(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi mummies!!

Happy CNY!

Pringles: some mummies ever shared that total bf babies will normally start to sleep tru the night later than bottle feed babies. Around 8mths to a year. So I guess it's natural.

My Hubby didn't like Lucas on our bed cos he never gets to sleep well. And Lucas seemed to be waking up in cot and crying to join us. Despite how much I would love to have him by my side, I have to re-train him back into his cot.

CNY was a blast! For him as well!!! He was extremely sociable for the first 2 days. By the 3rd, his energy was slightly depleted but still very active especially past mn. For all the 4 days, he only slept nearin to 1am or even past 1am. Super chiong! From tmr onwards I need to bring him back to his normal routine.


Mng mummies!!

I am so lazy and tired. Was discussing with hb about Raihan's first bday... I feel so poor thing for him.. It will come upto at least $500. Bec our ppl wudnt settle for anything less then a briyani.. haiz!!

Any recommendations?

As for the balloons spree i will post it as a FB event. Bec I cant seem to start a spree thread. If you are interested please add me on FB- [email protected]

Mrs Teo, from what i understand...pre nursery is for 3 yrs old, nursery for 4 yrs old, then followed by K1, K2, Pri 1.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies!

Bb bedtime has grown to become wartime...

Chloe has finally learnt how to pull herself up in the cot. And yes... she stood inside her cot, walked round a few times while holding on to the railing, managed to switch on the cot mobile @ her cot and pulled out diapers from the cot organiser (which i hang outside the cot). And.. best part, she doesn't know how to sit back down. So ended up whining for help. But the moment i put her back down, she started crawling inside the cot, before standing up and repeat the entire process. *faintz*

As we were very scared that she will fall and hit her head, we had to sit by the cot for an entire hour before she eventually decided to go to sleep.

But then again, could see that she's extremely happy to be standing up and walking ard. Cos she was busy singing and laughing.

Even putting her on my bed is no exception to her climbing... actually she will find things to climb. Headboard, sofa, chairs, stools, walls, anything.

No where is safe now. If only I can tie her down. hahahahaha...

Chloemum: Chloe's so cute. I will normally coax bb to sleep on my bed, then put him back into his cot after he falls asleep. I find it much easier than bending over the cot.

AR: am interested in spree too. I have yet to start planning for his bday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] looks like I need to start looking around before all venues are taken up! Ha!

I wish to order cupcakes. Any mummies here know where can find nice and delicious cupcakes?

Hi cholemum, my boy is doing excatly wat you had just described. He slept at 9 n woke up himself up at 11.30 by tossing n turning n did not go to bed till past 1.I was so dead tired ts morning n called in for a half day. Tonight I'm gng to let go to bed till 10.

hihi blessed chinese new year to all mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby was well behaved this cny, we also brought him to JB for visiting and he was fine with other relatives carrying him lol

A R, i'm interested in the spree - have added u on FB :p


Time to put on your 'safety suit' and be prepared for more falls, bumps and cries!.. Raihan fall on his bum like a million times. He is liek one ball, fall then start rollign. So cute.. but must fall and learn la. What to do. He terrorize from hall to toilet. Am used to it already.. u will to. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lucasmummy: i tried coaxing her to sleep in my bed, no use one... she will crawl to my headboard and climb up, stand there, walk up and down. same as cot. haha... so i rather she do it in the cot, cos it's safer. at least she won't fall out of the cot. it she falls she will at most hit herself against the wooden bed frame. my bed headboard top part is glass... will be a nightmare if she hits herself there. roll off my bed also bad.

Anne: i put Chloe in bed @ 9pm! But she only fell asleep around 10pm. So yes... I will put her in earlier tonight! So that I can have more "ME" time.

AR: yes yes... Welcome welcome myself. haha...

i am going to set up barricade in the living room before she tears down everything.

Toothless club: any babies still toothless. Chloe still no teeth. haha...

happy happy CNY.

AR: see my baby climb up the headboard,fall sitting and roll is very enjoyable.(smiling inside me).

Chloemum, my baby still toothless. But drew alot silva then before... Maybe coming out soon.

Yesterday my girl very cute. after dreamfeed still half sleeping. When she saw me ,her eyes suddenly open very big, then give a sound "EEH" . after that her eyes slowly close to shut. This happen 5times in five mins..

