(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Tiny bubu, discuss with your husband and make a decision best for bb and yourself... Best is you can stick to your gynae and TMC since u r already in your 34th weeks... rest well now and don't get too stress up... I know its not going to be easy...

I am also undergoing stress coz my mum was hospitalised last thur... nobody from my family inform me coz they dun want to stress me till sat doctor told them that my mum needs to operate her brain than they inform me...

Yesterday went ttsh visit my mum and gosh queue to register the visit, queue again to take the lift up to ward, queue to use the tiolet...

Im also trying very hard to cope with the stress... But brain operation, how not to worry...

Tinybubu: Glad to hear that you have been discharged. Take things easy for the next few weeks to try and get to full term. I am sure you can do it!

MrsM: Your stroller sounds nice. I have heard good things about Combi too but we picked an Aprica in the end because it's reversible. But I think the other specs are similar. Also lightweight which is very impt.

Ashley: Sorry to hear about your mum. What's the op for? Anyway, try and keep your spirits up so your mum will not have to worry about you.

Am currently sleepless in SG [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hoping to be able to get back to sleep soon. Have been trying to go without my afternoon naps so that I can get to sleep at night. But seems like it didn't work today. Sigh


i know its not easy not to be worried abt ur mother.. after all brain surgery sounds like a major ops. will keep ur mother in prayer. whats the ops for?


im also sleepless in SG... tmr still gotta wake up early but my heartburn is really killing me now.. drank the med given by gynae earlier but it's not working... now drinking some milk to see if can relieve the burning sensation.


tried that liao... alrdy having 2 pillows n part of a bolster tucked underneath... still no use... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] even slough position also cannot... must sit up straight straight...

ming, gbh,

My dad, brothers and sis didnt give me much details but looking at my mum's condition, I suspect is something to do with stroke... Its so sudden, last month she was ok...


i know telling u not to worry is very cliche but u worry also no use.. wont help the situation. just trust ur family members that they will take good care of ur mother, n its for ur own good that they dun let u know details now. i just prayed for your mother n u. now ur job is to take good care of urself n give birth to a healthy BB...

GBH: Partially due to the aches and pains. I guess baby is now getting heavier that's why. This is a strange experience for me. I am usually a good sleeper. Guess this is advanced training for all the night feeds [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ashley: Speak to your mum's docs for peace of mind if you want to clarify her condition and find out more about the treatment. Good luck!


im now drinking my 2nd glass of milk.. burning sensation subsided but now feels like wanna puke... gosh.. i hope that the milk will not "back up" my throat later when i lie down... now when i sit up straight i feel a strain along the right side of my back.. from below the shoulder blade and all the way down... now i sit also cannot, lie down also cannot... plus i think lack of sleep n rest is giving me a throbbing headache now.. i dun usually get headache... feel really really terrible now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ming, ashleybb,

im going to try to get to sleep.. i cant take it liao... i hope to pop soon... since preggie alrdy cannot remember how it feels to be normal n feeling well... u 2 also try to catch some forty winks... ample rest is impt to all mummies... see u all tmr...

Morning mummies, wa so many ppl r up.

Ming I went without my afternoon nap today also still end up awake. But today later by 2 hours la so better.

Tinybubu, just take the meds he gave u n rest as much as possible. I also went thru that and thot if I really go into labour then will go kk n deliver if too premmie. That said, 34 weeks is quite safe liao, unless yr bb really small.

Gbh my hb also refuses to even agree to carry me, say his back will break. And that was before I got pregnant.

Juye, Congrats to you!! Now It's my wife's turn to wait for BB to pop too, and yes you know my wife too.

Congrats to those April MTB who have pop too.

New, Jyue,

Congrats to both of u. Today is my turn. Gg down tmc for csect later. Excited n at e same time nervous though it's my no. 2. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw any idea tt I can bring no. 1 to stay overnight w me at 1 bedded room w hubby?

