(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Welcome back cellow. Hugs about milk. Thought when u left u were planning to pump n throw... Well hope whatever is left can be salvaged.

Gbh, sigh. Hb is like that one. I tell myself is good he's so on about work. Better that than other things. Then tell myself he work hard, get promoted n pay rise, no need for me to work so hard!!! But yeah we still argue over that sometimes. ESP how he rather encash leave than take it! Drives me nuts. At least now with LO he tend to take more leave.


I've done the ATM transfer way back on Monday. Here's the ref 5571. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pmed you my address too. Once again thanks.

Gbh, ruru

yeah. Don't know where to hide my face when he cried. Was the only baby on board yesterday. So he must be the culprit! Luckily it's probably less than 5 mins and just twice I think. Phew. Being a Siamese twin helped to lull him to sleep.

Re husbands

they are big babies themselves. Have to pacify them, sweet talk them, offer treats etc to get them to behave.

Hi mummies

I have an extra tin of Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 (400g) to let go at $12. Expiry 12 Dec 2011. Self collect from my place at Pasir Ris.

Pls sms/ call me at 93679627 (as I don't check this forum often). Thanks!

Payment received but items not sent:

- Vicma + woofy (sorry vic_ma i really never receive your address - only saw ur name under Ibanking) - Pls resend me your address

- Chlosper

- LoveBBK

- Charismama

Will pack and send by tuesday latest. thanks for ur patience!

Pending toothpaste:

-piglet08 $19 + $1(postage)

-cellow $9.50 + $0.50(postage)

-dazz $38 + $2(postage) (was too busy on sat for meetup at bugis so sorry ... how abt another day? or postage? tks!)

-celynlee $28.5 + $1.50(postage)

-juye$19 + $1(postage)

-sgsc $19 + $1(postage)

-syzygy6 $19 + $1(postage)

-pearlytea $9.50 + $0.50(postage)

Please transfer to POSB Savings 038-26740-0 for your toothpastes.


wkend is over soon, I have rest for so so long.. A bit lazy liao..

By the way, any ladies cn tel mi if bb know what is full? When they reject milk is it they r full? What abt my boy, use to b 3 hrs for a feed nw become shorter interval 2 or 2 n a half hr nd to have milk. Not sure if its the friso rice based cereal?? Bt impossible I gave lunch 2 scoop full of frisocrem (60ml) n after an hr 120ml to complete his feed of 180ml...

As for his poo, as per normal, nt as if drink more poo more. hmmm really wonder if bb knw wat is full.

hi mummies~!

I tried making sweet potato and pumpkin puree yesterday. Just wanna double check, do you mummies add water? For pumpkin, i thought it was still ok. But for sweet potato, don't know why, damn sticky lo~! So i added abit of water to kindda dilute it. =S can or anot huh? And ah, how come my sweet potato turned from yellow to green after i blend it??? o_O

Brought BbZ for his 1st swim yesterday... haha.. he loves it~! But i still can't convince my hubby to let me buy the mambo pool...! *cryz*

HJ, i also totally forgotten about the collection thingy until last night~! oppps. I'll coordinate with you via email. =)

Cellow, wow biang. Xin xin ku ku "squeeze" all the milk and the guy never help you to freeze them properly~!!!! argh... if only stares can kill, he'll be dead! He don't know the pain of it lo. Must be thinking, "milk only ma..." haiz. *sayang sayang*

Morning mummies!

Dazz, I also got sweet potato n pumpkin for my gal first food. So far done the pumpkin only. Seems ok lei, steam n blend. No need add anything. Prob will do the sweet potato on Wednesday. If too sticky or lumpy then will add water lo..

morning mommies!

today no monday blues cos this is a short week for me. Only working 3 days, on cse 1 day and on leave 1 day.. woot~


i also got no monday blues cos i'm starting my 4 day work week today. i'm going to be off every mon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh celyn,

you are clearing the maternity leave every week?

Wahh.. that's great. 4 working days per week. Not so draggy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning! i m soooo glad to be home, and yes, i m ready to be happy again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

figure no point to upset myself and dwell on the past. wat's past is firmly in the past. i cannot change the past, but i can and i will live in this moment, bcz it affects my day today.


i dash down rite now to the ATM to transfer the $10 to you.... hang on... ok done. the traxn ref is 9350. i will PM you my mailing address rite now.

scanning thro only today's posts...

YAY for pearlytea and celyn not having to work a full week!

