(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

YOGA on 19 JAN Tues,

6.45pm one-time registration / 7pm lesson starts

Location: 54C South Bridge Road

Confirmed Attendees as below





sue's colleague

Mrs teo






Mrs Teo and I would be meeting 6.30pm @ Clark Quay MRT control station. For those who are not sure of how to go and wish to meet with us, please do list your names as per below.

P/S: Please be punctual as we need to arrive the school by 6.45pm for the registration.


Mrs Teo


Helping bbf on this on my free will. Just trying out only eh.

My first try to create this poll to capture no. of mummies who are interested to attend the baby shower.

I can only help to vote for mummies who have indicated their preferred dates. Can mummies check again?

May 2010 MTBs Baby Shower

Date: Here are 2 dates on the weekends :

1. 27th Sat /28th Sun Feb.

2. 6 Sat/7 Sun March.

Venue: TBC

MTBs interested as follow:

vivi2010 - 27th Feb/6th Mar, Sat

AR - 27th Feb/ 6th MAr


rantingbaby - 27 Feb, 6 Mar & 7 Mar

KTSC (27th Feb / 6th Mar)

chillimum - 28th Feb/6th Mar/7th Mar


JSP - Prefer Sat also... coz Sun is Family day

Chloie - 27th Feb / 6th Mar





Anne - 6th





deby82 - 27th Feb / 6th Mar

SK - 27th Feb / 6th Mar


No prob, BBF. My pleasure! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Was trying to edit something in the poll then saw ya cast there. You are so so fast!!!

Im having a gal and edd has changed to 23 May.


hi SK,

i have put my preference to be on sat (27-feb or 6-mar) previously. Not sure how come it din register here..anyway pls help me to vote. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw I cant get into the given link.

Thanks BBF, i have submitted my poll. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies..

I m new in this thread..I also May mtb..bb boy, edd on mid May, will deliver at Mt. A, gynae: Dr. Fong Yang.. bbf, please help me update..thanks..

Smak..I will attend the antenal class at Mt. A on 05 March..will see u there..

hi mummies


My mum was so excited about the news, she bought one box of durian for me to eat on my own.




need to resubmit if name and results are already on the poll?

Hey SK! Thanks for the poll! So cool! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey Pinnky! Welcome!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We are planning on a baby shower in the mid of our 3rd trimester. Wanna join in? state ur preference in the poll url. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And ladies!- Enjoy ur yoga, I went for 2 classes already. I use some of the exercise moves at home. Very useful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh and rantingbaby, so lucky u... my hubby hates durians and refuses to buy for me.. he also uses the excuse that its too heaty... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Maybe during lunchtime I go get a box. heheheh!!

Hi Mummies

I got the from the weekly email that I subcribe from BabyCentre. Good knowledge for those who intend to do natural birth without epi.

What is Entonox?

Entonox, or gas and air, is a colourless and odourless gas made up of half oxygen and half nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, as it is commonly known. It has a calming effect and takes the edge off labour pain, rather than blocking it out completely.

Gas and air should be available wherever you choose to give birth, including in birth centres and at home (NCCWCH 2007). Most hospitals pump gas and air to the labour wards from a central supply, so it's always available when you want it.

If you're in a smaller hospital or a birth centre without a central supply, or if you're having a home birth, your midwife can bring gas and air to you in portable cylinders.

When and how should I use it?

You can have gas and air whenever you want in labour. You breathe it in through a mask or mouthpiece:

1. Simply bring the mask up to your face or put the mouthpiece between your lips or teeth.

2. Keep it there as you breathe deeply and evenly. The mask or mouthpiece has a two-way valve that releases the gas and air for you to breathe in and takes away the carbon dioxide you breathe out.

3. Continue to breathe deeply until you start to feel a little light-headed. Take the mask or mouthpiece away from your face.

4. Within a few seconds, you will feel perfectly normal again.

You'll need a bit of practice to get the timing right. It takes at least 30 seconds of breathing for the gas to build up in your bloodstream to give you some benefit (Millns and Eagland nd). You may not get the full benefit until you've been breathing it deeply for about a minute (MIDIRS 2008).

