(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

huh?? cannot eat stingray ah?? so sad.. the only fish i like to eat.. anyway for the baby, i will sacrifice lor.. maybe eat deep fried fish with lots of sambal chili, hahaha..

recently the weather really so nice to be able to sleep at home.. but too bad, still need to work.. but knocking off soon!!

blushwax: i don't think topshop & dorothy perkins still carry the maternity range now.. i went to topshop the other day, don't have leh.. or maybe not all outlets?? can check their website..


swarmed swarmed swarmed...cant wait to come back into the forum but guess mommies off work soon...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Blush, i dont even get hungry most of the time. you know some they feel hungry all the time? but i dont feel that. i just eat normal lor. breakfast lunch dinner and supper EVERYNIGHT!

maybe i eat too much junk food in between. u think?

Jasda, u say till so sad. He has always been too 'loving' wif his lappy since courtship, is everytime force him go out late late wif mi if not I tink no space in his heart at all lor…hmm…so heng ah, since we all frm ACJ, so the fish oil is low EPA la. ;p

Sam, yr HB heartpain see u work so hard, n worried for bb too lor, so sweet. But u oredi have alternative arrangements wif yr company to cut down travel liao rite, so assure him tat he can expect to see more of u liao! no need worry..

hahah…ladies, no need 'teh' him or pacify him la. He is more ok than mi lor coz he doesn’t bear grudges. Jus nw he called n he noe I waiting to hear him apologise... Hehehe...So everything ok liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hippo, Cellow, cannot exploit la, also my own $$ in the end...maybe tekan him a little 2 9…ask him go buy supper aft he bathed liao..hahahahha..abit psychotic hor mi..blame it on the hormones!

Juye, U're lucky, ur mum can help take care of u. Wen i suggested to her my confinement come back do last time, she like so uncertain...tink she scared coz no experience b4 (since mine is first grandchild in family) & I noe my MIL will be hurt if I decide to do in my house or mum's house coz she's like the most suitable person ard liao..But let MIL look aft very weird also lei, imagine wen u bf bb or look half-dead they will witness everything...Nw im seriously considering doing confinement in my own home wif nanny or MIL if she dun mind. Dun like stay there lei..very weird lor.

Sam! yeah at least u're stil ard...so bz...headache again...but i gotta leave in 5 mins...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

finally u're heading home for the weekend...keep hearing u travel ard...not to scare u - but actually too much flights no good for us, esp wen we preg somemore..so tats y ur HB so concerned abt u. If u noticed, most pilots or senior aircrew mostly no kids one...must be a reason y...

Im packing liao. Wish u a safe flight back n catchup again soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi,morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies already took the H1N1 jab liao?

I'm going holiday end nov not sure wana take a not leh.

morning mummies


not going to take h1n1 jab. personally, i find this kind of flu jab useless. long time ago, i also took flu jab cos co got arrange for staff. i end up suffer from more flu within the 6 months after vaccine. never feel so sick before. so from then on, i don't go for such jab liao.

hi ladies

its been a busy week. celyn,the flu jab doesn't work for me also so I lost hope with it.

My c/up is on mon and I can't wait!

my check up's on tues yasmin...me can't wait too!! have been 5 weeks since see bb...

u gg for the FA scan? my tues is the FA scan le..


mine is 16 weeks c/up. FA is next month. FA is super fun! you get to see measurements of baby. head, leg, arms and so on. it's gonna be exciting for u and hubby.

the thing I hate about pregnancy is incontinence. Have started leaking urine everytime I sneeze or cough. Changing so many panties per day. Yes, I do my kegels and everything but I get to this stage in my 2nd tri. sigh


hv tt problem too. tt time did it on my sofa. so pai sey, luckily no one ard and my sofa is leather and black. if fabric, i faint liao. try using the more absorbant panty liners. now i use them everyday just in case. and i try to go to the toilet whenever i feel the urge. don't want to get caught outside.

