(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

I've sent Civil Service Club an email to check on the bookings for their seminar rooms for the event as well. Will update again once they respond. =)



i have a manual balloon air pump, if u guys want to borrow.

can come in earlier to volunteer with stuffs too.. e..g. putting up decor stuffs etc

i can help make the chainy christmas tree (using construction papers) for xtra decor on wall. cheap2.. budget2..

doorgift - the compilation of bbs info is a nice idea.

music - i can bring a few cds. fast paced dho. kinderbopper. downloaded type. anyone with christmasy songs? tat would be nice too. but, not too religious type ah.

thnx yah if can chg it to 12th.


scrotum - didnt notice if got any lump. will chk later. sounds scary.. but, have notice that they can shrink and expand.. notice, can float too when bathing.. wakakakaka..

rountine - yah, hopefully its just a phase..

softener - i just use kodomo/pureen.. helps to get rid of spit ups smell.

anne raj - *hugs* yahhhh.. totally understand. ppz easily forgets that we. are. the parents. at least have the courtesy/respect to seek our approvals/opninions firstlah.. haiz..

gladseow - ??? kopi???!! if i were u, i would have flare up. i would have been so angry.... Jeez, i would have shouted.. dun care they are mil or even my own mum ehh.. heartache eh..

whats ur reaction?


guess everybodys facing the same power tug-of-war with parents/pil..

niwayz, those looking for ifc. theres a new one near my workplace. fusionopolis. really want to put bb in ifc, but transportation and working hours not accomodating eh.. n, thk 1-to-1 is better til he turns 18mth. (comforting self). plus, am thking its better that he bonds with the closest and nearest too. in case of the worst morbid scenario, at least he have others to rely on..


meme! i can go check out the function rm at potong pasir cc. but a bit on the high side the charges. though this location will be v ideal. v near mrt. (n v near my hse! ;p)


12 dec no issue for me too.

santa claus hat:

gd idea, so cute if all the bbs wear the santa claus hat... really got xmas mood! for $1 i dun mind. can keep... much much better then the paper type.

Hey mummies,

My SIL called me, she said Toy R Us having huge sale at downtown east today...so sad leh..I cant go at mum house, n hubby not arnd to fetch me. Take cab like super ex...sianz..after hear got huge sale, dunt go like super sian...Today for card members, tomm open to public.

Anyone interested to go? Share cab I dunt mind, rush n go n come back...tsk.. sianz...

Anyone wana go there by cab n come back pls sms me k : (hp) 90213663

Tomm also ok wif me.

khehehheeee.. sorry for flooding.

niwayz, have ur bb begin to suck toes? mine started already. keep wiggling toes. reaching for them. and suck. but sometimes tummy gets in a way.. cuteness!

alina aj: Oh u working near fusionpolis? Me too..further in Ayer Rajah Cresent. We can meet for lunch someday. haha.. whats my reaction? Eerr.. my face no reaction one leh..Blur look all the time.

skmama (chillimum): Potong Pasir CC Tel: 62801182, i spoke to Maggie jus now. She suggested the archery rm (tile floor with aircon). 1/2 day rate at $315, deposit $100 returnable. If you happen to be there, go in have a look and keep us updated. If possible can post some photos of the room also

Mummies, a quick update:-

I've checked on the baby signing talk and their charges are quite high so probably will drop them. Kindermusik charges $20 for a full trial session so we will need to top up a bit on the party costs if you are keen. Meanwhile I've written to a few enrichment centres to see if any of them would be keen to offer trial/mini session of their services. Will update you again.






4.Alina aj


1. Air pump - nanabear, alina aj

2. Electric Pump - AR

3. Colour makers - gladseow

4. Music CDs - alina aj

5. CD Player - ???

Sponser (FOC):

1.balloons (various colours) - AR

2.mini christmas tree with deco/lights - AR

3.cloth n the fabric paint (DIY banner) - skmama(chillimum)

4.twisting Balloon for babies & kids - gladseow

5.tapes/strings - gladseow

6.chainy christmas tree (using construction papers) for xtra decor on wall - alina aj


1. someone to masscot as santa claus (custume to loan)

2. **paper blowouts/ streamers / trumpets / whistles

Aiyah! Agnes! U have license? My hb's car sleepign in the carpark. Downtown very near my hse and I have the card! Hahah! But raining here.. cant go now.. wanted to go Tampines mall also.. SCV box spoil, need to go excahnge the box.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

About the balloons.. they checking for me whether have any..

then they also have party sets at $1.07 each. you know with the poppers, blowers etc etc... interested?

