(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

nanabear: good to know Vic is fine now..wish she can fully recover soon..by d way, she so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

neck float: u can get from Mummy Kian. Not sure she stil hving bp or not..following her website:


try to get the one w/o free pump, cox use mouth to blow can liao..$13.00/each. I m using the same, quite good..Kian is very friendly mummy, can seek for her advice b4 getting the correct size neck float. Hope it helps!


yalo..nanabear, dun worries..I also wish can spend less..hehe..since bb born, spend lot of $$..

Thanks lucasmummy for making the effort for budgeting..very appreciate! Maybe we can cut down to 1pax at $20-$25.

Hi mummie,

Nana!! Don't worry! These are budgets. We'll all try to work under or within it. Ok... Probably we will do some adjustment on the name tags. Cos I was initially thinking of getting those hang around the neck ones. :p ok ok... Box me if u want. Haha!

Edie, genice: I see the point. I was thinking to divide the total amt spent later. Ok... We could bring it down however because we definitely need some spare cash a aside. I will go work it out again. Probably between 20-25. Hey but mummies whatever balance in the end will definitely be evenly returned!!!!

We shall hear more feedbacks then round up and post up the latest again! Woot!

Hey chillimum, i didn't realise u stay potong pasir i stay boon keng but then also stuck in from of computer screen on weekdays... btw are u working raffles place area?

Yea pinnky!

Ok... Maybe I will do another overall adjustment tonight. Looks like perhaps we really do not need so much.

Nana: my venue is according to a friend's condo. It was $75 for 5hrs. I just round it up to a hundred. So dun worry k.

Sherry, nanabear, pinky dun need to buy from bp, more expensive I think. I got from kiddy palace only 9 bucks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] go and get it then we can swim!!

Edie, no worries cause I will not let go of my bb one! Haha.. I also very scarey cat , dun wanna take risks. The only difficult part is we need 2 pp to fix e neck float, one ti carry bb and one to put e float on. Prob need to get sherry to bring her pram down so we can put one bb down and help each other. I more worried abt bb catching cold. Sherry, is the bathing facilities ok? Or can we go up ur place n change n wash up so babies will not catch cold? Hope u dun mind me asking.

Nanabear, dun worry I also wanna save moolah haha.. Agree that 1 yr old party will be more grand, looking forward to a nice big cake.

Nametags: can just get stickers from popular, think less than 20 bah.

Decor.: I not so sure

Doorgifts: will be great if we have sponsors haha ..

Thanks lucasmummy! Appreciate all ur effort [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

genice : really ar?? okok i go kiddy palace find.. hahahaha!

lucasmummy : Hang over the neck?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!! get a clip or tag can liaoz.. i ask my stationary for u? or go SKP get?

Yup! im quite excited about trying out swimming in the pool, i'll be in the pool grabbing on to bb as well. reason why i haven't tried it yet is i worry that bb's skin is sensitive to chlorine, then again never know till i try.

no problem abt bathing and changing at my place. we gotta be careful about bb catching cold, must quickly swaddle them up.

I think i'll go to kiddy palace later to check it out.;p

Pinnky, thinking about it, ever since bb born spent alot of money..all my mango zara shopping budget become buying diapers bb clothes etc..


are you using softener for bb laundry?

i ask my helper to use (kodomo) then my MIL ask her not to use.. say that bb dun nid softener...and that it has full of chemicals... use alittle bit bb detergent + water can liao. ARGH.. my my bb's towel and hanky so rough and HARD!

crazy MIL has reverted to asking the helper to handwash all adult clothes again (which means also no use softener)!!!

she says only bb clothes use washing machine... OMG... *fainting*

if we can do xmas party with less $$ of course will be the greatest ;)

the condo function room i've sourced is too small for our group. plus its really inconvenient the location.

How exciting to have all the babies together...really looking forward to it.

