(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi Mommies,

Did a lot of things today man...I'm sooo glad I finally had my bubble tea haha...


I try to do those activities like bath and playtime within a certain period during the day when bb is already awake. Usually bb is more receptive than if I wake him suddenly from their sleep to engage him in activities. If the time window is exceeded for a bath, I will gently wake him and then wait 10-15 mins before I commence. So far we've never skipped a bath, coz bb sleeps in REM mode, so the sleep wake cycles are pretty short. Like us, I suppose we don't want to be rudely awakened in our sleep and then immediately made to play the wii or take a bath. I follow "The babywhisperer by Tracy Hogg" routine for my bb, it's : Eat, Activity, Sleep. It's a great book abt reading bb signals and setting routines, but some of the things I don't follow strictly coz too much theory = stress for me.


If you need time to adjust to life without nanny, we can postpone the meet up this week. Jiayou.


hi mummies,

been so bz n tired past 2 wks..baby cranky every nite fussing n crying frm 10 plus 11 to 2 am...then brought him to PD n found its actually colic pains..He had his 2nd hep B jab on mon..

Abt sleeping now u cant sleep anymore oni can nap when he sleeps..or u can do ur hse wk etc..I have been drinking alot chicken essence even after confinement to boost energy..cos whole confinement til nw i haf been looking after baby myself...initially he is active at nite n slp alot in the day...gradually its getting beta..hope he noes day n nite soon!

Bbf - i also read Baby Whisperer.... unfortunately my baby didn't..... she ain't following no routine watsoever no matter how hard i try.....ppl got standard timing roughly wat time eat etc.... since day 1 her timing all haywire...try to follow the sequence also can be difficult...... can vary from day to day until i gave up trying.....

My MIL not around this week go Malaysia.... wah.... can feel the whole atmosphere so much more relaxed since my FIL doesnt irritate me the way she does...... Now.... if only she would come back after i move out early next year.... life would be even better.......

Today went for my 6th week checkup with gynae only do pap smear plus she use ultrasound check my womb.... hmm apparently i got my period already i thot it was locia.....so fast after i stop breastfeeding.....

snoopy_dopey cindy: I am interested in your item. Pls let me know how we can contact each other... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

honey b, yeah my ML also Mona. she's super good, just after 3 session with her, i fitted into my old jeans liao. super happy...

when could we start 'training' bb to follow schedule?

Mummies / Daddies,

Usually when will bb start responding by smiling? When i play with my bb, she doesnt smile but juz look at me. She will only smile when she is abt to doze off. N i haven try allowing her to rest on her chest. Tot of training her to strengthen the neck...Issit too early for a 3weeks+ bb?

How come some of u like lose weight so easy.... i still have 4kg to go....and its stagnent..... and all my previous clothes still cannot fit!! die ah.... i dun want to buy a whole new wardrobe..... i mean i would like to but NOT in a bigger size!!!

Lilstarz29: me too, i still have 7kg more to go as checked last week.its been 3 weeks since baby was born.

Mrs heng: my baby can lift his head and his neck control pretty good for a 3 week old.I think its ok to go ahead with it.

I have been havg dry cough and can feel my body so hot. Do u think ts will affect the baby, like the baby's body will also be heaty. He has trouble pooping since yesday. My mum claims tt im sick and shdnt BF. Wat I read was that its ok to BF since it has antibodies. My mum also had a cold and she still carry baby and baby was fine, touchwood...need your advice...

HI how are u mummies! Babies doing good?

July Weekday Lunch/Tea

Venue : Tampines

1. Luckyone

2. nanabear (any day is fine for now)

3. JSP

4. AR



oh really sick n tired of engorged breasts..having high fever for the 3rd time!!! I got no help so cant afford to get sick..if not cant look after baby..So sort of deciding whether to gif up breast feeding and totally giving FM alr..


I have a very spontaneous approach to EASY because breastfed bbs do not have a strict timing. Like all parenting books, just take and adapt what works for you. Every bb will be different, I've read Babywise and it doesn't work for me at all. I cannot tahan my bb to cry for long periods of time for him to sleep. Enjoy your time while MIL is away...My MIL comes only occasionally, and it's already quite bad, prolong exposure my ears sure explode.


abt one month...


envious siah, I still got some flab...and 4kg to lose!


