(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hellooo All Pretty Mummies! 新年快楽!

Today finally can relax haha...now sitting at starbucks enjoying my nice coffee!!

Looking for a Brea~~k since last year Dec! Been sick and sick, busy and busy with work and house work. Now finallly can take a short break before CNY! Later meeting 2 mummies go for a ncie lunch!

My girl jus recovered from her runny nose and cough.. But my Pd Nv gave me antamin ( I Nv ask also la). In the end, it's actually virus infected, so must go on antibiotic. But that antibiotic caused my girl to have loose bowel and bad nappy rashes..

Luckyone: finally u can take a break le..

Lin: I dropped a note to MCYS and HPB to ask on the condensed milk and other related food stuff.. Updates u Mommies once I get their replies.

Jus in case I can't drop in the next few days, Happy Lunar New Year to all Mommies! 新年快乐! Huat ar!!

And all the best to all of us on lst year CNY visitings with our little ones!


long time no hear from u..haha...on leave today..wanted to clean up my messy place but candice is not feeling well...zz...been coughing since sat..brought her to the doc at dawson place bt not getting any better..mum just calls and told me she vomitted. gg to bring her to PD at hougang later...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hows thea? missed her...hehe...

candice is vvv notti now...whenever i wanna change her or dress her, she tend to shout and flip and crawl..till i get angry and hubby will walk in and scolds me...always telling m e shes still young and need a lot of patient for me to understand....i was telling him, ya patient mayb he can change roles wif me..hahhaa.,,lolx...

but she seems to be so sweet at times...u are def right..hw to get angry wif them for long? :p

ok ok..gt to go now..gg to pick her up and to the pd b4 it gets too crowdy....see u ard..

Any Mommies using enfamum or enfapro formula?? Can pass me 1 tin foil of the milk formula??

Cos my membership with enfa is expiring and to renew, I need to submit one of the tin foil.. But my girl drinking enfalac still..

Hi May 2010 Mummies! I'm mother of a baby girl born May 2010. I'm a FTWM. Glad to meet you all here for exchange of ideas and for mutual support.

Yaya.. It's really very quiet.. So not used to it..

Mommies: am I being difficult or fussy if I'm going to stop my girl's IFC from feeding her: Pandan cakes, ice-cream, yogurt, buns with fillings, nuts (cashew and almond)?? Cos these food are the normal range that we adults eat, not especially cater for babies. I might also want to stop red/green bean soup cos they add sugar to it too..

Hmmm.. Am I right to do that?? The teachers said they feed these food is to train their taste.. But I believe eventually when they are older, they will eat those stuff right??


For me, I will not let my ger to expose such food till later stage. I saw my fren feeding his 1yo boy fried chicken & fries, which deep inside me is a NO NO. I'm targeting to let my ger taking home cooked food till 2yo (if she or me can tahan :p). Anyway, It all depends on individual, I must say. Yes, you are right. They going to expose to such food later. Why in hurry to 'train' them.

Yes, today very quiet. I've been enjoying reading. But today, nothing much to read. CNY near the corner, yet no mood at all :s

Anyway, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all mummies...

Hi! Am a mom of a may 2010 boy.. Good to read so many relevant stuff here!

Reading abt e feeding.. N I must be v slow..still feeding only pureed fruits n veg + cereal, n just starting meat porridge.. Did I read Pandan cake n buns n nuts? Isn't that a bit too soon? :p

Morning Mummies!!!

Eve of CNY ! but me still working leh....

Jo... i totally agree tat they shd not eat processed food at this stage... i asked my IFC before and they say only feed porridge & cereals to my boi... hopefully its true loh... dun wat my boi to eat those artificially flavoured food leh.


maggie mee, im working as well. but nothing to do one lah. dont know why my boss still want me to come office. so now im just surfing internet, read forum, do nothing... haha....

jo, u are not being too fussy. i wont let my gal eat all those process food as well. ever when buying baby food, i will read the label carefully, making sure that there's no salt or sugar or any artificial stuff in it. i think im even more fussy then u, in terms of food. how they give babies nuts? it's a high allergy food and it post a choking hazard.