Descale sterilizer,

buy those white vinegar from NTUC, very effective in removing anything eg. Smell, stain etc.

morning mummies

too many post to catch liao. will try to answer them.


mothercare does allow you to test them before purchasing by putting stroller in your car boot or install car seat in your car. i did that to make sure they fit into my tiny car.

crying during confinement will cause blindness:

i heard from my mum too. cos i also cry for almost 1 week when #1 is born. cos he was to stay back and can't go back with me due to G6PD. at that time, its the first time i heard about G6PD and thought its a serious problem and somemore turn out that i'm a carrier which i don't know. super upset with myself then and keep crying non-stop. not sure how true is it though.

hard boiled egg logic:

according to wilbb, her colleague teach her to cook, shelled and eat a hard boiled egg before admitting to deliver. so that the delivery will be fast and soon just like how hens lay eggs. hehehe....

tiny bubu,

don't worry too much. just rest as much as you can. are you still on the medication to stop contractions? remember to take ok? did your gynae give you a jab to strengthen baby's lungs in case you really need to deliver? if not, maybe you can try checking and ask for it. at 34 weeks, its not too premature and your baby may not need NICU if baby is of a good weight. if you are not comfortable with other docs looking at you and baby then stick to tmc and your gynae.

i was admitted for both my pregnancy at 32 weeks. #1's time was more serious as i stay longer, given jab to strengthen baby's lung cos he seems to be in distress and want to come out liao. i was given medication to stop contractions too for almost another week or so after i discharged. i was given another scan to further check on #1 during my stay. in the end, i manage to carry #1 till full term. he only came out 4 days before edd.

#2 which is this one, they suspect my contractions was due to stomach upset. so only stay for 1 day but given mc to rest for a week. no medications, jab or scan given. i'm hoping to carry till full term too like #1.

talk to your baby to stay inside.


Visit our BP THREAD for our Jamu Postnatal Massage Gift Voucher & Products Promotions. Wish all MTB could have an easy delivery and successfully BF their babies.

sgsc, my slimming belt is those cheapo ones from the taiwan sprees ah...dunno how to describe. like a girdle like that only.

i have to stop buying those cheap wireless bras on a whim. i've nv bought bras these cheap in my whole life! hahaha :p bought 2 for $15 yest near my place.

vic ma, me also ok with hubby asking nurse for breast pads, but like u said, individual preference bah.

mrsm, i'm sure we got the same stroller! except mine's red and black. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if only the handle were reversible.

congrats to mummies who have popped!

gd morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i thot i was up till quite late last night liao. so many pple were up too....




take care and bed rest.... best if you are reading this lying down from mobile ok - heh.

34 weeks is not too premature... tell bb to stay inside, talk to him, soh soh your tum.

abt the screaming, usually tis not those who opt for natural delivery that scream, tis those that think they wanna *try* for natural delivery then later cannot tahan that scream bleddy murder .... personal experience from Mt A for C1.

like master yoda says, there is no try, only do.

(yes yes i can recite lines from star wars [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])


haha, wilbb's post is funny.

i have heard of a mum of 2 who give birth like laying eggs... same antenatal class. and 1st time best. her HB is a pilot and she was 2 weeks early, so he was away in dubai and couldnt rush back in time. she took 2 hours, and according to the doula, no screaming... just mmm mmm mmm and plop! LOL


crying during confinement causes blindness.... MIL told me that before also, to stop me fm crying any more. good intentions.

but seems like not true for you, heh, since your degrees dropped


my dad had a stroke abt 12 yrs ago and that time, i was having exams so they din tell me also till later. he recovered aft therapy and is able to do most daily tasks by himself now.

if you are keen to know your mum's condition for own peace of mind, talk to the doctor... do watever it takes to set your mind at ease.

quick prayer for you and family....

drama entrance into hosp

at that time, i din really care liao... just get me to the hosp any old way. i rem walking into the lift w/o specs to go up to the delivery suite, and there were other pple in the lift too. dun care la, i cannot see them clearly anyway... and tis not as if they will recognise me again if they see me on the street.

so however drama the entrance, just sashay thro it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I had almost the same situation as you. at week 34-35 i was already dilated, having contractions and bb's head engaged. she did 2 injections for me to stop bb from coming out earlier though she told me above 2KG most likely no need to admit NICU can bring him home unless he cannot suckle well.

so she gave me MC until my nxt appt with her.. with each appt, my cervix soften very fast and i keep loosing my mucus plug cause i am also dilating at the same time.

i manage to hold the bb until wk 38 now waiting for him to come out nia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so u shld really really do some bed rest.. i really lie in bed, sit to do some work..but i did not walk around xcept to eat, go toilet. rest rest rest is the key. no more shopping okie and pack ur hospital bag.


take care dearie, Hugs Hugs

Hi tiny bubu,

I delivered prematurely and also went through the same considerations that you have (whether to go kkh).

