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

headache could it becuz of anemamic? lack of iron? tot i read somewhr... better ask gynae next time during yr visit..

Hi maggie mee, lack of iron... ok will check with my gynae next visit. Oh you're 16th weeks now! Do you know your baby gender already? I heard 16 weeks able to know heheh

Audrey.. me gg for next scan next week.. so i guess gynae shd be able to tell me? Last time during DS scan, bb crossing legs leh so can't see anything... haha... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies..

ylyn : am shocked to hear that ... pls take good care of urself..

Oneegg : take good care of ur own body.. tats very important too..

actually recently i also so worried that baby not doing well leh.. on sat when for the Down syndrome test.. everything is so far so good..

i better totally stop my smoking.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] yes.. dun scream at me.. am guilty.. i still need my 1/2 stick in the toliet doing business..

Hi maggie mee, DS scan can tell?? How come my doctor never check for me? I think my baby did open legs leh!! Ah yeah should ask (; ;) missed the chance.. I have start to buy cute clothing for my little one. Really difficult to buy if you don't know the gender haha

hihis mtbs..

good mornings!


sighs, sometimes i wonder why it happens to some of us too...i'm very sorry to hear about it and please do come here to vent, if you want to talk about it more... i hope you can get closure and move on soon, and nurse your health back to wellness [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah lor, my mil and mum seems to prefer boys, although they always say never mind never mind.. like having a gal is a curse! wha kaoz, w/o girls who's gonna give birth to more bb har..

funnie lei, it's like they're insulting themselves.. ahaha..

ok.. i'm just venting..

i guess chewy ring's MIL is truly modern [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but never mind la, i agree wif bbf, everyone around us will grow to luv our gals in time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

it's more impt that we're on their side...hehe

audrey, maggimee

mmm my 11 week stomach was bigger than my 13 week...but 14week stomach bigger than the other 2.. so, mmm give it a week or two and check again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i've only gained 1kg but 10cm of waist..

about headache, wha sei..i've been having a cold, sore throat, headache and i can't tell which is hormone related which is viral liao... and trying to keep off taking too much medicine... hope this spell goes away soon...


oic.. custom make.. means need to do homework and research...which mmm i'm quite lazy to do..ahaha..but anyway, i like lobangs like this... can u pm me ur far east plaza seamstress address? i'll walk by her place to check out her designs anyway [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you're welcome...


hope ur wifey is ok...do get her to rest more.. nothing to lose by taking it easy

so mtbs

what's for lunch?


ds scan can tell..me bb legs wide open during 12week scan, but sonographer just brushed it off and said"wait till 20 weeks" KNS

then gynae revealed it last fri (14weeks scan)


mmmmm naughty naughty...yeaps, hope u can stop ur half stick wor...then u'll have less to worry about.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Please take care of yourself.... really sad to hear this news. May God bless you with a healthy and strong child next round.


same here i feel my stomach like not getting bigger or slightly smaller? Anyway i'm worried so I'm seeing my gynae this week rather than end of the month! Just wanna hear my bb heartbeat & see him again.


Girls are very very sweet! There are lots of things to buy for girls! Yesterday we went shopping and i'm so tempted to buy those nice xmas dresses for my girl but she was not interested! Arghhh... when they grow up, they have a mind of their own and she is at this age where she is dressing up herself! My girl already has her wardrobe full of clothes & accessories! For my boy, I told my hb, i will probably get him only 14 tops & 14 bottoms! hahahhahaa so poor thing hor! But boys nothing much to buy leh... i went shopping yesterday and found its either berms or long pants or long sleeve, short sleeve tee/shirt. So boring!

ohh... i went thyme maternity at OG yesterday! Great bargains! Bought 2 pants & 1 swimwear! kekekeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Sue, I gain 3.5 kg and increase my "fat on stomach more. waist still consider "good sharp". a lot of people said grown on stomach (toward infront) baby with "bird bird". I hope it true....

Sue..... dunno why lately already no more cravings leh.... so sad.... i mean with craving.. and once u satisfy those carvings.. u really feel shiok... so now with no cravings... eating healthy for sake of bb loh... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Me always not much choice cuz eat at canteen ... 365 days sama sama... haha

Hi maggie mee, I aslo the same no "craving" after step to 2nd trimester. Aything can eat exp some vegetables. But today I think my morning sick come back just thrown out from toilet...

Hi yln, Ah yeah meantion about OG, I'm s~~o regreat never go there to check the swimsuit before I buy. Bought a super expensive one ($159) from Takashimaya.Should save the money for my baby...heart so pain...(;;)


never mind lah... treat it as investment for yourself lor! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can go there to see their bottoms... quite a gd deal only $29.

sue / audrey : hehe.. ya! i will jiayou! i will try tonite.. but hor.. sometimes also difficult leh.. no feel.. hahahaha! ok.. maybe just excuses.. but am so worried of MC.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Sue!

Me just had BBF for breakfast leh and nw hungry liao. Me still vomit leh esp at nite... th 12 weeks will not happen liao. Tmr seeing my gynae, will ask.

Hi mummies, what's for lunch???? I'm thinking of what to eat lei.... Dont feel hungry that often recently. Even if I'm hungry, I will take a few mouth and cant finish the rest liao... Why huh?

