(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

stefie : i dun mind with the 2D one la.. the 2d one is the black and white one huh? at every visit .. will be able to get a picture home?

$1.2k? for normal ? me going c-sec.. kekeke.. thanks! wait for ur news.. keke


Hi nanabear dear,

Yes,2D Black and white. He will print out 1 copy for you and 1 copy for his file. When I 1st see him, only waterbag, so he didn't print for me. I think until the baby grow too big, cannot print liao, then don't have.

I do have that kind of feeling on and off. Cos of the wind in my stomach. Now I am experiencing pulling and stretching all over my belly. I tell myself it is good signs. I have alot of hair in my belly now, so funny. Ha!! Ha!!

Hi Draik dear,

The queue systems very funny one. Can only start registering at 1pm, so those who come earlier must stay there. Once counter open, you will have to know who come first and register accordingly. That why KS me. wait in the clinic at 1230pm, then sit there like potato and wait.

But at least not as bad as other gynae.

Stefie : Thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

got this feeling like something stuck in the throat.. haha.. reflux or heart burn.. dunno.. but not so early also mah..

nanabear.. i don have crampy feeling.. but i have same feeling as stefie.. like pulling and stretching.. and i burp more often..

nanabear, i don have feeling like yours,, but i have feelings like stefie.. the pulling and stretching.. feel like straining my back like that.. and i burp more often now..

hi chloie

me also wakes up unusually early. typically drag myself to wake up at 8am everyday.... but nowadays will wake up at 6+am (when outside is still dark!) and couldnt sleep back liao =( and gets sleepy earlier every night


Wah,15kg ah. My gal is abt 11kg so duno whether i can still carry her anot.Think will ask my gynae when i start to visit him.


As for pumping, i think there shouldn't be any problem ba.I still bf my 16mths gal.If you're concerned abt this,can ask your gynae.Sure he/she will be glad to answer your queries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Im feeling the same as u. Still have crampy feeling.. Tats y didn't even know i was pregnant in the first place. LOL..

These few nights keep on waking up to pee.Any mummies experincing the same? So ma fan one.Want to sleep peacefully oso cannot. The next morning, become like zombie like tat.

deby82.. ya i realised i pee often today.. haven't take note of nights.. coz i am still waking for my boi night feed..

thanks will ask my gynae this sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



i am same with u. not much feeling for #2 yet. i guess still early.

re: folic acid

i also din take prior conceiving coz i dunno when i will strike and thought i will take some time so din even think of eating it everyday.


have seen Dr Khi before. she seems like a nice lady as she always walks her patients in and out. i managed to make an appt wif dr wong on 5 oct. they had a slot on 22 sep but i dun wan as it's too early to see heartbeat bah.

Burping is good..helps release the air in our tummy which makes us bloated. Hope I can burp more..the tummy is really unfortable today and each evening. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I have crampy feeling too. Like menses going to come like that. But today the cramp feel more like "stitches". No burping or farting today, heehee! Upper part of stomach like got alot of air, swollen like that. Maybe is the air... Then got abit of gastric feel also... Complicated feeling of my stomach...

Pee will pee more. Cos my gyne told me that the sac is pressing onto bladder so when baby becomes bigger, it will make you pee more.

Piglet> Same same!!! 6+am too! But I usually have to wake up at abt 7~7.15am for work. Nowadays earlier cos HB say go for breakfast... :-( Dont really have the habit to have breakfast but now all for bb...

arghhh... i just wrote a post and all gone cus there is something wrong with SMH website today?

hahaha today's thread is really ACTIVE!!!

WELCOME & CONGRATS TO ALL MTBS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just came back from fetching my girl from her ballet class... so tired and hungry! I'm getting hungry every now and then but can only eat very little to satisfy the stomach... i'm craving salted vegetable soup! kekeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me too me too!!! I wake up in the middle of the night to go toilet, then cant fall back asleep then I had to wake up at 7plus to prepare breakfast for my girl and send her to school! I'm so zombie in the mornings!

I don't really carry my girl now cus its really not good to carry heavy things during our 1st trimester.


Gynae said we might experience stomach cramps while bfing when pregnant. This may be a cause of concern for us when we are in our 2nd or 3rd trimester.


