(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi mummies,

Sorry to disturb your thread.

I have some items to let go.

1. Desitin Creamy 4oz (Blue packaging) (Expiry Jun 2012) - $8.50

2. Desitin Creamy 2oz (Blue packaging) (Expiry Jun 2012) - $5.50

3. California Baby Calendula Cream 4 oz (Expiry 2013) - $25

4. California Baby Calendula Cream 2 oz (Expiry 2013) - $15.50

Please PM me if you are interested.




Sorry to disturb Mommies. I posted earlier about the FP rainforest jumperoo but realise my PM was off. have activated it. If anyone has a jumperoo to sell, pls do PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!

Hi Mommies,

I'm still waiting for the photographer to mail me the dvd of our bday bash....cos i gotta send some grp pics to some of our sponsors.


Did you mail the Nestle forms individually?

Hitting or saying 'no' to my boy doesnt work as he will just laugh at me.

When he screams i distract him by acting silly or making him laugh to forget about his mood.

taking away something and giving him something else "of equal value in his eyes" should work, but the hard part is to determine which items are of value to him as it changes every week!


i think at our babies age, must increase to 3 solids already.

my schedule as follows:

6am: 180ml

9am: one ikea bowl of cereal

12noon: one bowl of porridge

3pm: 210ml milk

6pm: one bowl of porridge

9pm: 210ml milk

Screaming baby

mine screams too. used to be mild tempered but changed.

looks like sophie isnt the only screaming baby. maybe we should send these noti babies for some anger management course. lol...

any mummies here start to introduce shellfish or nuts to babies?

mush... me dun tik wat to introduce nuts at this age.. maybe when 2+yr bah...

Now always run out of idea what to cook for him during wkend... mostly chicken, fish, carrot,spinach...wat else can we try?

Chloe also screams a lot. Out of bath scream. Take away water bottle scream. Take away whatever she is playing with, scream. Grandma walk away without carrying her, scream. Try to carry her from daddy to go over to bbsitter, scream.

The few times she doesn't scream when we do something that she doesn't like, feed her! hahaha... If she dares to scream, I will shove food into her mouth! So now she learns to purse her mouth real tight and turn her head away whenever she doesn't want any food. lalalala...

Hello mummies, My boy finally walk!!! Yah!!! but now have to start worry his movement...last nite he keeps coming to kitchen while I'm cooking #@*%#@

bx, my boy having 4 meals per day. Normally bread, corn flake, cake or at meal for breakfast and tea break.

rice, noodle, spaghetti or udon for lunch and dinner.

Last nite I cook baby japanese beef curry for him and he loves it!

Screaming baby, my boy too. Guess ard this age (after turned 1) it a process of they growing bah.

mush, nuts can try a little bit 1st. By chopping the nuts till very fine.

I will try that another month bah. Add in oat meal or bread/ cake. Walnut is the best for baby.

Yeah baby screaming... sounds like another stage.. but she normally does it when we don't give her something she wants.. she would point and point in the direction of something she wants and then we just pick up everything in that direction and pass it to her until we get it right hahaha...

but when she does the scream and cry on the floor cos she wants to be carried and my arms are darn tired... i just walk away.. she normally stops when she realises no one is paying attention.

I asked PD what baby cannot eat still since now 1 aldy... he tell me everything also can... just look out for allergy... well duh... i thot thats why we avoid certain food still..

I have started my bb on almost everything. Peanut cuttlefish porridge, Chawanmushi, ice cream, fries, etc. Basically most of the stuff we eat outside, baby gets to try some also. If it's for her main meal, i will order soupy stuff to share with her. Very much given up on cooking for her. And since on most days, bbsitter will cook for her, i guess outside food on weekends is ok.

Sighz, lazy mummy lar. Going away on holiday end of June, and not intending to bring any baby food. Just milk. Baby need to eat outside food. Or I will give jar food when I get there. hoho...

luckyone.. yeah! i saw yr boi walking few steps at ifc... very soon he will be walking fast n steady! must encourage them to walk...

