(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Dear MTBs... will eating fish oil n multivits give u constipation? Im starting it from today.. such big tablets.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morn all MTB!

Me just finished my breakfast. Ate 6 pcs of chui kuai with the cai po. Yummy!!!

Chewy: Yap, sometime spend abit more to play safe also no choice lah.

Anne: U feeling better today?

Astroboy, i feel much better.Recovering from flu and sore throat. Had good breakfast, had nasi lemak and soya milk...but i think im full...im MS has been reduced to only in the mornings when brushing teeth. How about you?

Im worried now cos i feel normal and bloated again. I was wandering if i shd see gyne to see if baby is ok?Been nervours abt it since i was down with flu and bad cough...wat do u think. My next appt is on the 10/11.

Anne: My gynae wrote a book and our MS is totally normal. He say the worst period is 8-9weeks, nothing worst than tat. After tat we will get better.

Try not to eat lasi lemak cos got coconut, make u feel more bloated. Try taking light food and more meals loh.

Things will get better!!!! Let jia you!

Chewyring:im see Adrain Woodworth at clinic in sengkang and bote a package. It consist of consultion+scan+multivit+urine test. I think its worthwhile.

Oh!!no wonder my tummy looking big now...heheheh...ok next I wont take it. Usually i have wholemeal bread but today colleague bote la..I guess the worst of MS is over and looking forward for a healthy and normal pregnancy.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gd morning MTBs,

yst accompany wify to KKH for blood test. wow took full three test tubes of blood, wify came out complaining nurse poke her 4th time cos 3rd tube is not enough. Poor wify, the pain lasted till the nite.

maggie mee, fyi Dr Marianne will not be ard on the last wk of Dec. oni found out wen we ask to amend the dates for the Nov session then was told. The nurse even ask us if we received any letter from KKH telling us that??

Anne, I'm also doing my DS scan at the same day. But my scan is in the morning abt 9.00am. What about yours? Maybe u can meet me there and pass it to me then.


I guess the most important thing is u have to be comfortable with your gynae .. it is always about how safe and assured u are with the current gynae .. not totally abt their charges (of course more experienced/ in demand doctors charge more) but there are always other doctors who charge lower but have excellant services as well( then I guess the Queue will be long .. like 1 hr??) .. My gynae goes by appt .. and usually by 15 mins I can see him .. unless he have emergency C .... so i guess the I can exit the clinic usually by an hour .. appt + consultation + payment + medicine .. I guess he does have his cons as well .. like we are paying so much for a 3-5 mins consultations.. keke ..( inititally thought it was super bo hua .. pay so much for 5 mins ) but I guess I feel safe with this gynae .. keke ..

I am so free nw in the morning ..

Facial .. & ft massage

can do .. in fact I am still doing ft massage and facial .. keke .. no issues except that u better tell them to avoid the shoulder area and no AHA/ Whitening stuff ( even sunblock) and purely vit C products on your face ... Ft massage .. My massuer here come every week/ twice a week .. she said it is safe .. think singapore have "Hua yang" .. they have ft massage package for prenatal / preggy woman ..

Chewy: Yap alot of pple say he is famous.... me dunno abt him... is my frez intro me 1.... cos say his package is $1400 only but haven add tis add tat... total up also alot.

Hi Loh,

why must take so much blood? I am going for blood test on 4th for OSCAR... and then the normal gynae blood test next mth... how much blood will they take from me? (how many pokes?)

Morning ladies!!!!

How are all of you feeling today? I felt much better today after a day of resting at home yesterday. My gp gave me panadols and told me to start on antibiotics if I do not get any better by Friday.

I'm wondering what to have for lunch today...

I do feel some ache/cramps/stretchy feeling on my lower tummy also. I guess it's ok as long there is no bleeding right....

Oh astroboy, it must be quite exp but if u are comfortable then i guess its ok...so u would be delievering there too?

Anne, i dun mind waiting for 2 weeks. But 11 am is a bit too late cos I need to rush home after my scan cos my ds needs his morning nap. Sorry! I guess it's back to mailing me again.

heheheh, bbp, i will mail then...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Today feeling like a bit giddy. But still climb to work. Sian.