Went and come back from Cruise before CNY.

This time cruise ship is only half fill. So not so crowded in the buffet and restuarant.

Didnt let my girl eat the served food there other than white rice and avocado.

I can say This time trip is very fruitful because we get what we wanted.


Glad you had a great trip! Just curious, where do you let your baby sleep? I vaguely recalled the cabin beds are small, unless upgrade to some suite? Also, did your babe get seasick?

Cruise sounds like a great idea for a short getaway! :D


ya, my bb also toothless...salivate so much (that he kena rashes on his chest) but still nowhere in sight that it's coming out

Climbing bb,

Question: do u mommies still line the cot with bumper cushions?

Now everytime my boy wakes up, he will pull himself up, and try to climb the bumper to get out of the cot. So scary!

If i don't put bumper, i'm scared he bump here bump there. If i put, i'm scared he climb the bumper. I've already removed the musical mobile cos i was scared he fall backwards when he stands up. But now he learns how to "sit" back down so i'm not so worried.

Chloemum: The "crawling to bedhead" is very familiar.. haha... it's the same for all babies at some stage la i guess... I may not want to try to put her to bed earlier as she probably will still sleep at 10pm. heee... well, but u try first la... cos it doesn't work this way for my hyper active.

Lucas is in the toothless club too!

jasmini: I am still using bumper. Hmmm... ya he tries to climb too... Tried to keep an eye on him lor... my boy masters getting down from bed, platform, sofas... anywhere else... so we normally put him in his cot which is the easiest when we need to some time to get things done!

jasmini, we join 2 single bed. my girl don't have sea sick.. though the water at night quite rough. imagine i cannot balance with single leg.

Wow... Seems all babies are mobile now. My ger still doing her 'catapilar' crawl (go on four-launch forward-tummy-go on four). That's how she moves around. Or she's a human roulette, turning on her tummy.

Today, went for her 9th mth chk. Everything turns out well, except for the weight. She's 75 percentile. I can feel it when carrying her. Height is in 50 percentile.

CNY turns out good too, thou she got a bit cranky when wanting to sleep. And she can go hunger for more than 5hrs, sleepless for more than 8hrs! She got so distracted out there with so many people around.

Oh yes, she's in the toothless club too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We call her 'Bo-gei' :D

Anish is also in the toothless club!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We call him the old man when he is chewing on his food...heheheheh!!! so funny.

Hello Mummies!

Happy New year and early happy birthday to everyone for the 7th day of the year.

Reading about all the mobile babies make me feel happy. Cos I know I'm not the only one suffering from backaches and split attention.

Anne Raj, I was so tempted to take half day today also. My still haven't-sleep-through-the-night baby woke up every hour from 5am onwards. So Sleeepy now.

Thea has started blabbering a lot. To my hubby's delight, she has started 'da da da da...' and 'pa pa pa pa' No Mmmmm sound coming out yet. Bleah!

Mummies, is it true that the top 2 teeth cutting will be more painful? Cos I can feel that she's more restless and more painful than the two lower ones.

NHK haaa.. i like the way u describe your girl as a human roulette;p

Edie yes, i can feel my backache as i read your posting on mobile babies..they're so cute now..grabbing stuff and standing with support..my house isnt childproof and i gotta keep an eye on him all the time.

I find the 2 front teeth were very painful for bb S. Not to scare you or anything. This happened about a month ago. I found him crying in the middle of the night for the third time, so i picked him out of bed to feed him some formula. To my amaze, I found some blood just above his chin! It was his front tooth cutting out.

Fed him some panadol and he went back to sleep.

It wasn't so bad when he had his incisors, so I think the size of the 2 front teeth has a part to play in the pain.

On weaning off breastfeeding to sleep Has any mommy been able to wean your baby off the habit to nursing to sleep?

I'm currently feeding full formula and nursing only to get him to nap or sleep at night.

Sometimes, he will be happy with a small bottle before bed, but most of the time he still prefers to nurse to sleep. I've also never introduced pacifier to him. so can't use that to help..