Can't make it on friday...Where do you want to go next week? Taka?

brenda : hugz.. its ok to give fm la.. so long bb grow up healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tofay i tried fernueek.. took 1 only .. like nothing much.. tomolo i try take 2.. lol

bbf/edie : outing? go where?

today i brought bb out all the way to jurong point from pasir ris.. lol! n spend the whole afternoon out.. but before i go out i feedFM.. lol so tat she wont fuss so much.. lolz! but on the way back on the jam PIE she cried n fuss.. :/ pacifed her with pacifer.. den i faster took the quickest way back..

nanabear, sorry tt I was not able to meet u when passing the bottles cos was feeding my bb, actually like to see ya bb.

Kudos to you for coming all the way from the east!! Think I get panic if bb gets cranky!!

SK : alamak! me ar! so lousy.. din know u from May thread too!!! hahahahaa! thanks for the bottles..

will have chance to meet up one! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

any of ur babies.. after drinking milk will have the "heeeeek, heeeek, heeeeeek' sound???

Mrs Heng, my gal responded by her 3rd wk when my mum teases her. only got her to smile today by myself.

Anne Raj, read the handbook on BF by KKH which says its ok to bf even when u sick but gotta put on mask to prevent passing virus to bb.

n all things bb touch mus b sanitized.

hope tml will b a fine day to bring bb out for various activities like shaving her hair n praying at si ma lu temple. fingers crossed.

bbf, anne - ooh ok tks!..anne pls take care! Probably bcoz of the weather n stress, so many of us falling sick

nanabear - Mine is during drinking. At times she will pause a while n sigh. Aft dat continue again..lol

Loh - wow...then u must b beri happi!! DUnno y my bb so cool....>.<

Btw, wanna ask u if i need to give angbao aft asking a lot in si ma lu temple? Do i put it in their designated box?

mush, honeyb,

can i hv mona contact? i did my massage but till now cannot slim down le..wana try her...hw much is her per session? thanks ya...i put on 20 over kgs...only manage to shed off 12kg...sobs

Brenda, has yr bb colic probs solved? Curious, did yr PD recomment Dentinox Colic Drops? Did he say what r the signs to look out for in a bb if he/she has colic prob? Well, before even seeing signs, I introduced Colic Drops to my bb since day one. Im not too sure if its a good idea but I realise alot of parents had this issue and they all spent a hefty sum on PD vivsits before realising its colic prob. So I decided to go ahead to give bb colic drops. But still, Im quite worried abt the amount and the no of timesI shld give baby if I do not see any signs. From wht I heard, some signs r bb fidgeting alot during sleep, and of coz prolonged crying for no reason. Is this wht yr PD said as well?

All mummies, I have been a super lazy mum, and been just browsing over the internet for information on development of bb. Which is not too helpful, or maybe Im not getting the correct websites. Can anyone recommend any good books or websites I an visit to read more on bb development.

AR: where did u find out the information about, when its time to remove the mittens, and when we shld introduce rattle booties and stuff? Any recommendation of websites or books I can refer to?

Lilstarz n bbf: my baby's routined changes everyday. Last week he slept almost the whole day, the week before he only have naps from 4pm. Today is worse, he is awake for almost the whole day n only fall into deep sleep at about 9pm. N most of the time he's awake, he needs to be coaxed. I realize their focus time span very short, play for awhile he will start to cry.

The only routine is his time for bathe usu at around 9-10am. Then he is normally awake n tamed. I will then spend a little time to play with him before he start wailing which we can never get it.

Nanbear- Glass is always better than plastic.. bec its environmentally friendlier and less harmful... but plastic is cheaper so choose BPA free..

Agnes- I was told abt the 6 weeks thing from a mom i bought some creams from thru SMH forum in jan.. She gave me some preloved NB clothes n mittens tt's when she told me abt it.. She told me tt she learnt it from her anenatal class.. from week 6, bb starts developing motor skills... Like my potato.. he is botak now.. keeps reaching out to his head n searching for his hair.. n also when very hungry will clamp his fist n suck it.. heheh..

and try www.babycentre.com.sg - very useful

Talking abt fist.. do u mummies clean your bb's hands n in between his fingers.. i wash them whenever i bathe him but eveb aft tt i find fabric particles in between his fingers and in the palm.. have to manually rub it of... it looked like dried skin so was fooled earlier! hahah