Bring to airport n let him roam freely... practice makes perfect!

Hello mummies!

Bx: my bb has similar schedule as yours. just that, I normally feed him breakfast about half an hour or more after his milk feed. I am not sure if it's too soon because he only wakes up at 8 plus or nowadays later at around 9pm. But i also think it should be ok to be a little heavier for breakfast! haha!

lilstarz: same same... Lucas does the pointing too. And he will say please by tilting his head to one side at the same time. Wah liao.. how to not give... haha... but ya.. when we walk away from him while he's crying, he will stop shortly after.

Luckyone: kitchen is my son's favorite play corner. We have kept all the fragile at higher ground. hahaha....

Chloemum: very garang la... most of the time, is like food tasting for him. I still prepare his meal without salt. I am not sure about the 2 grandmothers though. Need to close 1 eye with them.. :p However, I also try to introduce different food to him as much as I could.

hi people! long time no see! *waves*

regarding food, sarah is eating almost everything now cept seafood and nuts gonna hold back a while. she loves bread. she can eat bread for breakfast lunch n dinner. porridge hav to be "tasty" now so we r adding soy sauce/fish sauce n pepper. its exciting n a lot easier now i can say. i love toddlerhood! she is already walking on her own but she doesnt goes into the kitchen cos will get scolding~~~

any kiddo already talking? mine talks nonsensical words n she talks like a bullet train!

i guess by this age, they should have their signature item they cant live wo. mine is her bolster. oh dear. tat means everytime we go out we hav to bring that bolster along if not she will get cranky whenever she misses it. any idea how to wean or sort?

Hello mummies,

Waves**.. I'm still giving my gal enfapro tho she's 13 mth now. Is it ok? Cos heard enfagrow is quite heath...

Looks like quite a no. Of mummies have enrolled their bbs in cc.. Mine w b gg in dec too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Hi Mummies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Bx Tks super muchie for your reply and sharing your feeds!!! Ooops guess I have to increase mine!!! :p

Hi Little Tiger On MMR, ya alot of negative reports. For my 1st child, who is 2.5yrs now, I gave her MMR and nothing happened. But all my mummy friends delayed it, especially mummies who married doctors!!! They delay till 3 i think to rule out possibility of links to autism... fyi..

Screaming babies.. i guess they are just exerting their wishes.. for me, distraction works. It is not the most ideal coz by right they have to learn self control but at this age should be ok bah :p

Michelle, babygi

Have u recd confirmation call from shichida? I am To choose 8+ am sat or 4pm. I picked Sunday instead 10.30am

Luckyone: huh? U close it ah. Siao Liao. Ur blog has been a super great help, esp those pic show hw u cook it n d ingredients u used. I really dun knw hw to cook so keep referring ur blog. Can u pls come up a cook book? I buy fr u.

hi, i am selling gifts from friends that do not fit my baby girl. mostly brand new baby girl clothes, shoes, towels, etc. including baby gap dress, camper baby shoes, oshkosh romper. also, some pre-loved & freebies. prices from $1 incl free normal postage. pls PM me if interested.



luckyone, chloemum,

u mums very adventurous with food leh. my kiddo very poor eater. can only eat mushy food. anything too "solid" will cause him to gag. coz he doesn't make use of his 8 teeth to chew!! arghh...


I also try to hold off salt till a bit longer. i will wait till he starts to reject his current foods then i will add little seasonings.

anne raj,

I think i will delay the mmr vaccines until 2 year...

michelle, mrs teo,

i haven't received any calls from shichida... guess i'm further down the waitlist lol

bx: Gagging is very normal. Cos bb need to learn how to swallow other stuff other than milk. Even milk can gag. My ger only has 2 bottom teeth, but she can bite quite well. I try to cut the spaghetti and other noodles into shorter strings so that they can easily fit the spoon and prevent her from pulling them out of her mouth. she does well with rice too, both dry or soaked in soup.

i believe that they will learn to process the foods if they are given the chance to learn.

hello mummies,

Visit http://www.littlekidzcouture.com for babies/toddlers/kids apparels and accessories from US and Australia.

