(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi SK.

I had alot on my thigh and my tummy now. Very red, scary and patchy now. I have to control myself not to scratch it.

Hi Mush.

I really suspect is the cream. Cos the area that had been affected is all the area that i have applied the cream. And PUPPP mostly happens only on 3rd trimester. But who knows. It can be both.

Hi Maggie Mee

Please be careful. Try to apply it at small area first if possible.

Hi Chewy_ring.

Thanks! I've been counting the days now.. it's only my 5th day having this rashes.. still a long long way to go.

Hi Destiny.

Mine is 1:2000+. The combination of your age, the scan and the blood test.. And to me, one of the most important comment in the "Fetal Anatomy section"(from the report given by KKH) is the "NB(Nasal bone)SEEN" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cos from what I understand DS baby don't have NB.

Hi Mummies, sorry to interupt... I have overstocked with baby items:

- Avent Thinsulate Bag

- Avent Milk Bottle

- BabyBjorn Baby Carrier Espirt (Grey)

- Goldbug's shoes and mittens

- Carter's mittens

- Tollyjoy mat

- Snuggle Nest

- Crib Musical Mobile

- Medela Milk Bags

- and many more...

Pictures available at www.flickr.com/photos/44523954@N02/. If keen, pls email to [email protected]. Thank you!

Hi Glenda

The doc found a fibroid when they did my DS scan.

I found a thread on "Advice on fibroid during pregnant" from Singapore motherhood forum. Maybe you will like to read up. I think we just have to monitor it. To prevent it from getting bigger.


I will be seeing my gynae tomorrow. Hopefully he can advice me on my fibroid and rashes.

Cheers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi MTBs n FTB,

Wify started spotting these few days although not red ones or very heavy,but we r quite worried now. Goin to c doc tml nite. hopfully nothing went wrong.

Thanks so much, Vivien.

I will only see my gynae on 5 Dec, so maybe you can share with me what your gynae advises, cos is going to be a long wait for me till my next appt. =)

chewy ring,

wow u can tahan so long dun see gynae? what is no 2 proclaimed hosp here?? Don't worry, if u go to the expat clinics here it is ok. Am-Sino clinic is not bad, and i find big plus point here is you dun have to wait! usually i'm in and out the clinic within half an hour, a far cry from the 2 hrs in SG!

Mrs N, welcome and thks for yr info on the breastpumps.

Loh, dun worry too much but do go chk out with the doc so u get peace of mind.

congrats destiny & vivien on yr good ds results! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

Thanks for your concern... I'm trying not to unpack my stuff.. just leave it there 1st.. hehe wait till I got better or when hubby back then unpack. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went for my DS scan today at TMC, the doc was saying from the measurements look normal. I din do any blood test though.. Only have the measurement scanning... I;m seeing most of the mommy here is doing blood test too.. am I missing this?? I did ask the doc other than the scanning need to do anything? but she said no need. Kind of confuse now.. hehe.. The detail result will be shared by Dr Adrian when I visit him next week.

Dear mtb/ftb,

I had been confirmed by Dr Khi yesterday afternoon that my baby is not growing and heart beat had stop. Predict it stop growing at week 9 which is around 3.8cm and currently I should be in my week 12, ot should be 5.8cm.

I have experience spotting since Tue late afternoon, then I try to called as in walk in patient. But Dr. Lee is full, she advice me to go 24 hr clinic at tmc. At first I thought could not be so seriuos. Cos if I read online, spotting might be just normal symptom in the early pregnancy. Then during that night I have slight stomach discomfort and go toilet for a few time at midnight.

Then I am not able to differenciate the pain at uterus and stomache. I really thought is normal stomachahe. Until yesterday I was wondering how come the feeling of the stomachache stil there and spottig become more obviuos. I started to worry.

Finally able to get gynae to have a check on me. Then I can see the way she scan, she feel stress. Cos there is no movement of the fetus and no heartbeat can be heard.

She tried for a few time during the ultrasound to scan. Then check with me whether I want to go for a blood test to do a further confirmation?

Actually I am really prepare to heard the worst answer from her. when she conduct the ultrasound on me.So I asked her frm your expertise, do you think still necessary to do the blood test?

She told me according to her experience, it should be a 100% case.

Later will be going to remove it from my body to prevent further infection.

oneegg, oh dear i'm so sorry to hear about this, hope u are ok. be strong, can try again....if possible do a mini 2 wk confinement to get yr body strong again after the procedure. i also had m/c for my 2nd kid last time...it is just nature's way of getting rid of bb that is not properly formed. but i know it is still v diff. take care *hugs*


*big hugz*... i dunno much comforting words to say to u... but i guess ur #1 will be be ur biggest comfort at all times... u rest well okie... n norish ur health back so tt u can try again at a later time... feel free to come in n chat wif us ya... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kiss.gif]

OneEgg,sorry to hear abt that. Do b strong n recover urself with tonics. now feeling mor worried aft ur post. was shown the spotting by wify ystd nite n it was much darker then tue but not red yet. crossing my fingers till i c the doc tonite.

