(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi Jo

I did rebonding, colouring and highlighting when baby was 3 month old and I'm still bfing until now. I guess should be ok bah.. My friend also went to do rebonding while bfing.

As for hair loss, Im using hair tonic and it works for me. Maybe you wanna give it a try too?


Hello Mummies! Haha don't think I have time to come out the book (^^;) but yesterday i asked my hubby if one day I tired of working, can start business on selling baby fresh solid foods.

He said "who will buy from you?" haha

Me too read the Strait Time "Home" news regarding 4 months baby died. So sad...I remember my CL, SIL and even 1st IFC principle asked me to let my boy sleep on stomach lucky I insist NO.

Jo, I dyed my hair 2, 3 days before my boy 1st month celebration. I asked my gynae he said no problem to dye hair when bf.

Lin, my boy lunch is ard 11 to 12++ tea break 3 to 4 dinner 7 to 8.

To IFC, I use Thermos Container can last about 6 hours long 60% hot.

genice, paprika hot? Not at all. Yeap some web site Paprika means chilli right. Mine is pepper (green pepper type but in red colour leh).

Tomato I use before cherry one and big one all can use lah because even it's sour, once it's cooked, it will taste a little sweet. Yes have to remove skin and seed.

So far my baby ok with kiwi leh. Next time you try heat up the kiwi fruit a little bit. It's will not taste so sour, try it.

Congrats tpanda!! After hearing about u and bb=bao am so tempted to try for number 2. the next 4 days is got time to try for me!! hhhahahha!! But Raihan is the Family planning HOD. Always sleeping in between us! haiz!

CALLING FOR TEACHER SERENE, I WANNA SPREE FOR CARTER'S/OSHKOSH Please help me. Cant seem to be able to order in the spree threads.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Agnes-- If you ask me.. Just go with SPANS. Reason being, its a location ppl know and easy to do logistics there. Forget about getting unique locations. Not many in Singapore.

If not try Grassroots CC @ YCK. They have this playroom.

Oh ya hor.. I actually did rebonding at 2nd mth.. And I kept my ebm I think?? Silly me.. Totally forgot abt it! Okie.. Shall find time to go do coloring le.. Woohoo~~

Pancake: which hair tonic brand u use?? Effective??

Pancake: What hair tonic are u using? I'm having hair loss problem. Sian! I know it's common after pregnancy but at this rate, it's kind of freaking me out.

I'm trying not to color but very sian, thinking of coloring it.

Jo, the brand is Phyto. It's a white Colour box with 12 tubes of serum in it. I usually get it during John little or robinson sales. On top of that, I'm also using sedmed anti hairloss shampoo. I find both works well for me. My hair started to shed right after childbirth and it was well controlled after a few appliances of the hair tonic.

Lucyone, Dinner u will feed at home?

Little tiger, when i want to do housework, My little one also dont allow me to do. she will eeehhh, when i do housework half way. in Half hour houswork to wash 5-6 times hand to carry her, pickup toy etc. Might as well don't do anything . Just play with her.

morning to prepare her food . then Night time do housework.

tpanda: CONGRATS BABE!!! Now I dont feel alone anymore!!! My EDD is 5 Aug hahaha... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so happy for you! It's exciting to know someone else is preggy but I dont know why I'm not too excited abt myself yet.


I just came back from morgan's 2nd Pneumococcal jab, it cost me $234 ?! WTF?!

Why so expensive?? Is it because private PD or what? Some more the Dr explained to me there will be 4 more jabs from 1 yr-old onwards, and will cost between $500-600. DAYLIGHT ROBBERYYYYY!

Does anyone bring their BB to polyclinic for jabs? I really cannot afford the $600 jabs man...

How much does it cost for immunisation at polyclinics??



Thanks for the kind offer!! It's really sweet of you... I do hope it's a girl.. Boys are just *headache*.

I always hope to bump into you at Rivervale Mall or Compasspoint, but till now I havent see you at all lor.

Hello mummies,

Busy with arranging no 1 enrichments timing for this year, as cant clash with bb timing. Veri headache. Also busy baking CNY goodies. :)

tpanda, congrats. :)


Anyone heard of tis? Brought bb for trial tis morning. Its 1 hour and 15mins session. First 30mins, songs plus flashcards, n story. then next half an hour on mobile ability (gym). Then last 15min French n bye bye song. All male teachers. But they are veri good with bbies and knowledgeable. Today me n another bb, n two trainers, so attention is there. Each bb one trainer for the gym. But pricing not tat cheap. One term is $750 for ten session. U can go once a week, twice a week or thrice a week. Anyone keen to go for a trial, let me noe ya. Trial S$88, but the owners agreed to extend 50% disc at S$44.

Lin, yeah dinner always feed at home.

Sat & Sun, lunch, tea break + dinner all at home.

If go out, da bao!

bb-bao, why so exp? Yeap I think pte one will be more expensive. You can try to ask normal clinic?

Sally , sounds interesting , I dont mind going for a trial at Gynademics.