Went to "visit" my bb last Saturday. What a cheeky bb I have. The moment my gyne put the thg on my tummy, I can see him/her aldy. Then gyne zoom in the suddenly bb jump a few times, like so happy to see us. Aiyo, that feeling is really hard to express lei! Then later on bb jump a few more times, turn around and I thought I saw bb sucking on his/her thumb. Then gyne was waiting for bb to settle down so that she can take bb's NT measurement. She say so far so good. Only wait for my blood test result. Haaaaaaa............ Felt so good after seeing bb so active. :D

Hi Astroboy, me too almost every 2 hours must eat! I had 1 packet of rice with meat and vegetables around 6pm last night and around 8pm hor fels super hungry again and eat 1 more bowl of rice again. Told my husband last night "wow you baby eat a lot hor" he said good loh, eat more means health mah". me 14 weeks still vomit..

Audrey, Astroboy> My hunger pangs dun come directly one lei. It's either I dont feel hungry or feel very hungry suddenly. Sometimes, I may even feel some slight gastric lor... Cham hor. Eat lesser, scare bb will starve. Eat more, scare we will put on too much weight and hb will start to nag... LOL!

ahaha.. Chloie

sounds like ur bb is like u.. loves to JUMP..whakakaka hehe!


kk will check wif u again on the rasberry leaf closer to Apr/May next yr..

about stomach, mm like how? u mean ur waistline hasn't grown?


yeaps, i dun have much cravins too..just food aversion to vegetables.. wha, my bb really has my hb genes sia...


high five!keke..good buy rite..

yeaps..aboy on the way, the boy will help to save back some $ for the jie jie's mei mei fund.. keke! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Nanabear,

I am also a smoker, but when i know that i am expecting, i stopped smoking since then.

since I can do it, i believe u can too! dun give yourself too much excuses think for the best for ur baby

I had been naughty yesterday too! just had some salmon sashimi yesterday :p

Ylyn and Eggone,

sorry to hear abt ur experience, take care and be strong!

Hi mummies,

I am going on a vacation with my 2 years old girl and I am looking for used winter wear for my girl as I dun intend to spend so much

Last yr i brought her to Hokkiddo and we bought quite a bit and they cant be wore already.

Do drop me an email if you do have some second hand winter wear for sales. or u do know of any places that sell cheap and good winter wear. my email is [email protected]


Audrey: Wow, 14th weeks still vomit? Me also very sian. Hope the nausea k stop. 2day take bus alight str away merlion. Haha... me hungry but cant take rice or too solid food leh. Like cannot digest. Do u share the same problem?

Chloie : Me also leh... suddenly very hungry and if not eat immediately... feel like vomiting again... haha... so always have some cookies or bread in my bag.

Hi Sue, not much gain on waist leh. Still can see the nice sharpe! Hungry again... Oh it's time for lunch! Everyone enjoy your break see you later...

Sue> Maybe hor? Or just like the dad who like bumpy stuffs then got to self entertained to jump to make himself happy. LOL!

Astroboy> You still get vomitty ar? I have so many cookies and biscuits in my office but I dun feel like eating them lei. Dont really like sweet stuffs now. Not sure isit cos of pain in my teeth whenever I eat sweet stuffs or cos I just dun like sweet stuff now...

One funny thing is that, I tend to feel more tired now as compared to my first trimester. Like no strength for anythg, just feel like sleeping and sleeping. Even took a nap yesterday afternoon and woke up with no headache! Amazing!!!!!

Hi Astroboy, yeap still vomit but only today. Feel a bit morning sick. I can take anything but I think my spicy food I can't. After eating, like stomach got wi~~nd?

Thanks, Sue. As for the birdnest would like to hear more from the mummies..cos stil deciding where to purchase and good grade birdnest. will check on the dragon brand thinking of buying on next wekend.

audrey : me also still feel like vomitting.. my MS is more to neusea only.. not much of vomitting until i vomit food kind.. got a few times only lah..

Gil : okok.. thanks.. i will try to jiayou! hahah.. me also took salmon sashimi on sat.. but i took tons of ginger to kill bateria..

mummies with #2.. do u feel not as kan cheong as #1 ? hehehehe..

Chloie: Th 12 weeks onwards sh not feel sleepy anymore? Hee... me everyday also sleepy. Hee... eat sleep eat sleep. Me also like to buy alot of snack but dun feel like eating loh. Eating to me is torture.... everyday must tink wat to eat. Sian!!!!


hi nanabear,

thanks, will ask my hubby to check it out this weekend

hey mummies,

I got friend selling bird nest, but its not to bottled type. u must have time to cooked

i bought "yi liang" from him and ask my mil to cook.

the price is quite reasonable. "yi liang" at $160, my mil said usually she bought "yi liang" at $190 from bugis market

during my first pregnancy, I was also very on, I also started taking bird nest at very early trimester and try to take every day. It really cost me a bomb to eat it this manner, then slowly i eat it every alternate day....then i became stingy and i bought the saturated bottle where i only take a mouthful everyday.

According to my friend who sold bird nest, also said that taking bird nest should be taking it by mouthful everyday and not having it a big bowl. of coz for those who can afford can drink it anyway they like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

