(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Lynn, yday i also force HB listen to my stomach but he give me blank look, nothing lei...so disappointing. U noe wen can we feel n 'see' movement?

I saw ur maternity clothes link, quite reasonable priced. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Tinking of getting the pants - do u noe if their size chart is according to pre-preg or now n hw much can it stretch by? Coz dunno if later stage of preg stil can wear anot, or i shld jus get the XL one...


sgsc, we will feel first. erm, maybe like 3rd tri or closer to 3rd tri then the hubbies can feel and even see coz baby will be bigger and stronger then.

i'm not sure abt their sizing ley...is there a link you can ask? i dare not buy pants coz i think hard to get it to fit properly, at least dresses no need to fit so well. All the dresses i bought is free-size one. A bit larger on me coz i'm petite but still wearable. I think can last till 3rd tri.

i took my sister's hand-me-downs from Spring maternity and i must say they are very nice and comfy...but more ex than getting online lor.

keke..SG-SC..i asked my doc...the bubbleing noise...sometimes its our intestines working v hard...but then this only happens when im lying down..n v interesting..it has nvr happened b4 when I was TTC ..so just take it with a pinch of salt...sometimes i bit gila..tell bb to give me some signal wor..LOL


thanks.. ok, mil did say b4 that sil cannot come back for confinement if i am pregnant...and she said also sil gotta enter mil's house from back door... 'buddha' she believe in also said the same.. but now her daughter needs it to be there coz say mil can help to do marketing... and she gives in coz she sayang her daughter so much!

and at the expense of me!

angry leh... i am thinking of going baxk to my mum there next mth till edd liao.. don want anything to affect me and bb since i tried for years and now finally...

so stress over this lor.. super sian...


i shy to post here. pm-ed you!


i went to marina on sun but toooooo early (brgt C1 there to play) so din get to see the clothes in maternity exchg.

bb movements

haha, everytime i feel smthing, i will grab my HB's hand and put on my tummy. but he has NEVER been able to feel anything except the 1st time where we both 'saw' bb do a roll in my tum.

Yay, Jasda, join the excited MTB feeling bb movements club!

morning all!!

it's monday again.. having monday's blues.. cos later got a long meeting to attend.. sian.. now come in to eat snake for a while.. hehehe..

weekends i also feel something piercing in my tummy, but not too sure whether it's the baby's movements anot.. i asked my hubby to listen, he said only can hear "hong hong hong" sound.. hahaha.. so funny.. i'm now waiting patiently to feel my baby's movements one day..

nowadays i can't take dinner leh.. always will feel very full for dinner.. but i didn't have very full lunch.. just doesn't have the appetite to eat.. haiz.. my hubby will always says to me, u don't eat nevermind lor, then baby also got nothing to eat lor.. makes me feel so guilty.. :-(

anyone been to the philips fair last weekends?? anything nice??

helloo good day to all!

am just wondering any of you still/started to go for a dip or swim at the pool. I went for a dip at the pool over the weekends with my #1, after the swim I felt my babe's movement quite often, guess she also enjoyed the swim hehe It's a great exercise too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now approaching 20weeks, I could feel my babe's movement more often, seems like she's squirming around ehhe.. more active in the night, prolly that's the time I could feel more relax and she start grooving in there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SG_SC, I've signed up and sent in my registration for the breastfeeding class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] looking forward to meet u and the other ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wonderland, so early go to your mom's place meh? what does ur hubby say?

sam, maybe baby moving but u cant distinguish yet.

juye, if full then dun eat lor, i trust my own appetite to tell me how much to eat.

pinkzee, maybe i should go for a dip in the pool too! i cant swim, can only go dip in water....see you at the workshop in jan!

hi lynn, bet you'll enjoy a dip at the pool too it's really nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yup yup! see you at the workshop too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

random thot

what is a good boy's name that starts with C?

had discussion w C1's godpa over Sat lunch... we agreed (HB too!) that Clarence is a just-asking-for-a-punch-in-the-nose name, well at least, in the Singapore context anyway. so definitely out!

HB already has a C name, and so does C1, need a name that is different from theirs!


PM will go to the email address that you originally setup your SMH forum account.


I'm still considering leh, some mummies say better not to take the jab some got take. Aiyo, confused!


The jab 100% safe for pregnant women huh? I scare die, hehe... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also brought 2 pcs jean maternity from the lavender BP but havent receive the clothes yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now my jeans going to burst liao, so tight cant breath!


Where did you brought the maternity jackets? I'm also getting 1, cos going holiday in dec I scare cold 1 thou taiwan not so cold like angmo country. Hehehe..:p

Caleb, Caedyn?

yes, no hot tub [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lavender is quite fast ley i feel...they will notify you when they dispatch out.

cellow, hahahah i saw your msg liao, ok i sms u liao. tonight i will go home and measure the length of the down jacket ok. haha.. u tall lah. im short leh.

