(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi Anne,

mine still looks small.. tonight i go back take pic then post tmr. good then means yr weight gain is more on bb n not yrself so after birth easier to slim down.

so far i gained abt 4kg..? i heard that after 2nd tri then the belly will grow bigger faster.


MTBs.. this morning got another attack of leg cramp n jump out of bed!!! haha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]left calf still pain now... sigh... seems like sleeping daily with my leg raised also no use....


Is there different plan for cordlife, i though only annual charging bases. so it works like insurance? if terminate the plan will have to pay penalty etc? Paisei, I so suakui

Hi blurangel, smak & chloe, see u guys on March class..

I also faced the same prob as KTSC, all 2010mtb thread gone blank this morning..just able to use..duno what happened..

for the new clothes for bb, I also agreed to buy 2 sets, one for d/c and one during full month..the rest can wear the hand me downs & I heard is good to wear the hand me downs as bb will be more obedient..and we can save on $$ to buy other stuffs as well..


i also have leg cramp today, twice. i still can't find the real reason for my legcramp and it happen once or twice a month.

but i discover that if my leg is not cover with blanket during sleep or have aircon blow on my leg, will kinda cramp more often.Hai~

Anne, I heard the Medela breastpump is good, maybe u can do the research on that..I will get myself this brand as well..

A R, normally where the mother& bb fair being held? Is it at expo? Can u pls let me know by time..thanks lot!

Anlin, u can try to wear sock when sleep..remember to wear it during confinement also..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chillimum> yes i also heard that after 2nd tri close to 3rd tri tummy will grower bigger. my collegues were saying cant say preggy from by back and only know when they see me from the front. I think its a good tg..kekekekek!!!

Maggie>me too, i had it last night. i took quite a bit of cold water last night and that creates cramps for me. but ts days im craving for cold drinks and blubbe tea...wic i know is too good, i take very minimal.afraid that baby will have phlem when he is out.

Pinnky> thanks for the brand...need to ask my friend, she wants to pass to me wic she hasnt used at all cos she didnt have BM at all...


I got the aches at the thigh area too!!...think the tree pose had me there.

I slept very well after the yoga session, super tired.

Think I need to recuperate over the weekend also.

I haven't exercised in years and in very bad shape.


please check your email. I have PMed you about the venue for the BB shower.

BBF, I also think itz e tree pose that caused the aches. Now slowly recuperating. On 2nd thoughts, these exercise could also train my arm n leg muscle power for carrying the BB. I have a hard time carry my 1st child and walk around the house to coax her to sleep. So better be prepared in my arm and leg power this time round :p

morning mummies , Been some time since my last post, how is everyone ??

Went for checkup this morning.. bb is currently at 730 g and my weight gain is terrible .. haha .. so much more than prev two preg ( think the durians over the past two weeks really work)

Anlin > Agree with KTSC that it's better to study which cord bank offers better technology. There some differences between them thou.

KTSC > U not opting for the 21yo plan? Got 4years of FOC storage eh. I did that for no1 and same for no2. Dun let them argue that. Haha.


Sorry, been super bz lately...plus forum has been down. I'll check out ur photos later tonight. btw, there is a ton of them. Which one should I be looking at?

Hello MTBs and FTBs! So long never post already. Just had my detailed scan y'day and everything is okie! So happy that the baby is normal and healthy.

BBF, can you also help me update my status? I will be expecting a baby gal. Thanks!

Morning everyone!!!! Finally it is Friday, a wet one to make it worst!

Anyway, have anyone of you felt that your tummy is very tight?

I had that feeling about two nights ago. My whole tummy felt like it was in a clay mask, very tight and caused discomfort to me. Cant slp well. And my stomach has not been feeling well either. Had stomach aches.

Yesterday was the worst. I felt my stomach ache one min, hungry the next min then some funny feeling the next min and the whole tummy felt so hard. Cant sleep well.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I used to wonder how a pregnant woman would feel, with bb inside her. Now I got the taste, and I might just stick to having a kid.... LOL!

Chloie>i expereinced it a couple of nights ago. tought that i overate. yesday i took a simple dinner, and didnt feel the discomfort. think i cant eat my normal share now.

I couldnt sleep the previous night too.

That feeling is totally indescribable right! So tight. I did not ate much for dinner so I had no idea what caused it. I thought it was braxton hick but dont think so cos it's the whole of my rounded tummy that ache. And my stomach has not been well these few days. My mum even made me bird nest ytd. I went to the loo to poo first before I ate it in case I poo it out later at night! Dont want to waste the good stuff mah! Hahahahahahahaha!

stretchmarks.....!!! argh.. I saw that my lower tum tum has 4-5 light pinkish lines... it looks like its the internal skin. not the outside stretch. So sad! I've been religiously applying oil and it still appears. I smsed my hubby and he replied "now you are a real tiger mummy with stripes"

I dunno to luff or cry.