New arrivals from Bluebelle and Ruffle Butts. Cool clothes ranging from leg warmers, tops, bottoms, hats, beautiful wall stickers, height charts, organic clothes and socks etc.. Visit and LIKE on facebook on the top right corner of my website

(you need to login first) please. If you would like to view the collection, please PM me. To join mailing list for new arrivals, upcoming events please PM me your email address, first name and last name.

ALL SMH members enjoy 5% discount off total purchase. Happy Shopping@@

Hello mummies,

I am from the April 2011 thread. I am an authorised retailer of organic babies, toddlers, kids products, supplements and organic skin care.

I have a full range for the following brands such as Organix, Annie's Homegrown, BabyNat, Kiju juices, HappyBaby puffs and melts, Funky Monkey, Surf Sweets, Horizon organic, Peter rabbit. Supplements like Sambucol, Animal Parade, Nordic Natural. Organic skin care includes Green People and Little Innoscents.

I have full range of the Traditional Medicinal (including organic milk tea and pregnancy tea)

Free delivery with min purchase.

If you need to increase flow and supply of BM, I have

Gaia Herbs Lactate Support Liquid Phyto-Caps, 60 caps.

Gaia Herbs Fenugreek Seed Liquid Phyto-Caps, 60 caps.

Traditional Medicinals Organic Mother's Milk Tea, 16 bags

Nature's Plus HerbalActives Fenugreek 350 mg (Vcaps), 60 caps.

Interested. PM me or email me at [email protected]

allu allu mummies,

wow this thread is very quiet...

just an update (hahaha, so that u know that im still 'active' here)

teeth - zaidan has 2. yup, his only 2 bottom teeth.

food - have long give up porridge to him. he doesnt like it. so, its rice and soup. or, breads eg naan, chapatti (his favvy) and nithg that we eat. processed food - no. will wait til at least 18 mths.

walk - still havent walk. sigh... boy likes to take his time

,p will remind u..

born - 40 weeks & 1 day (max out)

umbilical stump drop off - 10 days (max out)

flip - 4 mths

crawl belly up - 6 mths

teeth - 11 mths (almost max out)

hopefully he doesnt max out this one too..

hes almost 13 mths now.



update the going-ons of ur lil un here lah..

Alina, funny updates u have. here's mine


Born - 1st day of 37 weeks (min)

Lift head - 4 months (max)

Flip - 6 months i think (max)

Says "mum mum" - 6 months

Sit unsupported - Almost 8 months

Crawl on fours - Almost 9 months

Cruise - Almost 9 months

Blow kisses, wave bye bye, signal hi, etc - 11 months

Walk unsupported - 13 months

Says "MA MA" and "Bird!" (real bird) and some other stuff - 13 months

I think Chloe does well in her talking and fine motor skills. Bad at movement...

Hi, so quiet here lately.

Anyone interested in playdates end of this month? I'll be a partial stay home mum for 1 week (22 - 30 Jun).

We can meet up at Fidgets, Pillowogs, playgym or any other suggestions?

Evening everyone! FInally have time to log in here.

Gladseow, would love a playdate but I can only make it on weekends[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Regarding screaming babies, Thea was very bad last time but we used some methods and it had actually been minimised.

1. Screams when things are being taken away from her - What we did was to ask her gently, 'Give it to mommy.' And kept repeating it. If she doesn't, slowly, very very slowly pry her fingers away from it. Once you have it in your hand, clap your hands and praise her. Slowly, she will understand that by giving, it is a good behaviour. Nowadays, Thea will always give her balls/water bottles/clothes to my helper/me/MIL and starts to clap. When asked, most times she will give it to us. Other time, need a lot more coaxing. But never snatch it from her, exchanging sometimes work sometime doesn't, so the best way is to ask permission from the great princess of the family.

