(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


Re: Teething diarrhea - Just happened to went through this forum, I'm from Apr mtb. Regarding teething diarrhea, my bb had that for 11 days when she was 6-mth-old, poo 4-6 times a day usually after feed. I will open her diaper and let her poo about 15 mins after feed, then go wash the bum. This way, the poo did not get in contact with her skin and therefore no nappy rash. If let the poo get in contact with the skin sure will get nappy rash or redness.

Since your girl is with IFC in the day, they probably won't be able to clean it immediately that's why bad nappy rash. Anyway to ask IFC to let your girl poo after feed? Also, for pee only don't use wet wipes, use wet hanky is better. Wet wipes will irritate the skin.

Heard from experienced mums that give bb some rice porridge will improve the teething diarrhea.

Re: Change diaper when sitting - My bb also does not let me change diaper. Every time put her down she will get up so frustrating. So I have to resort to change diaper with a sitting baby on my lap. As long as you know the spot to Velcro and check the leak guards it can be done. Now bb likes to crawl here and there, so stress looking after..


Morning..'waves waves'

Mummies here installed cctv at home to monitor maid movement when we are out for work where there is no one else supervise them. Can share...


Hellooo Mummies! Next week CNY!!

I'm so scare of the 1st day...because have to go a lot of places visiting those people I don't well...sit in the living room and keep my silly smile whole day...

I hope my boy will avoid all these visiting when he grow up, very tiring one.

Any of your baby still craw on stomach?

I tried to trained my boy many times but don't he's lazy or really can't craw on his knee? Keep crawling on his stomach and push with his arms..haiz...so worried...

Luckyone, my bb also crawling on stomach but we can see him trying to lift his tummy off the floor and be in the position to crawl with his knees but still a bit wobbly... prob their arms are still not strong enough bah...

hi luckyone, i am trying your method to explain to my bb why i need to change his diaper, why he cannot scream with no valid reasons....a few times he looked at me and seems to understand then a few mins later, he will start screaming again....*argh!!*

this really going to take lotsa of my patience not to "strangle him"!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning mummies!! yes cny next wk.... not sure will bb cry cuz first time go visit hse with many pple....

luckyone.. dun worry... my boi one week crawl on stomach ..then one day suddenly can crawl on knees!!! very fast..

Luckyone, babygi: my girl is not even crawling. wahahaha... she can navigate herself round in circles very well on her stomach though. but no displacement. =P she can go on all fours with knees off ground, and at times go into sitting position (maybe 5% of the time. HA!)

in any case... she has learnt to stand with support (but she doesn't do it very well) and shows signs of cruising.

i'm just waiting for her to get sick of the standing and return to sitting or crawling.

Jo: Wear clothes on tummy, is ok for me. cos i make her wear bodysuits, or tshirts and shorts. no front buttons.

PJs got buttons, so need to put on the hands and legs and button as many buttons on the legs and groin area before i turn her around or sit her up to finish the rest.

Re Changing diaper...

Mummies can trial n error to see what catches attn of bb....i tik something that will soothe them... me will sing lullaby n nursery rythmes... esp his fav song.. it does calm him n stop him crying for a while long enuf for me to change his diaper...

anyway now i use pull up pants if go outside... cuz fast n easy

I have a hard time to change diaper for my baby, maple too.. she tend to flip & sit or crawl away.. if i put her back, she will scream n cry.. I tried to give her something to attract her attention, sometime work, sometime not! Like having a war fight with her...

any mummies got any idea?

Recently, maple is down with flu, coughing virus... feel so sad.. hope she can recover fast as CNY is coming..

Sharon... my boi too down wif cough n phlegm but i jsut give him flumicil and prospan... from the last PD visit... hopefully will recover... if not tis wkend must go c doc b4 CNY all PD close

Hi Luckyone,

My baby crawl on stomach for the longest time, maybe about 1 month before he decide to crawl on his knees. Now, he still crawl on stomach when he thinks he is not moving fast enough. I think once your boy is ready, he will crawl on knees. Don't worry. I thot leopard crawl is okie also. Some babies skip the crawling stage altogether.

