(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

You can request the child care teacher feed him milk ard 6pm?

Sometimes we also reach home ard 7:30pm.

I cook my boy dinner about 20 mins.

What I do is:


Rice: Cook 1 day portion. After cooked, switch off the power. Half for my boy IFC lunch and half for dinner.

Vegetables: Cook lunch portion in the morning as the same time cut and chop dinner portion and keep in the fridge.

Fish/Meat: Warp in small (1) portion. Before I step out house in the morning, take out 1 portion and keep in chiller to defrost.

At nite when I reach home, heat up rice, boil the vegetables 1st then add in sauce and meat.

If I only cook dinner for my boy, I normally takes 20 mins, 1 dish. If I cook for us (me, hubby and boy) will be a bit ma fa takes about 30 mins, 1 soup and 1 or 2 dishes.

That why I will prepare all dishes in the morning, at nite after reach home, I can cook immd.

if can, i m prefer to cook dinner which suit for 3 of us..maybe can prepare all dishes a night b4..cox i dun think i able to wake up so early in morning to prepare..haha..


oh no, i caused u to waste money... try again. for me, i cook until really soft so that he doesn't choke coz he always swallow his food without chewing.

Hi Mummies: Hows everyone doing? So Long slient reader, not much movement here too ah...everyones busy ah?

Congrats bb-bao & Adelene, must be exciting!!!Maplemummy....congrats to u too

I hope another baby soon...but i feel so stressed!!! hope i can run away from the happenings around me...so depressed!!!

morning mummies, so many of you going to have another baby. congrats and jiayou!

bb-bao, no need to worry lah, 2nd time mummy already experience, im sure you will be able to cope.

baby dinner, nowadays i'm getting baby to eat the same food as us, so all the dishes is no salt kind. I will make soup using thermal magic cooker in the morning before work. then when i got hm with bb, her dinner will be the soup. my soup is normally full of veg and by the time im hm, the veg will all be soft and nice. if i had time, i will make a side dish for her as well. otherwise, she will just have the soup. in a way, zero preparation needed when i get hm.

Hullo mummies.... anyone can help to recommend any good reputable chidcare in northeast or east area? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies!

Wow bb-bao.. so soon!! Dont feel lonely la.. just a click away and here we are! ;)

Congrats Maplemummy!! I wonder when would be my turn... zzzz

Maggie mee, me moving to Punggol next year May~~ Will also transfer my boy Punggol childcare (^^).

Hopefully can out him near my house 2,3 block away.


I am from the August MTB, and will be holding my son's 1st birthday at Grassroots Club. Saw that the birthday bash is also held there. Can I check if any caterer is used? Is the food good? I am undecided which caterer to go for...thanks.

Hi Glamgem,

We had to order from their designated caterers, and we ordered from Tim Delights , food was ok, not too bad.

maggie mee, nop I will regsiter the one near my house, whick just few block away. my hubby now travel quite often and I don't want my in law to fetch my boy and waste $$ on taxi so have to find a nearest one so in case it's raining season, I don't have to worry (^^)

Hi mummies,

Thanks all mummies...i m still feel excitied.

Luckyone, which part of punggol you would be staying? I am staying in punggol too.

FYI: You must register fast in Punggol Child Care centre,as always full and the waiting list is very long.

Cos this happen to me last year when i want to enrol my girl, baby for infant care. It is full and waiting list is long. I give up and luckily got a pax in sparkletots (PCF) near Bungkok mrt.

Hi mummies..

ya..agreed with wat maplemummy said..must enrol fast no matter which area..for my case, i registered since early tis yr and able to get the slot by tis dec..my friend who just wan to enrol is in the long waiting list..

luckyone, maggie mee, so u must act fast..u can go to the childcarelink to search for the childcare centre n pay a visit is a must..good luck!

Maplemummy, mine near the MRT area. Walking distance~~(^^)~~ Oh! Going to be neighbor soon hehe next time can arrange play date!

happymum, can register yet leh...because the child care school still under construction...

Maybe will call HDB end of the year check the child care school under PAP or private? If is under PAP, probably can register somewhere bah?

Hi Mummies, how are you? Kiddos getting more active and mummies getting more burnt out?

I am still searching for a playgroup near my mil's hse (Bedok Central).Well, I think priority for me should be convienience. Any recommendations?

Hmm.. Gerris got a mouth ulcer since last weekend. Been applying Bonjalo, Chinese Wintermelon powder, Cinnamon powder etc. But, still no use. The ulcer seems to be growing bigger. Should I bring her for doctor's consultation? Heart pain to see her in pain and eating less now.

Hi Gladys, I think u better bring Gerris to see pd..got ulcer is very painful n dun hv appetite..dun say kiddos, even adult also cant stand..hope she get well soon..

