(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

maggie mee, not yet. I will start 2 weeks later when he's 5 months.

Currently, cause I want hi to used to the spoon, everyday I feed him 3 to 4 teaspoon rice powder mixed with warm water.

rice content: carbohydrate,energy, VB1 & B2, etc..


Luckyone.. so fast our bois going to be 5 mths come end of next week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

They are born 2 days apart n soon will be "classmate" at IFC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Are you going to stay thruout 1st two days? I did that but was quite boring... doing nothing there... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But give me a chance to know all the teachers n observe them..

baby can start with foods from these 3 groups:

carbohydrate, energy, B1 & B2:

rice, sweet potata, potatao, udon, white bread


milk, egg yolk, bean curd, white fish

vitamin & minerals:

cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, pumpkin, sweet corn, spinach, tomato, apple, pear, peach, banana, watermelon.

After your baby used to solid food (satrting feed plain porridge first, then introduce 1 veg or fruit one by one), try to mixed 1 food from these 3 groups every day.

maggie mee, yeap saw the rice powder printed in chinese wording. Sorry I'm not a person that got good memories and very lazsy to remember "names" hehe (^^;).

But I don't dare to buy because once I scare it's from China.

I bought the one from Cold Storage.

If you want, I can buy for you and pass it to you next week at IFC?

Yeah loh, our sons going to be classmate hor haha.

No, I will leave him witht the teacher whole day.

thanks luckyone... but i will first go recee with HB together to buy our 1st food for bb.. hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If really can't find or make up our mind.. den i will ask you to buy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning, long time nver post ler. Glad to know that all mummies and babies are doing well.

My girl has been on moon rabbit brand rice cereal for abt 1 week. The package indicates suitable for 4 months and above and she has been taking it well. Any other recommendation of food products suitable for above 4 mths baby? Or should I be more hardworking to make fresh puree for her. Actually, didn’t want to start her with solid so early. But mil went to buy and feed her. So, I jus tiam tiam lor. Cause I also dunno what is really best for her also. With cerals included in her meals, her milk intake reduced. Maybe because the ceral make her full. Guess now I can pump less often ler which I dun wish too.

Seems like some mummies are prepared to bring baby for travel. Remember to share your experiences with us.

Our baby's 1st Christmas party, what a great idea. Baby Gerris wants to join in the fun too. How can I contribute? Maybe I can get some party supplies, such as door gift / party hats / ballons / candies etc. Guess, we need to confirm the location early as it will be a hot date during that season.

Morning mummies!!

change in venue!! change to united square ok with you all??

1 Oct - Luncheon in town

United Square


- Nana

- A R

- edie

- mush

- Sherry

- SN

- Agginess



tinospora, I should have taken the pic myself! i went to those photo booths, and it's cost me $12 buck for 8 pics, and the pics are not even nice! hahaha. I'm bring baby to Hong Kong in Nov! My back will break with baby in the sling... Comtemplating if i should get a carrier now.

Hi Gladys! my bb also on organic rice cereal. Weekdays, MIL will mix in her milk, weekends, i'll spoon feed her. But her milk intake same leh.. maybe your MIL feed her too much? At 4mths+, cereal shouldn't replace a feed. can you get mil to give her the cereal between her (milk)feeds.

X'mad party: I'd like to be a part of the planning team too! keep me in the loop!

Hi Phy, haha. I am doing exactly the same thing as you. Weekends, spoonfeed. Weekdays, mil will btlfeed cereal.

How you mix cereal in the milk?

Is the Organic rice cereal instant? Milk temperature cannot be too hot as the nutrients will disappear.

My mil method of preparing the ceral is boil the instant ceral powder in water, then stir till cool. then add alittle milk to lighten the texture.

My method of preparation, is just add hot water into the instant ceral powder then add milk to lighten the texture.

Hi morning mummies..

dec gathering: luckyone, Lucasmummy, I can help out too! We can encourage daddy to join too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so at least we got some helpers..hehe..

Hv u decided the date? Weekend possible?

nanabear, u coming to woodlands tis weekend? I will be at home mostly on Sunday..R u staying at SK? Will see how to collect the colostrum from u..

pinnky : this weekend i not going woodlands wor.. i staying in pasir ris..

yes yes.. the xmas one will be on a weekend la.. so everybody can join in..

Pinnky, Australia.I never try but smell good to me. Thoug of buy the one mixed with pumpkin and banana..

maybe will go airport to buy this weekend.

It's cheaper there cause no GST charge.

nanabear, I might go to east on sat..thought to bring my bb "gaik gaik"..maybe I can collect from u..

Mummies, do u know any nice park can bring bb go..with nice view, fresh air? I saw the 9pm sgp drama, got very nice park..but duno where is it located? Any idea? Thx!