Start breathing the gas and air the very second you feel a contraction beginning. If you wait until the contraction really hurts, and then start breathing, it will take effect between contractions.

What are the advantages of gas and air?

- It is flexible and quick-acting.

- It is easy to use.

- It is under your control.

- It doesn't stay in your system. As soon as you stop breathing it in, the gas and air in your system is cleared by your lungs and any side effects will stop too (MIDIRS 2008, Millns and Eagland nd).

- It takes the edge off contractions.

- It's safe for your baby (NCCWCH 2007, Millns and Eagland nd).

- Your baby doesn't require extra monitoring while you're using it.

- If you want to labour in a birth pool or in the bath, you can use it while you're in the water.

What are the disadvantages of gas and air?

- It is only a mild painkiller.

- It may make you feel light-headed or sick (NCCWCH 2007).

- It dries out your mouth if you use it for long periods (Millns and Eagland nd).

- Keeping hold of the mask or mouthpiece may stop you from moving around and getting into a comfortable position (MIDIRS 2008).

- It may take a while to get the timing right so that it's effective at the peak of your contractions (MIDIRS 2008).

- If used with painkilling drug pethidine, it may make you feel even more drowsy (Millns and Eagland nd).

Gas and air is perfectly safe for you to use during labour. However, there have been concerns about the safety of people who are exposed to a lot of nitrous oxide in their work (Henderson et al 2003). In large quantities, nitrous oxide can interfere with the body's levels of B vitamins and with cell development (Robertson 2006). If you work as a midwife, you need to be aware of how long you are exposed to nitrous oxide, particularly if you are planning to get pregnant yourself.

Questions for your midwife

It's best to ask your midwife these questions before you go into labour! Or you could make sure your partner is briefed with them in advance.

Ask whether the mouthpiece or mask and breathing tube are new or have been properly cleaned before you use it. Check whether the hospital uses filters to protect against infections. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland recommends that disposable fittings are used, so that each person gets a new set, or that reusable equipment is cleaned thoroughly to reduce the spread of infection (AAGBI 2008).

If you're having a home birth, ask your midwife when she arrives to check that the mouthpiece, valve section and breathing tube are all in working order and that she has enough canisters for your labour (Home Birth Reference Site 2002).

Useful tips

You'll probably be given gas and air through a mouthpiece. However, if you're offered a rubber facemask, and the rubber makes you feel queasy, ask to swap to a mouthpiece. It's quick and easy to do.

Have lots of sips of water in between contractions to keep your mouth moist.

When you're pushing your baby out in the second stage of labour, you may find it easier to concentrate without using gas and air. Or you could have a little gas and air at the beginning of each contraction, but then put the mouthpiece to one side, and PUSH!

Don't feel bad if gas and air isn't enough to help you cope with contractions. Try something else. Using gas and air doesn't prevent you from having any other drugs for pain relief.


Hi mummies,

talking abt durians.. yest i had xo durians. yummy n so satisfying. although my mil say i cant eat.. i went back to my mother's pl n eat cos she bought, she say durians r tonic. hehe enjoy! n while eating bb keep moving i think she likes it too. haha!

haha rantingbaby, it is amazing rite! she was moving nonstop while im eating the fruit. then stopped when i finished. haha i like to think its the high sugar level tat kicked her into action. n of cos la she likes it as much as i do! (bb can taste the food tat we eat)

blurangel > I have helped you to cast your vote, ok to attend for 27th Feb or 6th Mar.

rantingbaby > Do not need to cast again cos I have tried to capture those mummies who previously have indicated their preferences into the poll.

AR > Only administrator (that's me) can edit on the poll. Had amended your vote.


Hi A R, thanks for ur info..I am interested to join and ok for both date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I heard eating durian is good but too much will cause overweight..so must control ya, mummies..

I wish can tk d yoga class as well but my placenta is low so nurse advised me not to tk at d moment until it goes up..