One Egg ,

Please take care of yourself and yah .. try to do a mini confinement for yourself get back to health first .... HUGZ for u ..

Tigger 03 ,

I ask my gynae during my last visit in sin .. that is bb is at 7 weeks. Then told him I am having check up here and will only be back in december for Detail scan ... He mentioned to me the imp thing is to do the screening test and if there is any pain , discomfort or spotting .. then have to head to hospital.. I wanted to go and scan at am- sino at 12 weeks but then .. 15 weeks have to take the test .. so I " tong" 3 weeks more to see my baby and do the test together.. next visit is back in sin at 20 weeks .. I also want to see BB ( esp gender) but too packed with 2 little ones at home and Hubby is heading to Guangzhou for a week of exhibition today. So I am left all alone with ah yi and two little one this week .. gg to be crazy week for night shift ..

I visited Peace mternity, No 1 shanghai maternity hospital .. hmm .. I will be crazy to deliver here .. unless emergency no choice ..Hrd from a fellow singaporean mummy staying near my place.. she will never give birth here again .. she delivered here three years ago for her No 2 ..didnt want to knoe the details ...

Hi OneEgg. don't worry as long you take good rest, you will conceive again. Monitor your period after 6 weeks, if comes as normal, you can start take folic acid and do some excrise like jogging, swimming or whatever you like. If you trust Chinese Doctor, go and see one. If possible, ask your husband to see together.I also had miscarried last end May (1st pregnacy) and 3 month later pregnant again. Be strong ok because after had misscarried , even 2nd pregancy, you will start worry till after you passed 1st trimester. Take more rest (^^)

Im so worried and afraid now. Im gng for my DS test tomorrow. Wonder wats in store for me...I have been praying but still worried.

I saw the Dr on Tuesday and got to see baby too...at 12 weeks, baby is 5.5cm...ts tt normal?saw the heart beat, hands and legs, baby was sleeping i think...

Hi Anne,

may i check when's ur last vist to Dr A?

Mine was 2 weeks ago. and my test is next tues. and my appt with Dr is only next Sat. I am wondering if I shd see him again these two days before the test to check on growth of babies.


Hi Anne, before I do my DS test, my gynae said I'm 12 weeks 2 days (last Sat) but after I done my DS test this Tues, the doctor said according to my size 7.8cm, I'm 13 weeks 3 days. So I think 5.5cm 12 weeks should be alright.

Hi Serene,

Yes i think u should see him, he took blood from me for test, i think the blood test and the DS test might be related. I was thinking of the same tg as u, but i wanted to be sure tt baby is fine since my last appt was 3 ago.

Hi Anne, for what I know, blood test is a must to take. If your blood test result show "low risk" for DS baby, you don't have to take ultran scan. But to play safe, it's better to take both to make sure the baby is health (^^)

oh i c ... i dont know if they will let me know the test results tomorrow. I hope so otherwise wait can be longer to know the results.

Audrey: My baby is also around 7 plus cm also and my EDD is being pushed forward by 5 days. Don't worry about the detailed scan, instead look forward in knowing the gender of the baby.

Anne Raj: Don't stress too much over the DS test, during my mother time, she didn't even take any of the test even when she gave birth at 36, and now she has 4 beautiful daughters(sorry, I included myself as well.)

Hi Anne,

yup i gues I would be going to see him tonite. Call me kaisu, kaisi. just worried.

But i do not think I am taking OScar. The test he highlighted for me is P3: A2 and A3 (NT and FA without Doppler)

Is it the same as yours?

ANyway i heard Oscar is real in accurate for twins. I m a scary cat better not scare myself with the lousy Oscar results..

Draik> Dont worry too much! Everything will turn out fine!

OneEgg> I'm sorry to see what you are going through. Do take good care of yourself ok! Be strong!!!

I'm going for my DS test tomorrow.... Finger cross!!!!

Anne> Wish you & I all the best!!!!!! Pray well tonight! I guess I wont be able to sleep well from tonight on till I get my result.

Hi Serene,

Yes its the same he indicated for the test.

Thanks Edie, you are so sweet. Yes i agree, during our mothers time, no such things and my mum ahve 3 healthy children...heheheheh!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]My cousin had her 2nd when she was 33, DR recommened her to go but she declined.

Thanks Chloie...wish you luck too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Audrey, I hope i will know the results on the same day.Ease of my mind... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Will keep everyone updated next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

helo mummies! i miss u all manz..

after having started my new job.. am sooo overloaded and stress tat i KO every nite after dinner..

Chloie : me aLSO going for oscar tomolo...

bff : my edd changed .. to 25 may.. most likely delivering ard 18-19 may :p

Chloie: Don't think you have to worry so much. You're still so young... don't stress yourself k. Go and lie back and see the baby on the screen waving at you.

Anne: Yup, don't worry. Hope to hear the good news from you soon!

