(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


ning is a social network that you can create. Better than group because you can have disscussion forum, groups within groups, blog, photos, links and many more.



hahaha thats so cute when u put it like that...


hahaha i didn't think of wearing dresses when i was preggy last time. Perhaps i'm not those who likes to wear skirts & dresses so i nvr took to wearing them! dunno y i find wearing skirts & dresses uncomfortable hahaha i'm wearing the ON gauchos and its super comfy!!!

nanabear> Very curious abt the rest of the mummies? In what? How old, stay where, baby #, hb how old isit? That's why I say need to improvise the table aldy.

Draik> Me too. Scare of maids! But I have one in my house. But that maid is under my hb bro's name. She is to look after my MIL cos my mil had a stroke last year and can barely look after herself after that. So I kinda get a free maid cos I dun have to pay for her salary but her food & shelter is under me lah. But you know, my hb's siblings... tsk tsk tsk... I should not start on them...

ylc> Envy that you did not gain much weight. Maybe cos I belong to the fat gene kind of person, I balloon fast. When your ON comes, let us know of the quality lei. If it is ok then I will order.

I'm lactose intolerant so I guess I should not touch those powder type of milk for mums yet. Even drinking HL now will still cause my bowels to move more with aches. LOL! I will ask for calcium pills from my gyne during my next visit cos I know I have some teeth problem but I fear the dentist!!! *scary*

edie> Congrats! If you need a bridal shop, I will recommend you mine. PM me if you are interested.


So good! One hurdle down! I think if your mum tells your dad, perhaps she can break the news more gently to him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Update us ya!

taybaby : omg! really ar? my family already got 3 stubborn people leh.. tat is me, hubby and my #1 leh! cannot liao leh! hahahahaa.. jialat jialat..

oh.. i go continue working on the table.. kekeke..


Took me a long time to lose weight after giving birth to my no. 1 leh! When i lose weight, then i got pregnant again sigh... anyway only my tummy is big for now. The last time i was pregnant with my no. 1, i was quite huge during my 3rd trimester. This time round, i will watch what i eat more carefully. Will only eat more nutritious food and less carbo!

get calcium pills is a good idea. I took calcium pills plus milk during my last pregnancy cus I wasn't consistent with my milk intake and had gums bleeding and all. This time round, I'm drinking 2 glasses each day. Hey try Cowhead's fat free milk (green packaging). You may like it. I also dun drink milk as it causes my stomach to churn but this one is alright for me.

Nanabear, got any help from your parents or in-laws? SO far I am very thankful for my mom and MIL who take turns to care for my no. 1 coz I'm still working full time. But no easy task. Now seriuosly need to think how to take care of No. 2 also.

sweetpea.. ya my mother and mil is helping me to supervise my helper.. when they are not working.. but with no 2.. i considering putting no 1 in CC by then.. although i bit relunctant..

draik : Like that everybody must newly register? tot in google groups also can have discussions?

chloie.. if u have blog / msn.. u can use the same a/c to log in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


while reluctant, if no. 1 in half day care, it will be easier on you leh! cus when no. 2 is out, sure need lots of attention and after birth, must really rest well to take care of your own health.

ylc..me too! I had a hard time losing weight. Even though I BF for 1 year, I only started losing me pregnancy weight after I stopped BF. strange leh..other plpe opposite; lose wieght when they BF. So now that my No.1 is 19 mths, I have lost some wieight but now gonna put everything back on again.. hiaz.

Annmum milk - I used to drink it when I was having my no. Ppl tell me it make me put on wieght leh.Think I will just drink fresh milk this time.

got such thing as part time maid - as in dun stay with us? just clean and cook and go home.hehehe

Dun want outsider to stay with us leh.

sweetpea : i dun like my IL to take care.. becos my IL is alraedy old.. my own mum.. i cannot afford to "hire" her.. she is working.. kekeke..

nanabear: PM u my email le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ylc: reason to put no 1 in cc is to let helper take care no 2 better .. more attention to no 2.. scared she cannot take it when taking care of 2 and goes crazy and don know what will she do to my kids sia..


very confusing leh, so you want ning or google group? cannot have both right? or else I have be super busy.

nanabear: i don prefer my mil also coz she insist on working when i have my no 1.. so ha ha say me stubborn.. i will not insist for her help now..

my mother earns more than me sia.. but she moves over to stay at my place and help me supervisor daily before and after her work and during her off days..

really feel my mother is still the greatest..

draik : i think stick to google can? becos hor.. the ning hor.. cannot be too long.. as in they have limited space.. hahaha..

Dun hamtam me hor, actually, I am not back to my pre-pregnancy weight after these years. Lose a lot of weight during my previous 1st trimester due to bad morning sickness, gain more during 2nd and 3rd trimester, then lose everything after my confinement month. Have not gain back my pre-pregnancy weight and I am pregnant again.

nanabear, see which one most of you are familiar with lor. I both also can. Use ning more often but chat with ah moh only.

taybaby : i also feel my mmama better.. kekeke.. but my mama dun stay with me .. but with my #1 she comes up every now and den to check on the maid..

draik: why must hamtum u? me lagi worse right? i not shy to say.. me 3 digit wt leh.. still in my post preg wt leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i dunno how i going to survive this pregnancy.. hahaha


I am new here. Nice to knw all of you. Est 5-6weeks but cannot see heartbeat yet. So anxious.



Nick: gladseow

BB no.: 1

Gynae name: Dr Heng

Hospital :TBA


that is because everyone try to lose weight, I try to gain weight lah.

I also signed up already[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nanabear, thanks for setting up the group. I just signed up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mattsmummy : can u erm.. edit the page urself?

Mummies : and new mmummies.. u all can edit and amend the page.. just add in ur details.. and den save it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah piang! I went to buy lunch for abt 15 mins then come back sooo many post..

so which one should I sign up huh?

mattsmummy : i think hor.. u need to update ur dr etc right? kekeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i signed up already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm looking after my no.1 myself & most probably no. 2 myself too! hb scared i can't cope but i told him frankly, i just need help with housework that's all. So far, I have nvr asked my ils nor my mum for help. My ils all retired and i let them enjoy their retirement while i have loads of good & bad times with my no. 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my mum is still working so i don't want to trouble her so much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


all approved liaoz.. feel free to add..

me go lunch liao.. bbl.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

