(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

oh bleeding gums means lack of calcium?? i got tk 500mg daily, i dun tk milk cos i cannot stomach it.. guess not enuff...maybe nid to tk another calcium tab to be adequate..

Hi Astroboy, yeap yeap very sensitive sense.

The most can't stand smell is garlic!!!

My gynae also said after 12 weeks the sickness will gone slowly. I heard there's some people suffer a~~ll the way till give birth.I hope I'm not the one (; ;)

Hi destiny, me too bleed qute ofternly.

I actually "hate" to brush my teeth.

90% shall throw out OOOOO!!

Destiny: Yap gum weak cos not enough calcium. Try using those children toothbrush lah... Me drinking Mamil Gold milk, quite nice leh....

Audrey: I also hope I can get this MS over... eating my lunch lah.... everyday no mood to eat.... so ta pao is the best choice. Hee...

Oh if not enought calcuim gum will bleed! I guess I've not enought. Don't really like to drink milk after pregnant.Ok I will buy the children toothbrush. Thanks for the infor (^-^)

Hello Mummies

Long time haven't popped in here. I'm going into week 16..and my MS is still lingering. Puked my banana yesterday. Seems like for some of us..the MS drags on...sigh. For my no, I didn't have any MS.

last nite (don't I'm sentisive or not), I can feel a small movement when I'm sleeping. I guess my baby should be hungry haha.

If you put your hand on your lower tummy where bb is... i seems to feel heartbeat... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maggie mee, yeah loh yeah loh you also can feel! I told my gynae and husband they don't belive me! But I really can feel it! How many month are you?

Im into my 14th week! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope not my own imagination... but i juz concentrate n try to feel it... juz give me some assurance .. haha

Dear MTBs.. wish you all have a good weekend!! Enjoy and rest well!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi sue,,

my bb neck thickness is 1.67mm..so is of the safe range...but overall tog wif the blood test im a low risk but borderline.meaning..safe side is 1:300 but mine is 1:344.abit worried but hb says i thk too much.since gynae aledi says is safe side its shld be ok..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi MTBs,

Anyone experiencing indigestion and feeling very neaseu/queasy & bloated after meals? Anyone care to share any tried and tested remedies?

Much appreciated!

Destiny, Astroboy,

Just checked with my sil cus she's a dentist mah... she said during pregnancy, gums bleeding is normal. Its the hormones that causes it not lack of calcium. Once bb is out, should go back to normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually also quite true, cus when i had my no. 1, my gums also bleeding but after giving birth, its back to normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So no cause for worry, just have to brush properly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


rest assured, if gynae says its safe side, should be safe bah. I trust my gynae alot so if she says safe, i totally believe her lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't worry so much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


eh... dunno if its my imagination or not, twice i experienced my bb. I was lying on my side then i turned pretty quickly and sharply to get something, and felt like a kick. hahaha probably too early to feel a kick but i thought i felt it though... nice feeling ;) when you get more pregnant and when your bb moves, its the most wonderful feeling! Its truly amazing!


yeah i do bloated after meals, just have to lie down and rest kekekeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If you feel nausea, drink some warm water, my hb made that for me when i feel nausea and it helped me. Nowadays my MS/NS is reducing!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haiz, my no.1 is down with HFMD...not eatin n drinking much..worried dehydration..any mummies got experience with this before? How long they tk to recover? Nid hospitalisation?

Alluz, im new. First time mummy to-be. 12th weeks. Only did get to know being preggy in 7th weeks. 1st appointment with Dr Chua Tse Ming at NUH this week. Any advice abt the 1st check up? thnx.

been eating lotsa fruits and drinking 3 glasses of fresh milk everyday. is it enough? do i still have to take calcium, fish oil and multi vit intakes?

am 28, do i still need to go for down syndromes test? hrd its only for 35 and above? hrd it take the fluid from tummy..

many thnx.

hi ylc..

thanks for the comfort...am feeling better nw...

will look at the postive side so that i feel more relieved...cheers..


i tink e test e doc will advise u on it but if u ask me 28yrs old is ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd day MTBs n FTB,

jus went Phillips warehse sale, wow so many MTBs n mother over there. Seems like Avent is a pop brand. Was goin to hoot a sterilizer n some BPA free bottles but wify relate that her fren says Pigeon better n Avent branded oni. Is that true?? but my Oz fren oso stand by the brand Pigeon n told me HK cheap wor.

