(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Luckyone: Yes. I'm considering the Suntec City one since the staff mentioned that there will be weekend classes. But schedule not out. She will contact me again in end Feb when the monsoon is over. I let you know again once I get more info.

Impulse: yes. my purpose of going for trial classes is same as you. i just want to see what they teach and how they do it. if possible, i will do it myself.

I also felt that bbs at this age, have very short attention span or they are simply too curious to stay still. so maybe "home schooling" at this point would be more suitable.


mush: you don't need a lot of soup base to make small amount of porridge for bb!

i cook the soup base with slow cooker. i leave it there to cook when i go to work on fridays then freeze or put in fridge for use on weekends. weekday meals prepared by bbsitter.

i don't use the ceramic thing for cooking porridge. i use the old fashion "pot in pot" double boiler. passed down to me by my grandmother! yes.. she made me porridge with that same "pot in pot" thing. The bigger lower level pot is filled with water to do the boiling, the top level pot is filled with the stuff for the porridge.

1 soup spoon (the chinese ceramic soup spoon) of rice, i usu put about 150ml of soup. cook about 40 minutes can liao. the rice i soaked beforehand. short grain rice (japanese premium rice) cooks slightly faster than normal long grain rice. the porridge i cook is super sticky kind, not the watery kind. if you want watery kind, then either add more soup or don't cook so long. hahahahaha...

and, i don't think got difference in the quality of the porridge using the cooking method lar. just that i realised that if i use normal pot, i need to keep stirring the porridge, else will get burnt, and the soup boils away faster, so will need more soup. but using double boiler, less chance to get burnt porridge and the soup don't boil away that fast.

AR: you not ont alone. my boy dont like porriage too. he had been spitting it out. We started fish porriage on monday and he started spitting after a few mouthful. On tuesday gave me the same fish with potatoe and had a few mouthful. Today i made code fish porriage and he spit tt too. hope tomorrow would be better. its so tough feeding him. my mum dont want to try BLW too. she says he doesnt eat anytg. its wasteful. how then? i keep trying. Before starting fish and porriage, he was only on veg and fruits puree and mashed stuff.I gave him a 5 day break from soild food and started on monday, i think i wont give anymore break. So many babies can eat while ours spitting or vomiting it. HOw? any suggestion from other mummies?

Anne: why not u skip the fish and give other stuff with the porridge. Chloe don't like fish either. she will refuse to open her mouth. bbsitter had tried putting small slice of ginger to cook with fish, steaming the fish separately, but all doesn't work. i even tried put FM into the fish porridge but doesn't work either. hahaha...

hmmm... spitting prob just means bb dun like the food. so should be easier to solve by giving other stuff.

vomitting sounds more serious. and need more work to find out why the vomitting. allergy could be 1 of the reasons.

Re: swimming lessons

Interested mummies in Northeast zone:

1. Babygi (Hougang)

2. Chubby Tiger

3. Anne Raj (Sengkang) Option 1,3,4

4. Michelle (Potong Pasir)

5. blurangel (Kovan)

Swimming pools available (please vote):

1. Hougang swimming complex

2. Serangoon swimming complex

3. Sengkang swimming complex

4. Others eg. condo swimming pool (if mgmt allowed)

Anne , maybe try chicken porridge instead but must blend / mince the cooked chicken finely before adding to the porridge

Babies don't seem to like fish porridge due to the fishy smell / taste

Re: soup

Mush, yes it's very troublesome. You can use thermal pot for soup - dump everything inside before you go to bed, tomorrow morning just heat up can use liao. Using thermal pot to cook porridge is impossible for me, the portion is so small, cannot fill up the pot! If you don't fill up, the heat will be lost, and the cooking process will not be effective.

I think the purpose of using a double pot is to boil it for many hours to extract the goodness of the ingredients, think if you using normal way, the water maybe left only half after 4 hrs la :D


Maybe you can try with less porridge and more puree? Like 1 ounce porridge mix in 4 ounce puree? And slowly increase the amount?

By the way i tried giving him Pasta yesterday, he loved it! you may want to try too!

AR, Anne, Not sure on your porridge consistency, do you want to try making the porridge a little more watery?

