(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Wendees/Piglet/GBH - BB show tink going oredi...HB n parents supportive liaoz..hehehe...they say go try try :D so shall see u al n ur cute bbs there!

Brandedfans - ur gal is soo cute! hehehe...smiley n chubby. My gal recently also cry like 10-15 mins b4 sleep only at nite. She will play n smile happily wif u then suddenly 10 mins b4 sleep will grumble n cry v loudly...bo bian lor, must coax her to sleep by carrying her till she fall asleep or jus let her cry it out then wen she tired will ownself sleep(which will be quite fast in tat 5,10 min time)

Morning! Back at work today. Told myself not to dream dream dream about being SAHM... work and save more money. One day at a time!


Thanks. Will try out thick ones and see if it looks better.


What vege did you use for the pork & veg stock? Have to test indiv veg as puree first before using in the stock? Did you make a lot then freeze in portions & how much per portion? Sorry 101 questions. First time very lost ;p


Thanks for the feedback! Have not heard of Hipp rice cereal. Where did you get that from? Lucky you mention that Nestle Cerelec has gluten! Ai yo I was still thinking of giving her that for her first few feeds :eek:


Your gal so cute! She has a very pretty face! Thanks for the links. Will check them out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My girl looks like a boy. Everywhere we go people will ask "Boy??" Even if I dress her in pink. tsk tsk...

Hee hee.. but still want to take part in contest just for the fun of it all! Hope I can make it to Kembangan before the category is full. Weekdays very hard to go cos I don't live near there.


Sorry forgot all about the diapers. I would like to order soon. And hopefully they can deliver next week when I am on leave. You want to join in? Mummies living near Woodlands want to join in? http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4580805.html?1287216986


Take care and take more Vit C and water.


Their sleeping pattern will change from time to time... my girl has started to wake up in the middle of the night for the past 2 nights [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] won't sleep unless I feed her. Don't know growth spurt or trying to tell me it is time to feed her solids ;p

eh my BabyD also woke up at 3+ last night and didnt go back to sleep till abt 5am...and i have to pump at 5.30am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

it's true when they say be careful of what you wish for...coz i was hoping she would wake up at 3+ instead of 4+ so tat I can sleep after she wakes, but she went back to sleep at 5am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] same as when she wakes up at 4+ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

RE kembangan CC bb contest - how many categories are there? I just wana go there look see and dun wana miss the category you girls are in. also want to fit in her milk session before going. any idea?

Good Morning Mummies!!!

Tired Tired Tired!!!

Dunno why my gal did not sleep yesterday morning from 9am till 9pm (then she konk out!) per my MIL. She mentioned she only slept twice and it was like 45 mins each!

Any babies here dun sleep much nowadaya too? I am worried she dun have enough sleep! She is like sleeping for a total of 11 hrs nia wor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yeah!!! At last they are ok! QUick quick go sign up ya! & See u on that day too! *WINK*


NTUC have promo for PAMPERS ACTIVE for sizes M & L now going at $39.85.

SG_SC, Syz...tks ..tink i need a holiday mroe than everything..hehe

Goli mama...my boy since birth dun zz much in the day..usually after pom pom in the morning will KO for abt an hr or so & wake up ard 12+pm..then go into PLAY mode all the way till ard 6+ in the evvning...sometimes pm will power nap like 30mins or so...but after the 7+pm feed, will KO till midnight then drink milk n zz all the way till next morning 7am+

wow biang... you mummies very "kong bu" leh..! i didn't log in for 2nhalf days only and i have to speed read everything! All moving so fast! lolz...

Celyn, you never quick quick go stock up ah??? alamak... we bought..... 12boxes!!!!!! lolz. I bought 4boxes intially. Tried it the very night... tested ok, went back the next day to buy another 8boxes. whahhahaa. Now my playroom is stacked with pampers liaoz. =X

re: Kembangan Bb contest. Think i'm going to give it a miss... abit far. But do let me know the date ya! If i'm free on that day, will go down support. =)


If babies not enuff sleep we can see the diff immediately one leh. Her face will slim down a bit instead of chubby cheeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


What boxes u stock up???

Orangey - *Calling Orangey*!! Paiseh my mosquito patches stil wif u...can i come by to collect (COD) 2 9 coz i be ard ur area? I PM u my HP k...;p

Hi syzygy6,

Yes, u are right, ur baby is ready for her solids if she suddenly needs to wake up for a night feed.

The veg and pork stock is made w carrot, corn, onion and pork ribs. I cooked them for 2hrs, then keep the stock in 100ml container. I use around 1.5 tsp of blended white/brown rice for 100ml of stock and cook in a mini slow cooker.

I only tested carrot as a puree for my gal, the rest of the ingredients are not tested. I made sure my gal is 6mths old (Calender months, not by weeks) and after she has taken well to a variety of veg and fruit purees.