OMG! Alina, the goodie bags from the website you gave so cute!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AR , I got no license lah..else I drive my hubby car also wat...also sleeping at the carpark. My hubby will b back only tomm nite. So Cant go untill sat morn. So sad u know...anyway, its open till 10.30. U can go wif yr hubby.


Sherry, genice: ok, sounds good but ah... I'm not Sahm but weekdays can be feasible for me sometimes ESP if my hubby is working if not he'd want to bond with his girl. So will let u girls know again.

Nanabear, I check safra before for the baby's first month and it's quite steep if I remember correctly and they replied a few days after the man yue, so not v good i think.

Pinnky/luckyone, after the program is fixed I'll print out mine schedule and I'll put together w the door gifts k. So when nearer to date we'll have to do some coordination.

I am fine w 12 December too! Anything for alina.... Heehee!

Gladseow, is it serangoon cc or braddel heights cc? Serangoon is at serangoon north and braddell heights is at serangoon ave 2 there. I've been to braddell heights, not bad, ideal space.

I don't know where queenstown cc is...... Bleah...

Bbf, okay, cos you've ordered from orange clove before so u settle the food k?

Mattsmummy, wow, it'll be interesting to have a short mini session. But ya, don't be too ex cos scarly the point of time suppose to be enrichment session coincides with most babies' naptime then not worth it.

Ok... Lucasmummy, let me know if u need any help. I am single mom no more! I have a full time stay at home dad for now.

Lucasmummy - i'm fine with 12dec too. Btw, for the games, i guess there will be lotsa participants? coz we have more than 50babies attending. So for each game, we will only have 1 prize ah? Or should we have 3prizes for each games?

Btw, my friend is sponsoring hidamari and she has more than 50 of it. We can include dat in our goody bags?

edie - i'm so happi for u and thea!! Finally daddy is back!...I still have to wait for another 16days for my hubby to b back >.<

lucasmummy - my frn oso sponsoring something else which we can use it as prizes...i will pm u in FB...coz prizes r meant to be a surprise, cannot share here..hee


toy r us fair at downtown east is very messy, pp ransacked the place, toys everywhere! I was out in 5 mins! Munchkins 20 percent off at carrefour side!

Belinda, I see abt 30 babies/kids on the list. Dun have 50 babies ba.

Edie: braddel heights got no available rooms in dec. Only potong pasir& serangoon cc. We need space big enough to accomodate 50 adults, 30 babies, stroller parking space, food layout space. Best if someone can go view the area.

Queenstown cc is in between qweenstown mrt & commonwealth mrt. Not very convinient for those taking public transport.

wah this event super huge leh...CC lah...like macham hold wedding!!!

AR : Wat crap movie lah? Sounds like a cheap B grade movie..kekekekee....U got time to watch ah..how ah? It will buffer run then buffer, then in betwene bb have to play...so sian, how to watch like tht?

Edie, U gng to New york, then got many US trips or just one ah... Paiseh leh ask u this ques. Coz want u buy sumthing. Anyway, I got a ques, US the bb things so cheap, why u wana buy in sg (exersaucer,high chair etc...)? Im looking for ppl to go US so tht they can buy me back things leh. My hubby no more US flts. So now i desparately searching for ppl travelling to US. Else shipping will kill for those bulky items.

But wunt be the same as gng to US to buy ourselves.My hubby even suggested to go there dec n buy back things leh...so crazy...but I wld love to go there myself to buy n do shopping, coz Ive nvr been there myself. One of the places I wld love to go...

So, anyone went to Toys R Us sale?

Hi mummies...

Wow... I like that goodiebag link. I like the beach toys.... hehe..

Belinda: We won't mind to have more items for Door gift/ goodie bags. Just like those who deliver at TMC, we all brought back a bag samples and magazines... hehe..