Dunno when BB Orangey's milk strike will end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

He was doing okay then out of suddenly, he refused the milk again. Haiz... getting depressed and tired already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sometimes wonder is it my milk?


dun think liddat.

as long as bb orangey is a generally happy and healthy baby, you are doing well.

us mummies tend to internalise every single d*** thing. take a leaf out of the men's books, they claim credit for everything that goes well, and blame the weather and other pple when things go badly.

think positive gal!

hi orangey,

same here...my gal hates her milk...when she is in gd mood, she will play with bottle/teats...when in bad mood, she will scream in protest...haiz...she can only drink when sleeping/sleepy...

worse still is my relatives said mayb my milk not "xiang" tat's y she dun like 2 drink...mayb FM better...

tis got me so upset n stressed up...yesterday opened a tin of FM and tried...still the same...

guess the sleep feeding will hav to continue...haiz...


your boy on BM or FM? If on both and still milk strike, then it might be teething problem. Cos I know of some babies dun like solely BM and solely FM.

hi mummies, i tried making pumpkin puree the traditional way, using a sieve and then scrap the steam pumpkin on it.. spent 1 hour on it to get a very small portion of puree and freezed it. I tried the puree and find that it still has alot of fibre leh. For mummies who steam and blend using the blender, did you all sieve the pumpkin again?

my boy also having growth spurt since last week. Been drinking 210ml of fm every 4 hourly. Now changed to no. 3 avent teat and he seems to prefer the bottles now.

Hi Violet,

Get the japanese small pumpkin, not the full-size normal pumpkin. I got a piece of the organic japanese pumpkin at cold storage, then use the avent steam/blender to puree it. It is ok, no fibre.

Hi Dazz,

Yes, my purple sweet potato also turn from mustard colour to green colour. Yes, it will harden when it turns cold. I mix the rice cereal w sweet potato with my EBM to make it not so starchy when i want to feed my gal.

Hi ladies,

Do monitor if you ladies intend to feed your baby peach puree. My gal i think her stomach cannot tahan the 'acidity' of the peach (even though the peach is v sweet), because she poo poo twice (her usual is once a day), thus I stopped the peach puree liao. For your information only.

i also bought the organic pumpkin from cold storage. still find that it has alot of fibre,but then my boy had no prob with it. Just curious cos those that i can't puree down the sieve i ate them and they are very fibrous so wonder using the blender whether it will be fine enough. Wanted to get the blender but my hubby find it too ex, but taking an hr to scrap the pumpkin is really very time consuming and tiring for the hands.

Rash on face

Anyone Bb after 5in1 and Prevenar got rashes on face? I am wondering if I idiot didn't wash off shampoo properly or there is rash

Violet why take one hr? Outside just slice off skin cos thick inside just use spoon or knife, u bot a huge pumpkin is it?

violet, how come find it ex? i bought my handheld blender for less than S$100. Think S$79 only. You may wanna check out Best Denki/Courts. 1 hour to sieve very tedious leh... and i tried the sweet potato i blended.. ok.. no fibre, quite smooth. hahah....

vic, ok leh.. no rashes. Could it be sensitive to dust or something else?

Any mummies tried spinach puree? Does it taste yucky? lolz.. i just bought a bunch of baby spinach from NTUC. Gonna steam it tonight and blend. Am wondering how it taste like though. hahaha.

Violet: i steam and blended the organic jap baby pumpkin, it was very smooth, no fibre.

Rurucat: thanks for sweet potato tip. going to do that this week.

Dazz: what is baby spinach? i want to try spinach puree also. my mom keep asking me to get spinach for my gal.

Celyn: shiok ha, monday off!

Orangey, GP 215: don't think baby will reject fresh BM! prob other reason why milk strike. as long as diapers wet and not losing weight, shd be ok?

maddie, er.. what is baby spinach ah.. hhmm.. it's still spinach, but comes in smaller bunch. The leaves are smaller and the stems are shorter. For the leaves, got sharp or round de. I usually buy round.


its like insurance - really up to you. in my opinion if its $400 then top up $100 SG can buy PISA maybe at $600 & you are paying $500 for a BP US model - not very worth right?

& not to mention lechey as well if u ask how to claim warranty - at least SG warranty you can settle yourself easily.

usually pple buy from BP its like a gamble - if it spoils you must be prepared to get another ready stock -so know where to get another unit too on the fly.

if not once it breaks down & SG will cost double to fix it - pisa costs $100 to fix double price of a local unit out of warranty - this should be price before parts - if it can fix fine just pay $100.

why some dont buy warranty & still go with BP US models as the chance of a medela PISA falling sick is very small - not 100% dont have la but the risk is very small.

its thru feed back from friends & forum we get this FEEL of the risk. then we buy.

for your information my friend's original pis 3 kids think more than 5 yrs old she bf more than 12 mths each kid she has not even serviced it before once (hers is local unit)

- myself my PISA since May 2007. i used it for 12 mths for my #1 & my #2 is coming 6 mths old.

maddie, it'll be my 1st time doing it tonight~! lolz.. but i intend to use both the leaves and stem, minus the roots lo. =)

Hi all, am back. Though not very well. Fell v sick on flight back on Sat morn. Shivering though had 2 blankets n stewardess had increased temp by a notch.Din help tat i had to force myself go toilet pump in the cold couple of times in betwn. Skipped my meals n jus tried to sleep. But there was the bassinet seat jus behind mi n tis parent jus let the toddler CRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY for the longest time thruout the journey. HEad was spinning, body aching. Weni touched down, i had no energy left. Went to see doc immed n i was 39.6 deg and diarrhoea too....