Warh. The thread is moving so fast. Not able to catch up. Sorry, been bz the last week doing closing. Great to know some girls are willing to help with the deco portion. Then we can write up a list and source for the cheapest quote. Jus put in your name in the list lor. Then we can have our own mini discuession via msn. Can add me [email protected]

just recalled i have a friend's MIL who has a party decor shop around rochor i think. I can call her to check. will update soon.. i will ask for prices of ballons + wat...? please tell me what else.. hehe i am hopeless in this.


dear mummies, sorry to disturb.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mummies can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Teo, kool to have "kang tua"(sources). I think we need to draw out a list to start with. I am new to these also.

Welcome add-ons and suggestions to the list.

DECOR CATEGORY: I/C-Gladseow, Lucasmummy , Agginess

List of Deco items (to obtain quote)

1. ballons (various colours)

2. air pump / gas for ballons

3. non toxic bubbles

4. party hats

5. paper blowouts/ streamers / trumpets / whistles

6. tapes

7. cardboard / construction paper (recycle/purchase)

8. colour makers (to loan/purchase)


4. mini christmas tree with deco/lights (to loan)

5. someone to masscot as santa claus (custume to loan)

ballons : I know of portable helium gas for the balloons.. its not cheap though.. $75.. think we just settle for normal ballons la.. i got pump :p

paper blowouts etc : do u tink they are too young yet? they will only be 6-7 months leh.. sorry not to pour cold water.. be realistic a bit..

tpanda - hey...if u r using Iphone, u can download free white sound fr the appln store so u no need to use a real hairdryer

serene - tks so much for helping. Nice idea if we can hv sponsorship for prizes too. In dat way, we save up some $$ too! Btw, how abt Mamypoko, pampers ?

nanabear, thks for the comments and loaning us the airpump. This is just a draft list. We welcome your comments and add-ons to the list.

DECOR CATEGORY: I/C-Gladseow, Lucasmummy , Agginess

List of Deco items (to obtain quote)

1. balloons (various colours)

2. Twisting Balloon

2. gas for balloons

3. non toxic bubbles

4. party hats

5. paper blowouts/ streamers / trumpets / whistles

6. tapes

7. cardboard / construction paper (recycle/purchase)

8. colour makers (to loan/purchase)


1. Air pump - nanabear


4. mini christmas tree with deco/lights (to loan)

5. someone to masscot as santa claus (custume to loan)

wow... thread moving fast. party sounds so exciting. Nanabear, heheh i think your comments v.valid, don't worry cos most people also want to minimize budget. I also stopped shopping after baby, now all $ go into buying diapers, bb clothes + medela stuf/breast pads.

Mrs Teo: why cannot use softener? Use bb type? The Pigeon pink one?? I guess the adult type like Downy might be too strong so I use different one for baby. Handwashing is from their era i guess. My MIL also doesn't like me to use washing machine, she likes to handwash DAILY and will always ask me if i wash clothes today until i stopped answering her. Muahahahah. But yr MIL strange, i thought most ppl will handwash bb and machine wash adults' stuff (cos alot more what!)

Party Decor/Games/Toys: there are a few shops near Bugis

1. Tan Quee Lan St (One mummy already posted)

2. Near Bugis KFC

3. Near Bugis This Fashion (called PG gifts i think)

They sell party deco/simple toys/games in bulk. It's cheaper than buying from department stores. But the toys tend to be the cheap plastic types so probably not suitable for our babies who are eating everything.

Hope this helps!

Chloemum, thanks for sending me th FB event. Are you admin for the MTB FB page? Can add me, i sent request before? Thanks thanks...

Lucasmummy - tks for your effort!

gladseow - Those norm balloons with helium roughly abt $1/balloon. Based on 49 adults, we can have abt 49 balloons which means 1 person pay only $1. Sounds quite reasonable hor?