Lynn, so HB wont get to feel till so much later ah..ok then dun disturb HB laio..heheh. Yah lor, i also worried over measurements. Maybe jus get more dresses, aft birth also can try smoke in n wear...albeit looser abit.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

XLH, not gila la. everybody also very eager to feel bb movements...mi too, try tok to bb kick mi tis morn, but no reaction yet too...hahaha.

Yiwen, at least yr HB more reactive, can hear water sound! Mine only shake his head + blank look, like dunno i ask him hear my tummy for wat...*faintz*

Juye, me me!! I went on Sat morn, soooo crowded lor..so mnay preg woman too..all stomach bigger than mine. Saw the Avent products - sterilizer, warmer, bottles, teats, breast pumps...many mtm buy lei, but i din coz stil dunno wat i'll need. But guess its abt 20% cheaper. We bought DVD player finally heheheh, so happy coz cheaper by $100+ there n HB bought shaver.

Pinkzee, me too. Wanna go swim but so lazy n i cant stand the cold water lei, esp wen dipping in n coming out of pool...prob must force myself exercise soon.

Okie, me also jus submitted! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] See ya & Lynn in Jan then!!

Hey 13, welcome to our group. Is tis ur 1st kid? Prob u can provide more details so Yiwen can help include u in our Apr's table? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elmoo, err... actually i have a few pcs leh. i recently bought 1 from winter time @ vivo, they were having some sales thingy going on and i couldnt resist the temptations. I usually wear size S. but i bought an L size just in case i become so fat.. the other few pieces i brought it during a trip to germany this yr. they have very nice maternity wears. i think they have a website, let me check with my colleague and get back to you okay

Thanks, sam [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I didnt know got maternity winter wear one, hehe...

SG_SC: i wanted to go too.. but after hearing from my friend that it's crowded, my hubby said don't go.. anyway same as you, i also dunno what i want to buy.. i wanted to go to compare prices only.. hahaha.. then my hubby scold me waste time.. hahaha..

i also wanted to go for a swim.. but my hubby don't allow me to, cos he scared I will slipped.. he said now i pregnant even more clumsy..

regarding swimming, i also hope i can swim but can't find a suitable swim suit for my big tummy.. my hubby also not allow me to swim [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mommies

And welcome 13

Wondering what to eat for lunch. Guess most of you must be having your lunch now. I feel I eat more and better if I have Ang-Mo food like pasta and steak and grilled chicken than Chinese food.

But my hubby dun like me to eat these food leh..he thinks its not as nutritionous than rice and vegetables.

hi mummies,

how was ur wkends? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Was told its contains mercury so better dun eat too much, moderate will do contains it belongs to the family of sharks...eeeee....


where are u gg for holiday end Nov? me too gg but not gg for e flu jab.

wow looks like mummies are fortuante to plan a holiday. I also wanna go! But at this point I think we can only make it for a short cruise at most.

Can't bear sitting on the plane or coach for too long..and with a playful toddler in hand. Scared fall sick....food not appealing...need to walk a lot..etc

sweet pea, ang moh food oso nutritious la. pasta is carbo and if you add cheese got calcium. steak and grilled chicken are protein mah - how can be not as nutritious. and grilling is a good way to cook vs frying...better if they come with some grilled vegetable but ordinarily, western dun have as much veggies as chinese food.

hmm, i wonder if my hubby will let me go swimming..ya, must try on swim suit see can wear or not...i got the tankini kind so maybe can fit over tummy...

sgsc, my SIL recommended buying dresses coz she said ur hips will expand and boobs too so a dress more likely to accommodate the expansion vs others. will be more comfy too. i got mega large tops from my sis too who's the same size as me so i can wear her maternity clothes. she said 3rd tri will be very big so cannot rely on normal clothes already. hear her say i oso scared. everyone's saying i look like i'm 5 months... :/


Me only gg for a short one, to cruise. Cos i cant walk alot too... cos it wil be better choice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

curious, did anyone here sign up for blood banking? i was almost gonna sign up but thinking twice, very very expensive also.

yup this is my first baby, i don't really know much till now except for anything i've read online and taking pre-natal vitamins.

kite...hw much u paying for yr cruise?? can advise? ..im shelving my dec holiday plans since i will be 6 mths by then...not too sure if the discomfort will be bearable but was tinking of a cruise instead :p

13, i'm thinking of signing up for cord blood banking. I know there are a few companies doing this but the one i checked out is this one: http://www.stemcord.com/

to help out with costs, you can open a Child Development Account so that govt can subsidise half the cost of this item.