I've just started with porridge w my boy not too long ago.

Initially he puked as it was too sticky. Now I add water like no one's business and stir it occasionally in the slow cooker. I guess it's the hours in the slow cooker that makes it super mushy and tasty!

He's liking it now! even the fish one today.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies..besides happy fish and aquaducks. I able to find another infant swimming school which provide heated & covered pools.


I hv dropped them an email..no free trial but got trial class at $28 for 20-30mins class. Max 6 in a class, either at turf city/holland road. And I think we can form the private class too..

Chloemum & impulse41, I hv dropped them an email for trial class as preferred heated pool. U wanna go together?

Re:Swimming, I love swimming too and was swimming during my pregnancy till bb S was born.

Been using the neck float and letting him get used to the water.

It's very chilly these couple of weeks, so didn't take S to the pool.

The neck float and his swim pants are getting too tight for him now. any mommies using a float vest for their little ones?

Do you think that its a waste to purchase thermal swimwear at this age?

Jasmini, can i know what pasta source u using? I thinking to introduce my boy either spagetti/pasta too..can share wat ingredients u put? Thank you!

Cholemum: i started porriage two weeks ago with veg such as carrots and etc. he didnt take it well too. so gave a break. but now back to square one. i try again ts week.

Sherry: its quite watery actually.

Jasmini: may be i will try your suggestion. thanks.

Thanks mummies for your suggestion. I will keep trying.

Sherry: wat kind of slow cooker did u get and where did u get? im looking for one, but its out of stock most of the time.

Re: swimming lessons

Interested mummies in Northeast zone:

1. Babygi (Hougang)

2. Chubby Tiger

3. Anne Raj (Sengkang) Option 1,3,4

4. Michelle (Potong Pasir)

5. blurangel (Kovan)

6. Luckyone (Pasir Ris) Option 4

Swimming pools available (please vote):

1. Hougang swimming complex

2. Serangoon swimming complex

3. Sengkang swimming complex

4. Others eg. condo swimming pool (if mgmt allowed)

Re: thermal swimwear

Haha, my hubby thinks thermal swimwear is a waste since they will outgrow it within a couple of months. so that's why i'm not letting my boy swim in this rainy season. Maybe in march....when the weather is hotter.

Re: Pasta

I buy organic one le. Bellamy Brown Rice Pasta Stars. I pour the puree over the cooked Pasta lor...machiam like sauce, i purposely made it look like tomato sauce - using beetroot, carrots, pumpkin & salmon. haha, you can forgo the beetroot la, most ppl don't use that, i'm only using it cos it's a safe veg for my boy and it's purple red in color! :D

Pinnky, you can buy the organic pasta from cold storage. It for 7 months baby (sorry can't remeber the brand name).

1 pkt about $9++.

Spagetti sauce, you can boil these together in 1 pot (less water):

tomato (remove seed, boil with skin then mash, use the juice only)


big onion (little bit)

broccoli (use the flower part only)


just mash all together.

Anne Raj, my babe sounds like yours and i came to the conclusion that my cooking must be really bad ;p

then i discovered.. she was more willing to eat when my husband feeds her...or BLW..... or when she thinks the food i am feeding her is off my plate.. basically she wants to eat wat i eat... nvm that it may be her own food but since its from my plate should taste better or somthing like that....

anyway yeah keep trying... everyday cook different thing lor..cook with vege stock cook with chicken stock..i ended up giving her puree with rice instead of porridge since she seems to prefer that... on good days she gobbles up on bad days she eats 3 mouthfuls max.. the rest of the time she clamps her mouth shut or just keeps the food in her mouth then conveniently spits it out when i turn away... i just give her more milk to top up since the first year they are still more reliant on milk anyway...

Babies doesn't like fish.

Try again this method:

1)Rub and wash the fish with salt before boil (of curse have to wash away the salt before cook)

2) Mixed with sweet vegetable like: Pumpkin, Carrot, Sweet Potato (less fish, more vegetable. eg: 1/2 spoon fish, 3 spoons pumpkin to hide the smell)

Mummies, have to keep trying, don't give up!