Thanks for updating the table!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me too... i keep getting this gastric feeling and its so uncomfortable. I usually will drink a glass of milk to ease the stomach. or eat a bit of food to ease it.

Hi bbf.. pls add me to the list

Juz went for my 1st scan today n ald in my 6th week... can detect bb heartbeat!

EDD: 10 May

Nick : Maggiemee

BB No :1

Gynae : Dr marianne

Hospital : KKH

Any recommendation of good female gynae? I am thinking of switching to pte hospital... but not sure if its better... today i just opted for KKH private suite... hopefully can cut down waiting time loh...

Anyone know Dr Tan Yin Yin ( she does delivery at east shore ).... any feedback?

ic, topic of the day is gynae and cramps ah?


ur hb very caring to plan breakfast for u.

these days i cannot function w/o breakfast.

even if i'm late for work i will detour to grab a bite.

2nd time mummies,

i don't know if it's just me but i find my pants getting really snug.

i need to conceal for another 5 weeks!!!

how to survive like that?!?!?!

maggiemee welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

it must be very exciting for u.

mine is also female gynae u can consider, charges are reasonable but the very chop chop kind.

she won't go into details if u are doing fine.

plus point, very vibrant and happy lady, convenient if u stay in the east.

before i went to her in my 2nd tri for #1,

i went to a very expensive one in mt. E, Datuk Chew.

every visit was over $200, and he had 3d scan. He was very patient to explain every detail, and everytime he will ask any questions before ending the visit.

it was good for me then because i was a kancheong 1st time mum. i also heard he is great for those with complications.

it really depends on what is ur preference.

i think apart from charges, it's impt to choose a gynae whom u feel comfortable with and trust.

but hor very expensive to keep switching coz each visit will be over $100, so we have to really choose wisely.

hi bbf.. so u had Dr Tan YY as yr gynae b4? Yes i stayed in pungol and going to bedok is nearer... but im not sure if how she will attend to us when we have questions.. is she quick to respond to us if got emergency... still a headache to choose loh..... sigh... how..i dun kow of any gynae and also no experience ...


yes me too! my pants are tighter! oh gosh... i'm like wearing maternity pants now hahaha seems like this no. 2 is showing more obvious that my no. 1!!!!


oh sorry i forgot to mention that my gynae is dr heng. u can try to search the comments in the forum,

maybe there will be one on dr. tan yy.

usually the popular or infamous gynaes will have some thread going.


headache lor...i also dig out my maternity wear standby le,

but i want to hold back for a while more before i break the news to my employer.

Hi Mummies! wow this thread is so active now!

went to see gynae this afternoon. She said either i've remembered my LMP wrongly, or if not my baby is really big cos from the size today, EDD is 25/4/2010. But i dun wannna move to the april thread!! have feelings for this thread cos i started it and met so many frens here. so can still put me on the list??

today heard baby's heartbeat. so loud and fast! BOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOB...gynae says its 192 beats/min. wah...so fast.

gynae gave me medicine for my terible MS today. actually my mom told me not to take any medicine at all and just rest at home for MS to go away. but gynae says i vomit too much, blood pressure getting a bit high and getting dehydrated so better to take.

today's cost was $40 for consultation, $80 for scan and $12 for folic acid and medicine.

they also showed me the package price. $600 for conultations and simple scans from 12week. $1000 for normal delivery, $2000 for operative. i most likely may have to take c-section cos i have a fiborb which is growing fast (2cm to 3.8cm in 3 weeks).

i also feel cramping and stretching in tummy but doc says its just the womb growing, very normal.

she also told me to drink frizzy sweet drinks (ginger ale, coke) so i can burp out the gas then will feel less bloated. she also said taking small meals throughout the day will feel better. but so troublesome! she actually told hubby to break up my breakfast into 3 portions.

my pants also getting tighter! i think its quite obvious my tummy is a bit bigger cos i just went for slimming so tummy was super flat. now can see round round like last time before i went slimming. i put on abt 1kg from 3 weeks ago.

