(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Destiny ,

good to have such a good helper .. lucky enough to get good one ..Can I ask u how much are the current charges approx nw .. gg to get a new maid next jan when i head back ...


Pepperoni,you will be in my prayers too...Im so shocked to hear of the news but dont give up hope. All will be well and pray.

Hey mummies...was on MC cos down with flu and bad sore throat.Only got cough mixture of cough and nthg else. Im afraid that previously i was taking flu med would affect the baby. I only found out that the medication was too strong when i showed it to my sister who is a nurse. after reading all the post, im so scared and cant wait for my DS test on the 14/11.

Hi Anne,

u mean u went to the doc and was only prescribed cough mixture? I'm also down with flu, my throat is fine now but my nose is very stuffy and one side is permanently blocked and leaky. I'm thinking of going to the gp but if we can't take any flu med, then I don't want to waste my time to see doc.

morning ladies.... i'm not well too.... got to go to my gp later. my sore throat is getting worst, now feeling feverish and has headache and slight flu.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi All,

I was being taught a old method which really helps ... esp when i had cough, n cant take any med....

add 1 teaspoon not tablespoon of dom and add hot water into a cup, drink it warm not hot okie ... after which u got to drink alot of water... understand tt ppl say cant take alcohol during pregnancy but the hot water will cause the alcohol to evaporate thus it will not harm the bb... it really works for me... fully recovered after 3 days...

morning mummies... trying to catch up wif posts as i type along...


*hugz* we'll definitely be there for u... pls take care okie... i'm not gd with words but will be there to lent a listening ear if u need one...


heehee... me also thinking positively tt everything would be just fine...

u rest well today hor... me too getting super restless n tired this pregnancy lor... climbed 3 flights of stairs oni panting liao...

will keep u all posted on the results...

bb bao

be positive ya... things might not be as bad as u tot... cheer up gal... have a kit kat...

i also suggest u do it after 1st tri... me intend to perm my hair in dec lor...


r u also in the july08 thread??


*fingers crossed* hope all goes well for ur new helper ya...

Kurisu, that was a good remedy, let me try it.

Looks like a few mummies are not well too ah. I had to see dr to rest at home. I was given two days Mc but decided to come to work today.didnt want to take too many Mcs la..I feel very weak, even though had breakfast.

Hi mummies...good day to everyone. Is mid of the week..counting down to weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Awy, thanks for all the prayers, I've come to term and feeling much better today...

yes, I'll jiayou for my hb and bbs sake!!!

Chloie, hope u will get well soon, take care. Did you try to drink warm lemon + honey? Heard it may help to ease a bad throat too.

Morning MTBS!!!

Can i check now im in 13th week... shd i start multivit n fish oil ald? and stop dhasphton and folic? My gynae told me to start after 1st tri... so i guess its in 13th week rite?

Any MTBs starting on these med ald?? Pls advise me!!

Hi Maggie, i'm 13 weeks tmr, and last week when i hit 12th week i had my gynae visit and she told me to stop folic and gave me multivit (containing folic) and calcium pills to take.


I am so sorry to hear your news. Stay strong.


I think I will also prefer to do my own shopping as I am quite picky. Furthermore, shopping is so enjoyable, so why let someone else do it for you.

I think the concept are great for those that are unable to go out and shop, but the market for such customers are very small.


I also want to rebond my hair but I dun think I can sit on the salon chair for so long. I have already make appointment with my mom to take care of my newborn for a day right after my confinement.

Hi Maggie,

Infact gynae prescribed me multi vits and fish oil when I was abt 7 weeks preg. But everytime after havin my fish oil I wil go to the toilet n puke..don no is it bcos the oil don suits my system. When i burped it will smell of fish oil. So sometime I take sometime no.

Hi Mummies,

Its been a few days since i've logged in here.How's everyone?Seems like MS is still going around.


Sorry to hear abt your news. But i really admire your courage to continue the pregnancy. Should you need a listening ear,we'll always be here for you.Be strong & take care.God bless.

JSP: yah... but I am not really active there previously. As my #1 is born in 08 Jul 08. Then you also like me July08 mummy and mtb for May10?

Draik: wow so fast you already book appointment?

kurisu: It really helps? Will not cause MS?

maggie mee: I think when to take is quite individual right? cos some gynae recommend to start early some gynae prefer to start in 2nd tri, usually when MS is stop.

I heard folic acid can take from before starting of pregnancy till the end of pregnancy. Then if you wan to Breastfeed also can continue to take.