Heap mummies, I've printed out the cc listings n collecting more info..but v tedious to checkout d cc....feeling so lazy...

Btw,mummies do u give supplements to yr bbs?

gladseow, ah yoh poor girl, must be very uncomfortable. Yeah, better bring her see PD asap.

Agreed, my boy is getting super active now. My and hubby "bua ta han" liao (^^;)

maggie mee, supplements> VC, fish oil?

Still early leh..think it better to give after 2 year old. But you can consult PD? If giving before 2 year old, better buy from PD instead.

Any mummies start intro "HONEY"?

Now weather very hot thinking to gibve my boy honey to reduce the heat from his body.

Beside "Barley" do you all give other chinese herbal tea to reduce your baby's heaty?

Barley will cause phlegm leh

luckyone.. ive been giving childlife echinacea syrup to my boi for past mths.. i find it helps him to fight flu/colds..

Honey.. i hv not started yet.. not sure is it ok onot...i hvn't research much on tat...

Maggie Mee, I also started my boy on the Echinacea thing... do you give on a daily basis even when he's fine or do you start giving only when he's starting to fall sick ?

Luckyone, I've just started giving my boy honey and so far no adverse reaction.

Michelle, I gv almost everyday but only once in the morning cuz he is in IFC, so can't gv 4x per day as stated. But I tik once everyday sdh be gd enuf..scare too much for him too. Seems like since I started him on this ard 2 mths back bah, he hasn't hv much serious flu/cold.

I plan to start him on childlike colustrum too..

My hb thinks otherwise giving supplements to them saying they shd build immune naturally..but y go thru hard way where we can boost their immune first?sigh..

Hi mummies... monday blues.

Maplemummy, Pinnky, nope my baby can walk walk when i hold his hand but still cannot balance on his own. Oki i go check out shoes. I recently ordered a pair in BP.

BB-bao, Adelene... salute! all the best!

Luckyone, me also similar feelings about ILs. Lucky don't stay tog. Yr MIL lets you use kitchen when you stay w her? my MIL doesn't like me to use when i was staying with her but now when she comes my house, she somestimes will want to wash dishes, inspect kitchen etc. I wonder why your ILs don't cook when they are home? They tapow? I don't like tapow but it's really hard. So exhausting to prep dinner all the time. I'm freezer mum so i make baby food on weekends and defrost daily portions. As for adult's dinner, usually simple soup (errr i use soup stock cube), noodles or buy pre-marinated good at supermarket to stirfry/grill. Feel inspired that you & Mush also cook. Will try to soldier on. Hb help is very important. My hb was on leave a while and he took care of baby. I wake up 5am to prep his lunch & baby food before going to work. So tiring.... But thankfully he is more proactive now and can feed, change & play with baby without me asking. Hee hee.

Work: Hmm... part time job is hard to find. i also wish i can work less but with less pay.... how to manage high expenses? LUckyone, i think your MIL very mean. In the past, one salary is enough but now, we share hb's load financially so it's less stressful for them. She doesn't understand you are helping her son too??? Can't wait for you to get your own place. It will be really much more fun & your marriage will improve!!

hello may 2010 mummies, it's been a long while since i have posted! hope everyone's doing well and enjoying their bundles of joy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats to bb_fairy and adeline to #2 coming up! and to maple mummy!

luckyone: i am still quite kiasu, dun dare to give my girl honey yet, cos i understand <1yr give honey not good for brain development? so think i will hold off for a while more...

Hullo mummies..... having monday blue although still hv haf a day left......

Anyhow.. can mummies recommend any good shoes for our toddler now? My boi can walk quite fast now.. n he still wearing those "soft baby shoes". Is it appropriate or i shd get him some "hard soles" type??

re:swim floats

Any mommy have their little one reject the babyseat float?

My boy is using it for a few months now, and has been rejecting it lately!

He's too small for a ring or arm floats..but cant sit still in the babyseat..he keeps fussing and pushing with his hands to 'escape'...very dangerous esp when i hold on to his float to swim as well.

Any mom have experience using the konfidence float jackets?

Hi mummies,

Indeed, I can't cook too...

By the time we bring baby home from IFC, will be around 7pm.. will just give him milk or at most cereals...

Luckyone: read that you have a blog with recipes? Can share again? Thanks in advance

maggie mee, maybe you can get slightly harder sole shoes? too soft not too good for feet development i think..

maybe can try little blu or smethg, if have budget, pediped and see kai run are quite good. or can try colette? i know of this place called kidstyle (i think), where you can trade in your shoes and get new shoes. not too bad, cos can get baby adidas etc for about $30.

any mummies giving their babies cheese? am thinking of introducing but not sure what is good as first cheese..

