(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi OneEgg

Sorry and sad to hear that. You must be strong and remember to have a 2weeks confinement. Rest well and take care.

Hi All

Does anyone able to feel baby movement now?

Serene, i can feel it to at times when the baby is postioned close to our tummy.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heheheh, i wonder that too, there was once when my heart beat and baby's heart beat were at different rythem...so its true, its the baby heart beat we feel at times.


So sorry to hear about that.. you must jia you and be strong ya! hug hugz...

Anne/ Serene,

I got the same type of testing as you 2 from Dr Adrian, I'm seeing him at CCK. Went for my DS scan yest, the sonograpgher said from the measurement everything seems ok. I din do the blood test though.. my SIL was with Dr Adrian too, she told me the measurement is normally sufficient to tell us whether baby is ok from DS or not.

Serene... me too .. i can feel bb's heartbeat when i press my hands against tummy... i tot tat shd belong to bb's.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I used to feel it very often but ever since last week i had a bad cough and was on antibiotic and cough medicine i seldom feel it now. kind of worried. My test will be on next Fri.

Dear MTBs going for DS scan... dun think too much.. watever happen is fated... worrying makes our body more stress which is not good for bb!!!

Hope everyone can chill out and rest well during this weekend...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little Tiger...yes my MS subsided...since last week, i threw up 2-3 times in the mornings. I dont have appitite to enjoy food, but i eat my 3 meals and have sometg light for tea break. Didnt gain much weight, only 1kg so far.

Zhuangtai, i wonder why too, maybe from experience he knows if we need anytg more than what he had prescibed for. Will DR Adrain be tr tomorrow when we do the test?

Orange, when i was ill a couple of weeks, ago, i was worried abt the same think, i couldnt feel anytg, i was afraid and my next appt was 3 weeks away, i was praying that baby is ok.In my last appt, saw baby is fine and growing.dont worry.get yourself well.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sorry to intrude but wondering if any of mummies interested to buy a digital baby weighing scale. I found it very useful to know my bb weight without having to wait till going to PD to know. I have one in excellent condition, letting go at $60.

Self collect at Suntec City or AMK hub or Seletar hills.

pls email [email protected] if interested.

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

13Nov, today is Friday 13.

Then today there is quite a number of patient doing day surgery.

I guess everyone have diff surgery.

I fast for 12 hrs since midnight waiting for 9am slot.During this period, I keep experience abdominal clamp.

It is slightly like menses cramp and also a bit like contraction kind of pain.

My op start at 0915.Dr inject some drug to put me to sleep first.

I still ask Dr. "Am I able to see it after the ops?

She asked me "Are you sure you want to see? Cos there is actually nothing you can really observe. It will be like a blood clot like thing"

Maybe don't see also better.

Just 1hr plus, I already wake up from my bed.Feeling superduper hungry.

Grab a cup of milo and a pack of biscuit and then do the discharge procedure.

Reached home, still feeling giddy and sleep for the whole afternoon.

Actually I think it just does not come at the right time, so it choose to go.

After I knew I was pregnant I m both worried and happy abt the news.

First to worry is will I be entitle to maternity leave as I am only working as contract staff.

Then I just found out from HR on 12 Nov that any contract staff entitled to 4 months maternity if work >90days with the employer.

But due to my hubby is not S'prean, we are both PR we only entile to 2 months maternity leave.

Then the maternity leave must fall between your contract then employer will pay you.

sound like so complicated in term of the maternity leave. Anyway currently I will not need it already. Maybe just to share with others.

Another worried is I keep having lymph node infection at right neck area, so have been taken a lot of antibiotics.

To control the swollen area.


yah a lot of elderly person told me that I need at least 2 wk mini confinement.

At first I thought just rest a few days should be able to go back to work especially work place is really undergo under resources status.

But after just a day of rest, I still feel so tired and exhausted for the whole body.

Then feeling is quite similar to give birth, maybe a mini one.


Thanks I will take care and rest well. Then try again maybe when I am really fully recover.