Thanks SK! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Pinnky, may I know how do you know that your placenta is low? Is it due to some symptoms or discovered during the check-up by the gynae?

Hey mummies, i too had durians over the weekend...yummy.hubby bote for me,,,so sweet of him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, need to check, are your babies moving alot ts days, my baby has been rolling me man!!! since yesday, there has been constant thumping and kicking. I wander wats going in there? is it normal?anyone think baby is stressed? I have been in a good mood recently, not down. Worried...

Hi Blurangel..gynae told me during d check up, so is better for me not to walk too much, and carry heavy stuffs..hopefully it will go up by time..cox i wish to hv natural birth..

Hi Anne..I think is good sign means ur bb is active n healthy..d kicking will get more obvious when we step into 3rd trimester..I m enjoying d moment when my bb kicking me..i always ask him to kick me..hehe..


welcome... my placenta is also low... for #1 also like tt... gynae said that for 90% of these cases, placenta will slowly move up when the baby grows... no issues but cannot carry heavy stuffs n no sex...


thanks for helping me indicate my preference for date for the gathering...


usually low placenta would be highlighted during the DS... coz mine is low too... but the recent scan shows tt its moving up... not as slow as during th detailed scan...


u mtbs r making me so gian to have durians lor... i was tempted to buy last week but coz my HB n MIL not feeling well so idea was dropped... n now i'm not so well... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but i'll definitely get some when all of us r well... so DURIANS here i come next week...


congrats on the all clear for GD... i have also gone for the test last week... n no news means all clear for me too... Horray!!!

Pinnky, i hope that everytg is fine in tr and baby is just being active. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ic ic...thanks Pinnky & JSP...my DS will be next mon...so prob will ask my gynae as well...

Anne, also felt my bb moving more frequency nowadays...esp when listening to music..not sure if he likes or dun like....as long as he din kick too hard, i think he likes..hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats too on clearing the durian test. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehehe...


hahaha... clearing the test means more tests to be done on DURIANS!!! btw, i love mao shan wang durians to the bits... jin feng also gd leh... n i usually buy frm balestia... heehee...

thanks JSP..

Blurangel, if ur gynae never mentioned to u..means ur placenta r in d correct position..cox he told me when i was abt 4 months..b4 DS..

so many mummies like to eat durians..I dun like to eat at all..is it very good for bb? If so, might give it a try :p


today aft yoga i can't dine with you gals. My hubby is picking me (with all my barang barang for the next 2weeks) and I will go my parents' house to stay. its his re-service lor... irritating leh. if he doesnt stay at home then i dun wan to stay at home also ;)


I love MSW too... You know this ice-cream parlour called Udders? They have really good MSW ice-cream!


WE can plan durian outings liao!


Durians make the baby grow big in a very short time. And because it's really high in natural sugar, it's not really on the gynae's list of 'to-eat-fruits' usually.


my stress release when seeing this forum So activly talking about durian. the more you guys talk about the more i wanted to eat. Ah ya don't care about pimples now. Will go for one later to make me happier.

thanks rantingbaby..in this case, I not dare to eat liao cox i m very a mini size mummy..later bb is too big, no easy to deliver..hehe..u guys enjoy ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i'm a newbie at this forum. Need some advice on Cord Blood banking. Any idea whether public or private is better?

BTW, EDD is 02 May 2010. Am having a princess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome Aliza,

Stored my 1st child's cord blood wif CordLife, would be storing my 2nd BB's cord blood too. You may pm me for more info

Similarly to KTSC, im looking for someone to join me for a discounted scheme if signing up with Cordlife. Let me know if keen too.

May PM me for the proposal. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Looks like bbshower will be fixed on 6th March.

I was wondering if there were any MTBs who would have a condo function room (aircon) we can rent

for the bbshower that can accommodate 20-30 pax as well as catering.

Any offers?

SK, so u also stored your 1st child's cord blood? Have u sign up for the storage of your 2nd BB's cord blood?