Is this better or is JG better ? But the fees quite ex leh , nearly double that of JG

Can Akiden crawl yet ?

Pineapple Tarts

Other than Bengawan Solo , where else can buy nice pineapple tarts ? Last year CNY could not eat much pineapple tarts cos was preggie , so this year must make up for it haha

So far I have tried the Cold Storage First Choice pineapple tarts , not bad , base is buttery and pineapple is sweet and moist


Its different programme compare to JG. Do you want to go together with me? I am looking at Thursday 9am. Or you want to do it after CNY? Akiden still not crawl. :-( N also no teeth yet lei. Super Super SLOW. hiak hiak How is Nat? Pineapple tarts - from me homemade. If I have time, I made some n let u try mine. :) Should be making another batch nearer to CNY if bb co-operates. But me not selling goodies tis yr, cant take order, cant cope tis yr with a bb around. Maybe next yr when no 1 goes Primary 1 and no 2 big enough to go playgroup. hee Tis yr will onli be baking pineapple tarts and almond cookies for own consumptions n gifts. U go thru my previous yrs pics in FB, see my CNY goodies tat I baked. Last yr also could not take orders cos preg. hiak hiak Have you tried pine garden ones? Last yr my fren said not bad. Not sure tis yr. Or u go those CNY fair at taka or those shopping mall, n taste taste to check out. :)

Bb-bao - no prob! I hope it's a gal too so u can close factory liao haha!! Keep us updated hor. Actually I always bring my gal to rivervale mall gai gai but didn't manage to c u.


I paying abt the same price as u but using cda at kids clinic. U using cash??

Lucasmummy - great! Keep us in the loop. I love Nex! So much variety of food there!

Luckyone - ur hubby's will b surprise how many ppl r willing to buy fr u!!

Sally , morning slot no good for me cos Nat wakes up at 8 plus . I looking more at the 230pm slot on Wed , Fri or weekend . But i tot you just went for trial ? So you want to do a second trial ?

Nat just started crawling last weekend , so now have to be more alert

You like baking a lot ? I saw your facebook pics , looks yummy !

I having a playdate at my place on 11 Feb 1-4pm , can you make it ? So far got Babygi and maybe LucasMummy . Then you can bring some of your handmade goodies for us to try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gymnademics having some preview sessions this weekend, think it's FOC.

I've tried trial at bibinogs at UE square, not bad, includes story telling, art n craft, singing and Chinese lessons in 1.5hr, has anyone tried Gracekids?

Gymnademics having some preview sessions this weekend! i signed up for sun's class @ ard 230 i think. also signed up for trial class next sun too!

Hi Mummies,

I have a tin of Mamil Gold Stage 2 to let go.

400g at $12.

Giving away a set of quality weaning bowl with spoon free.

Take away all the above with a nice pink paper bag worth $4.

Contact [email protected]



Yup went trial liao. So now me thinking to sign up. :) Playdate will get back to u near to date. Okie u call Alexia and arrange for a trial. Already informed her that you will call and arrange for trial.

chloemum, how is the preview?

lucasmummy, Which day and which timing u looking at? U can check out the schedule on the website.

SN: i didn't make it to the preview. Cranky girl yesterday. Will go for my trial this coming sunday instead. 2.15pm. You signed up for the classes already?

Jo, my bb's hair are so little that we have never need to cut his hair since birth hahaha....

i brought bb to trial class at "The Little Gym: yest at marina square - 45 mins pure gym like help bb to do somersauts, do splits... .

Those who have my facebook will know that my girl hair also not alot.. But still have la.. Her papa keep asking whether is there a need to cut her side.. Personally I dun see the need.. But her papa keep nagging.. Said CNY, bb can also cut hair..

Haa.. I think bb nowadays really have their temp and mood.. Keke.. For my girl.. I jus realized she will "talk" in her sleep.. Haa..

Belinda, Thanks (^-^) I will tell my hubby at least I got 1 supporter hehe..

Jo, I bring my boy for hair cut almost every month leh. CNY or not no diff one..

Mummies, recently my boy hor, lost his temper easily leh. When he's not in good mood or angry, he will bite his teeth very hard ha..ha..din know that baby also got "temper"..

CholeMum, can you PM me the baby gym near Kovan? Maybe will go there for a try. Thanks

Babygi , is the Little Gym lessons good ? How about their equipment ? How much is their trial lessons and how much if you take the package ?

michelle, comparing the little gym and baby jumper gym, both my hubby and me prefer the little gym - more fun for bb and us. When we go in, and let bb use the equipment, he was quite happy. we let him "hang" at the monkey bar again lol....

The gym area are much bigger than baby jumper gym and much more physical exercises for babies (more tiring for the parents also coz some exercises have to carry them like rugby ball and walk run around). the class is 45 mins and trial class is $42.80 (can be waived when u sign up for the classes - valid for one year.)

I went for the trial for bugs class (4 months to 10 months) and the instructor said that bb is already quite advanced in mobility as in can crawl and ready to start cruising so can attend bugs class for 3, 4 times and advance to the next level class for the rest of the 10 sessions for each package if we want to sign up now - i guess this will be applicable for baby nat too...