If not later your baby will hate it forever (maybe). I'm one of the case, hate vegetables and fish till secondary haha

Lilstarz29, ummm, yes sounds like my baby too. ok, i will ask my mum to try this method too. I will also do tt at home when he is with me. I notice he like BLW, strange uh how kids are nowadays. On days he dont take much food, we give him more cereal or rusks biscuits in milk too.And/or increase the intake in milk.

Luckyone: tts how we prepare the fish, wash with salt and tumeric then add abit of tumeric in the boil. ok i will try adding it with pumpkin, carrot and etc. will try again tomorrow.

Im also one of them who dont like veg...heheheh....so now im so worried abt my boy.

yesterday, the pasta is one sale @ cold storage $6.95 only, i stupidly bought at the organic store just beside it. grrrr.

the pasta very tiny one, cook until like porridge texture, u can try to mash a bit with your spoon if your baby is on puree, but if already started on lumpy food, then no need mash.

organic beetroot can be found in cold storage. $2 only.zenxin brand.

hey mommies, how much fish or meat do u give your baby in each meal? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anne Any brand will do. They have a wide selection of brands at major electronic stores.

Mine is some china brand my hubby bought during his bachelor days.haaa!!

I used to have a pressure cooker which cooks everything in a much shorter time. Soups/porridge/desserts are cooked in record times and the flavour and nutrients are logged in.. My mom liked it so its with her now.;p

Lilstarz29,n mummies: guess what!!! I tried giving baby the fish porridge with spinache while I was having dinner n he ate his food!!!! He was asking for more when I stopped for awhile. Although he did spit out abit he took at least 5 mouthful. It's a good improvment from totally spitting to 5 mouthful. I'm so gald. THANK YOU Lilstarz29. Your suggestion works.Do you have FB? Do add me.

Mummies, I'm glad I'm on this forum, we are sharing and helping each other. I'm so proud of everyone n happy to know all of you n some of you in person. Thank you so much.

My FB acc [email protected]

let me who you are. Goodnight. From a very happy mummy. ;p

Re: swimming lessons

Interested mummies in Northeast zone:

1. Babygi (Hougang)

2. Chubby Tiger

3. Anne Raj (Sengkang) Option 1,3,4

4. Michelle (Potong Pasir) Option 1,2,4

5. blurangel (Kovan)

6. Luckyone (Pasir Ris) Option 4

Swimming pools available (please vote):

1. Hougang swimming complex

2. Serangoon swimming complex

3. Sengkang swimming complex

4. Others eg. condo swimming pool (if mgmt allowed)

babygi, I bought the normal thin spaghetti.

I haven't let my boy try yet, will try tomorrow for his lunch.

Spaghetti, for fast and soft cook, before you boil (get the very thin type), break into small little pcs.

jasmini, I feed my boy about 2.5 spoons (5ml x 2.5) fish or meat.


Pumpkin, Winter Melon, Cauliflower & White Fish.


Porridge - 2.5 big table spoons

White fish - 2 spoons

Pumpkin - 3 spoons

Winter Melon - 2 spoons

Cauliflower - 1 spoon

How to cook:

Boil pumpkin, winter melon, cauliflower & white fish in a small pot with half cup water (left over water use as soup)

Mash individually and mixed with soup.

Try this! My boy finished all!


hi mush mush,

i am using la gourmet thermal cooker 2.5L to cook porridge for my baby everyday, i only fill about 1/8 of the pot. i will throw everything in to boil at night and feed my baby the next morning around 9.30am without reheating. so far it has been working well for me.


The 2.5 tablespoon of porridge, I think its equivalent to 2.5 cubes(using the Daiso Ice cube mould to measure) am I right?

But the other stuff like vege, n meat, issit smaller spoon? I use like 1 cube of 2-3 kind of vegetables. And perhaps abt close to 1 cube of meat. All measuring with the Daiso Ice Cube mould. Is tht abt the measurement u r feeding? Im confused, baby is almost 9 months this 24th Jan. So obviously we need to increase the amount of food. But quite confused how much to increase, am I feeding the right amount or issit too little? Any guide out there we cld follow?