today i also wait very long at gynae cos she got 2 emergency deliveries in the morning. but understandable. but the whole clinic was so crowded then all mummies got to sit, most daddies standing around.

maggie mee, my gynae is lady and very nice. Dr Ang from international women. her clinic is at glen e. can choose to give birth at either glen e or mt a. not too ex also.

i've been taking folic acid for many months and start 1 - 2 cups of annum mom milk powder from week 4. doesn't help my MS. but i kiasu, hope my baby will be strong cos im quite weak always fall sick so hope my baby not like me.

after seeing baby (its like a red bean and got umbilical cord linking from sac to the 'red bean') today i feel more assured. wanna tell people but doc says its better to wait till 12 weeks. i kept on asking her is everything ok she say ya, everything looks good and very healthy shape etc so dun understand why she said not to tell too many people first.

any mummies have gynaes telling them that too?

anyway, if i may join the list,

EDD: 25 april

Nick : babymustwear

BB No : 1

Gynae : Dr ang

Hospital : Glen E/ Mt A

Hello to all mommies to be!

I just found out 5 days ago I was 4 weeks pregnant, so I guess I should be due in late May or June?

I was happy yet really scared and even thought of aborting it, the reason being, I am unmarried.

I am turning 23 in Nov, still young for a child but old enough to know what's right and wrong, after 5 stressful days of contemplating to keep or not, bf and I had decided to keep the baby and make it work. We planned to hold our wedding end of Dec and hopefully everything will fall into places.

Similar to all cases, as it is unplanned, we do not have savings, both of us were living the lives of hippies, free-spirited and carefree. Too carefree I think, that's why the accident. Haha. Anyway, we sat down and talked and cried and hugged and we think that we can make it work. Both of us have jobs, both of us are earning, we will be able to make it.

Next thing will be breaking the news to my parents... super scary. I never thought this thing will happen on me, totally unexpected, but we have to bear our own consequences right?

Anyway, I hope you all can give me support!! Mommies who had been through what I'm going through now with wedding+baby coming together... please advice! Thanks for reading!


i am from the apr'10 thread.

its very brave of u to face the issue and its heart warming to know that u and bf have decided to keep the baby.

be honest to ur parents.

tell then u admit u have make a mistake and truely sorry abt it. and tell them u will do watever to support the pregancy.

ask for them to support u emotionaly.(dun talk abt money 1st)

it shows ur maturity and they will be happy yo know their dd has grown up.

as for wedding. dun have to go for elaborate things. can just go for ROM and a simple dinner for close relatives.

wedding photos can wait till later when u both have more money. see the taiwanese actor wang ren fu, he also took his wedding photo after 2 kids.

wish u have a smooth pregancy and win the support of ur parents and bf parents.

do keep us updated

hellos edie..

congrats on your pregnancy and decision to keep the baby..it's a blessing to have children, not all of us can have it when we want..

well, 23 is older than being in your teens and you & bf are definitely in the right emotional maturity age to have a kid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

many years down the road, you'd be glad you had a child while u're young... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i agree with choco, just have a sincere ROM with people dear to you for now...

hope the news breaking session with the parents go well..


hihis baby must wear

congrats! happie for you.. hope my case will turn out just as well, next Sat...

1 week is too long a wait for me..


bbf, i got the same thoughts.. i haven even change my bra size and using extension since my 1st one.. now i am thinking to get decent bra to wear first then put extension when it gets uncomfortable as the pregnancy goes.. my office wear going into storage again.. remmebre my 1st one.. i can wear all way till i reach 25th week!! haiz..

edie.. jia you.. though i did not encounter what u did but i feel it is very brave of you.. jia you.. u can make it de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] whenever u feel down and wish to talk.. can always post it here... i'm sure we will be very supportive of you and advice you along..

hubby wish to change my appointment from tmr to today.. seems like he is very happy we having 2nd one so fast.. told him to keep a secret first but he told my sis-in-law le.. actually i was more worried.. coz my 1st one is just turning 9 mths.. and remember the time when settling care-giver issue when he was 2 months old.. and we decided to hire a helped (maid). Now i am worrying if the helper can take care of 17 months and newborn at same time or not.. any mommies here having same situation like mine and can advice what you all did??