Hi Yasmin,

did you try panty liner or the tena brand pad?


I was told that China barley is less liang than the western bartley. Checked with my mom and MIL and both said the same. However, when I went to another TCM, they say western barley less liang.

So be careful not to drink too much of either type.


anyone keen on buying maternity clothes from old navy.com or jcpenney.com? Find their maternity clothes nicer and more affordable. maybe we can combine orders so as to save on shipping? they do not ship to Singapore so we'll hv to use vpost.

hey mummies,

do u think if it is pantang if SIL (hb's sister) back in MIL's house for confinement while I am staying in MIL's place? My SIL's edd is in Jan 2010 and she plans to come home (MIL's place) for confinement...she will be staying in the room next to my room....

anything I need to avoid? coz i heard that may be 'xiang chong'...

Hi everyone... haven't logged on for ages. Have been resting a lot cos of the morning sickness and feeling very tired all the time. In my 16th week now but still not much appetite.

Elmoo, I've also been thinking about whether to get the H1N1 jab... despite all the assurances that it is safe and pregnant women being in the high risk group, i just don't feel comfortable getting it. Have you decided?

Have you mummies found your confinement nannies yet? Anyone not getting one? I'm undecided about getting one.


me! old navy. I was looking at it's website yest and wanted to get some. lemme know when you're ordering.

I don't like wearing panty liners or thin pads for long. My skin is sensitive to them and I break out in rashes. no matter which brand. It's just the whole pad thingy very uncomfy. The max I can go is 6 days. I was so uncomfy during my post natal flow after my 1st delivery.


Me not getting a confinement nanny.most prob doing my own with my mum helping out with the food and whenever she cans.


thanks. ok.. i will not carry the newborn...

if anyone is aware of anything that i need to avoid, please let me know coz I really don want unnecessary things to happen... was thinking of going back to my mother's place but scare MIL think negatively and make dh in difficult situation....

please advise...

mummies with kids going to childcare,

do we need to personalised all our kid's belonging, eg, water bottle, towel, etc? what do we need to prepare for them to bring to cc?

thanks yasmin, we also looking forward to see bb...been counting down the days..=)

me also having urine leakage, is it normal??? afraid it has to do with cervix incompetency or something, cos i did a d/c process just in June, then July preggy again...

cramping today as well....

Hi I'm new here.

EDD on 15 April,

Gynae is Dr PS Lui,

currently i'm showing slightly, but haven't felt anything yet, also don't know gender.


found some bp for oversees sprees at this forum for old navy. sme are with discount and sme without. but quite stressful, must be within a certain amt and 1st cme 1st serve basis. what do you think?

other mummies have any comments or you want to join us too?

morning everyone!


i think yes gotta personalise at least your child's movable belongings.


still having MS? poor you.

why not hire a CL and make it easier on yourself?


best is to ask MIL if got any more pantang, then all clear given by her, you clear, HB clear, SIL also clear. clear? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

.... but sekali MIL talks to some other aunties and come up with new pantang in between *faint*

eating too much

went to buffet dinner and ate too much last night. weird dreams last night n bb kept moving around.. but small movements la. maybe i m cramping his space! haha.

this morning, HB said i shd sleep in later and go to office later... i was v tempted to.

morn mummies !!

zhabe..guess urinary incontinence is pretty normal..cos the uterus presses on the bladder so we tend to leak a bit urine when we cough / sneeze...try going to the toilet more often since we'll be drinking more water now ..*-*

morning ladies!

i'm feeling super big. a lot of pp say i'm looking big for 4-month preggy...sigh...and i'm a first-time MTB. i just ballooned from 3rd month onwards. took some 2nd hand maternity clothes from my sis - lifesaver! i weighed myself - finally put on 2kg...at least this accounts for the large bump!