But I am a lazy person. I only take when I feel like taking. Like now keep having MS I personally think there is no point for me to take. Cos really unable to digest. End up puke again.

chubby_tiger : your gynae so fast start you with multi vit n fish oil? Wht is your multi vit color? Was it pink ?

all mummies who are sick, pls tk very good care n hope u recover soon!

Anne, the flu med is prescribed by a GP or u buy off shelves? When I had runny nose, my gynae gv mi a small yellow pill starts with C..quite common n easily avail at GP. its safe for preggies..

Congrats all mummies who had hit the 2nd tri! =)

Pepperoni, glad u r tking tings better ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


great.. continue to stay positive ... i guess i will make the same decision as u .....

Anne ,

I think can take Flu med ....I took the med when i am preggy with the previous two .. the GP will have med for that ..

i just cannot remember the name for the med.

Multi vit & fish oil .. can take them from the 12 week daily .. then stop taking folic acid after u start them .

chewy.. my helper's salary is 350 per mth, then levy is 170 cos i have a little girl. If u have kids below 12 or old ppl above 65, u will pay 170 for levy, if not normal circumstances is 200 +..

Destiny ,

thin it is called chloramamine ... dunno if i spell wrongly .. yah i took that when i am preggy for flu ..safe to take

yes yes chewy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sumting like tat! GP always prescribe de. Small but effective...mk u so drowsy... yawnz

Thank you all for yr advise... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i will start taking multi vit n fish oil from tmlo onwards... but im still considering if to take calcium pills... cuz scare constipation leh.... anyway i take enmum daily...

If you afraid of constipation, maybe can take some prune juice(sunsweet brand).

It works for me, to clear constipation.

Hi Oneegg,

it works very well for me.. no ms due to it too...u can oso try it cos dom is make of herbs rather than chemicals.... think tt is gd for mtbs cos normally we will oso need to drink it during confinement month...

I'm having breakout out-break of acnes! Is so red & pig [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Inside like alot of pus.

hihis mtbs:


ya, it's quite marfun to get pimples..sommemore we can't take medication...

my gynae told me that oxy5/oxy10 is ok to use ..

or how about goign for facial? I asked my beautician how if kena pimples during preggy and she thought that a facial could help...

so long as they dun use AHA, BHA (retinol) based products...

hihis kurisu

i oso heard about alcohol evaporating when we add hot water, and just googled it up...

seems like we need to boil it for hours before the alcohol content really evaporates off...

mmm so, DOM with hotwater may not be entirely safe lei...


Hi Sue,

thanks for googling on it ... didnt know so detail in it ... lucky it was only small teaspoon tt i used .... haha

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kurisu

oh ya, ur 1 teaspoon is quite little la...so guess no harm ;)

btw, looks like the website mention cooking for >2.5hrs... i guess it means that during confinement, we can take stews wif DOM, as long as it's slow cooked for >2.5hrs? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i agree that DOM is very bu and good for us, used to take it pre-preggy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

just went for my chk up (after 5 wks break)...wah so happy to see that bb is growing well @ 11+ wks. saw the head, body, hands, legs & bb had a good heartbeat, such a relief! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. but it was just a norm ultrasound cos we decided not to do the OSCAR...scared of false positives lah. so after much tot, decided that we'll skip that.

Hi Ladies!

I have went to my 1st appt yesterday. Soooo excited!!!!

Everything turns out well just tat cost is too much... hai... hw much u gals pay for 1st appt?

My BB is 2.92cm long leh... kekeke.... Feel so surprise so small got heartbeat.

Sue: I still continue to do facial once a month. I check out from a few beautician then say can do facial but no shoulder massage. Then cannot do RF. My prev gynae approve I go facial la... I don't know my current gynae. Have not check from her. I already done twice facial.

If really cannot do, mtb pls let me know. cos I still plan to go next month lei.

I always thought DOM only can use for pre-preggy or post. Nv thought of during pregnancy also able to drink it.

As I just open one bottle before I discover I pregnant. Then I thought cannot be drink and kept it in the cupboard again to collect dust. Till I give birth then bring it out to use again. At least now I can on and off drink a bit of it.

Astroboy: I paid for SGD180= consultation 130 + Ultrasound 50. I think quite exp.

Oneegg: U which clinic? Me Gleneagles loh... frez intro but too ex leh.... my consultantion $80, ultrasound $100 leh and mediciene $45. Heartache.

hihis OneEgg

what's RF?

btw, ur current gynae is a new gynae for u?

my ultrasound charges same as you,

but consultation is cheaper..

i know that for 1st consultation, my gynae charges around ur rate too..

subsequent is ~30% cheaper $120 vs $80

btw, mmm cannot drink DOM.. but maybe can take 1 teaspoon like what kurisu says..cos unless u cook it for >2.5hrs, the alcohol remains and that is NOT good for the bb's development...