2. Screams when take her away from playground/kiddy ride/water play: It might sound ridiculous to you but it really works. Simply tell her that she only has 5 minutes more to play. Time the 5 minutes and gently carry her away. Add on to say that 'we'll come back another day, say bye bye to playground'. The first time it worked I thought it was just coincidental, but I tried a few times and it really works. However, in circumstances when you really have to take her away like right away, she'll still scream, but I'll just gently tell her that we'll come back another day and she'll calm down.

You will be surprised by how much they are able to understand.

3.Teach hand signs! Actually, Thea only knows 2 types of signs, 'More' and 'Finish'. 'More' is useful if she wants more water/snacks. 'Finish' is when she is done with her meal. She used to throw her bowl, utensils and water bottle on the floor midway her meal and started screaming and dramatically crying. Now that she knows 'finish', when she throws her utensils and we will asked if she has finished, she will rub both hands together to tell us she's done. We'll take her out from her high chair even if she only has 3 mouthful of porridge. No fuss, no crying.

I hope it helps! If you want to know more about handsigns can google, for me, I am too lazy to teach more but it is really useful so far.

Ok, hope it helps. It's purely from my experience, I didn't read it from book so it might not be the right technique. But so far so good. Not much of kicking a big fuss, when she was a baby her temper was really bad and bad sleeper as well. But now is well under controlled, if Thea can survive without screaming I believe other babies will do even better. Just need to be patient. Breath in breath out.

edie, I also teach my boy sign language like: Milk (opens and close his hand and thumb face up), oishii (is the food nice - touch his cheek).

Yeap agreed that now babies are smarter than our time.

When my boy see dog downstairs, he will point the dog and say "dog" I was so surprised and shock because I only taught him once only! OMG! and when he sees Mickey Mouse's pet, Puto, he also say "dog" He also knows how to say "five" and open his palm!

alina aj, walking, don't worry when the time come, zaidan will walk (^^) Remember about 1 month ++ ago I told you all my boy still can't craw on 4? Now he's able to walk already! He crawls to walks only takes less than 2 weeks!

born - 39 weeks++

Umbilical stump drop off - 1 week later

flip - 4 mths++

crawl on stomach up - 5 mths++

crawl on 4 - 12 mths++

walk and speed - 13 months

teeth - born with 2 teeth below. 1 left top tooth come out 10 mths++ and right top tooth come out 12 mths++

Hi mummies,

Ya.. our little ones are growing like flying rockets after their big 1.

My boy recently refused to shower! And it only happens at home. He's ok when my MIL did it for him at her place. Seriously do not know what has happened and what has gotten him to be frightful to shower at home.

I normally let the water run into his bath tub, I also tried filling the bath tub first, I also tried making shower with me.. But he's simply refused!

I seriously do not know what happen... now, what should I do?

Hi mummies,

its been getting quiet here... i find after they turn 1 ... and start to walk more.. i am getting more temper tantrums ... aargghh...

lucasmummy...ur boy dun want to bathe my girl dun want to brush teeth.. but kids in general like to play water.. i dunno.. maybe let the shower run and sit next to him and let him ownself explore or something?! maybe dun use bathtub?

my girl has been getting difficult.. edie i dunno how u do it.. i tell her 5 minutes more take her away MAJOR MELTDOWN scream fest.. whole place turns and stares at me.. wha kao...

take things away from her slowly pry her fingers away she grab even tighter... and then major meltdown again... in general she does pass things to us.. just certain things she wants to play with and we want to take away she gets soo mad...in fact even before i take it away i tell her 'give to mummy' she hurriedly turns her body away from me and hugs the item to herself and tries to escape... sigh...

i also dunno how to discipline.. especially at public places.. sometimes hurry up hide face grab the screaming baby and walk away hahaha...

Lilstar, i have the same prob when it comes to taking things away, especially when they want it real bad.