Chloemum, find that sit down velcro not tight lei, need to lay Castiel down again and re-velcro, then the baby started crying and screaming. Aiya, really dunno what's wrong with a few mins of laying down and letting me put on his diapers for him.

blurangel, LTNS!!! I think screaming and all is really normal. Thea also screams and whines, I hope it's just a phase. I think they will change and became better. Like Thea, she used to love the dog at my parent's place, but now she's scared of him. And, she loves to eat last time, but now super picky about food. Sigh... just take it easy. My hubby will scold her when she screams and get really angry with her then after that she will be guai guai. One day, my hubby got really angry while changing diaper for her, and he just walked away and shouted, 'i don't want to talk to you already'. Like a kid right, then Thea just looked at him with her puppy dog eyes. I carried her and brought her to my hubby and said, 'kiss daddy' then she leaned forward and kiss him. Aiyo... how to be angry with them??!!

chloemum, Thea also see mood one la, not all the time she'll do for you but I think my helper teaches her a lot of things, like 'bye bye'. High five was quite random, cos for me everytime she does something right i'll say, 'give mummy high five.' of course she was also gong gong, did not know what was all about, i'll just take her hand and place against mine. Then one fine day, we were preapring to go out and she was very excited, so I just say give mummy high five, and she herself high 5 me. So funny!

CNY: I'm so not looking forward, so is every mummy going to prepare lunch & dinner in the morning first or how ah? Hubby and I thought just feed her the same porridge for both meals. Any thoughts?

CNY: i think i will feed oat porridge or cereal at the 1st meal. den cook porridge for her 2nd meal and bring out lor. worse case scenario, will need to make sure got different dishes for her 2 cereal feeds. Chloe very troublesome, if we give her the same thing she had earlier in the day, she will refuse to eat.

Impulse: sit down change diaper not tight cause the stomach is at the "fattest". Lie down the stomach will sink tt's why can velcro more. That could also mean too tight when bb is sitting down. haha... i just try to velcro as tight as i can for Chloe in sitting or tummy position. so far ok. but i will try very hard to make her lie down to change her diaper before putting her to bed at night, cos i scared midnight leak. daytime still ok. cos we change her more often like about every 4 to 5 hrs or after she poos. night time cannot take the risk.

blueangle, ethan scream is not that bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let me know once you got back home, i just open by pasta star, can pass some to you.

lucasmummy, lucas is a textbook baby! his feeding schedule and amt is just like what the discribed on the books. how did you go about getting him to drop the mid morning feed? you give the same porridge for lunch and dinner? now sophie dinner is more like snack time, eat fruits only.

edie, actually i kind of dread cny this year. need to visit so many place on the 1st day, still have to feed baby, then they naps time all go crazy. still have to spring clean my messy house and my in laws coming my place for reunipn dinner. so many things to do but so little time.

any mummy can recommend a plastics bib? i misplace my combi bib. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hmm... screaming and flipping baby whilst changing diaper.. sounds very familiar... she flip i turn her over scream... shove wet wipes packet in her face... dun want scream somemore.. give her nappy rash cream tube.. put in mouth take away scream... give her baby moisturiser tub... and then it continues for the whole session.. most of the time she remains on her back so its still ok.. i have learnt to put her clothes on whilst she is still holding things too... but normally ends up with me sitting on the bed using one knee and 2 arms to hold her in position.. hahah...

there's just so many things to see and take and put in the mouth and touch and fiddle who wants to change diapers!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

changing diaper:

Cole also doesnt like to have his diaper changed. Everytime put him down on his back, the moment i take off his diaper, he will flip back up and sit or crawl away! most of the time i have to pin him down with my legs & change his diaper... thats if i dun have any help otherwise hb will usually hold his legs while i change his diapers... then Cole will be crying away cus probably feel against his will kekeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So far for both my kids, they dun have teething diarrhoea. Cole now has 6 pearlies and i think more are sprouting out cus he has been drooling A LOT. There was once Cole poo-ed like 4x a day but i suspect cus my ils instigate my girl to feed him honey!