Tml goin to KKH for DS scan. dunno what to expect, wonder if i can see the scan too?? long time no c bb.

destiny, heard from my fren HFMD no medication but kid will heal by themselves. the oni thing is their temp, if it gets high hospitalization is req but nothing they can do jus monitor.

alina aj, normal DS test is non obtrusive. Amnio test will need to take fluid from the tummy.

calcium, fish oil and multi vit intakes will be prescribe aft u c ur gynae.

Good Morning!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Another new week... juz thinking bb has grown another week bigger! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Do take care of yourself too... What i heard from others who had kids with hfmd, they gave them cooling drinks & also cold drinks and/or ice cream to numb the pain


Welcome to the thread... wah you drink so much milk? I tried to drink 2 glasses and my gynae told me that I don't need so much... cus between full cream & low fat milk its only 3% fat difference... so may still end up putting on weight if drink so much milk hahahaha she said i only need the calcium not the fats. I guess she would probably give me calcium tablets later on. Fish Oil & multi vits, depends on what your gynae prescribe to you. If he/she does, then do take them. Its probably good for the bb and you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for the down syndrome test, better be safe than sorry right. Does hurt to take the test and have a peace of mind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi maggie mee, I said my gynae last Sat when I went for my scan, he said you can't feel untill around 20th weeks? Um.. but I really can feel little movement mah... But anyway I saw my little one moving from the screen. S~~~o cute! Really can't wait to hold my baby on my arm

Hi MeiLing Chew, I'm feeling the same after meal too. It's normal lah. To feel better, eat small amount of food every 2, 3 hours and for me, I fellinf better when eating ice-cream (^^)

Hi alina aj, don't over take calcium! not good for you and baby. You can check with your gynae how much calcium you need first. I'm 12 weeks 3 days now, Last Sat went for check up got some fish oil, multi Vatimin and calcium from my gynae (because I can't drink much milk).

Hi maggie mee, good morning (^^). Yeah loh my little one just 2 weeks time grown 0.3++ (2 weeks ago was 3.++ now 6.0++) keep growing, baby (^-^)v

hihi mtbs..

good mornings..

mm 3 glasses of milk = 900-1500mg, which is OK... since we need ~1000-1500mg

yos YLC

how's ur gal?hope her bronchitis is better now.. mmm who's the lousy doc huh...i'd be quite angri too.. really ironic huh, sometimes we dun wanna act the panic parent and go scrambling for medical help ever so often, yet sometimes when we wait out and the condition turns out to be a little more serious than it seems... i can imagine it's hard to strike a balance...

btw, anyone still having headaches? i THINK mine is tapering off..hopefully being in my 14th week helps...gonna see my little worm (haha) this Fri.. am looking forward to it!

btw, any other mtbs bought stuff from the Philips sale? i didn't get a chance to go there..

so avent or pigeon better? in terms of steriliser and milk bottles?

for breast pump, i'm leaning towards the PIS medela dual pump, since those 2nd time mtbs say so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wonder if can buy only after the 2nd mth of bb birth.. just in case i dun produce milk and waste the $800 bucks...

hi Audrey... yeah i can't feel movement but can feel heartbeat when i press my hands at tummy... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My bb measure at 7.1cm at 13wks+2days..

Sue... nv buy or go philips fair.. i feel its too early to buy bb stuff now.. cuz juz want to go thru detailed scan n make sure its ok.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I ask HB to go to those talks in dec... he even says its too early now... like as if me so kan cheong...sigh. haha.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any MTBs feel bit pain at right side lower tummy... me feel it these past few days... duno its bb pressing or wat?? is it our kidney area huh ??? yterday cldn't sleep cuz kept feeling uncomfy abt pain ard right side... finally better when i start lying on my left side

Hi Sue,I got on and off headaches esp in the afternoon. I'm 12 weeks 3 days (^-^).

Wow breast pu,p so expensive ah! I saw Pigeon one quite reasonable.Anyway, I'm not going to get untill my last 2 weeks. Don't know whether I can produce milk or not.



ya lor, i have this phobia that i prepare too much bb stuff, then something happens and we still have to get rid of those stuffs..

so hubby and i decided to get the bb cot first (maybe next yr apr), and buy the rest of stuff later i.e rocking chair, walking chair, feeding chair, play area

whahaha..we walked pass a bb section in the mall yest and it looks like a lot of stuff to buy...need to start mentally plan how to make space for bb stuff liao... haha

btw, for those bb talks, maybe need to sign up earlier?many parents say it's helpful wor...

think i'll start to check it out in dec (after 20weeks)

btw, mm i know that websites recommend we sleep on our left side.. dunno why though...


hihis.. mmm i can feel that u're really excited about this bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my colleagues still can't tell i'm preggy yet..haha

i wonder if they'll notice my 15th week baby bump at a colleagues wedding next weekend... am planning to wear a long dress, and that'll reveal a bump... ;p

over the weekend, this kopitiam ah peh was quite fierce but caring.. i walked to the loo and he snapped at me several times.. slippery ah..be careful!!!... hubby and i thought maybe he spotted my baby bump...heee..