i havent signed up yet...will consider later after speaking with my hubby and others...


i also want to go but hubby refuse so only book sentosa getaway for me and #1.

he say i'm pregnant with all these h1n1 thingy then #1 still young also, no holiday, no plane. only sentosa is allowed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

maternity wear:

wearing dresses is definitely the best. its very comfortable. i don't like to wear pants cos i don't like the feeling of something over my tummy though my tummy still small, can't tell yet. going for check up tomorrow and will bring #1 along too.


i paid $2.4k for 3 person (myself, DH and DD), upgrade to junior suite w balcony. its a 5day4nites cruise on royal caribbean. However, if u r gg on cruise, pls. plan before 24 weeks cos cruise do not allowed 24 weeks above to board. Also while boarding, need a travel note from gynae. HTH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

celyn...true..dresses are always more comfy ..hehe ..i wana get some new dresses myself also ...but not sure where i can get affordable ones though.


coz when ask sil her edd.. sometimes say dec then sometimes say jan.. so i think i rather go earlier.. really want to be 'ping ping an an'..

dh said ok... coz he kind of 'respect' her mother and sis even in the expense of himself...

sien of them...

lynn, 13: I donated to SCBB for my #1. Prob doing the same. My bro got keep for his #1 thou, think with stemcord also...

juye,jasda, it's very safe for preggy to swim [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] in fact it's a very suitable and good low-impact exercise that could help to relax your body, as well as improving your blood circulation, increases muscle tone and strength, and builds endurance. Maybe you can ask your hubby to accompany you at least he can watch out for you too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lynn, I didn't purposely get a maternity swimwear. I'm also wearing my usual tankini, am glad that it still fits well, and dun look so like a big blue whale hahaa...

kite..alamak ..then theres no way i can go liao...will be 25/26 wks by then cos i am looking at last week Dec ...oh well .

wonderland, dun be upset la. if they rather look after SIL, then let it be, rather than u force it on them. willingness to help to look after is also very impt otherwise u get half-hearted help and tat is worse. don't take it personally and just find a solution for yourself. your MIL should not take offence since it's for the good of her and your SIL too.

the question is is ur mum ok with helping? i think it's always more comfy with your own mom...

now just conc on yourself and make sure you and baby are well.


i bought maternity pants for my #1 then thinking its easier to wear. end up, they are rotting in my cupboards. even now, i still didn't take them out to wear except for that pair of jeans. :p

pinkzee, i know it's safe to swim but i'm scared of slipping la...i'm paranoid...heheh...and ya, i think my tankini should be able to fit over tummy coz it isnt tat tight to begin with.

juliet, any benefits donating to SCBB?

pinkzee: u good la, still can fit into ur usual tankini...i tried at 2.5mths, cannot fit at all...the cloth all roll up! am looking for maternity swimwear now...wanna start swimming next wk! anyone got lobang?

lynn: benefits? i dun remember any. Anyway, the point is not all cordblood gets banked. have to go thru' various tests etc and they r v. stringent de. cos sometimes the cordblood collected maybe too little, or for watever reasons not good enuff.

I just believe that it makes more sense to "share" the cordblood coz one, it may save another life. 2, ur kiddo prob can't use back his own cordblood (maybe more useable for his siblings instead). 3, if anything happens *touchwood* most likely you'll end up needing to go to public banks too. They dun give 'priority' per se, but always do their best to find a match.

I read up other websites from the States etc, I just think that if everyone donates the cordblood, am sure a lot more pple could be save! That's also the catholic part of me answering to God! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

That said, my bro+sil banked the #1's cordblood coz when they were asking for opinions from gynae, gynae told them the pros n cons etc. then my sil asked gynae "so did u do private banking your children's?" and she answered 'yes, coz kiasu'. so my sil say, ok lor, since gynae also do it, we'll do it...kekekke

dear 13,

dun mind the talking over each other... tis not like in school already got gang one... tis just the more you talk abt yourself and respond to others, the more responses you will get!


oh dear, then how? talk to HB? tell him your reasons for going back to stay with mum, then let him handle his mum lor. how can MIL want to pantang and let your SIL be around at the same time.... inconsistent leh. point out to HB the inconsistency then let him handle.

if u pitch it well to your HB, then you can go stay w your mum till Apr! wat bliss that would be (for you)!

haha sam,

not that tall, taller than the avg singaporean lady.


you never know how much total wgt you will put on, and when you will put them on!


even a short staycation at sentosa hotel alone w HB (toddler place at mum's or MIL's?) is good to recharge and reconnect w HB

haha, preggie brain is real, I also forget how to spell at times... we lose brain cells to bb, esp during the 3rd tri!