Very brave of you and no matter what, you can get all the support you need from our thread!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my gynae also said something along that line but funny thing is she said to my daughter. Dunno whether pantang or not lah. But anyway after hearing the heartbeat and seeing the little "dot" she told my daughter to see her sibling there.

My daughter has been telling everyone that I'm pregnant! hahaha she told her teachers and friends and today her teacher told me. So cute... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'll be receiving my ON maternity clothes soon... I think I can't really fit into my normal clothes. I feel my tummy is so big this time but face, arms & legs still very slim. My tops all can wear but my bottoms is so tight! yesterday at my daughter's ballet class, my daughter's classmate's mum asked me if i'm preggy and i said yes. She is 5 months preg and I think i'm just slightly smaller than her bump! GOSH.... nevertheless, i'm still so much in love with my huge bump hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I've been talking so much to the baby and my daughter will usually join me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I thought I'm the youngest here to be a MTB. Now Edie is here to accompany me. Hahahaha!

Edie> Congrats to you! It's very brave of you to keep the baby. But the part of telling to your parents is going to be a really a hard thing to do. When I told my mum, she gave me the expected. "What?!!" look. LOL! Then now she's not very happy cos I dont like to ask her for advise cos they train me to be independent mah so I prefer to settle everything on my own. Again, she wasnt happy. But as long as you are happy and comfortable with what you plan to do, go ahead!

As for the wedding part, since you are financially tight then just do the ROM and a dinner with your close family members and close friends. I guess most here know how is it like to plan a wedding. And I'm still trying to pay off debts incurred from my recent wedding.

ylc> When can we start to drink milk meant for mums?

bbf> What to do... He did it also for the bb. He think I dont know meh!

babymustwear> Congrats to you on hearing your bb BOBOBOBOBO!

All mum> I feel cramps again this morning but are on both sides instead of the centre of the tummy. Is that ok?

And also, any comments on ON maternity clothes? Cos it is cheaper than those in retail shops. [Want to save more for future use mah, bb on the way, sooooo much more to spend]

*feel like MS is coming to me soon*

edie : Welcome! Yes! u all get all the support here.. my #1 also unplanned also erm.. "thunder-marriage" kekeke.. now my #1 already 30 months and with #2 liaoz! see.. there are good examples! We also hold wedding w/o any saving etc.. so long both working can make it one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

NEW/#2 mummies good morning.. Taken ur vitamins and milk for today?

bbf : east side got good gynae ar ? where where?? Actually i still thinking wanna go back to my last gynae a not.. she is really really good.. price reasonable.. but of cos if there is cheaper alternative and good .. why not right? but i bu se de my gynae.. hahaha..

Haha, my boy has been telling his whole school that his Mommy tummy got a baby inside. How to keep it a secret?

In fact, I think everyone know about it already, except my good friends. Another group of my friends also know because I cannot attend her mom's funeral. I dunno how to tell lies, so I tell her the truth lor.

I cannot button my most of my shorts already. I have already put away 3 of my jeans and now I have got almost no bottom to wear. Is it crazy to buy maternity bottom now? I saw some in ON and was very temper to buy...but what if I grow bigger? then waste money right?

and oh ya.. congrats for mummies who have been for their scan.. think mine will be the latest to go scan.. hahahahaa..

cholie : i also can be young hor! :p bbut not as young as u all la.. kekeke..

taybaby : i had 4 maids in 18 months for my #1 and den i send to childcare at 18th month.. hahaha.. and i do away with the maid.. now thinking have to re-employ maid.. very reluctant.. but am very tired.. i need help liaoz.. hahaha.. got good agencies to intro? that accepts PD cheques? i know of good agencies.. but they dun accept PD cheques.. and.. i very poor one.. sigh..

draik / ylc : bump show so early? :/ .. maybe i too fat.. hahaha..

ylc : talk to baby so early???? erm... arrrhhh.. really ar?? hahahaha..

me still at #1 pregnancy weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am very curious abt u mummies leh!!! kekeke..

next time BP etc.. think time will built our bond . kekeke..

erm... i know! follow my other thread? we have this contact list? kekeke.. for 1 another to know each other better.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] in google groups.. any objections?


the last time I scan, I see nothing leh. I am not a young mom already, maybe oldest here. *cry*

I have no intention of getting a maid. I have read too much stories about them and I am really scare of them. I am going to get a irobot instead and tell my part-time helper to come every week. If I cannot cook later or after I give birth, I will survive on cater food.

nanabear, how about using ning?

nanabear: Hahahahahahahaha! You were young once also what!