My current clinic is at AMK hub belong

to Thomson Women’s Clinic

Dr Michele Lee Sook Ling

Nobody intro me, I just find it got evening clinic and not so crowded. So that I don't need to get a day leave to go for visiting gynae.

My previous gynae is Dr Caroline Khi. She does not have evening clinic, if go on weekend required additional SGD10

Who is your current gynae? $1400 is for prenatal check up package or delivery?

Sue: RF is radio frequency facial. that's my rate for 1st consultation too. If I never remember wrongly. But of course subsequent will be slightly cheaper.

oh... which mean also cannot not take too often for DOM... but I think I also don't have feeling of taking it. As the MS really make me very uncomfortable.

chubby_tiger: My previous gynae told me that the multi vit I took which is already contain folic acid so might not required to take the little yellow tablets.

Mrs Teo: how come your gynae so good one include vitamin somemore. My previous gyane also don't have such service one.

Any additional vitamin will be charges. sian.. Then I get one time then go guardian/watson to get the remainder supply.


The appointment is book with my mom, not the salon. Got to do it early because the previous time, I rebond my hair when my boy was 2 1/2month. I did not realise that he has recognise me and reject bottles. My mom had a hard time taking care of him because he kept crying for me. So this time, I am going to do it right after my confinement end. Hopefully, this new baby will not reject bottle so fast.

I think I can feel my baby yesterday. I was laying on my left side, trying to sleep when I feel a slight movement in my tummy, very slight. However, I cannot feel it anymore when I turn to my right side. Dunno if I am over sensitive a not because for my last pregnancy, I can feel the movement very late.

Mrs Teo ,

Our gynae packages all dun include vitamins and fish oil ... hmm yours is so good .. Blood taking .. at most three small test tubes . no worries..


Have Adrian taken your blood test already? I am seeing him this afternoon and so far he has not book the detail scan for me yet. Very excited to read that he has book it for you.

Ladies ,

i am hungry nw ..... ah yi have not finish cooking ... today she delay all my things .. so mad .... and hungry nw .... i even have to put my little one to bed just nw ( asked her to put him to bed at 10 ( usual hrs ) and she played with him till 11.30 .. till i grumble .. i am hungry and have to take over .. use only 5 mins to put little one to bed ... so angry nw cos i am hungry ..have to wait for 1 hr for her to cook ..


Oh... I thought you book with the salon already... how much usually is your rebond price.

Cos my salon wanna to charge me SGD150 for soft rebond. Then I only have shoulder length hair I find it expensive. So still considering.

Baby rejected you will it becos of the chemical smell. Cos I think they k smell mummy. After rebonding the chemical smell might overriden your original mummy's smell?

One Egg,

I forgot how much I rebond my hair. I went to monsoon at Hougang Mall and I spend around $200 and came back with 2 bottles of shampoo. Must tell myself not to buy anything this time.

My boy did not reject me at all even after the hair rebond, he reject everyone else and his milk bottle. So I must act quick this time.

Gd day FTB, sry forgotten my partner in forum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Teo, the 3 test tubes was for OSCAR n the normal gynae blood test, wify immed feel light headed aft the blood taken. So some hot milo might help aft that. but a bit wierd leh, shdnt u take the normal blood test first then followed by OSCAR? Two wks later will b taking the OSCAR scan.

Anne: Me still searching for hospital... if deliver at Mt Alv is $200 cheaper.

One egg: U change gynae? His $1400 include check-up fm 12 weeks onwards till delivery + delivery.... the prenatal check up is $500 lah, delivery $900.

hihis mtbs

how's lunch?

i've been dreading meal time sia!

at 12 weeks, my tastebuds are still pretty haywire! i dunno what i can stomach until i taste the food... haiz

yesterday i drove all the way from changi to little india for indian food and bb loved it! ahaha... it was about the only few stuff that still taste the same as pre-preggy, and i could like finish 80% of the food...

for the other kinds like chinese stuff, i can only take like 50%

even my fav MOS burger!my all time fav Ebi rice burger tastes bleah!...haiz..

just tried my luck at laksa yong tau fo + coffee bean ice blended mocha!.. and bb loved it too *smiles* so i've been lucky for lunches 2 days in a row... now need to worry about dinner later...