NHK, i had a friend who nv cook for her 2yr old gal, always tabao outside food for her. so till now her baby main diet is still milk. see already xin tong but she wont listen to advice. plus her gal very skinny, only 10kg at 2yr old.

My boi down with cough n phlegm again... mummies...any idea how to remove phlegm???he has been taking medicine for so long.. not sure if its good for him onot...

Happy Chinese New Year everybody. Hope the year of the rabbit will be a good one for all. Just imagine the next time tiger comes round again our babies will be turning 12 yo! Glup!

Welcome to pringles jem and ponpon.


Enjoy the long break.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gong Xi Gong Xi!!

Wishing all mummies a happy & prosperous lunar new year...


welcome welcome pringles jem & ponpon!

Jo ---> u are not being fussy lah.. Im super bohchap but those food are too ridiculous ah.. ice-cream?? nuts?

uh-oh. lil kiddo is awake.

happy happy holz.. ,>>


my gal is drinking enfapro now..i can pass u if u wan...u can pm me ur add i can pass u...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let me knw ya..

happy new yr to all mummies here..im down wif flu and cough from my gal too....


my gal is coughing badly too...brought her to gp on sunday and PD on monday night cos scared her cough will not go away during cny.....glad its better...wat did ur doc prescribe to ur bb? my pd gave her one cough syrup and another one for her phelgm...and anti biotic too..gald shes much better now...

Happy new year everyone!

my singtel mio tv crashed and can't watch the telly for 2 days.(not that we ever watch much tv in the first place/ boring program selections)

It's fixed now and back to watching football on a Saturday night.;pp

Mommies, any suggestions of brands/ models of a smaller stroller? It's nearing time to put my big graco one away and bring in the slimmer stroller.;)

Hi all, I have 400g Mamil Gold Step 2 to let go.

Comes with a $5 discount voucher for subsequent purchase.

Pls PM for details. Thanks.

Happy CNY Mummies! Hope everyone had a great time resting at home (mummies who do not celebrate CNY), rushing round & round visiting (mummies who celebrated CNY).

So glad that the maddness over the last 4 days is finally over! Am so happy that Lil Chloe put up the best performance over the last 4 days of visiting (almost). But, somehow, she grew stuck to me after the 1st day. Not sure if it's because she got frightened by the hoards of people on the 1st day of CNY. Only got better yesterday, and more willing to let other people carry her.

Good Morning! First day at work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No mood

BB teething during CNY period... 1st teeth spourting for the rabbit year!! haha... but super cranky loh while visiting...

Hello mummies!!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!! I have a blast of a weekend with my family. Harris Batam resort was excellent! But their spa retreat was a bumper-- poorly maintained jacuzzi and sauna.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Now must start preparing for Raihan's 1st birthday! Ahhh!! Lots of work!!

Happy Bunny Year to Mummies!

Want to find out what are your babies' sleeping arrangement currently?

Mine was sleeping in baby cot til' about 3+ mths. When I returned to work (after maternity leave), I got too tired/ lazy from breastfeeding in the middle night and started to let her sleep with me and husband after feeding. Soon, she became a "permanent resident" on our bed refused to sleep in her cot anymore (I didn't try very hard either :p)

Any mommies tried sleep training their babies? Mine still wake up 1 to 2 times at night to feed (fully breastfed, but started solid food). I still can't bring myself to train her to sleep through... how is it possible to let baby cry leh?

Please share your experience. Thanks!

My baby was sleeping with me since birth and now we have 2 queen size bed side by side so she can choose to sleep with me or daddy.