AR, looking for me? School started.. Insufficient sleep, no time to come in here. Just saw yr post... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u wanna buy stuff?? Ha... I tot of buying baby gifts for my friends who are giving birth but tot of waiting for their next sale. My boy has too much already...

And I tot of buying helium balloons direct from us fir my son's bday party. Getting a chalet for him. But no time lei... U start a spree on balloons leizzzzz.

Poor Teacher Serene *Sayang* Really hats off to all u working mummies. That one month back at work was already a killer!

We shall spree after CNY. I just need to get clothes for him in time for his bday. go Pasar Malam also mostly nice girl clothes. Boys ones a big hard to find.

Yes Yes! Party supplies spree definately on after CNY!

Someone mentioned FREE baby gym trial?! Where?!

OH and drum rolls...... (no la, not pregnant la!).... RAIHAN ATE PORRIAGE TODAY!!!! YEY!!

SECRET= BABA's fish masala! My boy... The TRUE INDIAN! Hahahah!

AR: it's good that Raihan finally ate his porridge!!

Serene: Jiayou!

Luckyone: you definitely got more than 1 supporter!

Mommies, is there any other better ways to feed bb medicine other than syringe?? Now my girl see the syringe, she will siam and siam.when we manage to hold her head, she will close her gums tight and we jus can't feed her.. She will cry and cry, nearly choke on her medicine..

Sigh.. She's now on cough, runny nose syrup and antibiotics..

morning mummies, need some advice here. from what i gathered, bb should be having 3 solid meal, 3 milk feed by 9mth old. this is sophie current food intake:

6am breastfeed

10am 200mL EBM

12noon solid

3pm 200mL EBM

5pm solid

7.30pm breastfeed

3am breastfeed

it seems that Sophie is drinking too much milk for her age. how should i go about reducing her milk intake, esp cutting out the night feed. sophie is now 8mth old, should i start introducing breakfast?

constipation in baby, sophie is constantly having constipation dispite of high water intake, elimination of all constipating food like bananas, potatos and cereal. any mummies with remedy for this?

any mummies given dagronfruit to baby? i been wanting to try but not sure if it is suitable for baby. dagronfruit works well for me when i suffer from constipation, so been thinking of introducing it to bb.


To mommies who has a baby boy:

1) Have you kissed your baby boy on the lips?

2) If yes, how does your hubby find it?

To all mommies, feel free to comment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi jasmini,

I didn't attempt to kiss my baby boy on the lips, but i like to kiss him. hubby always joking tell me, "Don't kiss my baby." Yesterday, accidentally kena the lips when he turn his head. Hubby saw, but no comments.

I think it's okie for mummy to kiss baby anywhere. Sometime after bath I kiss his backside. *haha*

How your hubby find it?

Edie & Jo,

Same here! My hubby also wants 3! He says that's the minimum to replace the aged population, so we should support govt *faint*


Wow Sophie is drinking gd amt of milk! My boy is drinking about half her amount! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But funny enough, he poops 2-3 times a day.

You can check out:


My PD's suggestion is to give at least 30ml of water after each solid feed. But what i feel will help tremendously is to give baby a balanced diet with sufficient fibre, also give foods with enriched with probiotics.

What types of solids you feed sophie daily?


Hi impulse, i did not kiss his backside on IMPULSE (pun intended)...hahahahah!

Ya i love snuggle up to my baby using my nose, and to kiss my baby on his forehead, nose and lips since birth, and my hubby always says it's gross to kiss on his lips....so i told him, come on la, he is sucking on my breasts so why can't i kiss him on his lips?! LOL

Haha, seriously, i tot he won't get rash if i kiss him on lips rather than on cheeks.

babygi, i tried giving jar prune as well but sophie hates puree food, everything just eat one or two mouthful. its quite difficult to find fresh prune as well, and fresh prunes tend to be quite sour. i tired giving prune and apple juice daily but that didnt really work for her and im worry about her developing a sweet tooth.

jasmini, is there food enriched with probiotics? she taking quite a number of different fruits and veg. i just started her on fish and chicken. so the 12noon feed will be a meat plus two veg mix. the 5pm feed will be a fruit. i try to aviod food that is known to cause constipation. she do her poo every 3-4days. so by the time she poo, her stool will be quite hard and dry. and she always cry when doing big biz. so poor thing...


you can try spoon or mix into her milk ( to make sure she finishes all the medication, mix in about 50ml or so, then finish off with her normal feed)

haha my boy also cry and cry, head turn left right left right. heee.... but for me, when he cry his mouth is open, so good opportunity to shoot in the medicine. Cruel mommy :p

I think I'm lucky cause so far my boy ok with medication hehe..everytimes we feed him, we will say "sweet sweet one" then he will open his mouth for us to feed.

Now I also use the syringe to feed he water.

That's the only method he drink water haha


Mush, i already started my BB with Red Dragon and papaya (but not so much) . think as long after every meal feed water . Will not hve much constipation.