Thanks for ur *big hugz*. Yes my #1 is my biggest comfort now. But he is not around with me.

Due to I keep fall sick recently and we send him to my mil and fil in Johor. So currently I am kind of miss him.

Hope I can recover asap and pick him back from there.


I will pray hard for you. Hope your wife make it through.


No need to be sorry. I think maybe it really never come at the right time.


Thanks a lot I will really take good care, after this experience.


Don't worry, I will be strong. *big hugz*


yah I will take good care of myself.

Actually previously I also can sense the bb heartbeat during one of the night. It is really very strong.

My hubby also said I nutz. whahaha



Audrey Tan:

Yah will take this chance to rest and recharge myself. Then try again.

I think through out the pregnancy must really monitor. Cos I always have the bo chup attitude previously.

Now I will really be extra careful if there is a next time.

Anne Raj:


I think your bb should be fine. He/she must be doing good in your tummy. Don't worry too much, which is not good for bb.


Thanks I will take care and rest well =)


I know is sad to heard such news.

I am not really want to upset everyone here.

Maybe to share my personal experience then also bring up attention if anyone have similar symptom with me.


Thanks. I will really take good rest

Chloie: Thanks alot....

Orange: Thanks, I will have a mini confinement for the 2 week.

Zhuangtai: No worry I will jia you de. *Hugz*

Destiny: Thanks.... I will take care =)

oneegg: I'm so sorry about your lost. Somehow, I felt so ashame that terminating of my pregnancy had ever come across my mind when I just found out that I'm pregnant as it was unplanned and I'm not married. Knowing so many women out there who'll do anything for a baby, I felt so bad about it. OneEgg, you have to be strong for yourself and your family. Take care of yourself.

thank you OneEgg.

i had the same feeling when I did my D & C in feb tis year. Wat I told myself was, better now than much later. Wats meant to be mine would be mine. My hubby then took it much harder than I did. I had colleagues who carried til much later months to realise baby died in womb. One of them was 8 months pregnant. To me, an early detection is much better. I am not a believer in any religion. But i believe that God only gives us what that is the healthiest.

So when I did my D & C then, i told myself, better now then later.

I may sound cruel but i really could not take it if it happens at the last trimester.

Women have higher ability to control their emotions. So, no matter wat comes our way, we women can handle it well.

So OneEgg, jia you.

As for the rest of us, let us continue to take care of ourselves and the little ones in us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks.. I will do take care.


Thanks. Of course I must be continue strong, so that can continue to take care of my #1 and try harding again next time.

Perhaps becos for you is unplan and not ready for it. That's why you have such thought.

But if you willing to share with friends about your problem and seek advice from experience ppl. Maybe you will have a different view.

So you must stay even stronger to overcome unnecessary stress from ppl around you, esp you mention this is unplan and you are not married.

Can anyone share with me that the mini confinement can wash hair or not?

One egg ,

I washed my hair during confinemnt but I bought those Herbal packets to cook in water first and pound ginger (to get rid of the wind) inside the water before boiling. Hope that helps . U are a strong woman man .. remember rest well and eat well these few days..


i'm 15 going on 16w now...so far so good..now waiting for my results on the triple test, which should be out by next week.

according to my gynae, they'll call me if there's anything wrong so no news is good news.


Hope your rash is getting better. I also had a similar reaction to clarins and other stretchmark creams...in the end I used only calamine lotion throughout my last pregnancy to soothe the occasional rash on my tummy and legs.

I was very relieved that there was no stretchmarks even though my tummy grew to 42 inches when i was due. I'm hoping things will be as good this time coz I'm not investing in any creams anymore.


I am sad to hear about your loss. I don't know if it will help at all but it's not your fault that such a thing happened, so don't think too much or blame yourself for anything.

It was very reassuring when my gynae told me that during my mc. Take the time to grieve and I hope you recover soon to try again. Don't be too discouraged and don't give up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

I washed my hair and bathed, but I was very careful with my diet after MC. I drank youmeishu, ate confinement dishes, had chick essence everyday and abstained from all cooling food and fruits for a good one month. If you have a chinese sinseh, they can also prescribe you some herbs for you to brew which is good for your mini-confinement.