But because I had consistent bleeding, we felt safer staying with our gynae who has been tracking our progress and understand the complications. Decision was to ward at Mt A for 12 days bedrest, and I delivered on the 12th night.

Baby stayed 14 days NICU. Our total bill came up to about $29k before medisave, $14k cash after medisave.

At Mt A, baby's NICU charges are dependent on his condition, not on Mommy's ward class.

But for kkh, we googled the NICU rates - it is tied to Mommy's ward class and there's hardly any difference with Mt A NICU charges if you opt for 1-bedder at KKH.

Also read from some sharing that KKH may not take you last minute if their NICU is full (priority to their patients first).

Hope you find the above useful, and fingers crossed for you that you can hold the baby in tummy a bit longer.


anyone of you use confinement lady from agency? any recommendation? I have been played out by my malaysian confinement lady.

$1,850 basic

$168 levy to be paid direct to govt if m'sian CL

$250 (optional) for herbs (bathing, cooking, red dates drink)

2 red packets for CL - one for day 1 and one for day 28.

CL will do basic sweeping and mopping household chores.

From my sis's personal experience, the CL will handwash her own and bb's clothes, clean up kitchen after cooking. apparently the CLs from this agency all go through cooking course so all can cook quite well.


not too bad lah...outside I searched myself costs $2000, so getting from agency also not to bad lah...still has levy some more. Just hope I can still book for one since my EDD is 20 Apr

Morn Morn!!

Wah more mummies popped again! COngrats to Juye and New! Rest well...;p

Ashley, sorry to hear abt ur mum, but she'll be fine coz she wanna see her grandchild soon too! Try not to worry too much k..

Kdd, actually for the disposble breast pads, i jus place a few pcs in a ziplock bag since i dun expect milkflow to be aplenty first few days...

But ah tell u, im gonna put the whole bag of mamy poko NB diapers n pureen maternity pads in the car coz in case hospital give ones not enuf or i dun like then need buy. kiasu hor..

Re: Slimming belts

Ranting bb, tats the fertility belt u've got! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vicma,tats wat i heard too lor..tats y dun dare wear too freq too ..now in cold storage n yellowed liao. Had wanted post on ebay but HB refused coz i forced him buy for mi last time n he hardly see mi using it..dunno nw stil got pple interested in the product anot.

Lynn, i tink these wrap belts much better than electric ones. My fren swears by them too..quite effective if we wrap them 24/7, provided skin can take it.


now cannot find her...she switched off her handphone. she is recommended by my mother's neighbour.

The neighbour came and told my mother that her daughter-in-law (using this confinement lady in Jun 2010) called the lady yesterday, but was told by the family that the lady is working on a confinement now.

so I think she works now, so if I deliver early or even 20 Apr, sure cannot be in time. Some more when I talked to her to confirm again when first week of MAr, she still said she has no assignment...

so I need to take back up plan already...cannot wait for her

oic, janet. so bad. I had a fren also got the same problem and ended up her sister helped her for the confinement but too bad she has to take care of the NB on her own coz her sis has 3 kids to take care of too and did not get enof rest. She is very weak now lor.

Better to secure a backup plan.

Oh ya mummies,

Do you when can we start using the wrapping binder (i bought from TMC phamarcy)? How many weeks after delivery or straight after delivery?

What about massage?



yar, it's fertility belt, not slimming belt!

ashley, while brain surgeries may be major surgeries, but don't be unduely worried, especially if it's for stroke. Like all the mummies here mentioned, talk to the surgeon about the surgery and post-surgery effects to have a peace of mind.