Since ur gal is ready to start weaning, the 1st step is to give her rice cereal mixed w FM/BM. Use around 1tsp rice w 3 tsp cereal 1st (abit watery) and try that out for around 4 days. Initially ur gal may find the swallowing motion difficult but u have to perserve. My gal was like 'yucks, what is that!!!", but now she opens her mouth big big when she sees her bowl. Hee...

After she taken well to plain rc w milk, then u start w veg purees - i tried asparus, baby spinach, sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot, sweet pea, potato w her. For fruits - avocado, pear and apple.

Start freezing w 15ml cube 1st, after she taken well, can freeze 30-45ml cube liao.

Mommies, please comment and add to my info as this is what i learn from books. Additional info for all to learn!


They are open from 9am to 1pm (Morning) from MOn to Sat and

Mon, Wed & Fri, they are open from 7pm to 9pm.

Not open in the afternoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vicma - They shld be open now..

Dr. Oh Meng Choo

Kids Clinic @ Bishan

Blk 116 Bishan Street 12 #01-28

Singapore 570116.

Tel: 6356 8909

Operating hours:

Mon – Sat: 9am – 1pm

Mon, Wed, Fri: 7pm – 9pm

Closed on all afternoons, Sundays and Public Holidays.

morning mummies..

vic ma, usually i go to see Dr Ong at Mt Alvernia, very near bishan as well. He's good but long queue. Call to clinic before you wan to go.


Dr Ong Eng Keow

Clinic: International Child & Adolescent Clinic


Address: 820 Thomson Road

Mount Alvernia Medical Centre

Block B #02-32

Singapore 574623


Hours: 9am-12.30pm (Mon-Sat); 2pm-5pm (Mon & Fri)

Tel: 6255-5239

PIGLET...i see my boi's pics at 3rd mth n now at 6th mth..like slim down a bit at the cheeks but his weight still going upzzz...sigh


I do not stay near there. I stay in Sembawang! My gf recommended my girl to Dr Oh so in the end we refer to her lor.

So U stay near there too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I dunno leh but thats what i noticed. If my girl dun eat well and sleep enough, i can see the diff immediately!

hi mummies,


I do that all the time. One feed for ifc teachers to feed. Use avent teats for thicker liquids. Evening return home then I'll feed using bowl and spoon. I prepare about 2 1/2 tbsp of cereal to about 160ml of bm.

piglet, my mum cooked brown rice + si shen, not very thick but watery, then mix it into prepared powdered milk and feed once per day. Other meals still drink my bm.

celyn, the mountain moving fast... the 1st night when i was there, it was like 5 -6 boxes high... when i go back the 2nd night, reduced to 2boxes high only. hahaha... good buy.. so snap up very fast. Hubby and i indirectly helped to "publicise" also leh... he was pushing one trolley, then me another.. the parents that we went past will whisper "wow.. cheap huh.. let's go and see".. whahahah. =X

Wendees & Jasda,

Is it bettle to spoon feed them or let them drink from milk bottle huh?

The 1st time i let her tried semi- solid, cereal was last Sunday where I spoon-fed her cos she is 6 mths & 3 weeks old liao. So dun wan to delay any further. Scare she not enough nutrients.

As I am in the midst of switching STage 2 FM to her, is it ok to mix the cereal in her FM and let her drink?

As at now the FM consist of 3 scoops STage 1 FM & 2.5 scoops STage 2 FM. So if plus the rice cereal (Friso Creme) into it for 1 feed per day, is it ok?


Share Share, what promo for PAMPERS in boxes which u stocked up?


Mozzie patches reached me!

Elmoo, I can pass to you this Sat/Sun ard morning to early afternoon time. You sms me ok?

Dazz, I'm in raffles plc till Thurs cause Fri off day for me so let me knw when u ok to collect.

Chlosper, yohoo! Tmr lunch time u ok to meet at Raffles MRT to pass u the mozzie patches?

Cellow, you wanna meet me at raffles place too?

Gbh, will send to your address foc. Just pay me for the mozzie patches will do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendees, will pass to my sis this sun so she'll pass to u on Mon

Sgsc, I will be at raffles plc till 6pm thereafer will travel to Hg to fetch my baby orangey. So how ah? You ok with the timing or do you want me to send via post then u fund transfer me instead?

ghb, my gal always cry without fail everytime she needs to nap in day time or sleep at nite. Really raise white flag. Don't understand why lo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My gal sleeps quite early, like 7pm till 2am, no issue. But from 2am, she will eh eh eh and flipping with eyes closed. Then from 4am, will make big cry for milk, then drink 2 oz, then sleep till 5.15am, will surely wake up and cry, then must walk out from the bedroom, then she will stop crying. My mum said she is too playful (ye xin). My mum always teased her as if she got to go to work, or rooster, wake up all the people in the kampung. Once she cry, then gor gor will wake up also. So, i only manage to sleep like 2 - 3 hrs a day, coz by the time she sleeps, I still clearing my work and do some cleaning etc, then sleep ard 12.30am or 1am, time for her to eh eh eh liaw... faint!