paiseh, i ciao liao yest evening..my gynae is in TMC... not the cheapest, but reasonable..

i remember that ylc's gynae is oso at gleneagles and cheaper than ur current...

you know, i like mt alv, it has nice env, and friends told me that the single wards there are nice... unfortunately, my gynae has super gd biz and only delivers in tmc + i'm comfortable wif her, so boh pian...


yeah, count down for u too... waiting to hear good news from ur DS test tom! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Teo:

just checked out ur labs..they look healthily sized :D many i've seen are super big, ur's look just nice ;)my remaining stud, is pretty big for his breed, hubby and i call him scooby dooby doo...he behaves quite retarded, childish at 8yrs old (see how he blurly stretches up to kiss hubby in my fb pic) but we adore him so much! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I havent had any blood test yet. I guess it will be done on the 14/11 at the same time of DS test.

chwey_ring, oneegg,

I am also surprised. but my sis told me that for her 2 kids (also delivered via Dr Lim) also abt $100+ each time. I guess its realy quite reasonable considering he has alot indonesian clients and his years of experience. (although i dun think he is popular in this forum ;)) - but usually i have to wait abt 30min-45min for consultation.

He do not offer package though.

My sis also says that the 2 sisters working for Dr.Lim are very professional and easy to talk to.

I feel comfortable with Dr Lim, he is quite cool, telling me that life goes on as usual. Nothing that I cannot eat/ drink (except no alcohol, no smoking, no herbal soup)

He had also helped me make my delivery arrangements at Mt E.

I did not ask him abt his delivery charges yet though... heard that he is also well respected by the nurses in the delivery ward of Mt E.

My mum says that he is too old... hehehe.. she doesnt want me to go to him. He have at least 30yr experience.


Dr Lim dont do OSCAR in his clinic. He arranged for me to do at either NUH ($200+) or Paragon ($320) - he made the arrangements for me 4th Nov. Then he told me that the normal gynae blood test he will do during my next appt with him which is on 25 Nov. So i really dunno how many times i have to be poked... ;(

actually i really have very low tolerance for pain... and based on my age, Dr Lim says that DS is 1 in 600.

when I asked him abt OSCAR, he asked me...

1) if baby is found with any defects - what will i do?

HB and me says "termination"

then he says okie, then u do OSCAR if result bad, do the amino.. thingy - dun even need to think abt pain or whatever...coz u already know ur decision if result is negative but if there are reasons that no matter wat, you will keep baby, then dun nid to do any such test. coz no point having adverse thoughts / be sad throughut preggy stage.

Gd day to You too and to the rest of MTBs! keke.

I was told by my gynea the Oscar test cost $400 and to be done in TMC, is the cost normal?

I trying hard to wade of my worries for the test.

hihis alsky

my oscar costs $320 excl blood test, in tmc.. somehow my gynae clinic told me to report to the clinic for the blood test first, then proceed to OSCARS clinic, but i'll know the final charges this sat

Hi Loh.. i didn't koe abt Dr Marianne's absence but i hv a appt with her ard 23 Dec... and so far not notify yet....

Ask you .. so far how u tik of her ? Good? Me still thinking

Hi Alsky,

I just did my Oscars Test last Friday and its costs abt $400. They will have 3 type of test for this package. 1) Blood Test 3 tubes 2) First Trimester test(Down Symdrown) and 3) will be on your 5th month, to check the vitals organs of the baby etc

Oh i see. Thanks Cass. That means we pay both scans together. My #1, i paid for both scan seperately. Maybe they change payment method.

hihi cass,

Thanks for the info. So, u get the result immediately for the first 2 test?

My wify seems like not much MS till now, only puke once. She can't take oily foods now tho thats once her favourites. lol. Fried chicken wings.No headaches either, gynea says she is one of the lucky few. lol.



Ya, she says her mom doesn't have any MS throughout for her 3 pregnancy either. Only that wify have to take small and frequent meals now and then. She can't have a full stomach or else she will feel like puking and uncomfy.

I heard, no MS is likely a boy tho, but proves wrong for her mom, all 3 are girls.