can i intro this online shop? I've since bought 3 dresses from her - material all quite good - can buy: http://lavenderroom.ocnk.biz/ some mummies introduced earlier...

didn't sleep well on sat night - woke up from heartburn at 4am!!! no idea why coz it was so long since my last meal! had to sit up to sleep...horrible, and vomited gastric juice out...sigh...

morning ladies!

elmoo, i just had the h1n1 jab on sat.. =) for the side effects, it is similar to babies having their vaccinations.. some might develop a fever after dat but i m ok till now.. would suggest u go for it just in case.. i go for my flu jabs every year.. and i do get flu but not as serious or full-blown like last time..

syzygy6, i m not getting a confinement nanny cos mum will be doing it for me! =)

lynn, poor gal! i experienced that alot during my pregnancy with #1. bo bian leh.. cos bb is taking up much space in the tummy, thus ur food does get stuck in processing.. keke.. sayang..

morning jasda, got mine at my family doc.. =)

i have put on about 4kg now and my tummy has started to grow since the beginning of 16weeks! hahaha

ya ya, coz i can't believe i didnt put on weight when my tummy is now so big. so i weighed myself over the weekend. over 2 weeks, i have put on 2 kg...

i wun be going for H1N1 jab until later...i dun wan to be guinea pig first ley...anyway, too many pp i've seen take then fall sick...

hippo, now i try to watch my dinner intake. all my heartburn usu night time one...

i'm still confuses by baby's movements...dunno which is baby's movements...hehe...

Morn mommies!

My stomach stil not v big lei...but existing pants n skirts all cant wear liao. But hor, last sat nite went watch movie, then tot felt bb's movement for the 1st time coz was watching the Nanking Massacre (City of Life n Death) n gunshots n volume was v v loud...tink disturb bb, then felt abit of *poke poke* at lower tummy + bubbling effect at lower right later...dunno issit my imagination or digestion. But something new...so exciting...:D BUt aft tat, nothing so far..cant wait for more obvious signs of bb movements.

hmm..tink some of the mommies were saying the H1N1 vacc contains some mercury? Not sure, but neva taken b4, so dun tink be taking...


Kohls don't accept International Credit Card so what you can do it to buy it via ComGateway. I did that and it looks fine. When ComGateway has bought the items sucessfully, they will send you an email and let you know the total shipping in all.

You can opt for CGW to ship to you or you can also arrange your own shipping.


it IS baby! all the poke poke and bubbles


so excited you are... those butterfly flutters that you dunno whether they are or are not, actually ARE bb movements.

having said that.... in 3rd tri, bcz of no space, bb will be moving around a whole lot more.

maternity clothes

still wearing my one loose black skirt. gotta change to maternity bottoms already. tops still ok. oh! besides maternity exchg, anywhere else to rent maternity clothes? i need warm clothing, _may_ be going to UK in Jan for work.

mummies, i also feel a little bit of bb movement yesterday nite... feel so excited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sg_sc..tink its bb leh *-* ..i hv been having these bubbling noise fm my tum tum esp when i lie down to zz..keke.

For 2nd time / 3rd time mummies...actually ..how does bb movement sounds like???

ya, everytime i try to stay quiet to feel the movements, then i tell my hubby who will then try to put his hand or his head on my tummy then i tell him too early for him to hear/feel anything la!

good morning mommies,

how is everyone doing... awww... its Monday[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


whats ur size, im gg on tour in dec. i bought some maternity down jacket, if our size fit u may consider using mine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Lynn, Cellow, XLH - Yeah!! So happy!! aft so longgg...finally some presence felt liao...heheheh. Casnt wait for more!!

But those bubbling movements, hw do we noe its not our stomach digestion going on? Pre-preg days i used to experience them too lei...issit except bb's one will be more gentle bubbles?

Cellow, by tat time we abt 6/7 mths preggy liao, must be careful coz long flight + it'll be cold n wet most times. Must ask doc write approval letter b4 board.