Oh btw, my supply is pathetic now..dropped to jus 50-60ml per session. Hopefully by drinking nursing tea wen im better n pumping religiously can upz ss soon. wont give up!

N mi n HB realised tat our gal has really changed and behaved like a different person aft jus a week. (My HB was also not ard the same period as mi. He left slightly earlier n we returned few hrs apart). Doesnt recognise us anymore, cried her lungs out suddenly wen we reached home, doesnt smile to us too...We found out she can nearly sit up bu herself liaoz, and we brought her out for dinner last nite, din allow us to put her in pram. Once put down will cry, in the end, had to carry her to eat n push empty pram back. She could not sleep whole day yday. Put in playpen also cry. Me n my HB realli find it amazing hw one week can cause so much changes to an infant n we kinda felt regretful of our decision to leave her alone. We tot everything would be as per norm.

sigh...gonna try reading past posts nw...lotsa backlogs to cover

Anyone encounter the same problem? My gal juz turn 6mths, so I intro cereal to her. Seems that after taking the few scoops of cereal, her milk intake reduces. Now she is only drinking 4Oz down from 6Oz per feed every 4hrs!

The PD advises me to change the milk powder. Anyone has the same problem?

Gbh - yeah was there for conference. I remembered mommies saying for nite flight, b4 takeoff or landing must latch bb to calm them down. So must ensiure ur gal stil rmemebrs hw to latch. Mine totally reject my nei aft i return..soooo sad. Tink there goes my bonding time wif her liaoz.

Maddie - haha..ur gal so cute. So playful..but prob aft awhile wen she realised u're not ard she did start looking for u? ask the teacher la ;p

XLH - u r rite..tats wat i tot too. Prob tats y not enuf rest now sick. Sigh...

Cellow - U landed earlier than mi. Mine was on Sat morn 5.35am also T2...hw did u manage to hand express some 200ml of meok like trat? i tried doing in toilet coz i couldt step off n aft jus few mins my hands went weak n no strength hold hp which dropped n got dismantled in the cubicle. Lost the on/off button metal touch as a result...

*BIG HUGZ*..can feel ur exasperation, frustration n heartpain...its real hard work esp wo the pumps.. but lets jus be thankful for ur safe trip back w/o any hiccups or illness n im sure u can recuperate ur loss v easily wif ur ample ss one! Chin up k!! Dun let it affect ur ss...

Orangey, no la. Din dare to try though i hear pple toking abt it. My stomach is those v weak kind. i suspect i kena food poisoning again coz i had fell seriously sick during my trip to Dubai wif HB last yr n we drank the same milk tea there but i kena big time n he din. Fainted few times n had to be warded n put on drip then., So nw i try to be v safe drink bottled water n canned drinks but still.... Curse of the middle East i would say...am so glad to be home now

Chips - I have the tin if u need too..guess wat, my mum used up a whole 900gm tin of Enfalac in <1 week!! dunno hw she feed one...tink she throw the bulk of it away...heartpain man...

Oh yes, those nursery songs. I can sing along to them too..hehehe...My gal needs to listen to them to sleep too..prev wens he cries n we play for her to hear, she'll calm down but nw, doesnt seem to wrok liao

GBH - Hi- Five!! We have the same cleaning butt way...wet cotton the dry wif facial tiisue Then fan dry, then wrap wif diaper. But soemtimes still rashes, n onlky then i will put soem barrier cream. :p

Hbs r like tis la, rather work than stay home look aft kid. MY HB carelessly muttered "i rather go work" yday wen she kept crying non-stop, then i snapped at him. However, issit coz ur HB dun wanna stay home n continue contributing germs in the house. Hope u have kept all ur windows open for air circulation at least...get him to put on mask if he's stil v sick

XLH - my PD told mi dun use powder on bb's genitals lei..say early studies show link of some cancer to use of the powder there...so immed i stopped using powder liao

Chlosper – Did u njoy ur trip in Seoul? haha u sound so happy to be back though... only u n bb? SO nice, i wish i can have a holiday wif my family soon too..n yesh, FAceshop is almost 40% cheaper than those sold here...so must buy more n stock up, else as gifts also nice.. Ur son's realli helpful in ur shopping escapades too huh? lolz..."jiki jiki jiki"

Ming8110 - My gal sleeps facedown since she started flipping n we jus let her be. I mentioned to her PD abt my fear pf SID but she brushed mi off saying bbs r v vsmart. They'll noe hw to turn their heads so no need worry. but i do check on her to see if she breathing every nw n then if i happen to be awake.


Morning, mummies.

I feel so tired with Greg wake up to feed every 3hr. Just changed the teat to no 3, hope he will drink more in the day and spare me for so Manu night feeds