Baby 1st birthday

Have any one order the cake? Till now only the venue is fix tat all, thinking to buy balloon but it seem so expensive and useless after the party cos on her baby shower we buy lots of Balloon and after the party it just float around the house doing nothing. Saw some ppl holding spree for th balloon, do u gal know whether we can buy the gas tank ourself?

hi pringles,

my baby has been crawling pass me and hubby at night, tossing and turning.. it has became too dangerous for her to sleep on our bed. Cot is not an option as its too small for her (she tends to hit the sides even with bumper)

so yday we went metro at sengkang to get a king sized bed topper. place on the ground... layer with 2 quilted blankie... its quite oomfy. i'll try to upload an image which i took last nite - nto sure if it works here..

i wanted to get the foldable mattress but its all single-sized which my baby would prolly roll out of.. so a bed topper is the alternative. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/5084011.jpg]

A R ,

are u gonna start a spree on balloons soon?

i have no ideas where bb's 1st bday will be. Will not do catering at home since MIL says its troublesome to have guests in the house...

its only 3mth away!!!

Hellooo Mummies! Feeling super tired after CNY can't adjust myself back to work after the long break~~um..actually CNY It's not break for me...

Haha..now then I know my boy, anyone can carry, as long the person is standing haha

Yeah...left 3 months! So fast haha last year ard this time, I organized a May 2010 Mummies gathering at Tampines Swensen. All our baby haven't pop out yet.

Pringles.... my bb sleep with me on our queen size bed n HB on the mattress loh... cuz easier for me to tend to him in the nite if he wakes..

Mrs TEo.. yr room so big can accomodate another king size topper? Wow its looks so comfy i wish to sleep in it!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the topper is king but when put on floor, then scrunched at the sides... is actually quite small le. hehehe

to prevent her from rolling out of it, i put 2 bolsters, 4 pillows around the sides to creat a "wall"

hopefully this tossing and turning will stop soon (i am hoping 2-4mths) then i can still use the bed topper for my bed.

Mrs Teo: that looks so comfy. its good alternative plan. My baby also toss and turn alot. when he is on our bed at times during the night, we get the kicks and plunges. on sunday morning, i woke up to find his head on my arms. i was wandering he got tr. last night when in to chcek on him and found him at the foot of my bed even though we placed pillows ard him. not so safe. And his cot is quite small too.

Luckyone, AR, Mrs Teo:

Oh yes its 3 more months to go... I have confirmed on the venue but still wandering where to get the cake. My husband suggested getting a 3D car cake...any suggestion where we can get it?

haha... everyone is facing the same problem... bb tossing ard alot during sleep.. but im light sleeper... & my bb always stick to me when sleeping so i can feel him.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Adelene, Mrs Teo, MaggieMee and Anne for your replies. It seems surprisingly common for babies this age to co-sleep with parents. A few weeks ago, my baby had a fall from the bed despite barricaded with pillows (i only stepped out of the room for a few seconds). My hb also been complaining that he can't sleep well coz he afraid of hitting baby accidentally in his sleep. So, I think it is about time I think of alternatives.

Yes Mrs Teo, the cot is too small now and she tends to hit the sides despite bumper. Time to remove the "white elephant" cot from our room. Your bed topper with quilted blankie looks super comfy (Yr baby certainly looks so in the pic! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Yes, been advised to put baby on floor mattress to sleep.. but finding floor space in the bedroom is another headache... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Maggie mee, I also light sleeper... had previous training from being on-calls & on shifts :p I actually enjoy sleeping on the same bed with baby... but guess I've to let go for baby's safety. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pringles... maybe stack more sturdy pillows? so far my bb slp wif me still ok.. i stack pillows on one side... but of course sometimes he pushes it down the bed..i cant sleep w/o my bb next to me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby still sleeping in her cot, cos she fell from my 15inch kingsize bed twice despite "barricades" and us sleeping beside her :p

think will let her sleep in her cot as long as possible...sometimes her hands/feet will stick out from the side of the cot after she tosses and turns...but at least still not unsafe.

I'm starting to look at childcare options! Intending to send her in Oct when she turns 18 mths. Anyone planning to do so too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey mummies,

Raihan also shares our bed. He is the king. HE sleeps in all kinds of postions.. Rolled off the bed a few times like a ball too. but luckily mine is the zen style low frame bed..