And thanks for writing to the various company! I was thinking of doing so for milk samples. Like where have you written to? Maybe I can write to others.

Mummies!! Please TAKE NOTE: DATE IS CHANGED TO 12 DEC 2010!!

Wow! I am very impressed! May mummies are lobang queens n great event planners. I wonder how many of u in marketing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I can check out buona vista cc, their hall is big n air con! Cab be reached by mrt but must walk a bit.

This event is super big, looking forward!

Edie, we meeting next thurs at sherry place u c can join us or not k. Btw, my cousin also in jal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yar Eddie if u fly to JFK can buy a lot bb stuffs for Thea. Envy.. Like agginess I wish I can shop at US, e outlets are like crazy!!!

HI just to share Toy r Us sale at downtown east.

One word: "SUCKS".

The boxes are mostly broken but for self use, okay la.

But not exactly cheap unless u really buy $300 then u get 30% off. You may have to buy big items like strollers and stuff to chalk up the amount, if not, nah...

Not much baby stuff for me cos the things are a bit too dirty and not really cheap. I think the TAKA toy fair much better and cheaper...

Just my tot....

Something to share,

if you are looking to buy those thermosflask to put hot water of even to put possridge to bring out, TAKA is having a sale on TIGER products. seems very good deals. Saw this in yesterday Straits times main section. I am so going to buy one today for porridge..

Lucasmummy - Ok..so we set on 3 prizes for each games. Juz to confirm we have 3 games ? So far i wrote to Toyrus, Mamypoko, FOX baby and lamkins.

Lamkins had replied me and agreed to sponsor 1 prize for our games! I'm super happy coz the cost of the item is more than our budget!!! Hahaha..i've sent u a note in FB. CHk it out~

Belinda.. maybe i shld try to write to lambkins too.. haha cause i noe ronald quite well. Can u send me the template of what u wrote to him via fb? what did he sponsor can pm me via fb?

Serene, the tiger flask is good for porridge, i used it for #1 and its still in very gd condition now, i think that time i got it for $65 came with a small thermal flask to put hot water.

Serene - do u knw when the sale ends?

Gernice - I liaise with angel. Wats ur name in fb ah? But I made a mistake by telling them we hv 50 families attending but actual fact is 50 adults ! Oops

wow! seems like our xmas party is becoming real big. i wonder what will happen at the 1st birthday bash! haha...

Goodie bag mummies: once you confirm the goodie bag item, help to update in the spreadsheet ok.

Other mummies who are attending: if possible, please help to update the guest list with your particulars as well. This will help us make sure we get your names right for the name tags, and future communications.

Event Spreadsheet


Let's try to make this event as organised and environmental friendly as possible. We definitely do not want to waste food, goodies, etc. Think of the less fortunate kids who might need these items.

Belinda, my name is jeannie Ng. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Erm.. i dunno angel, i always liaise with Ronald, he is very nice, even send me the dvds before i trf payment to him cause i was delivering when he asked for payment.. haha and he gave me so me some gd discounts when i purchsed a big item.

Just wanna share,

Re: Jumperoo

Recently i just got a jumperoo for my boy and i think its quite fun to use, My boy can sit down there with legs on the floor so in a way self support and he will jump a little or sway from side to side. I find it good cause it seems to train him to sit up and also train him to use his neck. compared to a bumbo where his neck will just "propped" and collapse , the jumperoo provides more support , of coz because i stuffed towel i between. But i think its better than exersaucer cause he can jump and he can turn 360 just like exersaucer.

The cons is that he only stay inside for a while like 10-15 mins each time and maybe 2 to 3 x a day. so not worth to buy unless its 2nd hand, rent better.. but rent when ur baby is abt 6 mths will be more useful.

Gernice - ok will fw the email to u when I get home. Infact its juz a simple one. Get Ronald to sponsor jumperoo *fat hope* .. Hee!

Mayb I can chk with sophie.Sg too!! Since most of us has Sophie, I try ask for other items. Omg.. Am I getting too excited?

Hey morning mummies!