When I measure, I assume the chinese soup spoon(leveled) is abt exactly 1 cube of the Daiso ice cube mould. Anyone know any other good measurement to use?

Wow...pasta. This I nvr tried...Im gng to search for pasta for bb now...sumthing new!!

Anne, AR, first I used to cook porridge n blend it. It becomes white sauce. And also, try not to start wif fish or even meat if bb doesnt want to take porridge. Like Luckyone said, do try wif a "blended" white porridge, and a sweet vege. Fresh carrot from the market. Not the 1 buck or 2 bucks packet carrots from supermarkets. They r not sweet enuff, tried them. So pumpkin n or carrot ,mash wif porridge might b good first. And if they still hate it, try to add milk wif the porridge n vege mash. I started off wif tht, he didnt puke but didnt really open his mouth wide n invite the food. Now of coz he has progressed n asks for "mum mum" n insists food to be fed immediately when he is hungry.

Anne, i know we use tumeric to get rid of the fishy smell. Buy threadfin "kurau" n cook, add a small small amount of ginger n garlic blend. Tumeric u know can b overporwering can have a slight smell if not cooked well. I mean I add tumeric to all my food and sumtimes the smell can b overpowering if stuck inbetween meat. So might wana eliminate tumeric n try. But girls, do try sweet vege mash n porridge. I started wif Heinz vege puree, then did fresh vege puree n now of coz alot more vege purees, fish, chicken...

Hi morning mummies..

Luckyone & Jasmini: thanks for ur info regarding pasta..might try it this weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fish: i never measure..but sometimes i found tat my fish is more than porridge..hehe..cox if i bought the threadfin fish, abt SGD6/pc, then I will add in all cox i only cook on weekend..if keep, also wasted..so just cook it. My boy likes fish..I will add in pumpkin, broccoli, or carrot, potato..to make the porridge looks nice n taste yummy..sometimes, I will prepare the ikan bilis stock or ABC soup/watever can eat soup stock to cook porridge n add in the above ingredients..more tasty..

ivybaby, u pm me ur bb's birthday n contact no, then i will send to the lady. U prefer holland/turf city? Sunday fine for u?

Ah! another way to "wash" away the smelly fish is use MILK!

um..next month I going to feed my boy liver (pork or chicken only).

Liver also use MILK to soak before cook.

Agginess, 2.5 table spoon how many ice cube im not sure, but it's about 80 to 90ml.

The vegetables/ fish/ meat I use smaller spoon, it's about 5ml per spoon.

To increase portion of solid for your baby, if he can finished what that you give now, slowly increase 1 to 2 small spoons for veg/fish/meat and 1 table spoon porridge should be ok.

Pinnky, Fish and Breast Chicken Meat:

What I'm doing is, after bought back from super market, wash and cut the whole pc to 4, 5 small pcs and wrap individually then put in a Ziploc bag, store in freezer.

So when I want to cook, try take out the small pc to defrost (^^)

Luckyone, can feed bb liver? I dun eat liver so dun think wil cook for my boy..hehe..

If i freeze the fish, can keep for a week?..cox i only cook on weekend..weekdays prepared by bbsitter..if buy fish on sat, then will pack to 2, but sometimes if i buy fish on sun, then will finish all..

Pinnky, um...I don keep that long leh the most 5 days.

I don't like liver too but it's rice in VB and others so have to let him try.

Agginess: yes my mum was telling me to add alittle garlic and ginger too. I forgot to add, but i will do so from now on. Like you i started with Heniz veg puree and slowly worked my way to puree veg and fruits on my own. All my work went down when he had ear infection. Now i had to start all over again. Since last dinner was a success. will cont to try.

Over the weekend, i will try to add more veg in the porriage and observe.

Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: liver

Eh, actually i thought it's okay too, but my colleague's daughter got hospitalised becos of pig liver allergy. she warned me not to try, so i'm not attempting it until 1 yr. just to caution you all also.

my PD also says egg yolks only after 9 mths le, i thought it's okay too after surveying from most of you, and have since started him on egg yolks which he likes! thinking of ignoring my PD and continue, maybe just once or twice a week lor.

Sorry for being a bit non-linear.