Lucasmummy, ok, I'll try to come out with a list Of things to be done and people can volunteer themselves?

Nanabear, so confirm united square ah? Hmm... Been wanting to eat udders ice cream, maybe I can have it tmr.

Any mummies still with aching wrist? My left wrist still locks and it feels like it's getting worse. Went to tui na and the sinseh said I have to apply the oil frequently and massage myself but where got time? And after applying cannot carry Thea which is not possible. How to cure? Any good Chinese sin seh to recommend?

Gladys, MIL will make 120ml of milk then put 1 teaspoon of cereal. Technically, cereal very minimal, it's still like a bottle of milk, but may need a bigger teat for milk/cereal to flow out.

For me,I never add water, straight away add milk.

Luckyone, I'm giving BB Bellamys Organic Baby Rice, bought at Vitakids for abt $6 per pack. and yes, they have a lot of flavors..

Any started making baby food already? I've only given cereal and bottle baby food..

talking abt planning for xmas gathering.. i suddenly got flashblack fr our gathering at rantingbb pl. tat time all of us still preggie, discussing abt birth la, bb weight la, haha. now, *poof* our bb already growing up liao.keke xmas gathering sure will be fun! n PLS HOR! this time we must remember to take group pic of all the bbs!!!

how shall we go abt planning?

Venue: ?

Date: ?

Food i/c: ?

Decor i/c: ?

Games i/c: ?

Name tags i/c: ?

wat else???

i v free.. i go online surf for venue. get back later.

oh ya, name list! tabulate so easier to book for venue.

mummies/daddies joining pls enter yr name n post.

Venue: ?

Date: ? (Dec weekend)

Food i/c: ?

Decor i/c: ?

Games i/c: ?

Name tags i/c: ?

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

Edie, me still with aching wrist. I did went for tui na and acupuncture, still cant see any improvement. Until, I saw one guy selling those tui na medicine at the redhill market and tried to test on the spot. Immediately my wrist ok. I tried to apply few times, seem recovered. But after stopped a while, it came bk again. I guess most mummies got tis prob. Only can cure once we stop carry bb..which is hard..haha

One of the sinseh advise me to massage during shower..use the warm water to massage our wrist. We feel ache cox got wind inside.

Chilimum, is it easier to create an event in fb? Cox for those mummies who seldom in forum, might lost the thread..how u think?

Thks for the info on baby cereals and where to get it from. Will make a trip to T3 this weekend to get the organic ceral. Those staying near "bedok or bouna vista" want me to tongpang on the purchase?

Good idea to put the list in FB events. (Sorry can't help, cause office no access)

1st X'Mas Party for our little fellow

Venue: ?

Date: ? (Dec weekend)

Food i/c: ?

Decor i/c: ?

Games i/c: ?

Name tags i/c: ?

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

Venue: ?

Date: ? (Dec weekend)

Food i/c: ?

Decor i/c: ?

Games i/c: ?

Name tags i/c: ?

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B)

Venue: ?

Date: ? (Dec weekend)

Food i/c: ?

Decor i/c: ?

Games i/c: ?

Name tags i/c: ?

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B)

Venue: ?

Date: ? (Dec weekend)

Food i/c: ?

Decor i/c: ?

Games i/c: 1) crawling competition

Name tags i/c: ?

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B)

Chillimum, haha, search for venue will stop you from online shopping for a while. Yes, reminded me of that gathering too. It was well organized and so fun.I still remember we were discussing mainly about breast pumps and breastfeeding. Time flies!!

Pinnky, the pain is okay but the locking is very inconvenient, sometimes want to take something and the wrist will lock by itself. Then have to unlock it which will be painful. So irritating. So difficult to go away. Oh ya, I also heard from people about soaking the wrist in hot water. But again... Where got time!! Haha.

Gymboree sounds like a really good idea. The other alternative is JWT Kids Gym at Kalland Leisure. My son had gym classes there and the place is big and clean. They take in parties too. I can help get some quotes if you girls are keen.

Venue: ?

Date: ? (Dec weekend)

Food i/c: ?

Decor i/c: ?

Games i/c: 1) crawling competition 2)baby/parent lookalike competition?

Name tags i/c: ?

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B)

4. mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

i cannot create event in fb.. only admin can...

i check w gymboree, they only rent out their playgym on sat (only left 11 dec slot) and only for 12.30pm - 2pm. cos they also conduct classes etc so timing so short. not cheap at $370 with decor etc.. no caterers allow.

im thinking, if we wanna cater food, then we look at function rooms/chalets. if restaurant, i suggest bb friendly mall like city sq mall/united sq... but i think our group will be quite huge.. so maybe function rm is a better choice. any suggestions?

nanabear, u still have my hp ya? Can u sms me yr hp? Where in United sq? Thanks.