Infact theres some BP sellers here. I wonder if they will give special discount for our events anot.

mrsteo - i using kodomo softener too! Cannot tahan if bb's towel is rough!! Not tryin to be rude but usually ppl handwash bb's clothes n machine wash adults clothes...ur mil is opposite..=X

re: DECO shops

Anyone know if SKP will be cheaper than those party decor shops at bugis? Coz theres a SKP shop near my plc. I can help to buy fr there if needed

H O P E i'm not F L O O D I N G the thread! =D

ya lar.. i also dunno why MIL is opposite.

anyway... conclusion is.. as long as i dun nid to do it. its okie. *close both eyes lor*

just that i want my bb towel and hanky with softener... its really very rough leh.

Mrs Teo,

Why dun u go find those organic all natural ingredients type? u know those that claim got less chemicals blah blah blah... abit on the more $$ side... but at least better than using towel on princess like sandpaper...

Mrs Teo,

I recall seeing in Kiddy Palace Toa Payoh one of those but i can't recall whether have softener... i think a good bet would be those more high class supermarket.. u know like the cold storage at vivo that sells those foreign goods that normally cannot get type... organic diapers etc....

and then if want to save money when the expensive softener finish buy the kodomo refill pack and pour in ;p

Once the Deco list is confirmed, then let us all try to get quotes.

Well, actually I am more concern with volunteers/helpers to DIY, set/put up the deco. I am wondering if we can bring our domestic helpers along to assist us in the setup and also to clean the place after the party as parents need to take care of the babies/kids.

WanderLeibe: thks for recommending the Party shops near Bugis

1. Tan Quee Lan St (One mummy already posted)

2. Near Bugis KFC

3. Near Bugis This Fashion (called PG gifts i think)

If any mummies happen to be there, please help us get the shop contact.

Belinda: Ya. I presume that SKP sells cheap party stuff too. We can get quotes from them once the list is confirmed.

DECOR CATEGORY: I/C-Gladseow, Lucasmummy , Agginess

List of Deco items (to obtain quote)

1. balloons (various colours)

2. Twisting Balloon

3. non toxic bubbles

4. party hats

5. **paper blowouts/ streamers / trumpets / whistles

6. tapes

7. cardboard / construction paper (recycle/purchase)

8. colour makers (to loan/purchase)

9. strings


1. Air pump - nanabear


1. mini christmas tree with deco/lights (to loan)

2. someone to masscot as santa claus (custume to loan)

3. gas for balloons

Mummies! ! Hello. Am outside now so typing thru my phone. Pardon my spelling if any. For deco and balloons, dun send out ant quote. I k ow the only balloon wholesaler in singapore personally. Got heavy discount for balloons for my baby's full month. Can borrow electric pump from them. Will ask them whether have any balloons they want to throw away. Then we can use.

Mrs Teo, we're using the comfort brand softener for adults and for baby. so far so good?

AR, Ahh, my bb 1 month balloons ordered from kidzpartystore..kinda exy...next time need balloons will go to you direct. tell the owner to give u some referral incentives hahaaa...

Nanabear, i went to kiddy palace just now to get neck float. $9 after member disc.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

You all are most welcome. =)

gladseow: Thank you for listing. I guess to save cost... with various colors balloons are also very nice. Create a huge bunch, tie a few balloons to one, form an arch.... etc. Probably a simple banner for the party...

AR: Wow, if you could get it from the distributor.... that will be great!! Possible to get a quote for us? Thank you!!

I have lower the budget to $20/ pax. If there would be any entertainment program, like what mattsmummy suggested, it will have to stick to with $100.

Xmas Party Budget Breakdown (Updated 06/10)

Total number of adults: 51A + 2C + 28B

Total budget (according to $20/pax): $1020

*all amt are either exact, round up or round down.

Food: $500 (lunch/ high tea)

Venue: $100 (base on condo)

Prizes: $60 (base on a winner per game and $20/ game. I think 3 games are good)

Decoration: $80

Name Tags: $30

Door gifts: $100 (if there would be any)

Total Budget: $870

Balance: $150

Oh.. we are still short of a game. Or is it possible we can get someone to do a talk? Or... what else? Or someone would like to come up with another game?? Or to have our babies dance along with a background nursery, of course, with parents involve and some of the mummies to demonstrate/ lead the dance. =)

SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

DATE: 19 Dec 2010 Sunday

TIME: 1pm - 5pm (Tentative)

THEME = "Jungle bells! Baby bells!"