ya man talk about CNY... i went to ask my hb so we will do some planning before the day... wanna be totally prepared. With my girl last time, we couldnt do much visiting - only visited 3 relatives. She was screaming away so we wanna be totally prepared this yr and make him as comfortable as possible. As for his meals, COle will eat his breakfast first at home, then we'll go visiting. THen lunch & dinner is the same food. He's used to it and not fussy about his meal so Thank God! i'll need to prepare more snacks for him to munch on.

Cole is putting everything in his mouth... everything except food. Food he expects me to feed him! Aiyo like some little king! He's also cruising and occasionally he will pull himself up with support and then let go and manage to stand on his own for 2 secs. i'm gonna be so busy running after him. so scared he will fall and hit his head or break his tooth... scary...

Hello mummies!!

All have CNY 'baby-mare' more than the joy of celebrating huh? Heheh.. dun worry, all will fall well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Changing diaper is like an EPIC task for all mummies period! So just gotta master the skill of it.

Raihan is 9 months today! YEY!! Finally his bottom 2 teeth are saying hello. Standing on his own with no support and walking with whatever support he gets in his way. SUPER MOBILE!!

Am gona attempt to make chocolate cake today to celebrate his 9 mth burthday! :p

I heard a cry for plastic bibs! Ikea has them! DIRT CHEAP! 2 for $2.90. At their children's ssection.

Mummies can u help me vote!! -- http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/photo.php?fbid=173860979323504&set=a.172948416081427.34325.122690097773926

i chose this picture to make a statement that a child can really bring a couple closer together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] THANKS IN ADVANCE!!

Hi mummies,

CNY: Didn't realise I need a plan for my little boy. Hmmm..... He can tahan very long when he is out. Perhaps he can survive with power naps in the car.. haha. Ok... Looks like I really need to roughly work out something huh...

Mush: Hmm... Haaa... Ermm... I introduce solid since 5.5 months starting from breakfast... Then at 7 months, I introduce dinner... Then at 8 months I introduce lunch. Didn't really have any method in dropping his mid morning feed. Lunch and dinner is cooked seperately. Normally, I will also try to give fruits in between feed. On some days when I am running out of time or in a hurry, I will give soft rusks for breakfast and cereals for dinner, or skip entirely and just give milk..

mush, I have combi one can give to you.

You PM me your address. But is't too small?

My boy totally can't used leh.

Plastic bibs, I have few plastic one without support below type (fr mother care too).

Any mother interested to have it?

I bought the plastic bib with support below fr Muji Japan. Super good to use!

maggie mee, ChloeMum, impulse41, my boy craw on stomach about 1 month ++ already. Totally no improvement. No sign of standing yet, even sitting also shaking shaking...I guess my boy being lazy to learn...Maybe we carried him too much. But how to don't carry him? When he's crying with tears from his big eyes, you just can't bear to carry him hehe

The combi bibs, I opened the cover but haven't use before. The mother care plastic bib received from IFC X'mas gift last year, got 3 pcs.

AR, u mean raihan can go from sitting to standing by himself? with no support?? he is so advanced!!

My end may bb still not crawling!! Only thing he has is 3 teeth at the bottom plus lotsa saliva.. :p

yo edie, yup really LTNS!! haha :p

actually i do skim thru here and there, but hardly got time to post anything...these 2 weeks moved back to my parent's place, hence got a bit of "personal" time..but moving back next wk when my hubby flies back from his long biz trip... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hopefully its a phase for ethan's screaming...i am dreading gog back with him like that..coz it only started this few weeks...so scared that my in-laws will make "comments" abt why ethan become so "horrible".. *groan*

mush, will be back next week...during cny, i am thinking of getting ethan's food from the petit bowl. wan to share? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckyone, the combi bib is a bit small but quite convenient and Sophie look cute in it. Maybe I can go get it from you?