Balloon spree-- yes yes.. on.. will start next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am going to bake my own cake. :p

Tinsopora[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]ccassionally my baby would sleep with us in our bed. but most of the time in his cot. it is still safer though his hands and feet stick out. there was once he cried cos his leg got stuck in between...heheheh...so funny...

yes i am looking for childcare when my boy turns 18 mths too. i think ts is the time for them to learn and explore more than wat is available at home and wat me and hubby can provide.

AR: mine too is the low frame bed...hehehe!!!

he wants to slide down the bed to explore watever tr is at the bed side.eg bed side table and tv console.

Tinsopora: wic area are you in and have you shortlisted the childcare centres? i have shortlisted cherie hearts and IMM.

My bb has been sleeping in her cot since... she was born! haha. yes. no co-sleeping. except for the few times during confinement when i fell asleep BF-ing her. =P

Have thought of letting her sleep on floor beside us, but then, hb and i have bad habit of throwing pillows blankets and stuff down to the floor when we fall asleep. so that's totally not safe. and i do not want to risk stepping on bb when i wake up for toilet breaks.

And i figured bb will either crawl or roll away if i leave her on the floor, so, she shall stay in the cot. limbs sticking out still ok i guess. i need to find a more sturdy and taller bumper, and sew more ribbons so that i can tie the bumper at every single wood piece on the cot, so that the bb will not pull the bumper down.

Tinospora: Yes. I have intention to put my ger in childcare if i can find one. currently queuing for the one near my work place. if cannot, then will have to continue with the bbsitter, and let her go to those few hours play group in the day time lar.

Bbsitter with playgroup seems the more preferred choice now.

My bb has been sleeping in playpen since she was born... bigger than cot... and i dun need to worry about arms and legs sticking out.... but now before she sleeps she has started to stand up in the playpen and hold for support..and make lots of noise.... and then start throwing her toys and pacifier out of the playpen to get our attention for us to pick up...

finally got the keys to my new place!! so exciting!! once we move in which we are hoping around march.... she will have her own room at last!!


I've got a tin of Similac Stage 2 (900g) expiring by 23 June 2011, willing to sell at $25. Self pick up at Tampines.

Do pm me if you are keen.

Hi Mommies!! Hope all of u have a good cny visiting and holidays!!

Mrs Teo: ur room looks real big!! Hee. Btw, thanks for ur help, I have pm u my add le.

My girl sleeps in her playpen from day 1 back home. In between she slept in sarong too.. (when she was 2-3 mo). Back we switched her back to playpen from her 4mo onwards.. And Surprisely, she sleep well in her playpen, the transition from sarong to playpen was quite smooth..

During weekends at my mom's plc, we will sleep on floor mattress. So she will sleep on the center mattress where my hb and I will sleep on one side each. But I'll still barricade her mattress with bolster and pillows. But.. There was once when I left the room to make her milk in the middle of nite, when I rtn, she has crawl to one corner of the room and sitting up crying.. Hee.

Think will let her sleep in playpen as long as she can fit in.. And after that, mat be buying a bed to fit into our small bedroom for her.. Hope by then she'll be older le.

I'm so glad my girl has been very cooperative during cny visiting and let my relatives carry! Was quite relaxing for me, except that she refused to take her porridge whenever we are outside (with my hb carry on on lap for me to feed).

Lilstarz: Congrats! Hope u have a smooth moving in!!

Lilstarz: A new place! Thaz exciting! I love moving. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gal was okay sleeping in her cot until I took the short-cut and let her slept on my bed. I guess once she tasted freedom, there's no turning back for her (to the cot)... sigh...

Tinospora, Anne and ChloeMum, I'm also hoping to let my gal attend a few hours of playschool when she turns 18mths, but undecided where. Want to visit a few centres before making a decision but I work FT, very difficult to find time to visit. I live at Upper Thomson area, any suggestions?


18mth is called play school... I m hoping to let her take some kinda class on a daily basis when she hits one.. Stay at home is so boring for her.

my place here got a church that's says they have pre nursery class, I haven checked with them, anyone knows watt age group Is pre nursery?