DRESSCODE = Baby Boy Green/ Baby Girl Red

VENUE: TBC Function Hall/ Rm


- DECOR (3) : Gladseow, Lucasmummy , Agginess

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy, ChloeMum


- PHOTOGRAPHER: Sim (Sue's Hubby), Nanabear, Yeh (Pinnky's Hubby)

- GAMES (3):

:: Luckyone = Crawling

:: A R = Baby Dress Up


- DOOR GIFTS: Pinnky, Luckyone

Playmats - at least 6







Babies' gift exchange

$10Attendance + budget incl venue + food (excl $10-15 xmas gift)

1. chillimum + hubby + bb sarah (2A1B)-(all ok except 11th) max $30/pax

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B) - any day. budget: $30/pax max

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B) -prefer saturdays, cos monday need to work. Budget - $15/pax

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

8. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)

9. Anne+Hubby+bb (2A1B)

10. phytws (1A1C1B) - Prefers Sundays

11. Sue (2A1B) - prefer sundays too. budget:$30/pax max

12. MrsTeo(2A1B) - (11,12,18,19th) $30/pax max

13. Pinnky (2A1B)- sat/sun $30/pax max

14. Lilstarz29 (2A1B)

15. Edie (2A1B)- max $30/pax

16. Alina (2A1B) - (4,5,18,19th) max $30/pax

17. Ashmom (2A1B)

18. Rumissing (2A1B)- max $30/pax

19. Belinda (2A1B) - max $30/pax (Tentatively no pref unless hubby going outstation)

20. Cleovii (2A1B)- max $30/pax (pref Sunday)-$15

21.Krystal (2A1B)

22.Evejol (2A1B) - max $30/pax

23.ChloeMum (2A1B) - max $30/pax

24.Gelin (2A1B) - max $30/pax

25.JThan (1A1B) - max $30/pax

26. Michelle (2A1B)

27. Agginess (1A1B)

28. Baby_t (2A1B) max $30/pax

By the way.... With the number of attendance, we need a function hall which can accommodate. Possible to start shortlisting first?

Throw in your suggesting Venue, Cost (for 4-5 hours). We will then pick the best.

Hi gals! wow..so happening here...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


with all these other things planned out...who is following up on the venue?

19 Dec is very close to x'mas and probably a very popular day for events.

I can help to settle food if venue is confirmed.

A R: Thanks for helping us on the balloons. Looking forward to cut cost also.

LucasMummy: Great idea to create the arch balloons. As for the banner, was thinking to DIY. Anyone here good at art?

DECOR CATEGORY: I/C-Gladseow, Lucasmummy , Agginess

List of Deco items (to obtain quote)

1. Twisting Balloon

2. non toxic bubbles

3. party hats

4. **paper blowouts/ streamers / trumpets / whistles

5. tapes

6. cardboard / construction paper (recycle/purchase) for banner

7. colour makers (to loan/purchase)

8. strings


1. Air pump - nanabear

Sponser (FOC):

1.balloons (various colours) - AR


1. mini christmas tree with deco/lights (to loan)

2. someone to masscot as santa claus (custume to loan)

3. gas for balloons

if u all dun mind my simple artwork, i can volunter to diy the banner. i think i still got balance cloth n the fabric paint fr the mummies pageant last time. i go back n check.

Chillimum: Kool. Thanks for volunteering. You did a great job for the preggy pageant the last time. We definately appreciate the job well done.