Blurangel, when will you be goin to peitit bowl? Come my place when u r back at kovan k. I portion out some pasta stars for u.

chloemum, chloe so smart and fussy, don't want to eat same food. I am also like that, she's like an adult already.

Mush, ask you hubby to help!!! Mush_hb, if you're reading.. help your wife ah!!!!

Lilstarz, hahaha! I think I am in the same situation as you. Before I even put her down, I had already shoved her wipes, watch her cue and when she wants to turn, must quickly give her diaper cream. One time, she grabbed the nearest thing and it was her soiled diaper and she had crap all over her hands... tough job man.

ylc, yup, I think we'll need to prepare a lot of snacks for them. I just hope she won't have stranger anxiety, and just want to cling to me the whole time when in a crowded house.

blurangel, haiya... ignore those comments. I am hoping it's just a phase also. So, I really admire full time mom who has to take these screamings and cryings the whole day.

AR... I'm talking about u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you seem to be enjoying your full time job very much.

Lilstarz and Edie: hi^5! I'm in the same situation with u two! Every diaper change I must get ready several toys and see her cue.. Once she sick of one toy, quickly got to get new one before she flip over! This few days my girl having nappy rash so wanna air her bum for few times.. But whenever she stand and cruise (with support) she will urine and wet whatever that's near her..

Ya.. Really salute to those sahm Mommies and also those working Mommies that still prepare all solid meals for bb.

My girl doesnt seem will have stranger anxiety cos she will smile at pple in the lift and those Mommies, baby in the clinic.. I'm jus worried that she'll be scared by the attentions that she will be getting as she kinda of the limelight of her daddy family.

For bb food in cny.. Think if we gonna be out whole, all her meals gonna be cereal and milk.. Unless our visiting are in the afternoon.. I'll make porridge for lunch and dinner.

In fact, I always feed her in high chair or pram..(got safety belts to prevent her from moving too much) But if going for visiting.. Dun think I'll be bring the pram.. Dunno how my girl will behave if we ask her to sit on lap for feeding.

Genice-- Hahah! Sorry, too many words in one sentence. What I meant is that he would independantly find a support and stand on his own while clinging onto the support source.

Even now, few secs before I was about to type this msg, I heard sound of my glassware!!-- I rushed to the kitchen (hb watching tv in the hall), Raihan opened one of my kitchen cabinet drawers (its a wide one with my serving ware) and was trying to take my plates out!!

Hb thought i was watching him and i thought hb was watchign him! hahaha!

Edie-- Yes I truly enjoy the ups and downs of SAHM-hood. But savings depleted already. No more say, no more power.. bec $$$ talks mah.. so looking for PT job to manage personal expenses.

OMG!!! After I typed the above, my hb called me. He had Raihan on the lap (after the above mentioned kitchen incident) and both were watchign a variety show. The song number is towards it end. Then when the item ended, the audience clapped, then Raihan also clapped on his own in response to the show!!!! It happened all 3 times they showed the audience clapping!!! OMG!!!! I just had to go squeeze him so tight!!

Jojo-- am a bit lazy la.. everyday dun do much hsework. And if i cant make soilds on time, just give him cereal. But must cook food for hb most of the time. And basic cleaning must be done. And to top all that.. with a mobile child.. very difficult...

hi hi!

finally able to log in to read the posts. am on mc. flu, coughing, runny nose the works..

work is sooooo taxing. the work mood after 6 mths of absence is off. sometimes am in the loop, sometimes out. felt lost most of the time..

envy u sahms.

AR -> raihan lurves the kitchen huh? zaidan lurves the toilet. push the door, bifoldable door and crawls in. so dangerous. currently using his rocker to block.

luckyone -> some babies do commando crawls. Then, go straight to standing/cruising/walking. skip the normal crawling.. dont worry.. =)

Edie, mush-hb improve alot liao. He is the one who do all the mopping and sweeping now. So cannot comPlain. Of course there's still room for improvement. Hee...