Here is a funny moment to share-

I told my hb i want to go out on my own to TM for awhile (its 7 mins walk from my flat) just want to be alone for awhile bec i m gping crazy in the hse for 6 weeks n not being able to do smtg on my own... then my hb tried to find excuses for me not to go.. then i just was firm abt it.. then guess wat.. he went 'but i am scared to be alone with the bb.. i will panic!' hahaha! n he said it with a sad face! it was so funny i cudnt stop laughing! but trully all the more i want to go out tmr- i mean ltr today! hahaha

Lucasmummy.. yeah my baby timing everyday also not the same.. only the bath time 9 plus 10 plus... and last night wake up at 3am wayang for 2 hours.... i feel like a zombie now.... i can see u also awake at that time hahaha..... Think i need to make sure she is awake in late evening and let her go bed at last feed... then hopefully will last till morning and wake up for feeds only.... if middle of the night want to play wha damn tiring.....and whole day attention is on the babe.. either feeding, change diaper, playing, trying to make her go nap, trying to figure out why she is crying.... exhausting....

AR yah got the fabric on my baby hands also.... dunno is it becos we feed milk or something then somehow the hands rub the face a bit sticky? hmm..... i haven't figured it out yet... just everyday pull form the fingers lor....

Today one of my closest gf took leave going to bring me to city square mall!! cos near my place.... we are going to try and see how i cope with bringing the babe out... and maybe learn the skill of holding baby and eating at the same time.... now if i can just make my baby not poop until she is at home... would be quite a good skill to have....

bbf, i still got a bit of tummy but my jeans are all low waist ones so i can start wearing them. tummy has gone down alot since i started massage, if i didnt rmb wrong after every session i drop 1". but my weight is kind of stagnate as well, aiming to loss another 4-5kg. so that i can be slimer than my pre-preggie state... lol...

Mrs lee, i will pm u her number but could be tough to arrange a slot. according to her she fully booked till the end of the year. she charge 5 session @ $175. money well spend...

nanabear: i store my EBM in glass bottles. the bottles are smaller & slimmer than my avent bottles so they take up less space in my fridge. my baby boy sometimes makes that sound too when drinking milk! sounds so funny. heheh..

mummies, is the pap smear done aft the 6week checkup painful?

my weight loss is also stagnant aft week 3. still have 2kg to lose. while m back to my pre preggy waistline & tummy is almost flat, i think d rest of the fats have migrated to my arms..

by the way, i stopped letting my baby wear his mittens when he was 2.5weeks old. he kept pulling off his mittens & its so troublesome to keep putting on back for him. so i just trim his nails short.

AR: i wipe my baby's hands/fingers like 3x a day with a cotten pad dipped in warm water. yr hubby is so cute.was he joking or hes really worried to mind aft baby all by himself?? m gg for a facial this sat & m leaving bb to hubby to look aft for afew hrs :p i nd some time off too!!


Don't worry, pap smear test very fast, before you know it, a sample of your cell would have been extracted by the doc. Its important to have this test done so don't think too much yah :")


Wow, so fast you can fit into your old jeans, you must have put on very little weight? I put on like 14kg, only managed to lose 8.5kg, yesterday I just tried to wear back my old pants, none of them fitted, think my pelvic bone is still not back in shape yet. This time round my tummy was bigger than the 1st pregnancy and my son had been kicking on my left stomach muscle thus even after massage, my tummy although is much smaller, is loop sided...Mona says will take awhile for the muscle to shrink back...

Mrs Lee,

I just PM you Mona's contact, check your email :")

After hearing abt your bb night schedule problems.. i m so grateful tt I decided to gv formula for my bb at ngt.. most of the time its a gd 5 hrs of slp.. then 5am to 10am- half asleep n half awake for milk..

But daytime its crazy its BF on demand and my bb has very bad reflux prob so he gets hungry easily... but 8pm he wud hv emptied my breasts n still pulling on it for more milk. can go crazy!

baby t- I dun think he was joking. his face really looked sad n scared! hahah! anyway tt of getting him a fathers day gift..so better to go alone.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks honeyb! am less worried now..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i envy u ladies.. on 4kg and all.. i hv 9 stubborn kilos to lose... all stuck on my thighs and hips.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


monday ok, I can make it @ taka from 11am or if you prefer afternoon, after lunch from 1pm onward also can.