Haha.. the list is getting shorter. *Yippie*

DECOR CATEGORY: I/C-Gladseow, Lucasmummy , Agginess

List of Deco items (to obtain quote)

1. Twisting Balloon

2. non toxic bubbles

3. party hats

4. tapes

5. strings


1. Air pump - nanabear

Sponser (FOC):

1.balloons (various colours) - AR

2.cloth n the fabric paint (DIY banner) - skmama(chillimum)


1. mini christmas tree with deco/lights (to loan)

2. someone to masscot as santa claus (custume to loan)

3. **paper blowouts/ streamers / trumpets / whistles

Discard list:

1. cardboard / construction paper (recycle/purchase) for banner

2. colour makers (to loan/purchase)

3. gas for balloons

Hey morning mummies!!

Hey, I rmb Alina was asking if cud change the party date to 12 dec. and she was pretty eager to join us as well. We didnt consider that ah?

For the balloons.. oh.. hhahah! The company i was assign by my former company to audit. then become friends la.. hehehe..

My brother has the non toxic bubbles machine, can loan from him..

I have a mini Xmas tree.. but its really mini. Desktop size..

As for the food- the lowest package aval with orange clove is $9.50 per pax. so you might want to redo that.. http://www.orangeclove.com.sg/menu.aspx?MenuType=Tea%20Reception&Mode=Menu

We can get a 20% discount if you order early..

One more thing- mummies who lost their preegy weight!- How did you do it? I put back my preggy weight! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I put on half of what i lost... Its very demoralising.. everywhere i go ppl telling me i am gundu papa [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] - that means fat girl.. I am trying to avoid unnecessary snacks.. appart from that what else. AND also my weight loss shdnt affect my milk supply...

Hi ladies,

I have jus called Serangoon CC & Potong Pasir CC. Enqiured from them if they have rooms available for party function.

At the moment, rooms are still available for both 12 & 19 Dec. But, we have to make a trip down to pay deposit and make the booking.

Depending on the rooms, charges estimate to be around $200-300 (half day).

Any mummies staying at the central area? Mind making a trip to your nearby CC to have a look at the rooms.

CC contacts can be found here:


AR: me too.. seems like my weight stagnet ler. Cannot go down any more. *Cry*

Guess what I found out yesterday when i fetch my girl back from my MIL hse. Morning breakfast tasted kopi, then afternoon tasted cheng teng(deseert), then evening, tasted Watermelon. Although excited that she shows much interest in food. But, i kinda worried. Haiz*

Hi mummies,

Actually like party hats, non toxic bubbles, etc... they could be part of the door gifts too. Do you all agree?

I am fine with 12 dec too. Will most mummies be alright?

bbf: Yea... so u joining us for this party?!

The last time i proposed safra righT?

can any mummies who are safra members please help to check?? i am not safra member but i think their facilities are good..

Ok nevermind.. i have sent them an email. Waiting for them to revert on the cost.

Hi lucasmummy..yes, tat time I got suggested santa claus hat as door gift..can get at bugis for $1/each according to sherry (if not wrong)..I can buy it if confirmed or can buy those paper type..but personally thinking santa claus hat is better cox we can keep it for next yr..hehe..


LucasMummy: Hao ba, so party hats, non toxic bubbles shall be under "DoorGifts" category - Pinnky, Luckyone). I dun mind having santa's hat and I am fine with 12 Dec also.

Haha.. to sum up, we do not have to spend on Deco. Any more volunteers/helpers?

Updated list as follows - DECOR CATEGORY:






1. Air pump - nanabear

2. Electric Pump - AR

3. Colour makers - gladseow

Sponser (FOC):

1.balloons (various colours) - AR

2.mini christmas tree with deco/lights - AR

3.cloth n the fabric paint (DIY banner) - skmama(chillimum)

4.twisting Balloon for babies & kids - gladseow

5.tapes/strings - gladseow


1. someone to masscot as santa claus (custume to loan)

2. **paper blowouts/ streamers / trumpets / whistles

Discard list:

1. cardboard / construction paper (recycle/purchase) for banner

2. colour makers (to loan/purchase)

3. gas for balloons