Any advice?

hello mummies

any mummies lose ur temper on ur bb? i did last week..mayb cos i m not feeling well and so is she...and shes super active even after her medicine...zzz....feel so guilty after that..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

now they are rather active...cant seem to stop moving ard....


its me mrs lee not mrs teo tat gg to send u the foil..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ChloeMum: Really love your vivid description of baby Chloe's activities in the cot and on the bed...I can certainly picture it and relate them to my gal. Mine is cushioned headboard to the ceiling and it is funny how my gal always attempt to climb it... like rock climbing baby-style~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gal's 2 bottom teeth already out since about 6 or 7-mth. Now her top 2 are coming out... I can see the white bits already. I actually prefer her teeth to come out later...coz it is troublesome to start dental care and I thk bo-gay-look is cute. I get her to "brush her teeth" very night using pigeon baby toothbrush and she loves it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Edie, my girl had high fever for 2 days when her 2 top teeth were coming out... appetite dropped and all too..but her first 2 bottom teeth and now her 3rd top tooth is coming out no issues..don't even know teething until it appeared... oh wait... she was salivating non-stop..free flow... that was the only sign..

my girl drinks milk and falls asleep midway or i just put her in the cot after that.. cos that was the routine all along when no teeth... so now i also not sure how to start on her dental care.. drink milk then brush teeth? but then knowing her she will think time to play instead of sleep!

Good morning and Gong Xi Fa Chai!!!

Pringles, thanks for the website. After reading it, helps me change my perception of bfing. I am at the verge of weaning off my exclusive bf baby.

Guess, I will let nature takes its course.

I was getting frustrated and trying so hard to get my baby to take formula milk.

Ops.. I'm so blur...

Thanks Mrs Lee! I have pm u my details!

Mrs Teo, pls ignore my pm, and sorry if u have confused u. Hee.

I've been getting more blur and forgetful after delivery... It's so scary!

My girl currently have 2 top front teeth and 4 bottom front teeth.. Only during the teething of the bottom and top 2 front teeth, she fell sick (cough and runny nose) as immune system is always lower during teething, other than that.. She jus keep salivating and biting things.

Saw her top two front teeth.. Quite big wo..

Dental care.. I haven't start on anything lei.. Need to do Wat??

pringles_jem Thanks for the link. I don't feel so bad after reading it. It's true that there are so many different schools of thought and opinions on what our little ones should or should not behave.


I think Chloe is gonna sprout teeth soon too. her nose has been leaking on alternate days recently. 1 day leak, 1 day dun leak. not even sure if she's sick or what. she's still active and cheery like normal. haven't bring her to doc yet.

lilstar, i think brush teeth can do in the morning, and eh night time. dreamfeed no need to brush lah. it's already a nightmare trying to make the little things sleep now, can't imagine having to wake them up to brush teeth lor. hahahahaha....

Mrs Lee, no need to be sad lah. Think most of us lose temper on our baby b4. For me, there's 1 time I so frustrated until I scold and beat him but so far that's the 1st and last time I will do that bah..Think back he's still baby. Only knows drink, eat, play and sleep haha..

I also didn brush my baby teeth leh. I just use wet handkerchief rub his teeth..

lilstarz29, Congrat! So good to have your own place (^-^) Mine will be ready next year ard this time too! Count down, count down...

Hi May mummies,

Can i join this forum as well? I am also a May mummy. My boy was born on 19 May.

Occassionally i do visit this forum and i noted lots of useful information that you all are sharing.

Saw your discussions on the mobile babies and the sleeping arrangement and i thought of sharing with you all.

My boy used to be sleeping in the cot with surrounded bumper until when he starts to stand and flip all over in his cot. He kept getting his head knocked against the walls of the cot. He now sleeps in the playpen which i think is better and safer. Difficult to put him on the floor to sleep as he will climb, stand and walk around rather than sleeping.

As for tooth cutting, my boy has 6 teeth already (2 bottom and 4 top teeth). I think the cutting of the 2 top teeth is more painful than the bottom teeth cos they are bigger in size. He was super cranky then but luckily has no fever.

Sherry, Oh my god! Blood? That's really scary. Think I must prepare panadol already. If the panadol was taken from the doc 3 months ago and I leave it in the fridge, is it still usable?

Lilstarz, fever for 2 days? Haiyo... I am so waiting for these things to happen. She hasn't been sleeping well in turn affected me, very much!!! Even without fever already so bad can't imagine if she has fever and cough. Think totally no sleep for me.