Smak.... i give laughing cow cheese for some time leh... the triangular cube... he loves it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maggie mee, i bought from kiddy palace.. not bad ah $20.. fox cheaper $15 to $20.

cheese - gave quite sometime back too. he likes the normal chedder and triangle cube. lurves the cheese spread the most.

i have also been giving cheese on and off for a while already. The standard sandwich sliced cheese and laughing cow cubes.

Have also been giving yoghurt. Tried the UHT cow's milk, but she doesn't really seem to like it.

I got pedipeds for my ger. Very good. She is sort of trying to learn how to wear them. But she is better at taking them off. Wearing should take her quite a long while to learn.

Think I will only change to the harder soles when her feet out grows her 2 pairs of pedipeds and 2 pairs of StarChild. I don't really like StarChild. Very hard to wear and take off. No buckle one. Waste money. But it's good for those just learning to walk cos the sole is like 2 layers of leather. Good feel of ground.

Honey: have been giving regularly after turned 1 year old. what type of brain development will it afffect? Hmm...i thought it's good for health.

Cheese: did not get good response. tried cheddar, emmental, cream cheese.

Shoes: thanks for tips, i tried kiddy palace, didn't like the style. New Balance Shop has some nice sets but more like for gifts. Hmm... not sure where to find trade in but sounds like good value!

Home Help: Sigh, i used Dom**** O** agency to get part time cleaner, charged me so high and the latest one they sent is very bad. Leaves big puddles of water in kitchen after cleaning, will put everything into baby bed while mopping floor. today's last straw -- put cockroach trap from under playpen into baby toiletries basket while cleaning. ugh!! called agency the guy said just passed 1yr contract so have to pay again to get new cleaner. it's like $100 leh! Ugh Ugh Ugh. Anyone has good aunty to recommend? Just need once a week for general cleaning & ironing.

hi wanderleibe,

see this link about honey, sorry, not brain development but more of intestinal issues for honey consumption under 1 yr old: http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/infantbotulismhoney.htm

though my girl is now about 14 mths, think i will be kiasu and only intro in a few months time :p

thanks wonderful mummies for your recommendation - i will buy the laughing cow cheese for my girl and hope she likes it! am still quite "anal" about food choices to my girl. haha... kiasee...

mummies, found it! check this out re kidstyle. my sis in law tried before and managed to get aa pair of adidas for her girl at abt $30 i think - there are a few outlets (see link), maybe you wanna call up and ask if the promo is still on, think it is). http://www.greatdeals.com.sg/2010/09/17/kidstyle-shoe-trade-in-offer/


I got my Pedipeds from http://www.debabyshoppe.com.

Current promo is 20% off regular price pedipeds.

I went for the "clearance items" for $35 each. I thot was a really good deal for the quality. I also bought them a bit bigger (18 to 24 months) so that the shoes can last longer. If a bit loose just wear with socks. The shoes have been at work for almost 2 months now. Been through playgrounds, overseas holidays, shopping etc. The soles and insoles still in good condition. Just not so clean anymore. haha...

During GSS, Mothercare had promotion for See Kai Run and Pedipeds, but 2 get 1 free or something like that.

Hello Everyone....

Discussed with some mummies about a playdate. Anyone keen? Lets see the numbers first then we choose venue, k?

Date is 23 July 2011 (Saturday) after lunch.

- SN

- evejol

Hi SN ,

Count me in for now, will confirm again later.

23 July (Saturday) Playdate (after lunch)

- SN

- Evejol

- Michelle (maybe)

Teng, I closed my blog liao. No time to manage cause now addicted to baking to reduce my STRESS~~

I will upload my "作品" on facebook.

ChloeMum, Yeap saw the pict from facebook how little Chloe remove her clothes (^^)

Cheese, after 1yr, a lot of cheese can eat liao.

beside slice cheese, I'm giving my boy mozzarella and cream cheese too.

23 July (Saturday) Playdate (after lunch)

- SN

- Evejol

- Michelle (maybe)

- edie

Yea, finally can meet you, SN!

Sheryl, Thea hates hates hates all kinds of floats. She prefers free and easy.

Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 - 5:25 pm:       

23 July (Saturday) Playdate (after lunch)

- SN

- Evejol

- Michelle (maybe)

- edie

- mrs Teo (Vivy)

23 July (Saturday) Playdate (after lunch)

- SN

- Evejol

- Michelle (maybe)

- edie

- mrs Teo (Vivy)

- mush

but can meet before lunch instead? baby will go down for nap after lunch.


Can't join in the playdate fun this time, meetup again next time.

Cholemum, thanks for the link.their shoes look so good!

Edie,got s a ring n 2 arm bands, he likes the ring as there's more freedom, and doesnt know how to use the armbands..tried the swimtrainer and he's used to sitting upright and cant balance downwards. ah well, let him play with water till he's older[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