Xmas party sounds cool. I must see the date first then can confirm.


Anyone keen to sign up baby?

I would like to bring baby for trial at Gymboree and JWT then will decide which one to sign up.

Want to join? I can arrange a trial class just for us if keen.

good good.. luckyone.. u better not disappear for so long again ar!!

Venue: ?

Date: ? (Dec weekend)

Food i/c: ?

Decor i/c: ?

Games i/c: 1) crawling competition

Name tags i/c: ?

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B)

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B)

1 Oct - Luncheon in town

United Square


- Nana

- A R

- edie

- mush

- Sherry

- SN

- Agginess



globaltrotters?? ok?? or where u all wan?? pls advice..

SN : i need to find.. u all txt me pls.. 96646456

Hey ladies, logged in just for 2 quick things..

Nanabear- U sQ ok. but for the sake of me.. halal place pls. And can pick me up? Sms me can?

for xmas party. Count us in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Venue: ?

Date: ? (Dec weekend)

Food i/c: ?

Decor i/c: ?

Games i/c: 1) crawling competition

Name tags i/c: A R (anishrei)

1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B)

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B)

5. A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

Hiya mummies!!

Wow... so spontaneous! How nice!!

Chillimum: Thank you for extracting the list from your previous email.

Gladseow and Pinnky: Thank you for volunteering!! I will note them down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And yah... lets encourage family..

I was planning to set this event at FB until we have a concrete date, time and venue.

In addition: we will need Venue IC too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

Date/ Time: TBC (Sundays 4,11,18) (Saturdays 5, 12, 19)

Mummies you all may like to list out a preferred date by placing it under your attendance.

The Various I/C

the number is to indicate the preferred number of mummies to be taking care of the category

Please throw in some more categories if you have them in mind.

- VENUE (2) : Chillimum? Sue?

- DECOR (3) : Gladseow?

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy


- GAMES (3): Luckyone?

(if it's gg to be in a gymboree, I guess they will have a set of games ready for the babies.)

Babies' gift exchange




- Dresscode?


1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B)

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B)

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B)

SN, I'm intending to bring my girl for a trial at JWT. Maybe we can organise one and see who else is interested.

Ok I just called to enquire. JWT has 2 packages. Standard package is $570 for 20 kids/babies and that includes 2-hour games/playtime and decor. Deluxe package is $735 for 25 kids/babies and it comes with additional free trial class coupons for all the babies. i think this is more worth it as a trial class would have cost more than $30 per person. Food is not included in the package but we are free to engage any caterer we want or simply just bring in our own food.

Alamak! i feel so stupid! really ar! paiseh paiseh.. me very long no go out.. hahahahaha!

Wat abt swensens?? or Grandma's Restaurant or bakerzins? not sure if Grandma's restuarant is halal though..

jack's place or even starbucks.. or even pasta mania..

i changed to united sq becos not as crowded as taka la.. and its very child friendly there..

alamak! i keep thinking globaltrotters still there.. or wanna just stick to taka coffeeclub?

Hi mummies, been so bz even though i am a SAHM.. no time to comment on posts but i am keen to meet up with u all babes..I think we might need some playmat or toys since our kids might still not be able to play games. I can volunteer to bring some toys. I can help with the location too but the function room size is ok only .U all talking abt dec right?

SMH MAY 2010 Baby and Family Xmas Party!

Date/ Time: TBC (Sundays 4,11,18) (Saturdays 5, 12, 19)

Mummies you all may like to list out a preferred date by placing it under your attendance.

The Various I/C

the number is to indicate the preferred number of mummies to be taking care of the category

Please throw in some more categories if you have them in mind.

- VENUE (2) : Chillimum? Sue?genice (try, can only bk 1 mth in advance, 4th dec is out for me)

- DECOR (3) : Gladseow?

- FOOD (2):

- GUEST LIST/ NAME TAGS (3): Lucasmummy


- GAMES/Toys (3): Luckyone, genice ( Some toys)

(if it's gg to be in a gymboree, I guess they will have a set of games ready for the babies.)

Babies' gift exchange




- Dresscode?


1. chillimum + bb sarah (1A1B)

2. gladseow + hubby + bb gerris (2A1B)

3. luckyone + bb weixi (1A1B)

4. nanaber + family (2A1C1B)

5.mattsmummy + hubby + bb meagan (2A1B)

6. lucasmummy (1A1B) - No Pref

7.A R (anishrei)+ hb+ bb (2A1B

7. genice +hubby + bb(2A1b)


Greetings from Fotographilia!

We are having a promotion for weekday studio sessions from Monday to Thursday, 10am to 8pm, at $180 for 20 soft copies edited and printable to S8R size!

Do call us soon for a booking soon!

Visit us at www.fotographilia.com

Promotion is valid till 15th of November!!!