I do have a CL to recommend, but I am unsure if she is still available cos she is also quite popular one. Do you still want the contact?


thanks, i think popular one all taken already. I have been trying all the popular ones since Jan. finally found this. so I think with an even shorter time now, better go agency lah.

thanks for your help anyway.


massage and binder can use immediately after you return home from hospital if natural birth.

if C-sec, may have to wait for 1 month


Ok lor.. I don't have much cramps compared to last week, though ytd night I felt pain in my lower tummy and just now too. Guess I just need to use the toilet to poo :p Now on Hospitalization leave till Next mon. This coming Sat going to see gynae, praying hard he got good good news for me!

wah hospitalisation leave, envy envy.

my gynae mentioned that most pp deliver around week 39. hope she's accurate coz i'll be on ML then. now hope all is calm coz she's away till this sat.

abdominal binder under c section also worn immed cos it helps to hold the wound and womb and helps with cough and lol wont be so pain. Very useful.

Just dont let the edge of the binder be on the wound. It should go beyond the wound area.

Its not so much of hiao or slimming but for the womb to shrink which is part of the post delivery recovery process.

For slimming and womb tightening purposes u can wear this same binder 3 hrs or so a day. The longer or tighter of course the faster slimming results.

Its quite hard to wear pharmachy ones by yrself to mk it too tight. I just wear normal to help me with the c sect wound pains. Take off often if u feel disconfort but try to wear for total 3 or more hrs a day.

For post natal massage. Leave the binder the massage lady will tie for u. As long as possible too. So if u hv massage binder its either our own or their binder for that day's time quota. Left on longer. The massage lady's firming slimming effects will be enhanced. They even wrap my bust. I jus unfold tp bf wipe with wet face towel la before latch. Then after latch i wrap back again.

I update tomorrow hor cos i am going in for my checkup today.

Hi Mummies,

I just came back from my ultrascan with full doppler. Dr woody said my waterlevel abit low, hence better to induce bb out. If by saturday, my waterlevel further reduces then will have to induce bb out on sat midnight else can wait til monday midnight. Im hoping bb can come out naturally. Btw, my bb weighs 2.945kg as at 36weeks 4days. Now, im abit worried that the induction will fail then need to emergency csect. Sigh!

Re: Sleepless night

I have been suffering from sleepless night for a few weeks liao. Everyday is so tiring for me, plus my #1 is v sticky to me.


Rest rest rest! Hope you can hold your bb til full term. Take care.

Yes! Vic ma is right. The tummy binder really helps after csect. Helps to lessen pain when moving abt on 2nd day onwards. Got mine from the gynae n no regrets. Quite easy to put on.


u have scoliosis? Me too. Did u go for corrective surgery to insert harrington rods? Oh an Congrats on the arrival of your little one. rest well yeah.


I have a small bottle of Dom Benedictine to give away. Item was in one of the gift hampers received. Don't take alcohol so giving away to anyone interested. But gotta collect from my place in bukit panjang cos now i'm stuck at home. PM me if anyone is interested yeah.


Oh yah, u mentioned that your company policy indicates MC or HL as part of maternity leave hor. No wonder u have to ren till 39 weeks. I thought my gynae will give me till my EDD but he only gave me till this coming week leh.

oh orangey,

if you still have problems pooing... go look for a purple stalked green leafy veggie (cantonese called shan3 choi) in the mkt. then boil soup with either ikan bilis or meat stock. v good for clearing the bowels.

i had 2 bowls of this soup ystday and this morning no more problems. hth!


My poo poo now better liao. Been going to the toilet everyday, especially after breakfast. It's just that at night, I kept having those poo-sensations but I just can't poo and I can feel tightness sometimes. I really cannot differentiate between contractions cause sometimes my tummy gets vvv tight but I don't know if that's contraction.

yeah, i didnt ask HR abt HL but anyway, I'll just take the ML la.

hmm, i suppose u can ask for HL again if need be?

cottagefry, my sis was also induced coz water level was low. some things are beyond your control, just pray for the best.


hi kites..

yes, i tink nu can, but if u r not BF, they may push it away on and off to feed.

hi mummies.

today is my 3rd day aft delivery, i cannot take it amymoe..everyone keep saying cannot bath, but the yucky body feeling is making me feeling horrible... plus, my breasts r so hard and pain and the sitches also making me uncomfy.. aigmh