I am so Lethargic and no mood to work.But was busy, no choice.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I wake up in the middle of the nights for the last few nights and take some time to get back to sleep...i wander if any u experience ts.

Also i have mild cramps on lower adomen. Do anyone experience tt too?

hihis anne

i wake up in the middle of the night to pee..sometimes every 2 hours and i hate it!

however, i tried NOT taking water before going to bed, but am way toooo thirsty not to.. sighs...

i dun have much cramps (hopefully bb is still ok?), but i read before that mild cramping means that our uterus is expanding..

quite sian lei..

i.e when i had cramps i worried, when i don't now, i still worry too...sighs...

Sue: I wake up like once so far.But i dont know if im in need to go toilet.Cant seem to feel, anyways use the toilet and got quite abit...

Yup, i hope baby ok too...i need to wait till the 2nd week of nov for my next appt.when is ur next appt?

kk i'm knocking off soon.

bye byes and have a good dinner and good night's rest mtbs!

tomorrow's gonna be 2 days closer to the WEEKEND!!!!


KO Time!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have a nice enjoyable dinner ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue... me too DS tis friday!!! I want to bring all of you good news.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue: Mine is just normal ultrasound..... black and white print out. I reli abit regretted going Gleneagles... ur Gynae from where? Cheaper?

Hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tml going to see gynae!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So excited to see my little one after 2 weeks break! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope tml all test will be cleared!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Astroy boy ,

my gynae almost the same cost ..Dr HO at Mt A .. hmm .. think diff Gynaes charge different rates .. as long as the waiting time is not too long and Gynae Reputation / experience .. i think the cost is still secondary if u can afford cos we are NOT gg to have 10 kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My last two pregnancy cost me this much .. but it is worth it at the end of the day with good experience / responsible gynaes .. cos I guess they can save both BB and mummy life during complications ( i have complications for my 2nd bb )...hmm ...( all in all if i were to compare the cost)I think I paid about extra of 1.5K for prenatal consultations and 1 k more for doc fees during delivery .. hmm . add up to be 2.5k more for one bb for a better assurance ..

Anne ,

mild cramps should be okie ..cos the Uterus is stretching.

Tiger 03 ,

u are not doing OSCAR ?? I am thinking of sticking to my triple test .. and have to get it done here in shanghai in two weeks time .. cos safety first ... doing my detail scan 20th week back in sin.. will be flying back to do the scan .. hmm .. so troublesome .. hubby asked me to stay here till delivery then go back .. but weather so freaking cold at teh end of year .. i wanted to go back and .. but that means have to hire maid again ... shift again .. with two young sons .. alone .. sianZ .. i would rather be safe in singapore ..

I have been taking fast food these few days cos MS seems to subside and I have to eat 2-3 hrs a full meal .. so Mcdonald and KFC everyday .. even for supper i have KFC BUrger ..hubby said I have fatter nw , more lazy .. and for previous two preg i am not like that( keke means most likely to have a princess)

hey chewy_ring,

yeah...still mulling over the OSCAR. wondering if i shd go back to do it.. just that i told doc even if bad result i wun do amnio cos of the risk of miscarriage + even if DS we'll def still have our bb, so she said no point. plus that's what my gynae in SG said too...so that's why not doing. triple test is incl in my package tho so guess will lugi too cos dun think will do that. haha, and i'm also going back over xmas to do detailed scan, same as u. still trust SG much more. but will be back again (weather not coldest @ yr end leh, coldest over CNY period!!!) and then prob hang ard here till Mar before going back. that's the plan so far...my concern not to be away too long is cos of my 2 kids, they'll miss sch here. but like u, i also fly alone with 2 of them. plus tis time with big tummy...wah...

haha dun eat too much fast food leh. really fattening! MS subside is a good thing. i'm hoping mine will go soon. these few days having heavy head, keep wanting to go lie down which then makes it worse...

BBp, i havent chcek once i chcek i let me you know and will mail the stuff to you on Sat...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good morning MTBs and FTBs,

I am nervous abt my OSCAR on 4th Nov, read from various post that its quite negative (the results) i dont want to have unnecessary wories. but still to be on the safer side, HB says we should go test it out. ;(


my monthly check up to gynae is ranges from $100 to $130 (include ultrasound, folic or vitamins and consultation)I would think its quite reasonable for a gynae with his years of experience.