Chubby tiger: You are not stupid! It's just that they can be quite smart and trick us. Now, I am glad mine is very good with work but she also very smart, knows how to manipulate me and hubby. We just have to stay firm and believes in our own people. Ya lor, got maid also difficult, no maid also difficult. Now I very scared Thea will be very attached to her, that's all.

Pinnky: Yes yes, I am interested in Marsden. Want to go together??

Thea has rashes coming out, I think it's from the food that she ate, should I do the 4 days wait again? Because now we're just guessing which is it that causes it. I am now eliminating brocolli and pasta. But she loved the pasta, sigh... so poor thing seeing all the rashes coming out.

morning mummies. 2 more days to weekend! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb is having running nose these 2 days, fortunately he has no fever. Nowadays he likes to go gai gai, every morning when i left for work, he will wanna follow too.

Jasmini, when u cook pasta, u got add in any oil? everything just steam/boil?

Edie, sure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. I hv wrote the email to Anne, the person who I contacted with to ask whether we can form the class ourselves, max is 6ppl. I will call her later once convenient.

Marsden infant swimming class (turf city/holland - weekend) *heated & covered pool

1) Pinnky

2) ivybaby

3) Edie

4) impulse41 (June, I reserve 1 slot for u, let me know again ya)

hi morning mummies,

edie, regarding maid i'm also scared that my baby is attached to her but no choice. i can only console myself that if she is abusing him, he wont look for her, so in other words, she is treating my baby well that he doesn't resent her.

i'm hoping that my baby wont look for her compare to me, in the weekend, even if i'm dead tired and baby crying non-stop cas cannot sleep or cranky. and need to be carried to sleep. I refuse to pass my baby to maid. Hubby wonder why i make my life difficult. think it's because I don't want baby to be too attached to maid and can be console by me as well.

Re: pasta

Just follow instructions on the pack. No oil, no salt, just boil can liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The puree looks quite like tomato puree hor? heee....as mentioned it's non-tomato.

Re: appetite

If your baby has no appetite or refuses to eat, maybe can try giving him a little fruit puree to whet his appetite. it's helps nutrients absorption too. i will alternate between a fruit puree and porridge, and trick him to eat, cos the fruit is sweet ma. My baby occasionally very ma fan one, something i even need to blow bubbles, my husband do peekaboo, while my helper feeds him! GOSH! Spoilt brat he is!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Think he purposely do this at home, when he is at my mom or MIL, he very guai guai sit there and finish his food. But when i'm at home, he will play non-stop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]((

impulse 41,

same here... i try to take care of bb on my own and not let my MIL carry bb on weekends - worried that bb will prefer her to me lol

Edie: *pat* *pat* Thea. I would suspect pasta. Cos might have traces of gluten or wheat, which are allergens. Chloe also broke down with rashes when i gave her bread and pasta. But we gave different kinds of bread, so we can't tell if it was the white bread or softmeal bread or what. So i suspect it's something in bread or pasta. Flour. Which might contain gluten or wheat.

U have aloe vera cream? I apply the california bb aloe vera cream for her rash patches, and they go away within 2 days.

jasmini: the baby pasta looks yummy!

pinnky: my MIL says that fish if properly wrapped and freeze can keep very long leh. That time for my confinement, she bought fish from our friendly neighbour country. wrap in newspaper, put in freezer, can eat for the entire month!

i also do that for Chloe's food. Buy, cut, split into portions, wrap in ziplock (if need to keep for longer period), freeze.



ya lor it consoles me to see that my baby likes my helper so much, means she is good to him!! it will worry me if they spend so much time together and they are not close, or if my baby cries when he sees her!

don't worry too much, when she reaches 1 year old she will understand that we are their moms, and no one is replaceable. i see it happening to many around me, so don't worry. anyway maids are replaceable.

what's worrying is the Grandparents who WILL spoil the children and when they grow up, the kids will run to them because they GIVE what the kids want. ( you know, grandparents cannot be replaced!) and that's the BIG PROBLEM. My nieces now eat ice cream for dinner and say they don't want the mommy anymore, they only want grandma, cos she gives them ice cream! *faint lor*