Sahm, I'm full of admiration and envy for u ladies. This is such a thankless job but u gals still do it. How I hope that I'm as courageous.

Bf-ing, mummies who still bf-ing, anyone manage to get bb on a 3 milk 3 solid schedule? With such infreq output, how do maintain supply? I want to bf till bb turn one but supply has been dropping. Getting very tough to bf.

mush, i'm not working next monday maybe will go orchard for last min shopping. you pm me whether you can meet me.

alina aj, I hope so, Thanks (^^)

AR, wow! Raihan very smart hor! know so many thing already! I think my boy confirmed is a "slow" baby. He only high five to us when he's in good mood. Other than that, no suprise for us at all...I guess from now on, I have to spend more time with him.

Mummies, If you hold/ grab your baby hand to learn/ do some action, they refuse to let you hold/grab their hand? When I hold my boy's hand trying to teach him something, he always refuse and pull back his hand...haiz so diff to teach...

Luckyone: don't think weiwei is a slow baby lar. i think he is a smart baby. he prefers to be carried and lying down. save energy to do other stuff!

Petit Bowl! How did I forget abt them? I can use them for CNY! OMG! Thanks blurangel for the reminder!

ChloeMum, Thanks! Um..hope so loh...

Baby food on CNY, I will still cook..good excuse for not joining my hubby's family gathering hahaha..

no prob chloemum! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thot they have quite a cool concept...if i am working and have no time to cook, i would prob consider using them as a mean for my bb's food.

mush, call u when ethan is zzz...let's strategize! hahaha :p

Mummies, so sad.. my cake turned out like kueh... really really sad.. but funny thing.. its a very good tasting kueh... REally sad.. sob sob...

Luckyone-- dun say like that la.. ur boy advanced in the food and teeth department. Raihan the teeth now only saying hello. Still havent come out yet. The food department also a little bit slow..

I am going to sob over my failed cake.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

AR, at least its still edible... i cant even bake betty crocker.. somehow cant get it out right..

raihan got no teeth?? hi-5! zaidan still toothless. but, his gum is hard enuff to mash watermelons, rockmelons etc etc.. (soothing self...)


just read abt condensed milk.

??? its a strict no-no. even cc, must use powdered milk eg nestle (the yellow tin). even for milo, horlicks etc.. some higher end centres even serve fresh milk eh..

can complain to mcys. anonymous call. if the centres awarded with healthy eating award, lagi kena..

heartpain for u..

Hi mummies..

Happy Chinese New Year & Gong Xi Fa Cai!! Me last day of work and will leave tonight to my hubby's hometown in M'sia..see u guys on Chu 6..hv a great great holidays ya!!

Re: beetroot / spinach

ya these 2 veg are like double-edged sword - they are so nutritious but at the same time, we should not overdose!

" ...home-prepared infant foods from vegetables (eg, spinach, beets, green beans, squash, carrots) should be avoided until infants are 3 months or older, although there is no nutritional indication to add complementary foods to the diet of the healthy term infant before 4 to 6 months of age."

By 6 months of age (the age at which most medical professionals agree babies are ready for solid foods) their bodies are far better equipped to deal with the nitrates that occur in certain foods.

As an added precaution, it is often recommended that the cooking water from boiling beetroot be discarded rather than incorporated back into your baby's food. This is because nitrates may leach into the water during the cooking process.

Read more: http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/beets-baby-food.html#ixzz1CK1kmjkr

in case anyone's keen, i have 4 tins of Nestle NAN2 probiotics $10ea ... just drop me a pm will do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


SOS! dear Mommies, can i ask if a 8mth old baby can take flu medicine? if yes, what medicine was prescribe for your baby? i gave my gal iliadin nasal drop but it's not helping.