I brushed Thea's teeth during bedtime bath, then milk then she sleep. So I don't know like that can or not. Haha

Mrs Lee, I used to always lose temper at her when she was around 2-3 months old. Think that time hormones imbalance. There was one time I got so frustrated with her crying that I kinda threw her on the bed, not very hard throw la, but you know like dump her there. And she started kicking and laughing and giggling. Wa lau, I didn't know what to do. After she bigger, can be very irritating especially always screaming and squirming, I always scold and tell her a firm no cos they have to learn. Don't have to feel guilty. But don't let anger overrides your love for them. They don't mean to make you angry.

Littlejoy, welcome welcome!! My girl has been sleeping in the playpen as well since newborn. The first day put her inside she seems so tiny but now she's filling up the whole playpen already.

Okay, so it's normal for top 2 teeth to be painful.

Morning mummies, Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Birthday to all for 人日.

Reading about all the babies attempting to climb headboard, seems like my baby is not the only one. haha, always, climb, then fall down on his butt or back. Then try again.

My hubby said he really look like a little monkey when he attempting to climb.

Happy New year and birthday to all mummies!!! i miss u all!!!


can use the panadol... cause they can be kept for up to 6 months!

Dear mummies, i read from the net hor... that if bb got teeth already right? they need to ne brush or at least be wipe w cloth before bed... cause milk they drink is abit sweet ma...

READ this: http://www.babycenter.com.sg/baby/development/teething/

Mrs Lee... all of us at some point or other surely get angry with our babes.. they can be so exasperating!!! especially now with the tantrums and night time put to bed but they spring up like jack in the box.. i beat my baby's butt too when she gets irritating... but i guess it doesnt hurt... cos she will look at me and laugh...or use her hand and sweep her butt as though my hand dirty or something... anyway... wait till they reach the throw tantrum screaming in public places and running around stage... then i think we will really need to work on our anger management...

Edie.. maybe ur girl won't get fever cos not all get.. but yeah its a trying time.. my colleague just told me his girl 18 months teething the whole of last week refuse to eat and drink.. then after the tooth pop out ok aldy... so its a looong process....

Luckyone.. yeah so near yet so far.. dun worry ur time will come.. now i only worried dunno how often will see my in laws at my doorstep since they live about 15 mins walking distance away!! haha.. but will deal with that when the time comes...

eh looks like everybody feed milk then let baby sleep... then what about dental hygiene ah? i thot is brush teeth after food?! hahahha...oh well...

lilstarz29, mine in law will live even near to me, just cross a small road haiz..

After we moved about 5, 6 months, they new house will be ready too.

I will tell my in law in front, don't need to come to my house to "help up my house work" YES, have to tell her in front. If not, end up will increase my house work..

Hi mummies..Happy Chinese New Year & Gong Xi Fa Cai!! Happy "Ren Ri"!!

Anyone dine out today? Initially thought to go bottle tree park to hv dinner but then saw the feedback, think might go to NEX. Any nice restaurant can recommend?

Sheryl , there was supposed to be a playdate this Fri , but need to confirm with Babygi if it is still on cos the date was set quite sometime back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Where do you stay ? Are you a SAHM too ?

Pinnky , NEX got Ship Restaurant , but I guess not suitable if you looking for Chinese food

I tried the Paradise Inn , so so only . If not , there also got Dian Xiao Er , Pu Tien and Crystal Jade / Imperial Treasure

Pinnky, I never tried Ship Restaurant before, but it's supposed to be good for Western food.

There is also Thai food, Siam Kitchen and a cluster of Jap restaurants including Ichiban Boshi and Shimbashi Soba on B1.

There is some hotpot restaurant on B1 too, but I never tried before also.

hihi sorry for late reply... sheryl we change to next Fri ok?

paiseh... swarmed with work - i hope to be a sahm too sob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Sheryl,

Playdate changed to next Fri instead cos Babygi can't make it this Fri. You free next Fri ?

Playdate on 18 Feb (Fri) 1 - 4pm @ Avon Park (near Potong Pasir MRT)

1. Michelle

2. Babygi

3. Sheryl ?

NEL mummies who are available that day feel free to join, but I will limit to 5 babies so that it's not so squeezy.

Pinnky: I tried the Ship restaurant @ Shaw before. The food is not bad lar. But supposedly famous for the steak. But I didn't order steak. haha.

Didn't like the layout @ Shaw cos was quite cramp. Not sure about the Nex outlet.