Hi All,

how is everyone feeling ?

Maggie> i can oso feel the heartbeat now 13 wks + 2days ... but my hubby still say he can feel any even he put his hand over my tummy for 30mins plus ... told him may be bb dun wan to let others but mama to feel it 1st lor...

altot feel like buying stuff for bb everything but agree tt it is still too fast to get most of the things haha... anyway most of the clothes stuff here are still for winter so since bb is may bb so thinking to wait till late april or when i go back to singapore then buy haha.... sorry quite long time didnt shop in singapore liao ... ard end mar or apr got sale or not har ... now got to budget haha...

Hi MTBs,

Hows everyone doing? Im havg headache since I woke up and got a cold since last nite... Im looking forward to see my baby tomorrow after 2 weeks. Ts sat Im gng for the DS test...so nervous.Hope all goes well. Im tired of eating and most of the time dont know what to eat too...

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Do you guys have cravings?

I ordered the skirt but realized it suits new preggie mummies better. This is UK 14 and the measurement should be

waist = 33"-34"

hip = 43"-44"

99% cotton, 1% elastane

- Soft stretch denim skirt with braces

- A-line skirt with faded effect mid wash

- Adjustable braces and patch pockets

S$18 by normal local postage. If you prefer registered post please top up S$2. Interested please email [email protected]


Hi all,

Long time din come in here.. Wishing all the MTB are feeling better from MS/ NS ya..

Audrey: Ya, I read on the web, also advice the MTB to sleep on the left site, saying tat good for baby.

I'm on my 11wk + 5d now, going for my DS scan on this coming thrusday. Hope everything goes fine... I'm will still have on/ off litle bit of brown spottting, is tat ok?? kind of worry...


U also going to do ur DS scan on this week ah? mine is 2 days earlier than urs... Feel gan jiong also.. wishing our DS scan goes fine and smooth ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I easily feel hungry now.. but not much craving.. also dunno wat to eat..

Hi MTBs who hvn't log on for so long.... what hv u gals been doing....

Anne... me no craving.... appetite ok but no special cravings... feel like not so hungry now leh... funny...but i will still try to eat 3 balanced meals....

Sue... i 've tried slp on left side to build up the habit loh... still like slp on my back best... but from babycentre.com.. says good for blood flow to bb n our kidney! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahaha well can't reveal the name of the pd otherwise get into trouble hahaha but anyway she lost 2 customers! Its important to have the right diagnosis and seek the right treatment! This current pd that i'm bringing my ger to see, he's a very very experienced pd. He cured my sil of her asthma when she's a kid and he's still practicing! his clinic is forever crowded! today i went down to return the nebulizer and wow... there's so many pple there until they have to wait outside the clinic! so for my no.2 he will be seeing this pd. he is so friendly and caring towards the kids! I'm so satisfied with this pd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My headache is mostly gone for now. fingers crossed it won't come back!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Appetite is slowly coming back now.


better go see your gynae and check cus you are still spotting... usually by now spotting should be over already right? Take care and don't walk around so much ya!

Hi MTBS and FTBs.


Wify went for DS scan at TMC last Sat, I get to see the scan after the gynea check on wify and BB. Didn't manage to get the result straight tho.

BB not coorperative during the scanning, have to do the scan 3 times to get the neccessary measurement. lol. But was excited to see BB moving his hands and legs for the first time.

Maggie: I'll try go swimming after 1st trimester loh... me seeing my gynae next Tue, hope by then everything is fine.

Every month still feel sick. Afternoon feel bloated. Nite time heartburn, hard to sleep. Hai ;(


Hi zhuangtai, I also going DS tomorrow, hope everything fine.

I also have brown spottting from weeks 5 to 10+ weeks and check with my gynae he said it very common.

Hi Alsky, DS result will only be out 4 to 5 working days.

I'm 12 weeks 3 days liao. I've asked my gynae he said I can start swimming.

Just bought swim suit from Takashimaya,1 pc type, simple and nice black but expensive cost $159.00 (; ;)broke liao...