Dr Adrian will not be there during the scanning. They will send the result to him and you may get the final result from him during your next visit. Good luck for tml test ya!


I'm really sad to hear abt your bad news. But I can sense that you are a really strong and brave gal to be able to share this with us here. Thank you for sharing this with us so that we will be more careful and not take things for granted. Do rest well and take good care of yourself for at least 2 wks. Feel free to pour out your feelings here with us. We are here to give you all the suppport and there are plenty of listening ears here.

Hi nanabear

I found this website which I think it quite useful. I don't understand the meaning of "OSCAR" too. Cos we don't call it "OSCAR" in KKH. But just DS or first trimester scan. Below is the link and some explanation of the term "OSCAR". [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


OSCAR stands for 'one stop clinical assessment of risk', and is a method for giving a Down's risk based on one visit to a clinic between 11 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days. At this visit a nuchal scan is performed, which is combined with a two hormone blood test (papp-A and hCG) at the same time. A combined Down's risk assessment can then be given. It's a convenient and quick test-the disadvantage is that the two hormone blood test is probably not as accurate as a multi-stage integrated test or variant of this including the triple test.


anyone interested in maternity support band?

Carriwell Maternity Support Band

-Bought in Apr 2009 from www.mylittleangelsmaternity.com.

-Used less than 5 times.

-Condition : Near to brand new.

-Original price selling $24.90.

-Willing to let go at $20.00.

Colour :White Size : M (37"- 44")

Include normal postage. Or meet at woodlands causeway point.

Pls PM me.

Hi Glenda

I had checked with my gyna with regards to my fibroid. He immediately asked me NOT to worry about it. Cos it's really small(approx. 2cm) and will not grow big. It's inside the uterus but not in the lining. And most important, he told me it will be safe for me and my baby. But I will still keep track with him with regards to the size.

Glenda, I think the most important things to check with your gyna are 1)the position of the fibroid, 2)the size of the fibroid and 3)the possibility of growing bigger in size.

Don't worry too much (that what my gynae kept saying to me) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello MTBs

I had checked with my gynae with regard to my rashes. It's caused by my Palmer cocoa butter stretchmark cream. So ladies, please please be careful with it. I had been prescribed with Betamethasone 0.025% cream (containing steroids) to reduce the inflammation and itch. That is how serious it is. They told me they had a few mtbs who suffered from such rashes too after using it and I had googled and found more such cases. So please be careful. Attached is a small pics of how my skin condition now.


Hi bbf

I was surprised that Clarins had this problem too. I'm thinking of using Aloe Vera Gel for my rashes and stretchmarks to keep my skin moisturised. I don't believe in any stretchmark products anymore. Once bitten, twice shy.

Hi OneEgg

I had a MC on my 1st pregnancy. I wash my hair and bath everyday too. I ate confinement food and drink for two weeks. Remember have more rest and dont walk so much. Take care!

hihis mtbs

one egg

hope you recover from this heartache soon and come out of it healthy oki?


oh dear bout the rashes..i've been using AHAVA moisturiser products for 5yrs now, they have a Derma range for people wif sensitive skin too, it's pretty moisturing while being safe even for pple wif psoriasis..it's a famous product of israel using dead sea stuff, just that they dun seem to do much advertising in sgp..this place is beside OSim or Tangs shoes ( i think) on the 2nd or 3rd floor of centrepoint...


wow, it must be heartbreaking for ur colleague to find the foetus not alive after 8 mths...do u know how it happened?

btw i had my 14th week scan yest, and my bb is a girl!!! the gynae kindda confirmed from the butt view and frontal view, that there's nothing between the legs.. hehe

my mil was like "dun tell me i oso know!" cos she was asking hubby for my symptoms if i had a boy - terrrible ms? inverted belly button? looking uglier than normal?

my mum was like "never mind la"

the irony of it all is, hubby and i dun care about bb gender, esp since my MC last time.. we'd be elated to have a healthy, normal bb...gal or boy...

but the first time grandparents - their reaction betrayed their inner thots... cos they always said boy or gal oso good... haha!


sue: So exciting to already know the gender, can start shopping already! Initially my feelings were very strong that it's a girl then I did the ring test above my belly and it shows that it's a boy. I can't wait to know... But it really doesn't matter la, it's still our own baby.