My hb like ah pek lei! [maybe cos of the age gap] He tell me to wear those obiang pregnant woman dress know. He say nice what! *faint* I told him retail shop too ex. I want to help him save money. I saw online from ON & forever 21 nice lei, showed him, he still say "You can wear meh?" *cry*

I have a friend who is mtb in feb'10. She told me to buy just a few set of clothes [3~4] for each trimester cos we will keep GROWING. I have started to grow liao lor. I cant really fit most of my bottom liao. It is worst after each meal. Very bloated. Hai....


yeah started to talk to my bb already hahaha so crazy right but I think our bb can feel it one. The other day I wasn't feeling really well, and I just spoke to my bb saying don't be difficult and make mummy better. My hb also rub rub my tummy and then i'm feeling much better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've been drinking fresh milk. Didn't take those for mums one. My first pregnancy also the same. First thing is I don't like to drink milk so that kind of milk seems eeky to me. Then this milk i'm taking is 99.9per cent fat free. Gynae said i need to calcium but dun need the fats and this milk taste absolutely bland. Just nice for me hahaha ;) I can't stomach other milk. Milk intake is important cus once pregnant, really saps away most of your nutrients! Gums may bleed, nose may bleed, teeth may drop. I remember one maid of mine, had to extract 4 teeth cus she didn't take enough milk/calcium when pregnant and after giving birth she became so weak and her teeth starts falling out. Scary!!!


I just bought ON bottoms leh. Waiting for delivery now. I was thinking just buy 1 or 2 first, then if i really need bigger size, i will order again. I also bought some tops in case for 2nd/3rd trimester hahaha so KS hor.. but that time got free domestic shipping lah.. so just buy!


my 1st pregnancy, i didn't buy a lot of clothes, only like 5-6 tops throughout the pregnancy and bottoms the faithful 3-5 pieces! but then at that time i didn't balloon up that much so I was able to wear my normal clothes for quite some time.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I just dropped the bomb on my mom and she went aiyo aiyo all the way until I assure her that bf and i were already planning to get married early next year and that she doesn't have to worry about anything, just attend the wedding and be ready to hold grandbaby then she started to relax... PHEW!!!

Thanks girls. One obstacle down, one more to go...don't dare to tell my dad, hope my mom will tell him la...

nanabear.. my current helper so far okie for us.. just that we not sure she can manage 2 at a time or not.. and we don wish to "force" her and she cannot then we suffer.. worrying lo..

PD cheques ah.. don know leh.. sorry can't intro.. only know my helper agency.. is crislo i think at katong one

Darik, most maternity pants can stretch and can adjust the tightness, so dun have to worry that you can't fit in later. As long as its just your bump that's getting bigger should be ok ba. They should also be able to accomodate a slighty bigger bottom and hips. Actualy I prefer to wear dresses ..more airy and dun have to worry that the pants cut into your belly.

nanabear: if i have a gal this time, i will have a tigeress 母老虎 (born in year of tiger) with a 牛脾气 (stubborn) as in taurus horoscope..

Draik : wat is ning ? u mean nanny? to me the price abt the same.. yes i had bad experience with maid.. but i also believe there are good ones leh..

Taybaby : ur agency u pay upfront ar ?

Chloie : ok ar.. den i go set up ok? kekeke.. called "may 2010 mums" but den again.. mine maybe in june leh.. hahahhaa..

u all have google a/cs? ok wait i go set it up first.. brb..


Thanks sweetpea, come to think about it, I do not have to worry so much. After delivery still can wear lah.

edie, I remember telling my mom that I was pregnant when I was not married. Her immediate response was "quick, get married". She did not scold me. But I told her that I was just kidding her. I dun think your dad will mind, afterall you are already 23, not 13.