I have already opt to store my 2nd BB's cordblood. But if get referral, both of me and the other successful referred party can get $50 discount. Care to share what is your discounted scheme like?


i thot just store one kid's is enuf?

Btw, I slept well last night. Not sure if its yoga or because I am back in my parents' home ;)


I saw KTSC and SK talking about cord blood. So search for more information. But those website didn't tell much.

Happen to see STEMCORD seminar held on 30Jan2010.This seminar not only talk about cord blood storing , also talk about baby massage, Breastfeed etc, which i found informative to Parent-T0-Be. This Seminar is FOC(can bring Hubby along).Pls see link for the programe list. http://www.stemcord.com/seminar.html

Who interested can just register online...

I will be going, anyone joining? We can say hi when we there.......

morning mummies


My hbby's friend lives at Centris, just at Jurong Point. Only problem is that I personally don't know them well and parking can be a nightmare, cos visitors are not allowed to use the parking entrance at Centris, they have to use the parking entrance at Jurong Point, which is chargeable.

If no one objects about the parking charges, then I ask them if we can borrow their use of the Centris function room.

Mrs Teo

My hb sought the opinions of his colleague. This colleague mentioned that if store for the first kid, better to store for the second kid. This is cos (touch wood) if the older kid develops something that is caused by genetics, then he would not be able to use his/her own stored cordblood. Then the younger sibling's may come into good use.

*Note: not exact words used here. Cannot remember also if the word genetics is correct.

Anne Raj

If you are mobile and up to it now, better to get them during this period. Usually by Taka Sales (Mar), I lose steam already. So the one shopping for bb items then would be my hb.

RE: Sleep

I am so happy today... My hb is finally home after 16 days of flying around China. He also got me some surprises. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But hor, I like my daughter's pressies more than mine.

Mrs Teo,

How is the yoga? do you see so result in your body after a class?


i will only start shopping on the Feb(after Chinese new year) intend to wait for Childbirth education instructor to give us some buying tips... Maybe they have lobang.

rantingbaby, anlin: ummmm!!!guess its a little too early too.will wait for any sales on baby items. maybe i will look forward for the mar sales. Mummies, be sure to share when there is a sale is going on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anne> If you see some nice bb clothes, you can grab it now. I only buy cheap clothes cos bb grow very fast. I have been doing so ever since I know the gender of bb. My mum bought the most. She went to Taiwan and bought S$100+ of clothes back for bb. I already have about another 3 bags of hand me down [expect more to come!] so I guess I am stopping for the time being.

Other than clothes, you can start to buy those other items also. Like pump, steriliser, bottles, watever watever. I think by March, I would be as mobile as I am now. I can still run & jump now! LOL!

Chloie> do u guys believe in using hand me downs for baby when you are d/c from hospital? Well, we do and my sil have a few hand me downs, so not buying clothes for now, probably other necessities as you mentioned. I would buy other clothes when baby pass the one mth mark la. Would buy lots of new stuff for baby shower...heheheheh!!!

Anne, from what I heard, my mum told me to buy a new set to let bb wear home when we get d/c from hospital. Not sure why. But I bought a set aldy! LOL!

Morning everyone!!! =)

I had a good sleep after the yoga session ytd. Haven't had a undisturbed sleep for the longest time. So happy. See ur next tue in class!

Btw, for the purchasing of baby items, my friend recommended me a place at Bugis. She said that it sells baby items at a cheaper rate and they do deliver for purchase above $200. Apparently, her hubby did some "research" and realise its about 20-30% cheaper for some item. The shop is just opps to the Kwan Imm Ma temple at Waterloo Street. So do check it out.

For purchasing of baby pram, car seats etc, my hubby colleague recommended a warehouse at Kaki Bukit. Need to get the address for this. Let me know if your need it.

Till then... have a great day at work. =)

Hon> thats great news. thanks for sharing the info. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloie, i also think about bb wear new set when get d/c from hospital and even baby shower. Its works the same for New year , wear new clothing.I read all these in Fengshui book