Selling a pre-loved First Yrs Close n Secure sleeper (price nego for sincere buyer). Condition 8/10. Lightly used. Good for mothers who wanna sleep with baby, and u can also bring it with u when visiting yr relatives cos can put it on the floor n let baby sleep. Soft n sturdy backing. Kiddy palace selling at $89.

Self collect at my place (bt batok). Pls pm me for enquiries.


Mine tummy was like that during my first pregnancy. The red patches grow bigger until the whole tummy turn red, then purple, then blue black. I stop using anything on my tummy now. In the beginning of this pregnancy, I did apply a little ru yi oil on the tummy and red rashes appear again.

one egg,

I am so sad to read about your news. Do stay strong.

1egg > I believe you will overcome it. Be positive and strong k. Most importantly to take good care of yourself now.

Vivien > The rashes are really irritable. Sometimes just cant help by not scratching it. I used the "snake" brand powder which is supposed to cool down the "inflammation" areas but did not seem to help after couple of days' apply. Im glad that the cream you are taking it now helps you alot.

bbf > here's my details.

EDD: 27 May 2010

Username: SK (oj57)

Baby no.: 2

Gynae: Dr. Adrian Woodworth (CCK branch)

Hospital: TMC

Gender: TBA

Hi morning.

think i'm e earliest to come in today.

sue>>congrats! Hopefully I can see my bb gender tmr seeing my gynae to draw blood for triple test and we have the same edd.

Btw, anyone started to purchase birdnest already..and which type of birdnest is good and ZTP, Hock hua or eu yang seng which one is better? Any recommendation..?

hihis.. and goooood morning mtbs

chubby tiger

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] high five! thanks...

let us know ur bb gender oki? u haf any preference or what does mother's instinct say? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mmm so early ah..re u preparing to go out for breakfast? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm waiting for 10am to get breakfast and hubby to wake up...keke

about birds nest.. hock hua sells only house birds nest (or so they told me) and i was told by some chinese shop that house birds nest is more cooling while cave nests is more bu...

eu yang seng has both house and cave nests, but is really expensive...

i saw the horse brand or issit dragon brand costing between $180-290 / tael for cave nests.. so that's more reasonably priced than hock hua house nest ($160-$240/tael) or eu yang seng...


thanks!mmm bout ur big day dress..did u pick it up from the bridal studio or other shops? i'm wondering where to find fashionable nice flowy dresses that dun reveal a preggy stomach..

haf 2 friends' wedding to attend in nov and dec, and only haf maternity evening dresses for now... wanna get more ideas...

hubby thinks those i bought look more like night wear :/

btw, bout the bb gal..mmm yeah time to look out for gal stuff...but i guess i'll start buying next yr.. quite pantang lei.. wait buy and dun get a chance to use.. :/

also mtbs

i wanna ask u about ur opinion of ur gynaes

hubby doesn't think my gynae offers a lot of information...

he's not that impressed that every thing is on Q & A basis and answers are short and not extremely informative...

so in short, our gynae is professional but not warm (i thot it's ok cos i need a pro and capable gynae more than one that cares about me)


mtbs can share ur opinion of ur gynae? in terms of

1) willingness to provide info and very informative

2) gives more helpful information without u asking

3) caring and patient (issit that impt)

Congrats Sue on knowing ur bb gender! Girls r so sweet n can dress them up. I have come in terms of hving 2 beautiful girls already. Already thought of her english n chinese names. Anywae will wait till the 16 weeks scan to confirm the gender again.