Mrs Teo> Which brand of stretch mark cream you are using huh? My friend told me that some people will have it, some wont, whether or not you use the stretch mark cream.

Gd morning mummies,

raining friday lazy workday. But TGIF!

Anyways here's my preggie belly..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sml rite..?


Hi anne,

tats gd. u still maintain yr shape then. think im already out of shape haha!

Chillimum: i think my tummy looks the same as yours.heheheh!!!if thats the case, then my tummy may of the right size...heheheh but i think my baby lies lower that yours... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So funny we are comparing the size of our tummies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Im not exactly in shape la, my thighs looking ulgy now...

Mrs Teo: I have been using Clarins stretch cream and oil.so far so good.hope i dont get any...

may you want to try ts?

Anne Raj,

I try not to use Palmers and Clarins although my sis is carry them in her shops - Palmer has some issues much much earlier. Somehow feels safer with a Japanese product (closer to Asian Skin)- its just me i think.. hahah. but thanks for the suggestion ;)

mrs teo> expensive olive oil lei! but, your hb did try to make you smile so look on the bright side!!! it's all for the sake of bb.

chillimum> your tummy very shiny! i think mine about the same size as yours. will get hb to take mine tonight.

i still dont get recognised as a pregnant woman lei! ytd when i went to the optical shop to collect my contact lens, i wanted to double check with my optician whether i can change the lens of my specs now cos im pregnant [cos i read that pregnancy will affect our vision and degree], she had to look at my tummy twice before answering my question lor! but she made by for it by giving me a free umbrella! hahahahahahaha!

Ya SK, thinking of converting my 1st child proposal to 10 year or 21 year plan. But 21 year must fork out $5K plus per child, very xiong lei

Mre Teo, I also religiously apply cream and oil for my 1st pregnancy but stretch marks still appear.

Wahahaha......your hubby realli try hard to make u happy "real tiger mummy with stripes"

Mrs Teo: you must use what you are comfotable with... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]no worries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloie, itz true for me that pregnancy will affect our vision and degree.

After my 1st pregnancy, my degree became lower, vision better : ) Hopefully my degree will remain same as now or even clearer vision after this 2nd pregnancy.

Chloie, I also couldnt sleep well for the past few days..same as u..i got stomachache..but tummy is not stretch as u experienced. I kinda worry my bb..not sure whether he is alrite..

Anne, I also using Clarins stretch mark oil plus Elancy stretch mark cream (one of my friend recommended to me)..so far ok..

ktsc, isit! then i better hope mine will reduce too!

it's a wonder right! a pregnancy really change us inside out. wonderful!

pinnky> wah! so many products ah. im only using elancy stretch mark cream. but i use more recently cos tummy becoming bigger aldy so scared that will have stretch mark so tot of piling more of it! lol!


aft deliver it will be gone? i heard it will change into slivery lines...but izzit still very obvious? Like mabbe cannot wear bikinis anymore kinda obvious?


i got them slightly cheaper than listed price from my sis. I've used 1 up 1 bottle of 200ml since 6wk preggy. Now using 2nd bottle. *praying for minimal stretchmarks*

when are the mummies going for durian feast?

thanks lilstarz for ur sharing..

chillimum..I also think my tummy abt ur size but some ppl said my tummy is very big..so far i think i gain abt 4kg..

Hi mummies..did u all sign up for the cordblood banking? I still considering cox is not cheap I think..

eat durian will have more stretchmarks meh.. ? heheh...


i haven decided to donate or to store. Will go for talks soon (when i am not lazy)

got baby bonus i think $4000 paid via installments - can use tha tto pay for the cord storage thingy ba.

I also read that standard chart and ocbc allows you to open baby banking account... then govt pay u dollar for dollar. (1st kid $6000 i think) since govt giving just take. its never enough also.. raise a kid so ex.. damn...

btw, my gynae says donate also okie lar. coz anyway he says store liao actually not alot illness can use cord blood to cure.

he says some pple rather use the money to buy a medical insurance.

when do we have to pick a pediatrician huh..? before bb born or aft?

ya..my sis also told me to buy a medical insurance will do..I think mostly I wouldnt store..raising a kid is no easy..hehe..

as for the pediatrician, I also not too sure..I will check w/ my gynae during next check up..thx for remind me tis..will let u know if got answer from my gynae..


KTSC - exactly, I used the ocbc baby bonus to pay part of it then baby's full month ang pow $$ to fork out another portion of it then we top up the rest. Think this way, less heart pain. LOL.