911, JSP,

can join us if you want. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


*bish* I want to lose until my pre-preg weight and you aiming to lose more than pre-preg!?!?! yeah, every session lose 1" from the binding. heard will be quite effective if we bind ourselves too...but not time lah.


same same, timing is never the same but I try to keep the activities in order of eat, activity, sleep.

bbf, hard to bind ourselves leh... how to turn so tight?

need some advice here.. im having some problem with my bb feeding pattern these few days. latch on time per seesion seems to be getting shorter and shorter. on avg she latch for abt 10min per feed now and only on one breast then she will put away or fall asleep. then abt 1-2hrs later she will start fussing for milk. how can i encourage her to nurse longer? its getting rather tiring for me when she keep doing this at nite...

AR: My boy also does the same things as yours. He can lift his head to look around and suck on his fist when i delay his feeding alittle. I was giving him FM at night but the last two to three days he is being fed by bottle while previously was spoon fed, do u think cos of the teets he is havg colic? He has been hvg very bad colic in the late evenings and poor boy would be crying and have alot of difficulty pooping. He will force till his face would go red.

Any comments or suggestion for other mummies?Should i bring him to PD?

I need to increase my BM, after i have pumped, how long would it take breast to refill ah?any idea?

Afternoon mummies..At last baby asleep!..

Agginess> My PD checked my baby tummy and its very bloated so he said alot of wind inside which cause him discomfort..Tats y he cries continuously frm 10 plus nite to 2am..Then my PD prescribed him wif wind drops..4 Times a day and 1.5ml oni..U can either feed him directly or put into his milk..U can try c if it helps ur baby..

Hi mummies,

brought bb out today n I had my first cold drink! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pearl milk tea!

Weight management:

I do not even dare to weigh myself. Today, someone thought I was carrying a 2nd child in me! And thought my bb boy was 6mths old!!! 5678!!

The particles between bb thumb n index finger:

so what should we do about it? Do we leave it alone n wait for it to drop? Or pull it out? Or cut it away???? Can it be clean away???

Mrs Heng, u can drop ur hongbao in the donation box. amt is up to u. went there today n got a 平安符 from the counter at the right hand side where u oso find the books to interpret the lots. its free.

went out with bb n wify today, guess what, we brought the chilled EBM but not the bottles to feed. then gotta try spoon fed bb n she very impatient with it n thus ended early our outing..sigh

Bbf... 1pm will be good for me. By the way, how u eat and bf? Today went out w baby in sling and had difficulty eating cos her head is lying against my right arm and if I go near the table will bang her head, is there a trick to eat with sling?

Jsp, Do join us... Yea, gonna be fun!


ok see you @ Taka coffee club 1pm.

It's quite a challenge for me to eat and bf too, sometimes the crumbs will fall on bb..hehe. Have to sit sideways so the bb head don't bang the table. Most of the time I just bf first then I eat.

JSP, 911,

let us know if you will be there? PM you edie and my number...


I also had to take my pearl milk tea yesterday...super satisfying right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's like being released out from survivor, I gulped down my drink in minutes!


must tie one end of the cloth to the standing fan or some pole then we twine ourselves round and round like some bollywood movie act...haha juz kidding. The cloth binders are quite impossible to do it alone...haha

Perhaps will get a girdle or tummy binder instead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbf: 1pm? i arrange n let u know.. bring bb?

PM me.. if not can get ur numbers from google group right?

cos i out yesterday, today n tml liaoz.. monday again.. unless i take train.. hehehe.. but y u all dun choose erm "off peak " hours.. just asking.. cos weekday lunch hour mah not crowded?

I going back to work on 19 july [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sadlly.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

can i suggest the following dates ?

July Weekday Lunch/Tea

Venue : Tampines

date : 5, 6, 7, 8, 9? 12, 13, 14, 15? july

1. Luckyone

2. nanabear (any day is fine for now)

3. JSP

4. AR



AR : I do read babycenter,but I feel not much details on each stageof growth.

U know, I actually wana try asking my hb to look after and go out for a while too. But I think my hb will say he also wana follow. Keke. But well I will try askiing, I need a break too!

RE : Particles in between fingers. I thgt the particles were due to the mittens.But seems like U guys have removed mittens long ago and still see fur like particles. I actually use some babylotion to rub in between fingers and the particles do come off quite easily. Else, its like stuck and Im afraid pulling them off might hurt the baby.

Brenda: I give like 2.5ml colic drop,at least 2 times a day. I also give him Gripe water 2 times a day. Im like soo afraid of colic prob after hearing horror stories from other people. Hopefully its ok to give them Gripe water and colic drop just to prevent colic prob.