Actualli , i always thought ur bb is a BOY..cos u always eating sour n spicy food. Looks like not so accurate hor. Cos im always wanting to eat salty food, but i stil get a girl . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe.. hihis destiny..thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mmm actually my chinese sinseh during the 10th week oso told me she thinks could be a boy.. but need to wait till 12weeks onwards to confirm...and i haven't visited her since...

heng i never told my mum or mil..else they'd be disappointed wif gynae confirmation :p

funny hor..i still dun like sweet food... sour and spicy still my fav...hehe

what's ur hubby surname? my hubby and i haf a fun time trying to think of a funny chinese name for the gal..

shen ... so can have a lot of funny names

shen qian

shen chi


but anyway hubby say pantang, even if we haf thot of the names, cannot tell other pple just in case...

what bout u...


yeah, i agree..gals are sweet and 2 of urs can be such good friends when they grow up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw.. 10 am liao...breakfast time!!! time to nag / wake up the hubby...hehe!

ttyl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue, so ur mil n mum is hoping more for a BOY? i find that alot of those older ppl prefer that we r carrying boys de leh. Like my hubby's relatives, when they learn im preggy they will wish mi "hope u hv a NAN DING (boy)"...thus tts why i feel the pressure from them. When I told my mum n grandma n my hubby's auntie tt dr say 60-70% girl..they just dismissed it n say my dr "anyhow say"...they keep saying tat cannot detect gender this early. Machiam dunwan to accept the fact tat im hving a girl again.

Last night my hubby also funnie, told mi frankly he is disappointed tat he wont hv a son then told mi could it be our bb's bird bird is smaller so not able to detect yet..trying to deceive himself also haha..

Hi Sue,

Thanks for sharing the info on the AHAVA moisturiser products. I'm using the Aloe Vera gel now. I have stopped using the cream prescribed by my gynae cos it makes me more itchy after applying it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

As for my gynae:

1&2) Mine is like yours, you have to ask him, then he will answer you. And it's always short and sweet. Everytime when you see him, the first question is always "How are you?" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

3) He was upset with my rashes. But I don't think he is the very caring type due to his hectic schedule, he always look busy.


I really share your pain of going thru this as I am now facing the same problem.


Can you remove my name from the list? I just went to see my gynae on Sat, and doc was shocked that my baby suddenly have no heartbeat. We are now still in shock as I am already 16 weeks. But apparently baby stop growing at 14.5 weeks. According to doc, this is such a rare case that baby's heartbeat will stop at this stage w/o trauma or some kind of food poisoning or mother being sick. Over these two days, have been replaying in my mind what actually happened at week 14, did something really affected the baby? Anyway, just wanted to share my feelings and not scare any mommy's here...I just hope an pray for healthy babies and delivery for all mommies here. Jia you all mommies.

Will probably be going in to terminate the pregnancy on Tue after one last check on Mon. Unfortunately baby is past 12 weeks, so will have to go thru induction and deliver my baby.

Sue: I made-to-measure my dress, I saw on magazines the dress I want and I tore out and show the seamstress, it's about $358 which I thought is reasonable cos I bypass all kinds of bridal packages. So in the end, I made 2 dresses cos though I'm preggy I'm still vain, I want to have change of dresses in between. If you are doing a knee-length one, I'd think is half of my price. If interested I can pass you contact, it's at Far East Plaza.

Destiny: My mom has 4 girls, at first everyone sneered at her for not having boys but now everyone kept telling her, 'good life ah, got 4 girls.' So, somehow people's perspective will change one. Just have to take care of yourself!

Hi Draik,

My tummy and thighs are very red and patchy now. Really have to control myself not to scratch it. So how long you take to let it subside?

Hi SK,

I've stopped using the cream cos it makes my skin more itchy. Now using the Aloe Vera gel to keep my skin moisturised. I did used the "Snake" brand powder earlier. I liked the cooling sensation but it didn't moisturise my skin, so after awhile I started to feel itchy again.


Hi Ylyn.

I'm shocked to see your message! Pls take care. Be strong. You and husband must be strong for each other. Will pray for you too. Rest well.