I try grabbing her wrist and shake shake shake until it drops. Some time she will find it funny, and drop it. Other times, I try to trick her by pointing somewhere far away to get her attention away and then take the item away. Otherwise, sometimes exchanging works. Or singing some action song. Basically, i think they are very smart bbs, need to change a trick every time, cos they learn very fast.

LucasMummy: you tried asking your MIL to show Lucas @ your house? Sometimes they are just used to a particular person doing something for them, sometimes it's place recognition.

I think they have learnt to associate things together.

Just like how Chloe knows that I have to bring her to bbsitter every morning. So now, it's war every morning. Cos she is scared I will ditch her.


She also knows that when we say gai gai, she must find her shoes and wear them and it's time to go out. She gets extremely excited!

Taking off clothes, she will chiong to the toilet thinking it's bath time, everytime...

hulo mummies..... our May thread v quiet leh... all mummies v busy...

Btw... nw our little ones past 13 mths... do we need to change any diet? Me still giving 2 portion of cereals + porridge for lunch only... enuf ??

Now my boi learns to throw temper loh... anything not to his liking.. just drop down the floor and cry.. dunno where he learn from! Maybe fr other friends @ IFC.. haha..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahaha maggie mee maybe fr my boy? hahaha that's what he did if thing that he doesn't want. But he just "drop" like it's non of his business like that but he didn't cry.

Think it's time for you to increse 1 more porridge/ soft rice at nite? Just throw all ingred in slow cooker to cook in the morning and feed him when you reach home at nite?

luckyone... i eat out leh... by the time i go hm.. 8+9pm liao.. so how to feed him dinner... normally he take cereals @ IFC loh ard 5+pm... den at nite its all milk only.

What do u throw in slow cooker to cook? So act like a soup base? den just add rice in?

Hi mummies, the thing is that I have always been doing the shower in the day at home. There were toys all the time. Like today, me n hubby had a hard time putting him into the water. He held onto me so tightly or struggle his way out of the tub. We could only quickly splash water on him.

In the evening was worst. We kind of force him. He cried so hard even refusing to get changed. It has to be something that might have frightened him. But we simply do not know what is it, how it happens and when it happened. I have even tried showering with him but none works at this point.

Morning Mummies, IT"S FRIDAY!!\(^-^)/

hahaha my boy the opposite side, when we finished to bath him, must pull him off from the tub.

He will start cry, scream and try to hold on something if we say "ok, finished. Let's change"

Hello mummies!!! long time no see no chat.. very busy with work.. miss my lil one so much.. hahaha!

Edie : wat's the handsign for more? teach me!

gladseow / chubbytiger : are u both ok?? Jiayou! if u need support we are all here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi girls, *waves*

Long time no see... been super busy with work, problems at work, baby sick, just back from China. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My baby has about 7-8 teeth now but still need porridge, doesn't like pasta, going to try udon like Luckyone recommend last time. Likes bread though. But still doesn't know how to ask for our food. Think cos from young we just let him sit with us but never offer him our food. haha.

Have a good weekend ahead!!


Hi mummies,

My boy temper is getting fr bad to worse. This was wat happened in the restaurant.

Hayven kept pointing to his papa's glass of coke (ie wanted to have it). So I act smart, took the straw n place it in a glass of water instead. He was happily drinking it. But wen he had enuff , he started to play w it. Used the straw n poke the glass n water splash out so we told him NO but as usual FAILED. then we remove it away. He cried then we gave him the straw but he wanted the glass of water too. Thought mayb he wan to drink water. Wrong lor. We removed it again. This time he cried louder, threw away the straw n BANG the table furiously. This is the 1st time he threw such a huge tantrum. Don't knw hw to teach, man. He seems like don't understand NO, CANNOT, DON'T.....

Any mummies's prince or princess hair v little n fine? Any tips to hv their hair grow mre n coarse. I had shaved his hair wen he was 1mth old. Grow so slow ah. Nw his hair like rambutan.