WOW!! So happy that my idea took flight!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Let me ask my sister whether she wants to sponsor any prozes for the MUMMIES!! SHe runs a palour. And she has facials by Maria Galland products- I think I mentioned that I million times already. Will ask her for the hot mask facial. Heard that is very good for the skin. :p

Hey ladies, if the event is pretty major, lets add a lil bit more spice.. will msg u guys on fb. bec the thread pretty open here..

Mummies, lets add 1 more game- but for the mummies! Ok?! Mummy dress up competition! :p

agnes- Of course la, free movie on internet means slllloooowwww streaming and poor quality. but its free! But this movie had great reviews. Its a light hearted comedy. I watched it halfway then it stopped. Contiuning now.. If you into more serious movies then I lend you my DVDs when we meet up again. Raavanan and Madarasapatnam watch alr? Org DVDs. Superb movies! i actually have englisg moives also. but yuo need DVIX player.. if you have then I burn into a cd and bring.

So when is the next meetup for our SAHM peeps? heheh! I rmb there was some swimming pool party... I even bought my bb a bumble bee swimming costume. heheheh..

Caqn I also sugguest something?

When we give out the prizes, if a baby already has won a prize, give another baby a chance to win the prize. If not then we will see one baby struggling to bring home all the prizes! heheh! Is that fine mummies? We are here to have fun not see who is the fittest of all babies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies!

yay!!! TGIF n gd gd news early in the morning!


well done gal! muacks! so exciting!

i will also try to ask my fren working in august man magazine if they can sponsor their magazine in our goodie bag. something for the dads. ;p if not wait they feel left out!

i havnt recee potong pasir cc function room yet... yest rushing to go out. today i will go look at it. update again.

Hi Mummies,

Been a lazy reader all the time without posting.

I'm fine with 12th Dec and I don't mind helping with the name tag / program schedule part/ booklet. I can help on the printing part as I have plan to utilise the company printer and save our cost *evil laugh*

As for booklet, do you think we can put bb photo there too?? I have a polariod camera which I can bring along and we can snap the baby photo and paste into the booklet but the cost of the instant film is not cheap but this is just a suggestion which I think the whole booklet will look good with the bb biodata.

Belinda, wat abt writing to Drypers? I know I got some sample diaper from Drypers & Goons before too so they might be able to sponsor us some diapers too as goodies bag / prize for our games

Was thinking of getting sample for baby food too like Heinz since our baby are starting semi/solid food and all this samples can come in handy ... wat do you mummies think?

Agnes, how to bring back big items like stroller and highchairs? I think we are not suppose to have unaccompanied baggage also. Shipping can try vpost, it's slightly cheaper or else i can't lug the big items back leh. Unless can fold flat and I can squeeze into my luggage.

For me, I go for fuss free if the price difference not a lot I'd rather just get in Sg. but if u need other things like dr brown milk bottles or those things along that line I can buy back.

Belinda, what's hidamari? I'm happy hubby is back, family time finally!

Genice, Thursday I'm not in sg..... Oh well. I'm looking forward to rent jumperoo for my girl too, it looks fun. She loves to jump now when holding her by her armpits.

Gladseow, oh ok. Can't comment on serangoon cc. Now let's see potong pasir now.

Hi Belinda,

the tiger offer is from 7-10 october. 10% extra disc for takacard holders which i dun have. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi gals!!


thanks for putting up the excel. It's really an excellent tool for planning the event.


We can do the food together. I updated both our names on Chloemum's excel. I was thinking of suggesting mannapot this time. It's halal and just as good. Tried and tested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

edie : i emailed safra yesterday and i got replies immediately..

they were saying that no outside catering and they also give a choice of lunch/dinner/halal/non-halal etc etc..

so if u guys interested.. den i reply further..

infact the emails thru and fro are very prompt..

thanks belinda for helping us get sponsors.. i also tot 50 families!! hahahahaa!!!

who did u get?

yes ! thanks chloemum for the excel sheet..

I think my # 1 will be sooo excited to see so many babies!!! she loves babies!


Alot of your seniors lugged back strollers!! I know a few... They allow more den 1 check-in which means no need to pack it into ya lugg. That was in the past thou, not sure now. Dunno if things changed.