SG_SC, my gal slept very little. During the day nap, she will cry 15 mins to fall asleep, but nap 5 mins. Cry 15mins is already with pacifier in the mouth, eye closed (can't open coz battery flat kind), small pillow press at the ear (coz gor gor very very talkative, and big volume, think she find the gor gor very irritating), and hug and coax, still cry like kena bee bite. Then nap 5 mins, laughing again. 2 hrs later, again 15 mins cry, then nap 5 mins nia. Really clueless lo. Tiring rite? She seems not tired, but i really tired lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

syzygy6, my gal also very boy look, like the bro 100% stamping face. So, must wear skirt/dress, plus a hair clip, then no more ppl ask boy or girl. Faintz! I knwo how you feel, so i bought her many Laura Ashley dresses. quite cheap i find, about $10 to $12 from kidsngifts. You can contact her for discount price.

I also want to let my gal go contest ler, but i am so far away. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So tempted! Sigh!

piglet... oh, i bought the Pampers Active pampers. Comes in box of 2 packets. For M size is 88pcs/pack so per box is 176pcs for S$48.80. Which is like S$0.28/pc lo. As the size increase, the no.of pcs decrease so made it more expensive if count in terms of per pc price but still cheaper! If i remember correctly, L size is about 76pcs/pkt so about S$0.32/pc.


please let me know yr order by this friday 12pm

email me [email protected]


http://www.iherb.com/Sambucol-Black-Elderberry-Immune-System-Support-Liquid-For-Kids-Berry-Flavored-4-fl-oz-120-ml/16697 but this one OOS now i am on the email alert - once this is in i will repost here (also for immunity from 2 yrs old)

http://www.iherb.com/Childlife-Colostrum-with-Probiotics-Orange-Pineapple-Flavor-50-g-Powder-1-7-oz/10630?at=0 i can also bring in colestrum for immunity

Childlife, Colostrum with Probiotics, Orange/Pineapple Flavor, 50 g Powder (1.7 oz)

17.24 @1.42 = 24.50 local postage & handling $1

Recommended for children’s immunity just mix with juice - from 6 mths but best I feel after u have introduced some foods say at around 8-9mths then start.

i currently have

2 colestrum

1 adult sambucoal

1 Q10


on KIV yet to confirm

1 colestrum

1 sambucoal kids which is also OOS la

i can roughly make one batch this week.

Hi Piglet,

Hmm... if u read the angmoh book, the whole point of weaning is to slowly train your baby to eat 3 meals a day and 3 bottles of milk by 1 year old using a training cup.

The initial motives for weaning are:

1. Baby learns to swallow

2. Baby eats solid for the extra nutrients that BM/FM are unable to give.

By 6-8mths, baby still eat puree food but by the time 7-9mths, must start to eat more 'lumpy' food and by 9-12mths, baby is supposed to feed herself/himself (hand-eye-mouth coordination), v messy meal but necessary for motor development.

BUTTTTT.... all that being said, we know that it is impossible to follow the book to the T, especially when we work and the caretaker has their own style and method of caring. So we just do the best we can and just take things at a pace we can tahan.

piglet... no more promo liaoz. Giant was having this promo over the weekend. I logged in to share and also ask Celyn about it as i've never used Pampers before. Sorry. I should have smsed you ah... i didn't know you used Pampers!!


I read of it before. But I tot not good to put cereal into milk bottle & mixed with FM for baby to drink?

Plus cos now I slowly intro Stage 2 for each feed and at the same time want her to eat semi-solid, i.e. cereal, so not sure if it is advisble wor.

Piglet: so sorry, was out the whole afternoon yesterday, so don't have the time to find HJ's number. Btw, I remember she mentioned that she's leaving for Zurich today leh, so don't know whether she's reachable.. I SMS u in a while, I go find now..

I'm thinking if switching diaper for my girl as MP always give a very stinking urine smell an it stain the clothes.. but I'm thinking what brand to give her.. Is huggies good?? I tried pampers before, don't really like it cos it leak..


thanks for that, so helpful. Thinking of printing out what u say to paste on my fridge.


re spoon feed vs bottle feed - I feel is for convenience for caregivers. Cos my boy goes to ifc, and my boy can't sit properly by himself, so meantime, will let ifc bottle feed cereal for him. I'll do spoon feeding myself at home in the evening.

re from stage 1 to stage 2, probably to check with friso. Cos I checked with mamil, one feed a day should be solely stage 2. Cos if just half of the feed is stage 1, half is stage 2, the caise of allergy, if there is, may not be very clear if it's bcos of stage 1 or stage 2.


re from step 1 to step 2

I called dumex hotline yesterday. They told me to introduce one feed of step 2 everyday for 3 days, the other feeds will be step 1. Then increase to two feeds of step 2 for next 3 days. If allergy occurs, like severe diarrhoea, vomitted or rash, then continue with step 1, cos step 1 can be taken till 12 months. Not sure if this is the guide for other formula brands.


Orangey... hhmm... i'm thinking how to collect from you leh. Realised my friend is at Tanjong Pagar station and not RP. lolz...

